Why the Democrats Will Do and Say Anything To Stop Donald Trump

Where o' where have all of the Good Capitalists gone in modern times?

They are either busy or enjoying their time off ... Shame other folks haven't figured out how to do that.

Don't we have real wars on crime, drugs, poverty, and terror? Why not simply draft some Good Capitalists to do their Chore for their Republic.
The Democrats have no desire to stop trump. Exactly the opposite is true. His nuttiness is the sort of thing which could keep Hillary in the race if more scandals are not forthcoming. It's like the little nutjob from Texas ross Perot. His nutty campaign, siphoning off votes from the GOP, was the only thing that put Bill Clinton in the White House, Twice! This sometimes Democrat, sometimes Republican trump is the only chance the Democrats have of keeping the white House in 2016, if he is a third party spoiler like Perot was.

The immediate success of Mr. Trump in coming a close second to the establishment candidate, Mr.Bush says a lot about the current status of American politics. The rapidly expanding plethora of candidates is evidence of the impotence of the national Republican Party. The change in campaign finance and the role of individual contributions in an electoral system utterly dependent on money was brought to its current level of refinement by Mr. Gingrich as part of his takeover of the GOP in the Clinton years.

Newt refined the technique of direct mail solicitation of single-issue groups by individual candidates. From there it was an easy step to the creation of a national talk radio network giving many of those single-issue voters a gratifying public platform which strengthened their loyalty and stimulated activism. With the emergence of Fox News, the ability of big money to control the grass roots reached a new level of efficacy. The double whammy of millionaire control and grass roots activism has outflanked the RNC, making its role as financier irrelevant and the party's national leadership by guys like Boehner a joke.
Don't we have real wars on crime, drugs, poverty, and terror? Why not simply draft some Good Capitalists to do their Chore for their Republic.

Who says Good Capitalists haven't already been drafted (or more appropriately volunteered to serve us) ... And have already served their required time?
And it would be pretty silly to assume that whatever they contribute doesn't support any of the attempts made by others to see that the chores are done.

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Don't we have real wars on crime, drugs, poverty, and terror? Why not simply draft some Good Capitalists to do their Chore for their Republic.

Who says good Capitalists haven't already been drafted (or more appropriately volunteered to serve us) ... And have already served their required time?
And it would be pretty silly to assume that whatever they contribute doesn't support any of the attempts made by others to see that the chores are done.

Simple; we are running massive deficits instead of massive surpluses. It should Always be that simple.
Simple; we are running massive deficits instead of massive surpluses. It should Always be that simple.

It is simple ... I think people like you are the only ones having a problem with it.

Meh ... Someday you may get there ... Until then, I don't think the Good Capitalist are really worried about your inability to understand how it works.
If you just want to go prospecting in someone else's creek ... You are still just a claim jumper.

Simple; we are running massive deficits instead of massive surpluses. It should Always be that simple.

It is simple ... I think people like you are the only ones having a problem with it.

Meh ... Someday you may get there ... Until then, I don't think the Good Capitalist are really worried about your inability to understand how it works.
If you just want to go prospecting in someone else's creek ... You are still just a claim jumper.

Nothing but diversion while claiming "hard work" (of understanding the issues) is important?
Nothing but diversion while claiming "hard work" (of understanding the issues) is important?

I believe diversion has more to do with what you expect from others ... Not so much with how Good Capitalist manage their affairs.

Nothing but diversion while claiming "hard work" (of understanding the issues) is important?

I believe diversion has more to do with what you expect from others ... Not so much with how Good Capitalist manage their affairs.

Is it wrong to expect Good Capitalists to make money instead of lose money with a Commerce Clause and an official Mint to work with?
Nothing but diversion while claiming "hard work" (of understanding the issues) is important?

I believe diversion has more to do with what you expect from others ... Not so much with how Good Capitalist manage their affairs.

Is it wrong to expect Good Capitalists to make money instead of lose money with a Commerce Clause and an official Mint to work with?

Good Capitalist make money wherever they go and whatever they do ... It has nothing to do with what you or anyone else expects outside of the consumer and their employees. I believe you are trying to complicate the matter to better suit your expectations.

Nothing but diversion while claiming "hard work" (of understanding the issues) is important?

I believe diversion has more to do with what you expect from others ... Not so much with how Good Capitalist manage their affairs.

Is it wrong to expect Good Capitalists to make money instead of lose money with a Commerce Clause and an official Mint to work with?

Good Capitalist make money wherever they go and whatever they do ... It has nothing to do with what you or anyone else expects outside of the consumer and their employees. I believe you are trying to complicate the matter to better suit your expectations.

Can the Capital Right, not make that concept work in public office?
Can the Capital Right, not make that concept work in public office?

I thought we were talking about Good Capitalist ... And they generally have nothing to do with public office.
In fact ... My experience has shown that Good Capitalists have no reason to pursue public office.

It is not what they do best and would be a terrible waste of resources.
If they have felt the higher calling of public service ... It is also my experience that hey have already answered that call.

It is important to remember that what you want has nothing to do with what they do or how things that ensure their success get accomplished.
The public sector is more like a convenient exercise to keep those who cannot be Good Capitalists busy ... It has its rewards but cannot be counted on.

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Can the Capital Right, not make that concept work in public office?

I thought we were talking about Good Capitalist ... And they generally have nothing to do with public office.
In fact ... My experience has shown that Good Capitalist have no reason to pursue public office.

It is not what they do best and would be a terrible waste of resources.
If they have felt the higher calling of public service ... It is also my experience that hey have already answered that call.

It is important to remember that what you want has nothing to do with what they do or how things that ensure their success get accomplished.
The public sector is more like a convenient exercise to keep those who cannot be Good Capitalists busy ... It has its rewards but cannot be counted on.

Sorry; I thought the Right could make Capitalism happen simply to make fun of the socialism of the left.
Sorry; I thought the Right could make Capitalism happen simply to make fun of the socialism of the left.

Capitalism happens whether or not you want it to ... Only Socialism can be made to happen.

Capitalism usually means making money with money. Does the right always forget their own propaganda and rhetoric when resorting to diversions?
Capitalism usually means making money with money. Does the right always forget their own propaganda and rhetoric when resorting to diversions?

What diversion ... Who gives a damn about the Right?

If you are trying to suggest that Capitalism exists through investments in time and/or resources ... Then you may be starting to get it.
But then again ... That is not propaganda and simply fact.

That is primarily the reason why you cannot stop it from happening.
Good Capitalists will always find a way to invest their time and resources to pursue the endeavor of Capitalism.

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I see no evidence that the Democratic Party is trying to crimp the Donald. He is the best weapon they have got, at least for now. Nobody who supports Trump is going to vote Democrat either in the primaries or in the general election (if the Donald gets that far, which he won't). On the other hand, his appeal to the base simultaneously turns off moderates and independents and stains the GOP image.

So you seriously think that the left is agitating to get everyone to cut ties to Trump and other GOP candidates to renounce him because they WANT him on the GOP ticket?

That requires a special kind of stupid.

The buzzwords "the left," and "agitating" indicate that you are one of the Dittoheads, in which case there is no point in either refuting your distorted paraphrase of my post or in attempting to explain my point of view. After a generation of talk radio tactics, voters have become tired of grade school level demagoguery.

Fishlore is exactly correct. the Democrats devoutly hope that Trump will either be the nominee, or that his ego and narcissism will compel him to run on a third party ticket. Either way Hillary is the next president. Go study up on the little freak ross Perot and how he put Bill Clinton in the White House twice. trump is everybit as crazy and every bit as ego driven.
Sorry; I thought the Right could make Capitalism happen simply to make fun of the socialism of the left.

Capitalism happens whether or not you want it to ... Only Socialism (or other like "ism's") can be made to happen.

Name one country that doesn't have a government that ultimatly is in charge.

Is there one country doing it the libertarian way you can name? So libertarians is a social experiment you want to try? Why don't you try it in one red state first and prove it works on a local market. And not Mayberry goober. A city. A real city. I'll be waiting.
Name one country that doesn't have a government that ultimatly is in charge.

Is there one country doing it the libertarian way you can name? So libertarians is a social experiment you want to try? Why don't you try it in one red state first and prove it works on a local market. And not Mayberry goober. A city. A real city. I'll be waiting.

Capitalism is only limited and shackled by people who think a country is necessary for it to survive.
The best hint I could give you is that it won't be delivered to you ... You have to actually do something to achieve it.


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