Why the GOP is Losing Independents

Clinton went along with Republican trade deals too. He signed NAFTA right? I think they were inevitable. It's a global economy.

I'm glad MAGA is putting a spotlight on bringing jobs back home. One good thing that came from Trump. But still glad he's gone.

And by the way, why would jobs come home? Companies say they can't find workers now. For every 1 person looking there are 1.5 jobs available.

And the Feds are raising interest rates to bring inflation down. We know this pain is coming. Doesn't matter who's president. So companies may not be coming back right now because of this.

But they might because inflation is happening all over the world not just in America.

And a strong dollar means we aren't getting a lot of tourists.
Hillary had an influence on his first two years.
The Republican Party is no longer a serious party. It's now a party of extremists, conspiracy theorists, and cranks.

And they already have their support. No need to cater to them. Maybe it paid off for Trump once. I hate to make the comparison or analogy but Hitler and the Nazi's won with that kind of politics once too. But I don't think the Nazi party was winning any elections after WW2 right? The nuts who controlled that party either went to prison or joined the German Conservative party.

Trump supporters need to join the Republican party. Instead the Trump Party seems to still be running the show. You know. The extremists, conspiracy theorists and cranks. I'm comparing them to Nazi's not all Republicans.
Just being honest. I'm sure the thought of having to push a retard around town for the rest of your life makes everyone's stomach sink.

But of course I'd love the person but god damn! In ancient Greece they would have tossed that baby in the pit of death. Today we late term abort.

So god bless the people who push retards around. I wouldn't want to do it. I would, but wouldn't like it. No different than anyone else. Only some of you would CHOOSE to keep it where I would tell the doctor to scramble it's brains. Quickly.

May you die alone and be eaten by your 20 cats.
First you have to submit evidence that the GOP is "losing independents" any more than the DNC and then you can offer some reasons. You don't get to do it backwards.
For my entire life, the Democrats were always worse than Republicans.

Since 2008, that is no longer true.
Well that may be true for you. Depends on your situation. Remember, a guy who grew up in Union Detroit would be pro union. Because he saw how rich and successful a blue collar middle class can get. It'll never be like that again.

Notice how educated people tend to vote Democratic? You would think that's not true because rich people are educated. But educated middle class people tend to vote Democratic. Women. Jews. Blacks. There has to be a few reasons why. Anyways, we won't get all into that.

Just imagine you are a black poor kid growing up in Detroit. Your entire life I promise you, Republicans have ALWAYS been worse for them. So that's probably true for poor whites too but Republicans woo them with god, gays, guns and racism. So I don't know what you like about Republicans or how you think they are better for the middle class but half the whites in Michigan and most minorities don't agree with you. And most of the college educated people.

I'm not talking about white people who overly love their guns, religion or race. These are the poor and middle class Americans Republicans woo. Otherwise why would you vote against your own financial interests? Or are you rich in some way where you feel Republican policies benefit you better than Democratic? That might be the case. Small business owners love Republicans. I'm not a small business so I wouldn't know. I suppose they are all about lower taxes and anti labor policies. Like NOT raising minimum wage, or paying their fair share of taxes.
May you die alone and be eaten by your 20 cats.
No. May I be crippled and put into a wheelchair where my nephews have to push me around for the rest of my life.

I would NEVER let that happen. But you want to force it on me. Fuck you too.
No. May I be crippled and put into a wheelchair where my nephews have to push me around for the rest of my life.

I would NEVER let that happen. But you want to force it on me. Fuck you too.

Dried up miserable old hag.
I think that says something about our “education system”. They aren’t training kids to learn how to do important things, it’s all liberal arts shit that is worthless.

We have linesmen and electrical engineers that are retiring left and right. Can’t find replacements. Certainly can’t hire uneducated wetbacks. We need men with experience and education.
In IT we have to import programmers because our kids aren’t learning it, at least not enough. Where are all the young black girls who are into tech like we see on TV and movies? Oh that’s right, they don’t exist.
WASHINGTON – Democrats haven’t gotten any traction so far in their efforts to expand a cash subsidy for parents, a move that would dramatically reduce child poverty.
Adding child tax credit benefits to a year-end spending bill would require significant GOP support, and Republicans seem unenthusiastic.

Republicans want business tax breaks

See, Republicans are the party for the rich.
But my nipples are still like erasers.


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