Why the GOP is Losing Independents

Oh I'll give you that. A lot of people who voted Democratic are uncomfortable about late term abortions. They're stupid. They don't realize when that procedure is used. Ignorance. When people are educated and then asked the questions, 70% believe abortion should be legal, should be none of the states business. Mitch McConnell should have no say in this.

But keep arguing and denying. You're losing elections because of it. Don't expect me to help you. I may even say things to confuse you. Good luck.

Keep denying 70% of people agree with abortion up to the second of birth, and a little after it, as how some of the laws in blue States are written.

You use the term "peri-natal" in the law, you mean a few weeks before and AFTER birth. Sloppy writing, or maybe its how they can cover up late term on demand abortions due to them being legal and covered by privacy laws.

Also, the other part is allowing late term abortions for the "health" of the mother, which means if she thinks she will be depressed after birth, she can have an abortion if she gets one doctor to agree with her, again, under these "no restrictions" laws.
The morons in safe red districts will always say because we don’t stand up for our conservative ideals. Hogwash. While there are always losers on the left that like handout and big government, they majority if independents prefer lower taxes, less government and less and responsible regulations. They recognize the government can do little right. Yer we lose them.

Comes down to 2 issues that the GOP has gone extreme on:
(1) Abortion: No abortion no exceptions is an extreme stance that most independents can’t vote for.

(2) Gun Control: I like guns and own them but something drastic need to be done and GOP won’t budge here.

Stick to this and we won’t have a chance in PA, MI, VA, AZ, CO etc.
Republicans are not Conservatives.
The loss for colorado in 2024 for the House will because of the fruitcake Boebert. Unless she starts to be productive and ceases with the QAnon crap, that's going to be one less GOP MAGAt in office.
What you did to people who did not get the Vax gave me the greatest vendetta and vengeance avenues of justice for those screwed with from others in my lifetime. The machismo became silent as they have for years and decades. Unfortunately, the same screwed with others in employment and public places and even in the past cost hundreds of billions of dollars and even more in lawsuits. Until you take their pensions and benefits from them, there will not be justice. For those screwed over and not having justice will be denied as all you promote. A lot of people retired who have not gotten the payback they deserve.
Keep arguing. Meanwhile, you keep losing independents.

Let me tell you another fact without providing one shred of evidence. Take it or leave it. 70% of the women who voted this midterm, voted Democrat. It stopped your red wave and you know it. That damn Supreme Court leak. If that wasn't leaked, who knows how big that red wave would have been. Hershey Walkey would have won.
So it was more bullshit you make up. Thanks.
(2) Gun Control: something drastic need to be done and GOP won’t budge here.
Like what? Criminals and whackos ignore gun laws and law abiding gun owners won't be even more law abiding with more gun control laws that criminals and whackos ignore.

I know, lets BAN alcohol because alcohol kills far more people than guns so it should be banned right. Screw the responsible alcohol drinkers, people are dying.
The morons in safe red districts will always say because we don’t stand up for our conservative ideals. Hogwash. While there are always losers on the left that like handout and big government, they majority if independents prefer lower taxes, less government and less and responsible regulations. They recognize the government can do little right. Yer we lose them.

Comes down to 2 issues that the GOP has gone extreme on:
(1) Abortion: No abortion no exceptions is an extreme stance that most independents can’t vote for.

(2) Gun Control: I like guns and own them but something drastic need to be done and GOP won’t budge here.

Stick to this and we won’t have a chance in PA, MI, VA, AZ, CO etc.

Nobody gives a shit about abortions being legal except the Feminazis.

There are a 100 million gun owners in the US and Americans love the right to keep and bear arms.
I was just telling someone on another thread they need to stop with the Hunter bullshit. The Biden's in bed with China shit. The election was rigged bs. No one's buying it.

Oh, but us liberals aren't going to help. Abortion is a KEY issue. Why? Because 70% of women want them to be legal, and they vote.

You've been calling him Sleepy Joe. Meanwhile it's you who's been sleeping on Joe.

Reagan and Eisenhower, Gingrich said, “preferred to be underestimated” and “wanted people to think of them as pleasant – but not dangerous”, and thereby enjoyed great success.

“Biden has achieved something similar,” Gingrich continued, by taking “an amazingly narrow four-vote majority in the US House and a 50-50 tie in the Senate and turn[ing] it into trillions of dollars in spending – and a series of radical bills”

Of course he doesn't put it as kindly as I do.

Just ................


I was just telling someone on another thread they need to stop with the Hunter bullshit. The Biden's in bed with China shit. The election was rigged bs. No one's buying it.

Oh, but us liberals aren't going to help. Abortion is a KEY issue. Why? Because 70% of women want them to be legal, and they vote.

You've been calling him Sleepy Joe. Meanwhile it's you who's been sleeping on Joe.

Reagan and Eisenhower, Gingrich said, “preferred to be underestimated” and “wanted people to think of them as pleasant – but not dangerous”, and thereby enjoyed great success.

“Biden has achieved something similar,” Gingrich continued, by taking “an amazingly narrow four-vote majority in the US House and a 50-50 tie in the Senate and turn[ing] it into trillions of dollars in spending – and a series of radical bills”

Of course he doesn't put it as kindly as I do.
Yea sure, we should listen to unhinged lunatics like you.
Just like today with this hearing on FTX... the republicans just let the dems roll this out as if they had nothing to do with this scandal... stand up to them and say no we are not doing that... we are going to expose you dems for the scum you are and we are going to question this punk and whoever he gave money to....
Yea sure, we should listen to unhinged lunatics like you.
Remember ladies, it's all theater. Why do you think Joe got what he wants? Because he wanted what this country needed. Joe knows how to lead. Infrastructure, go green, etc. The tough decisions. Republicans cry about the up front costs but they'll reap the benefits. Then take credit. Bastards.
Yea sure, we should listen to unhinged lunatics like you.

The problem right now with MAGAts is that they don't tell us what they will do for the nation. They are too busy lying out their asses over the STOLEN election that really wasn't stolen at all. If the GOP expects to win the next potus election then they are going to have to tell us what they are going to do for the nation. I don't give a rats ass about Rump or MAGAt claims. Tell us what you are going to do to improve things. Just telling us that you would replace the Dems isn't a reason for anyone to vote for you.
Infrastructure, go green, etc
Uh huh, right. “Infrastructure go green”. You sound like a zombie. There is no green infrastructure and there never will be one in our lifetimes. Nuclear fusion is the only real green energy that will someday replace everything. Not for a hundred years or so though. Until then oil, coal, and nuclear are the way. Solar and wind are fads that don’t amount to squat.
The problem right now with MAGAts is that they don't tell us what they will do for the nation. They are too busy lying out their asses over the STOLEN election that really wasn't stolen at all. If the GOP expects to win the next potus election then they are going to have to tell us what they are going to do for the nation. I don't give a rats ass about Rump or MAGAt claims. Tell us what you are going to do to improve things. Just telling us that you would replace the Dems isn't a reason for anyone to vote for you.
Your side is evil. Your side stands with trannies and child groomers/pedos. We stand against you. Your side lies to children about gender bender ideology and takes them to drag queen shows. Your side wants to force vaccinate people with experimental gene therapy that gives them myocarditis and blood clots over time. Your side wants to force children to get this shit. Your side wants abortion on demand up to 9 months. Your side is demented and evil.
Your side is evil. Your side stands with trannies and child groomers/pedos. We stand against you. Your side lies to children about gender bender ideology and takes them to drag queen shows. Your side wants to force vaccinate people with experimental gene therapy that gives them myocarditis and blood clots over time. Your side wants to force children to get this shit. Your side wants abortion on demand up to 9 months. Your side is demented and evil.

Thank you for reinforcing why you MAGAts should go back into the caves you used to live in. Again, what you are going to do to make it better in America?
The morons in safe red districts will always say because we don’t stand up for our conservative ideals. Hogwash. While there are always losers on the left that like handout and big government, they majority if independents prefer lower taxes, less government and less and responsible regulations. They recognize the government can do little right. Yer we lose them.

Comes down to 2 issues that the GOP has gone extreme on:
(1) Abortion: No abortion no exceptions is an extreme stance that most independents can’t vote for.

(2) Gun Control: I like guns and own them but something drastic need to be done and GOP won’t budge here.

Stick to this and we won’t have a chance in PA, MI, VA, AZ, CO etc.
Yeah. Poll after poll after poll shows the GOP is blatantly ignoring the will of the people.

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