Why the GOP is Losing Independents

No it doesnt, dumbass.
this kind of shit turns off indies

legal abortion is just the democrats way of limiting the black population...nothing more
And poor whites. Don't forget them. If you include them ,you are 100% correct.

Even you republicans admit there are too many people on this planet. Or in this country. If not, let the refugees in.
The morons in safe red districts will always say because we don’t stand up for our conservative ideals. Hogwash. While there are always losers on the left that like handout and big government, they majority if independents prefer lower taxes, less government and less and responsible regulations. They recognize the government can do little right. Yer we lose them.

Comes down to 2 issues that the GOP has gone extreme on:
(1) Abortion: No abortion no exceptions is an extreme stance that most independents can’t vote for.

(2) Gun Control: I like guns and own them but something drastic need to be done and GOP won’t budge here.

Stick to this and we won’t have a chance in PA, MI, VA, AZ, CO etc.
All national Repub candidates are on the horns of a dilemma on abortion. They have to tow the party line to win the primary and then obscure that position in the general election because the party's position is so unpopular with a majority of Americans.
It's why RonDon keeps dodging abortion questions down in FL.
Your people did terminate the constitution….pay attention fascist.
Remeber when people were forced to take experimental medicine, forced to shut down their businesses, remember when churches were forbidden from operating?
nobody was forced to take medication ... it was their choice to take the medication or not ... many companies organizations and countries were the ones who made you take the medications to enter their establishment or country... in the constitution it allows the senators and house member to establish rule in a pandemic emergency. man over a million people died before we go control of the situation of people catching it ...
The COVID-19 pandemic is having an unparalleled effect on a wide range of businesses, many of which are subject to government-mandated shutdowns and other restrictions throughout the United States. In addition, while federal lawmakers negotiate the contours of a $2 trillion aid deal—the largest in modern history—they and some state legislators are also debating requiring particular companies or industries, rather than taxpayers or bondholders at large, to bear the burden of bailout efforts.

These and other governmental responses to this pandemic raise significant constitutional considerations. For example, government-mandated shutdowns could constitute regulatory takings that require just compensation under the Fifth Amendment. State interference with contractual obligations presents issues under the Contracts Clause. And all government economic regulation is ultimately subject to the requirements of the Due Process and Equal Protection Clauses of the federal Constitution.

Although case law, not surprisingly, does not anticipate these particular government actions, the constitutional analyses courts have applied in other contexts provide a framework for considering the constitutionality of proposed and actual legislative and executive action during the current crisis.

II. Regulatory Takings

The Takings Clause of the Fifth Amendment provides that private property shall not “be taken for public use, without just compensation.” U.S. Const. amend. V. The Clause applies to the States via the Fourteenth Amendment. Murr v. Wisconsin, 137 S. Ct. 1933, 1942 (2017). Regulations imposed by the government, including public health and safety regulations, may amount to a taking, where, although there is no physical appropriation, the regulation is “so onerous that its effect is tantamount to a direct appropriation or ouster—and that such ‘regulatory takings’ may be compensable under the Fifth Amendment.” Lingle v. Chevron U.S.A. Inc., 544 U.S. 528, 537 (2005). The Supreme Court has divided regulatory takings into two types, categorical (or per se) takings, and partial takings. See Murr, 137 S. Ct. at 1942–43.

Given that many of the restrictions imposed to combat the spread of COVID-19 are both expansive and being rapidly rolled out, it is possible that some businesses may find themselves subject to a potential categorical regulatory taking. A categorical (or per se) regulatory taking “applies to regulations that completely deprive an owner of all economically beneficial use of her property.” Lingle, 544 U.S. at 538 (brackets omitted). This is an “extraordinary circumstance,” because “[a]nything less than a complete elimination of value, or a total loss, is a non-categorical taking.” Sherman v. Town of Chester, 752 F.3d 554, 564 (2d Cir. 2014) (internal quotations omitted).

Temporary deprivations are typically not considered to be categorical takings, even if lengthy. Rather, categorical takings require that the “regulation permanently deprive[] [the] property of all value.” Tahoe-Sierra Pres. Council, Inc. v. Tahoe Reg’l Planning Agency, 535 U.S. 302, 332 (2002); see also id. at 341–42 (nearly three-year moratorium on development imposed to conduct an impact study did not constitute a categorical taking). That said, an indefinite moratorium may constitute a potential categorical regulatory taking, as some courts have found. See, e.g., Monks v. City of Rancho Palos Verdes, 84 Cal. Rptr. 3d 75 (Cal. App. 2008) (moratorium prohibiting construction on certain properties due to an indeterminate future landslide constituted a categorical taking).

as you can see its n the constitution ... the fact that you didn't do any research is your problem ...before vaccines were established the government had the right to shut down businesses and unnecessary travel of people that's their right to do ... as you can see its in the constitution ... if trump had shut down all countries from entering the country in December 2019 we wouldn't be in this mess of covid 19 killing people ... finally, republicans being so stupid by refusing to take the medication and ware mask we would be in the mess we were in ... according to the hospitals after the vaccine was established in the country the only people who were dying were republicans who refused to get vaccinated ... 80 % of the people dying after the vaccine were republicans ... so don't give me this bull shit your rights were taken away ... if your rights were taken away and you were forced to take the medication there wouldn't be a million people dead ...
Now you want to murder the handicapped. What’s the matter with you?

Abortion is not a losing issue.

Abortion Did Not Hurt Republican Candidates

Billionaires want to cull inconvenient populations, but we don’t have to obey.

Why are some people so desperate to kil off the next generation?

first of all no babies at this stage in their life is aborted ... only fetuses who have who have phisical defects that shows they can't live ... ... only the ones where the doctor has said they have no brain function have no body function,.basically not able to live when born ... who are considered late-term abortions that's the only time any abortion was done in a late term abortion ... so nice try with your picture of a normal baby who has never been aborted ..... this is a myth you republicans try an push
And yet your people are calling for the termination of the constitution.
challenge you to show us where any democrat terminated the constitution ... the only one that I know of that wants to terminate the constitution is Donald trump and your republicans leader ...
nobody was forced to take medication ... it was their choice to take the medication or not ... many companies organizations and countries were the ones who made you take the medications to enter their establishment or country... in the constitution it allows the senators and house member to establish rule in a pandemic emergency. man over a million people died before we go control of the situation of people catching it ...
The COVID-19 pandemic is having an unparalleled effect on a wide range of businesses, many of which are subject to government-mandated shutdowns and other restrictions throughout the United States. In addition, while federal lawmakers negotiate the contours of a $2 trillion aid deal—the largest in modern history—they and some state legislators are also debating requiring particular companies or industries, rather than taxpayers or bondholders at large, to bear the burden of bailout efforts.

These and other governmental responses to this pandemic raise significant constitutional considerations. For example, government-mandated shutdowns could constitute regulatory takings that require just compensation under the Fifth Amendment. State interference with contractual obligations presents issues under the Contracts Clause. And all government economic regulation is ultimately subject to the requirements of the Due Process and Equal Protection Clauses of the federal Constitution.

Although case law, not surprisingly, does not anticipate these particular government actions, the constitutional analyses courts have applied in other contexts provide a framework for considering the constitutionality of proposed and actual legislative and executive action during the current crisis.

II. Regulatory Takings

The Takings Clause of the Fifth Amendment provides that private property shall not “be taken for public use, without just compensation.” U.S. Const. amend. V. The Clause applies to the States via the Fourteenth Amendment. Murr v. Wisconsin, 137 S. Ct. 1933, 1942 (2017). Regulations imposed by the government, including public health and safety regulations, may amount to a taking, where, although there is no physical appropriation, the regulation is “so onerous that its effect is tantamount to a direct appropriation or ouster—and that such ‘regulatory takings’ may be compensable under the Fifth Amendment.” Lingle v. Chevron U.S.A. Inc., 544 U.S. 528, 537 (2005). The Supreme Court has divided regulatory takings into two types, categorical (or per se) takings, and partial takings. See Murr, 137 S. Ct. at 1942–43.

Given that many of the restrictions imposed to combat the spread of COVID-19 are both expansive and being rapidly rolled out, it is possible that some businesses may find themselves subject to a potential categorical regulatory taking. A categorical (or per se) regulatory taking “applies to regulations that completely deprive an owner of all economically beneficial use of her property.” Lingle, 544 U.S. at 538 (brackets omitted). This is an “extraordinary circumstance,” because “[a]nything less than a complete elimination of value, or a total loss, is a non-categorical taking.” Sherman v. Town of Chester, 752 F.3d 554, 564 (2d Cir. 2014) (internal quotations omitted).

Temporary deprivations are typically not considered to be categorical takings, even if lengthy. Rather, categorical takings require that the “regulation permanently deprive[] [the] property of all value.” Tahoe-Sierra Pres. Council, Inc. v. Tahoe Reg’l Planning Agency, 535 U.S. 302, 332 (2002); see also id. at 341–42 (nearly three-year moratorium on development imposed to conduct an impact study did not constitute a categorical taking). That said, an indefinite moratorium may constitute a potential categorical regulatory taking, as some courts have found. See, e.g., Monks v. City of Rancho Palos Verdes, 84 Cal. Rptr. 3d 75 (Cal. App. 2008) (moratorium prohibiting construction on certain properties due to an indeterminate future landslide constituted a categorical taking).

as you can see its n the constitution ... the fact that you didn't do any research is your problem ...before vaccines were established the government had the right to shut down businesses and unnecessary travel of people that's their right to do ... as you can see its in the constitution ... if trump had shut down all countries from entering the country in December 2019 we wouldn't be in this mess of covid 19 killing people ... finally, republicans being so stupid by refusing to take the medication and ware mask we would be in the mess we were in ... according to the hospitals after the vaccine was established in the country the only people who were dying were republicans who refused to get vaccinated ... 80 % of the people dying after the vaccine were republicans ... so don't give me this bull shit your rights were taken away ... if your rights were taken away and you were forced to take the medication there wouldn't be a million people dead ...
What a shitty novel…obviously written by an ass-kissing father government worshipping pathetic-ass sheep.
Government employees WERE forced to take medicine they didn’t want, we were forbid from running our businesses, from travel and attending church. Try harder sheep.
“all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness”
first of all no babies at this stage in their life is aborted ... only fetuses who have who have phisical defects that shows they can't live ... ... only the ones where the doctor has said they have no brain function have no body function,.basically not able to live when born ... who are considered late-term abortions that's the only time any abortion was done in a late term abortion ... so nice try with your picture of a normal baby who has never been aborted ..... this is a myth you republicans try an push
Please acknowledge your error.

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What a shitty novel…obviously written by an ass-kissing father government worshipping pathetic-ass sheep.
Government employees WERE forced to take medicine they didn’t want, we were forbid from running our businesses, from travel and attending church. Try harder sheep.
“all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness”

Please acknowledge your error.

It looks like billyerock123 is never right.
What a shitty novel…obviously written by an ass-kissing father government worshipping pathetic-ass sheep.
Government employees WERE forced to take medicine they didn’t want, we were forbid from running our businesses, from travel and attending church. Try harder sheep.
“all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness”
in other words, you don't like the truth when told ...you would rather be a liar than know the truth ... I get it you're stupid and a liar
in other words, you don't like the truth when told ...you would rather be a liar than know the truth ... I get it you're stupid and a liar
I shoved your self fabricated truth up your filthy ass….read my posts fool. Pay attention.
“Government employees WERE forced to take medicine they didn’t want, we were forbid from running our businesses, from travel and attending church. Try harder sheep.
“all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness”
I shoved your self fabricated truth up your filthy ass….read my posts fool. Pay attention.
“Government employees WERE forced to take medicine they didn’t want, we were forbid from running our businesses, from travel and attending church. Try harder sheep.
“all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness”
in other words, you don't like the truth when told ...you would rather be a liar than know the truth ... I get it you're stupid and a liar ... nobody was ever forced to take any medication ever ...if you didn't want to take the meds offered that's up to you and nobody else ... stop your filthy mouth lying you lying piece of shit you're nothing more then first-class filthy mouth liar who has no clue what you are saying...
The Democrat filth is losing Americans. Only Negroes, Moon Bats, Queers and Illegals belong to that party anymore.
Hold on….so all the GOP has to do is glamorize baby killing and hate constitutional rights….basically become leftists and they win?
Shit, that’s simple.

“We want baby killing glamorized and we want guns out of the hands of dark Democrats…and damnit we’re willing to pay $5 for fuel, suffer through high levels of crime and take on millions of illegal wetbacks to get what we want.”

Boy those “independents” are some dumbmotherfuckers.
Minus the baby killer slur, that sure sounds like what a magaturd would vomit out. Your magaturd strawman arguments are boring.

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