Why the Democrats Will Do and Say Anything To Stop Donald Trump

I see no evidence that the Democratic Party is trying to crimp the Donald. He is the best weapon they have got, at least for now. Nobody who supports Trump is going to vote Democrat either in the primaries or in the general election (if the Donald gets that far, which he won't). On the other hand, his appeal to the base simultaneously turns off moderates and independents and stains the GOP image.

So you seriously think that the left is agitating to get everyone to cut ties to Trump and other GOP candidates to renounce him because they WANT him on the GOP ticket?

That requires a special kind of stupid.

The buzzwords "the left," and "agitating" indicate that you are one of the Dittoheads, in which case there is no point in either refuting your distorted paraphrase of my post or in attempting to explain my point of view. After a generation of talk radio tactics, voters have become tired of grade school level demagoguery.

Fishlore is exactly correct. the Democrats devoutly hope that Trump will either be the nominee, or that his ego and narcissism will compel him to run on a third party ticket. Either way Hillary is the next president. Go study up on the little freak ross Perot and how he put Bill Clinton in the White House twice. trump is everybit as crazy and every bit as ego driven.
What does it matter what we care? Arent you guys deciding among yourselves? Seems you don't want to trash other Republicans if your guy doesn't win you don't want to eat your words. So you don't have balls like trump. Why do you like trump over

Bobbi gindal, Walker, jeb, Christy, fiorino,? Are they all just so good you can't pick? Lol
I see no evidence that the Democratic Party is trying to crimp the Donald. He is the best weapon they have got, at least for now. Nobody who supports Trump is going to vote Democrat either in the primaries or in the general election (if the Donald gets that far, which he won't). On the other hand, his appeal to the base simultaneously turns off moderates and independents and stains the GOP image.

So you seriously think that the left is agitating to get everyone to cut ties to Trump and other GOP candidates to renounce him because they WANT him on the GOP ticket?

That requires a special kind of stupid.

The buzzwords "the left," and "agitating" indicate that you are one of the Dittoheads, in which case there is no point in either refuting your distorted paraphrase of my post or in attempting to explain my point of view. After a generation of talk radio tactics, voters have become tired of grade school level demagoguery.

Fishlore is exactly correct. the Democrats devoutly hope that Trump will either be the nominee, or that his ego and narcissism will compel him to run on a third party ticket. Either way Hillary is the next president. Go study up on the little freak ross Perot and how he put Bill Clinton in the White House twice. trump is everybit as crazy and every bit as ego driven.
What does it matter what we care? Arent you guys deciding among yourselves? Seems you don't want to trash other Republicans if your guy doesn't win you don't want to eat your words. So you don't have balls like trump. Why do you like trump over

Bobbi gindal, Walker, jeb, Christy, fiorino,? Are they all just so good you can't pick? Lol
Name one country that doesn't have a government that ultimatly is in charge.

Is there one country doing it the libertarian way you can name? So libertarians is a social experiment you want to try? Why don't you try it in one red state first and prove it works on a local market. And not Mayberry goober. A city. A real city. I'll be waiting.

Capitalism is only limited and shackled by people who think a country is necessary for it to survive.
The best hint I could give you is that it won't be delivered to you ... You have to actually do something to achieve it.

That's true in every country but its more true in some countries and less in others and it's not always as true in this country as it has been in the past. The Rich made the Plainfield uneven we need to level it. Every great country in this world has a great government that represents the people not the Rich only. Seems like the rich are happy everywhere else in the world except for in America. Americans feel entitled. At least the top 50 percent do or a lot of us. I'm not in the bottom half I'm just not a greedy bastard in the top half I'm a Democrat.
I walk into Tim Hortons in the morning and see all the people getting coffee gas cigarettes or whatever and we always have this duct cleaning business in line and all these guys who range from 18 to 40 make a nice living enough to get by but they save $0. This is the new America. These people are going to need social security more than ever. When I was growing up my father had great health insurance decent pay and knew he was getting a pension someday. He also saved money unlike a lot of people who knew they were getting a pension but he was one of the smart ones. My point is American people working and living in the eighties and nineties had a lot better than we do today because corporations took away all those social safety nets and good insurance plans that didn't cuss you out of pocket thousands of dollars every year. I'm rambling at this point but that's because the story and why you're wrong so much harder to explain than just a couple of sentences
20 years ago those guys working for that duct cleaning business making $10 an hour or 12 whatever but the point is those guys will be working for the big three they would be making a great living have pensions and great health insurance and saving and raising a family on that job. Those duct cleaning guys are not raising families not on those wages
That's true in every country but its more true in some countries and less in others and it's not always as true in this country as it has been in the past. The Rich made the Plainfield uneven we need to level it. Every great country in this world has a great government that represents the people not the Rich only. Seems like the rich are happy everywhere else in the world except for in America. Americans feel entitled. At least the top 50 percent do or a lot of us. I'm not in the bottom half I'm just not a greedy bastard in the top half I'm a Democrat.

Well ... I guess that is more of a problem you have with some rich people.

There is no obligation to include Capitalism in your assertions outside of your desire to somehow make the two exclusive to each other.
I mean damn ... That would be a rather narrow view of reality and less than sufficient at achieving much of anything worthwhile.

But hey ... If you want governments to be in control ... That is your problem and Good Capitalists will always find a way to succeed.

That's true in every country but its more true in some countries and less in others and it's not always as true in this country as it has been in the past. The Rich made the Plainfield uneven we need to level it. Every great country in this world has a great government that represents the people not the Rich only. Seems like the rich are happy everywhere else in the world except for in America. Americans feel entitled. At least the top 50 percent do or a lot of us. I'm not in the bottom half I'm just not a greedy bastard in the top half I'm a Democrat.

Well ... I guess that is more of a problem you have with some rich people.

There is no obligation to include Capitalism in your assertions outside of your desire to somehow make the two exclusive to each other.
I mean damn ... That would be a rather narrow view of reality and less than sufficient at achieving much of anything worthwhile.

But hey ... If you want governments to be in control ... That is your problem and Good Capitalists will always find a way to succeed.

I don't want governments getting in the way but governments are necessary and don't have to be bad. They weren't always this bad. It started when Reagan started preaching that his own profession was evil. Republicans don't just say government is evil they prove it. And the Rich have taken over both parties we all know it so I don't know why you defend the Rich owning everything including you. Man where is FDR when you need him
The Rich called FDR a traitor to his class. That alone proves class warfare exists and who is in the White House matters. None of the Republican candidates are men of the people and you Republicans should know it

So when you Republicans deny class warfare exists or you accuse us of trying to wage war on the Rich are you stupid or liars? If you are rich then maybe your Liars if you are middle-class for then you're probably ignorant.
Capitalism usually means making money with money. Does the right always forget their own propaganda and rhetoric when resorting to diversions?

What diversion ... Who gives a damn about the Right?

If you are trying to suggest that Capitalism exists through investments in time and/or resources ... Then you may be starting to get it.
But then again ... That is not propaganda and simply fact.

That is primarily the reason why you cannot stop it from happening.
Good Capitalists will always find a way to invest their time and resources to pursue the endeavor of Capitalism.


Why has the right not advanced any business plan in Commerce (well regulated) to "earn" multibillion dollar bonuses for the People, merely to make Capital do the "heavy lifting" to make fun of socialists with a social "work ethic"?
Why has the right not advanced any business plan in Commerce (well regulated) to "earn" multibillion dollar bonuses for the People, merely to make Capital do the "heavy lifting" to make fun of socialists with a social "work ethic"?

I don't know why the Right does one thing or another ... Why don't you ask them?

It is true that one of the objects of Capitalism is to earn capital ... That is one of the reasons it is called Capitalism (I mean go figure ... Huh).
If you wonder why Socialists with a social work ethic aren't any better off ... Then I can pretty much assure you that they aren't actually interested in an answer ... They just want your money to invest in their own "ism".

The Democrats have no desire to stop trump. Exactly the opposite is true. His nuttiness is the sort of thing which could keep Hillary in the race if more scandals are not forthcoming. It's like the little nutjob from Texas ross Perot. His nutty campaign, siphoning off votes from the GOP, was the only thing that put Bill Clinton in the White House, Twice! This sometimes Democrat, sometimes Republican trump is the only chance the Democrats have of keeping the white House in 2016, if he is a third party spoiler like Perot was.

Yeah, don't throw the GOP into the Briar Patch, eh? lol
I don't want governments getting in the way but governments are necessary and don't have to be bad. They weren't always this bad. It started when Reagan started preaching that his own profession was evil. Republicans don't just say government is evil they prove it. And the Rich have taken over both parties we all know it so I don't know why you defend the Rich owning everything including you. Man where is FDR when you need him

Lolz ... No government, political party, news media, rich person nor poor person owns me ... I am a Good Capitalist and I am owned buy no one.
It is sad to see so many people desperate for leadership and clueless to their own abilities ... I wouldn't hold your breath though.

Please let Trump get the GOP nomination....pretty please.

I have to agree ... I think it would be funny as shit watching Donald Trump debate Hillary Clinton for a plethora of reasons.

I would love to see Trump tell Hillary she is fired in a debate. If he gets the nomination this will be cant miss TV.

We could probably takes bets on whether or not he would say it ... I bet he would figure out a way to put it in there somehow.
Ratings would be through the roof ... Network executives would be chest bumping ... Journalists would reach new low and might even start stabbing each other.


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