Why the GOP is Losing Independents

The morons in safe red districts will always say because we don’t stand up for our conservative ideals. Hogwash. While there are always losers on the left that like handout and big government, they majority if independents prefer lower taxes, less government and less and responsible regulations. They recognize the government can do little right. Yer we lose them.

Comes down to 2 issues that the GOP has gone extreme on:
(1) Abortion: No abortion no exceptions is an extreme stance that most independents can’t vote for.

(2) Gun Control: I like guns and own them but something drastic need to be done and GOP won’t budge here.

Stick to this and we won’t have a chance in PA, MI, VA, AZ, CO etc.
1 - That is NOT the GOPs position on abortion. The GOPs position is that its up to the states. Cant we at least be honest about that? You will only find a handful of people who want extreme abortion control.

2 - Hell mother fucking no are you going to limit the 2nd Amendment any further than you already have. Our ideals dont change based on which way the wind blows at any given moment.
Who did you vote for in the past? Obama the first time? Big deal. Bush/McCain were so bad everyone voted for Obama the first time.

Did you vote for Clinton the 2nd time? You should have. Did you vote for Gore in 2000? If not, you're not an independent. You're a right leaning sucker.
I don't pledge allegiance to either party and consider myself a centrist. I didn't vote for either Gore or Bush in 2000.
What a cold bitch you are.
Just being honest. I'm sure the thought of having to push a retard around town for the rest of your life makes everyone's stomach sink.

But of course I'd love the person but god damn! In ancient Greece they would have tossed that baby in the pit of death. Today we late term abort.

So god bless the people who push retards around. I wouldn't want to do it. I would, but wouldn't like it. No different than anyone else. Only some of you would CHOOSE to keep it where I would tell the doctor to scramble it's brains. Quickly.
The Republicans aren't losing Independents. The filthy Democrats are gaining goddamn Illegals.

Why do you think that asshole Biden put up the welcome sign at the border?
I don't pledge allegiance to either party and consider myself a centrist. I didn't vote for either Gore or Bush in 2000.

I don't pledge allegiance I just believe one side is the dark side. If you are poor or middle class or if you are socially liberal.
The Republicans aren't losing Independents. The filthy Democrats are gaining goddamn Illegals.

Why do you think that asshole Biden put up the welcome sign at the border?
That sure is a long term plan. Let the illegal come, have a baby and hope it votes Democrat when it grows up? LOL

Now I would believe we are letting them in because we aren't having enough kids ourselves. That would be more believable. And I believe both sides do it. Hell, Republicans defend illegal employers. You can't even bring up the subject to Republicans. They are off limits. "They didn't know". LIE
I don't pledge allegiance I just believe one side is the dark side. If you are poor or middle class or if you are socially liberal.
Unlike you I don't drink the kool-aid of either party. I have voted for 3rd party candidates in the past.
The morons in safe red districts will always say because we don’t stand up for our conservative ideals. Hogwash. While there are always losers on the left that like handout and big government, they majority if independents prefer lower taxes, less government and less and responsible regulations. They recognize the government can do little right. Yer we lose them.

Comes down to 2 issues that the GOP has gone extreme on:
(1) Abortion: No abortion no exceptions is an extreme stance that most independents can’t vote for.

(2) Gun Control: I like guns and own them but something drastic need to be done and GOP won’t budge here.

Stick to this and we won’t have a chance in PA, MI, VA, AZ, CO etc.
I agree with the abortion thing. While I am pro-life and applaud the right for sticking to their ideals in spite of votes, several places have gone far too extreme with it. Give them an inch and they take a parsec. This does hurt the independent vote.

As far as gun control issues go, the left (and many independents) are naive if they believe that gun control issues are going to stop gun violence. They won't. It's insane to have a strategy of letting known bad guys run around loose and stupidly think that we can stop them from getting guns. It's totally insane. Violence is going up in virtually all big cities because liberal/progressive policies are insane. In several places, bad guys can now get out of jail with no bail if they don't have money for bail. And, several progressives are now on record for wanting to abolish all prisons. How stupid can they get? During the summer's long riots in several cities police were ordered to stand down and let violence, looting, etc go on because we didn't want to hurt anyone to inflame the situation, also insane. We either need to keep the bad guys locked up or go door to door and confiscate everyone's guns, which is clearly against the 2A. Until we get serious about keeping bad guys locked up, gun violence will continue getting worse.
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Personally I would encourage liberals the have abortions. If the state you're living in outlaws it, move to commiefornia.

In a matter of time they may very well make abortion mandatory.

I have no idea what law could be passed to reduce gun crime. Murder is already illegal and carries the strongest punishment. No law will make a criminal give a fruit fly's fuck. So the GOP better get that message out loud and clear, along with pointing out the fact bed wetters keep incorrigible criminals on the street. (As well as in elected and unelected public offices)

I think republicrats lose support when they bloviate about fiscal responsibility and waste mountains of money right along with bed wetters once elections are over. They fail to hold democrooks accountable for their crimes, because then their own criminal endeavors will be exposed and prosecuted.
Unlike you I don't drink the kool-aid of either party. I have voted for 3rd party candidates in the past.

That was either smart or stupid depending on what state you live in. For example, if it was GA and you didn't vote for Warnock, you're an idiot or a Republican. When I say Republican I mean you lean right.

If I lived in a red state where the Democrat had no chance, I'd vote for a 3rd party too. The more votes they get nationally, the more money they get Federally. The more power they get. If you don't like the 2 party system then I would vote for 3rd party too to give them support. In that case voting Democrat is wasting my time.
I work in the energy sector.
Then no doubt you like Republicans. Drill baby Drill. But if you work on batteries, solar or wind energy maybe not. I can see why you would be bias.

Energy doesn't do as well when Democrats rule. Same way Manufacturing takes a hit when Republicans are in charge.

But manufacturing is way more important.

Every 1 manufacturing job lost means 16.5 indirect jobs lost.

I wonder what that number is in Energy jobs.

Oh, and if you aren't doing good in energy, perhaps you work for the wrong type of energy

That was either smart or stupid depending on what state you live in. For example, if it was GA and you didn't vote for Warnock, you're an idiot or a Republican. When I say Republican I mean you lean right.

If I lived in a red state where the Democrat had no chance, I'd vote for a 3rd party too. The more votes they get nationally, the more money they get Federally. The more power they get. If you don't like the 2 party system then I would vote for 3rd party too to give them support. In that case voting Democrat is wasting my time.
The fact is that neither party is squeaky clean. You seem to think that democrats are always correct. You must have been brainwashed in school.
Then no doubt you like Republicans. Drill baby Drill. But if you work on batteries, solar or wind energy maybe not. I can see why you would be bias.

Energy doesn't do as well when Democrats rule. Same way Manufacturing takes a hit when Republicans are in charge.

But manufacturing is way more important.

Every 1 manufacturing job lost means 16.5 indirect jobs lost.

I wonder what that number is in Energy jobs.

Oh, and if you aren't doing good in energy, perhaps you work for the wrong type of energy

Yes, manufacturing is important. Which is why we need to put tariffs on China to keep jobs here. 40+ years of shipping jobs overseas has destroyed our manufacturing sector. Biden voted for all those trade deals and did nothing to stop it. In fact he encouraged it and made money off it. The Uniparty is pro-CCP and doesn’t care about manufacturing jobs. MAGA and America First do.
The fact is that neither party is squeaky clean. You seem to think that democrats are always correct. You must have been brainwashed in school.
I don't think that. What if I said to you, "You seem to think that Republicans are always correct". Would that be true?

I may come off as a far left liberal but I'm actually pretty moderate and I understand the position the Republicans are taking. I actually believe we are great because we are half liberal and half conservative and the pendulum swings both ways, eventually. Hopefully.

Yes, I was brainwashed in school. It's called being educated. Now my nephew is up at school being brainwashed too, only the other way. He has to deal with all the liberals in college and the WOKEness is turning him to the dark side. Doesn't help he is a white privileged young man who comes from money. Makes it a lot easier to see the right's side of things. If you come from poverty, you see things from the labor side of things. And to me, except for briefly when Trump pretended to care about blue collar, historically Democrats have been the labor party. And they still are. But you can't be so pro union that you are anti corporation.

The right politicians care about labor and American corporations. BOTH!
Yes, manufacturing is important. Which is why we need to put tariffs on China to keep jobs here. 40+ years of shipping jobs overseas has destroyed our manufacturing sector. Biden voted for all those trade deals and did nothing to stop it. In fact he encouraged it and made money off it. The Uniparty is pro-CCP and doesn’t care about manufacturing jobs. MAGA and America First do.
Clinton went along with Republican trade deals too. He signed NAFTA right? I think they were inevitable. It's a global economy.

I'm glad MAGA is putting a spotlight on bringing jobs back home. One good thing that came from Trump. But still glad he's gone.

And by the way, why would jobs come home? Companies say they can't find workers now. For every 1 person looking there are 1.5 jobs available.

And the Feds are raising interest rates to bring inflation down. We know this pain is coming. Doesn't matter who's president. So companies may not be coming back right now because of this.

But they might because inflation is happening all over the world not just in America.

And a strong dollar means we aren't getting a lot of tourists.
I don't think that. What if I said to you, "You seem to think that Republicans are always correct". Would that be true?

I may come off as a far left liberal but I'm actually pretty moderate and I understand the position the Republicans are taking. I actually believe we are great because we are half liberal and half conservative and the pendulum swings both ways, eventually. Hopefully.

Yes, I was brainwashed in school. It's called being educated. Now my nephew is up at school being brainwashed too, only the other way. He has to deal with all the liberals in college and the WOKEness is turning him to the dark side. Doesn't help he is a white privileged young man who comes from money. Makes it a lot easier to see the right's side of things. If you come from poverty, you see things from the labor side of things. And to me, except for briefly when Trump pretended to care about blue collar, historically Democrats have been the labor party. And they still are. But you can't be so pro union that you are anti corporation.

The right politicians care about labor and American corporations. BOTH!
You are no moderate based on the stuff you post at this site.
And by the way, why would jobs come home? Companies say they can't find workers now. For every 1 person looking there are 1.5 jobs available.
I think that says something about our “education system”. They aren’t training kids to learn how to do important things, it’s all liberal arts shit that is worthless.

We have linesmen and electrical engineers that are retiring left and right. Can’t find replacements. Certainly can’t hire uneducated wetbacks. We need men with experience and education.
In IT we have to import programmers because our kids aren’t learning it, at least not enough. Where are all the young black girls who are into tech like we see on TV and movies? Oh that’s right, they don’t exist.

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