Why the Dems Hate Palin so much

Oh puh-lease. The right wing doesn't try to control what people think anymore than the left does.

Look at the absolutely over-the-top smear campaign y'all have been waging trying to make us think all kinds of screwy shit about Palin. I introduce this board and the whacko Palin threads on it as evidence.

Thought you were a little more level-headed than that.

Not to be mean Gunny, but the right wing DOES try to control what people think. Most "Christian conservatives" tell us that gays can be cured as well as a whole bunch of other bullshit.

As far as the over the top smear campaigns? Have you looked at your own candidate lately? McInsane's latest one where he was saying that Obama voted to teach kindergartners how to have sex before they could read and write was pretty over the top. Even Rove said so.

No disrespect, but I kinda thought that being a Gunny, you would also be more level headed than that.
See, this is why I never take "advice" from republicans to stop being "mean" to palin, or there "might be backlash".

Poll: "Over the course of a single weekend, in other words, Palin went from being the most popular White House hopeful to the least." -- Newsweek

Interesting, this came on the heels of her Gibson interview, and on the heels of her being busted in lie after lie after lie.

Yeah, I think Libs will keep pointing out what a hack Palin is.
Some polls show a larger drop in fav/unfav for palin (though over a longer time frame):

The Research 2000 poll for Daily Kos now has Palin's favorability-unfavorability scores at 45-44 -- just a +1. Six days ago, when the poll, launched, she was at a 52-35, a +17.

And I know that some of you don't like or don't trust this poll -- for reasons that I think are a little silly -- but there is a similar decline in her numbers in the Diageo/Hotline poll. Her favorability numbers in yesterday's Hotline poll -- today's isn't out yet -- were a 48-36, or a +12. But a week ago, on September 8, she had been at a 48-24, a +24.

Palin Favorability Fading? - Political Machine

But she is unquestionably helping McCain's ticket.
I think we'll keep pointing out what a rightwing nutjob your Old Man nominated.

When republicans offer "advice" on what Democrats should do, it doesn't pass the laugh test. We know you're lying dude. Your "advice" is meant to benefit your failed republican party. I spent the last four years getting lectured by Cons to "stop being mean to Bush", or there would be a backlash against democrats....Mr 28% approval rating. LOL

Democrats eat into McCain's lead as Palin's halo starts to slip

There were growing signs yesterday that the "Sarah Palin effect" is starting to wear off and that the Republican candidate, John McCain, has peaked.

Democrats took heart from four national opinion polls which show that despite the bounce caused by interest in Mrs Palin, Mr McCain now leads by an average of just 1.6 points, his smallest margin since the Republican convention.

The latest polls come amid a flurry of critical news reports into Mrs Palin which cast doubt on some of her claims to be a squeaky clean reformist. Senator McCain's claims that his running mate had not sought special interest funding from Congress have been shown to be wrong.

It emerged yesterday that she had asked the US to fund $453m worth of projects in oil-rich Alaska for the past two years. Among the requests was $4.5m for an airport serving fewer than 100 people on a Bering Sea island and $9m to help Alaska's already hugely profitable oil companies.

Democrats mocked the Alaska governor as "an earmark queen". The disclosures come on top of evidence that her administration also held on to more than $500m in federal funds for a much-derided "bridge to nowhere" which she maintains she vetoed. For two weeks the McCain campaign has wallowed in the media's obsession with Governor Palin. A huge bounce in the opinion polls followed, with women especially declaring that they were changing their allegiance because they admired her so much.

Democrats eat into McCain's lead as Palin's halo starts to slip - White House, News - The Independent

The post-convention national polls mostly show John McCain with a small lead over Barack Obama. But what's been happening in the states? I've been looking at the post-convention state polls at realclearpolitics.com, pollster.com, and fivethirtyeight.com and find some significant differences from pre-convention polls. They tend to suggest that the battlefield is shifting, with more states within McCain's reach and fewer within Obama's.

McCain Has the Advantage Over Obama in Post-Convention Polls - Michael Barone (usnews.com)
In Alaska, Palin enjoys an 86% approval rating among independents and 75% among Democrats - these are people who are living with her policies.

That is a ridiculously high approval rating and one has to wonder what all the hysterical hatred over Palin is from? hmmm?
Palin has energized the republican base. That is what the democrats are afraid of. Had we asked republicans before her speech about November, many of them would have said they would stay home because they were not impressed with McCain. Now, they are psyched. More importantly, independents are going away from Obama and toward Palin. This was a risky move by McCain that seems to be working for him.

I agree with this, I cant stand her ass beacause she is a bullshit artist and the hype has pushed Mccains numbers up even though her and Mccain didnt really talk about any issues, they just bashed the left. I have been in sales for 13 years and this woman is a salesman. I think she is being used for votes just for the angry woman vote and woman(not all) are showing their ignorance by jumping to the right just to vote for the same sex. I dont like that stupid accent she has and If I hear her say "I said thanks but no thanks to that bridge to nowhere" one more time I might fricken shoot myself.
Well, of course they did (think the ladies were a lock). They told the ladies they had to get in line behind Obama because the DNC said so. Who could not follow that logic...

What the demos are mad at is the women telling them to go screw themselves.

that isn't the truth. you really need to check facts. the way the demographics have gone is that palin got the extremists in the base on board. and they got women in the same proportion as they got men.... about 3 percentage points.

i find it amusing that you're celebrating when as of today, palin's approval ratings started their downward turn...

i guess once she opens her mouth, to know her isn't to love her... unless of course, you've already made a decision that someone like her is acceptable as leader of the free world.
The post-convention national polls mostly show John McCain with a small lead over Barack Obama. But what's been happening in the states? I've been looking at the post-convention state polls at realclearpolitics.com, pollster.com, and fivethirtyeight.com and find some significant differences from pre-convention polls. They tend to suggest that the battlefield is shifting, with more states within McCain's reach and fewer within Obama's.

McCain Has the Advantage Over Obama in Post-Convention Polls - Michael Barone (usnews.com)

State polling lags behind the national polling. So initially when McCain bounced people here were saying the electoral college was favoring Obama. But it was just that the EC hadn't caught up yet (state polls don't all come out, every day). Now that the EC has caught up to the 'bounce' the bounce is fading, and so it looks like McCain is doing better in the EC because some of those state polls weren't done after the bounce started to fade.
In Alaska, Palin enjoys an 86% approval rating among independents and 75% among Democrats - these are people who are living with her policies.

That is a ridiculously high approval rating and one has to wonder what all the hysterical hatred over Palin is from? hmmm?

Thats because 55% of population is made up of her her cousins, daughters, sons, husbands, uncles, aunts and the rest of the family.
In Alaska, Palin enjoys an 86% approval rating among independents and 75% among Democrats - these are people who are living with her policies.

That is a ridiculously high approval rating and one has to wonder what all the hysterical hatred over Palin is from? hmmm?

In Alaska oil is a significant resource and palin cut a 1200 dollar check for everybody last year from oil revenues. That does a hell of a lot for approval ratings.

It wouldn't transfer to the national level.
State polling lags behind the national polling. So initially when McCain bounced people here were saying the electoral college was favoring Obama. But it was just that the EC hadn't caught up yet (state polls don't all come out, every day). Now that the EC has caught up to the 'bounce' the bounce is fading, and so it looks like McCain is doing better in the EC because some of those state polls weren't done after the bounce started to fade.

This election feels like an NBA game in slow motion. Wake me up for the last 30 seconds.
Because she's a Republican. Their thought processes don't go any deeper than that.

Please........ I used to be a Republican and I don't now claim to be a Democrat. I am a voter.

I don't hate Sarah Palin. (I hate my ex-husband but I don't hate Sarah Palin.:exclaim:)

I think she's a farce and I can't imagine what went wrong in McCain's vetting process. The latest revelation on Ms. Palin: She claims to be a staunch advocate of "special needs" children, especially since having one of her own. So, why did she veto $275,000. geared toward funding Alaska's Special Olympics? ............... It's now been proven by media video taken at the RNC that there was no teleprompter malfunction. She just got confused as she glanced between them and lost her place. Now, why lie about something as stupid as that? It's just plain silly. ............. No point in going into all the big issues surfacing like "Troopergate". I think they're being hashed out everywhere.

My point is that Sarah Palin shits in her own nest everytime she opens her mouth... and voters, women or men are not ignorant. Her cuteness has begun to wear off and we're starting to expect that she step up to the political plate like a big girl.
In Alaska oil is a significant resource and palin cut a 1200 dollar check for everybody last year from oil revenues. That does a hell of a lot for approval ratings.

It wouldn't transfer to the national level.

So you are saying that allowing people to keep more of their money is a popular thing? Whoda thunk? :tongue:
in a word fear.

She scares the hell out of them.

Why, because the Dems are suppose to have a lock on the Female vote. Females are suppose to be card carrying Liberal Democrates. The thought of the highest, most powerful women in America being a conservative Republican is simply unacceptable to the Democrats and Liberals. It threatens the very core of the Democrats power base.

That is why they are so viciously going after Palin. That is why they hate her so much. The are scared to death of her, and rightly so. Odds are she will be the next Vice president of the US, and that will do severe damage to the Democrats for years to come.

The problem for the Dems is, these attacks, and smears are not hurting Palin and McCain. They are hurting Obama. They best rethink their strategy or they will help McCain Palin walk into the white house.

Here is why Dems are scared of Palin....


Women have played a large role in determining the President in the last 3 elections.
So you are saying that allowing people to keep more of their money is a popular thing? Whoda thunk? :tongue:
Actually I'm saying that taking money from the oil industry is a popular thing. :tongue: Something the democrats have talked about doing to pay for green energy development!

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