Why the GOP is Losing Independents

It's funny when the Nazi's accuse the liberals of being....nazis.
Hahaha….you people don’t know what a Nazi is…just like you don’t know what a socialist is, just like you don’t know what a racist is, just like you don’t know what a fascist is, just like you don’t know what totalitarianism is, just like you don’t know what an authoritarian is….If you did you’d know you leftists and the Democrat Party are ALL of the aformentioned.
Hahaha….you people don’t know what a Nazi is…just like you don’t know what a socialist is, just like you don’t know what a racist is, just like you don’t know what a fascist is, just like you don’t know what totalitarianism is, just like you don’t know what an authoritarian is….If you did you’d know you leftists and the Democrat Party are ALL of the aformentioned.

And yet your people are calling for the termination of the constitution.
The morons in safe red districts will always say because we don’t stand up for our conservative ideals. Hogwash. While there are always losers on the left that like handout and big government, they majority if independents prefer lower taxes, less government and less and responsible regulations. They recognize the government can do little right. Yer we lose them.
well the above paragraph is so full of shit we on the left like fair treatment when it comes to busines work and health care ... do you have a source for your foolish statement here that the majority of independents prefer lower taxes less government responsible regulati

Comes down to 2 issues that the GOP has gone extreme on:
(1) Abortion: No abortion no exceptions is an extreme stance that most independents can’t vote for.
this is totally inaccurate only republicans are pushing the abortion issue ...the extreme stance you speak of is no abortions at all for any reason at all ... if you are raped, tuff squeak it out in 9 months ,,, little extreme ...if you try to get one you will be fined 10,000 dollars and 10 years in jail that seems a little extreme to me ... like always you have no idea what you are talking about ...
(2) Gun Control: I like guns and own them but something drastic need to be done and GOP won’t budge here.
all the Dems want is to have all states you checked out to see if you have any kind of violent attack on your spouse... your guns are taken away and if you are trying to buy one you are turned down to buy one.... If you have any kind of mental issue you can't get a gun ... if you are a felon you can't have a gun any gun that is designed for war you can't own or buy ... that gun I don't see any problem with these regulations ... this is what the dems are trying to get passed with 90% of th american people behind it
Stick to this and we won’t have a chance in PA, MI, VA, AZ, CO etc.
why would anyone in their right mind would want to stick to that ...
Hahaha….you people don’t know what a Nazi is…just like you don’t know what a socialist is, just like you don’t know what a racist is, just like you don’t know what a fascist is, just like you don’t know what totalitarianism is, just like you don’t know what an authoritarian is….If you did you’d know you leftists and the Democrat Party are ALL of the aformentioned.
well said ...
And yet your people are calling for the termination of the constitution.
Your people did terminate the constitution….pay attention fascist.
Remeber when people were forced to take experimental medicine, forced to shut down their businesses, remember when churches were forbidden from operating?
Your people did terminate the constitution….pay attention fascist.
Remeber when people were forced to take experimental medicine, forced to shut down their businesses, remember when churches were forbidden from operating?

And that justifies the terimination of the constitution, seditionist?
The morons in safe red districts will always say because we don’t stand up for our conservative ideals. Hogwash. While there are always losers on the left that like handout and big government, they majority if independents prefer lower taxes, less government and less and responsible regulations. They recognize the government can do little right. Yer we lose them.

Comes down to 2 issues that the GOP has gone extreme on:
(1) Abortion: No abortion no exceptions is an extreme stance that most independents can’t vote for.

(2) Gun Control: I like guns and own them but something drastic need to be done and GOP won’t budge here.

Stick to this and we won’t have a chance in PA, MI, VA, AZ, CO etc.

That is not necessarily true. Independents agree that the rich are paying too little in taxes. They support strong regulations and believe that we should fight global warming. They support government programs that help the poor. Why Democrats don't emphasize this more is beyond me.
Politics magnifies division by assigning names such as 'conservative,' 'liberal,' 'independent' etc. This enhances politicians power. IMO, most folks are a bit of each.
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In AZ I was hoping to have strong, intelligent GOP candidates to vote for.

But the GOP gave us a shitload of brainless conspiracy crackpots and "election fraud" liars and crybabies.

Kari Lake began whining about a rigged election even before the voting began. She's just another loud-mouthed dipshit who believes she is entitled to win, simply because she's a candidate.

Imo, Republicans have to dump the trumpster idiots and whiners if they want to win more elections.

Give us some good policy ideas, display some common sense. We need good reasons to vote for GOP candidates.

The whining and lying about election fraud and the other bullshit has become tired and boring. They are only good reasons to vote AGAINST republicans. Nobody likes or respects a crybaby.
What about if the kid is going to come out a retard? I say kill it. My doctor even agrees. Who cares what you think?
Now you want to murder the handicapped. What’s the matter with you?

Abortion is not a losing issue.

Abortion Did Not Hurt Republican Candidates

Billionaires want to cull inconvenient populations, but we don’t have to obey.

Why are some people so desperate to kil off the next generation?

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The morons in safe red districts will always say because we don’t stand up for our conservative ideals. Hogwash. While there are always losers on the left that like handout and big government, they majority if independents prefer lower taxes, less government and less and responsible regulations. They recognize the government can do little right. Yer we lose them.

Comes down to 2 issues that the GOP has gone extreme on:
(1) Abortion: No abortion no exceptions is an extreme stance that most independents can’t vote for.

(2) Gun Control: I like guns and own them but something drastic need to be done and GOP won’t budge here.

Stick to this and we won’t have a chance in PA, MI, VA, AZ, CO etc.
Zero evidence to suggest this.

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