Why the hate on Hillary? BS hate propaganda PERIOD.

and one wonders why W and O are such good buddies...

1. O covered up for W
2. Hillary will cover up for both

Analyzing Hillary's life, there is nothing to like about it...

1. failed DC Bar Exam - she's "so smart"
2. legal career was nothing but fraud - Whitewater, Castle Grande, Madison S&L
3. a "feminist" who empowers a sex predator and then attacks his victims
4. once in public office herself, did nothing but sell her access and power

I mean, why does anyone like this horrific monster?

Franco liar dupe bot is a Stalinist. His life belongs to the party. He exists only to expand the power of the party. His life only has meaning to serve his filthy party.
Brainwashed functional moron^^^ Stalinist? You're right off the wall, hater dupe. lol
I don't hate Hillary, she's just not fit to be an American President or hold any political office at all

Yup. Hate is a strong emotion and she, quite frankly, isn't worth hating.

She should never hold public office though. Honesty isn't even in her vocabulary. She should never, ever sit in the WH as POTUS.
Security on the plane scared everyone about snipers, the plane landed under sniper protocol, and they were told to hurry off the tarmac. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ

Chelsea what? lol. I'l check. It turned out she changed her itinerary without Hillary knowing. ZZZZ
Did Hillary Clinton falsely claim that Chelsea Clinton was jogging around the World Trade Center on 9/11? - Quora

Her parents told her the Hillary story, family mythology. Ask them...ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ

Meanwhile, Trump, the GOP propaganda machine, and GOP pols lie nonstop about who pays taxes, that Obama had control for 2 yearand his policies cause inequality, and all this hate: ACORN, Kenyan Muslim Marxist,Tides, Mosque, Death Panel, lose your doctor, huge costs, DEBT CRISIS, Obama Recession, stimulus failed, Barney Frank, Nazi Soros, Nazi socialists, Volt suqs, Iran making bomb etc etc. :eusa_liar::cuckoo::lol: All crap. You live on another planet.

Stuff that MATTERS in politics, dupe.!

Like I said, you have not a hint or shred of integrity. You are a Stalinist and openly, shamelessly tell any lie to serve your filthy party.

You were torn to shreds on your sniper lies, though you bravely lied until everyone got bored and left the thread.

Here's the thing franco liar dupe bot, no one believes anything you post - ever. Why? You're a pathological liar. You post what you think serves your party - you have literally zero regard for facts. Even your fellow Khmer Rouge avoid you, because you're such an obvious liar.
22 million illegal RNC e-mails under Bush deleted- and they actually had crimes to hide. LOL. Nothing.


You're a fucking retard, franco liar dupe bot.
Secs of State are allowed to delete what they deem personal. IT'S A CONSPIRACEE!!!!!! Those are the 33,000 e-mails your bs propaganda/ candidate go on and on about. The rest she turned in. The FBI says no problem. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ

Meanwhile, your criminal Boooshies used RC servers (illegal) and deleted 22 million- ALL of them. You're boys, all in all, are destroying peoples' respect for all institutions, all to save their bloated greedy idiot rich giant corp pals and masters, dupe. A disgrace.
Secs of State are allowed to delete what they deem personal.

You're lying, as always. Under the FOA following NIST, all email of federal officials and employees is to be archived for electronic discovery for a period of no less than 7 years.

Deplorable Hillary violated federal law with the intent of avoiding FOA requests.

IT'S A CONSPIRACEE!!!!!! Those are the 33,000 e-mails your bs propaganda/ candidate go on and on about. The rest she turned in. The FBI says no problem. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ

Meanwhile, your criminal Boooshies used RC servers (illegal) and deleted 22 million- ALL of them. You're boys, all in all, are destroying peoples' respect for all institutions, all to save their bloated greedy idiot rich giant corp pals and masters, dupe. A disgrace.

Again, you are a flat out liar, shrieking "BOOOOSSSSHHH" fails to impress.
Stop Pretending You Don't Know Why People Hate Hillary Clinton | Huffington Post

When the Bush administration was discovered to have erased millions of emails illegally sent by 22 administration officials through private, RNC-owned accounts, in order to thwart an investigation into the politically motivated firing of eight US attorneys, just one talk show covered it that Sunday.

When Mitt Romney wiped servers, sold government hard drives to his closest aides and spent $100,000 in taxpayer money to destroy his administration’s emails, it was barely an issue.

When Hillary Clinton asked Colin Powell how he managed to use a Blackberry while serving as Secretary of State, he replied by detailing his method of intentionally bypassing federal record-keeping laws:

I didn’t have a Blackberry. What I did do was have a personal computer that was hooked up to a private phone line (sounds ancient.) So I could communicate with a wide range of friends directly without it going through the State Department servers. I even used it to do business with some foreign leaders and some of the senior folks in the Department on their personal email accounts. I did the same thing on the road in hotels.

... There is a real danger. If it is public that you have a BlackBerry and it it [sic] government and you are using it, government or not, to do business, it may become an official record and subject to the law.

Yet the fact that Hillary Clinton emailed through a private server anddidn’t use it to cover anything up is somehow the defining issue of her campaign. “My God,” people cry, “anyone else would be in jail!”

Or is the real scandal that her family runs but does not profit from a charitable foundation awarded an A grade by Charity Watch, a four out of four star rating by Charity Navigator and responsible for helping 435 million people in 180 countries get things like clean drinking water and HIV medication? Because the AP seems super concerned that she encountered people who donated to it—specifically Nobel Peace Prize-winning economist Muhammad Yunus—in her official capacity as Secretary of State.

It should at this point be observed that her opponent is a shameless con artist who has built an empire bilking people with fake businesses, fake universities, fake charities and, now, a fake campaign. Last week, he told a lie every three minutes and fifteen seconds. Oh, and did we mention that he, (like so many of his online “supporters,”) is a goddamnRussian stooge? I tried to list all of the dumb, awful stuff that he does every day and I cannot come close to keeping up.

Voters, it seems, are his easiest marks yet.

And it isn’t just Republicans. The double standards are even more transparent on the left.

Back in the mid-90s, Clinton’s persistent unwillingness to hide the fact that she was a thinking human female really freaked the center-left establishment out. Michael Moore observed that, “[Maureen Dowd] is fixated on trashing Hillary Rodham in the way liberals love to do, to prove they’re not really liberal.” The bashing slowly morphed into a creepy, extraordinary sort of policing.

Since then, Clinton racked up a Senate voting record more liberal than any nominee since Mondale. Her 2008 platform was slightly to Obama’s left on domestic issues. Her 2016 platform was barely to the right of self-proclaimed socialist Bernie Sanders.

Yet, we have all heard and seen countless liberal posers passionately decrying her “far right voting record,” untrustworthy promises or ever-changing policy positions. Jon Stewart recently called Clinton, “A bright woman without the courage of her convictions, because I don’t know what they even are.” Because if he doesn’t know, she must not have any, right?

In fact, there is a very lengthy trail of public records all pointing in the same direction. If you can’t figure out which, maybe the problem is you.

Yet, many on the left who gladly voted for John Kerry, two years after hevoted to authorize the Iraq war, now say they couldn’t possibly vote for Clinton, because she did, too.

And view her with contempt for opposing same-sex marriage in 2008, while fawning over men like Barack Obama and Bernie Sanders, who held the same position at the same time.

It’s time to stop pretending that this is about substance. This is about an eagerness to believe that a woman who seeks power will say or do anything to get it. This is about a Lady MacBeth stereotype that, frankly, should never have existed in the first place. This is about the one thing no one wants to admit it’s about.

Consider, for a moment, two people. One, as a young woman at the beginning of a promising legal career, went door to door searching for ways to guarantee an education to the countless disabled and disadvantaged children who had fallen through the cracks. The other, as a young millionaire, exacted revenge on his recently deceased brother’s family by cutting off the medical insurance desperately needed by his nephew’s newborn son, who at eighteen months of age was suffering from violent seizures brought on by a rare neurological disorder.

What kind of a society treats these two people as equal in any way? What kind of society even considers the latter over the former for its highest office?

Generations from now, people will shake their heads at this moment in time, when the first female major party presidential nominee—competent, qualified and more thoroughly vetted than any non-incumbent candidate in history—endured the humiliation of being likened to such an obvious grifter, ignoramus and hate monger.

We deserve the shame that we will bear.

The GOP propaganda machine, and the cowardly corporate media and politicians that allow this to pass are a disgrace.
Hillary is clearly the most corrupt politician in the history of the country, but you still love her.

I suspect you would vote for Stalin, Hitler, or Mao if they were Democrats.

Brainwashed functional moron^^^ Stalinist? You're right off the wall, hater dupe. lol

You are a Stalinist - the party is the ONLY thing you value. You lie incessantly - and don't grasp that everyone laughs at you as an absurd fool.
POLICY is all I care about. "I know, a tax cut for the rich, dereg of Wall St, a military buildup, and blaming minorities and the poor.'' Great ideas, change my butt. And continuing malicious, irrelevant gossip.
Stop Pretending You Don't Know Why People Hate Hillary Clinton | Huffington Post

When the Bush administration was discovered to have erased millions of emails illegally sent by 22 administration officials through private, RNC-owned accounts, in order to thwart an investigation into the politically motivated firing of eight US attorneys, just one talk show covered it that Sunday.

When Mitt Romney wiped servers, sold government hard drives to his closest aides and spent $100,000 in taxpayer money to destroy his administration’s emails, it was barely an issue.

When Hillary Clinton asked Colin Powell how he managed to use a Blackberry while serving as Secretary of State, he replied by detailing his method of intentionally bypassing federal record-keeping laws:

I didn’t have a Blackberry. What I did do was have a personal computer that was hooked up to a private phone line (sounds ancient.) So I could communicate with a wide range of friends directly without it going through the State Department servers. I even used it to do business with some foreign leaders and some of the senior folks in the Department on their personal email accounts. I did the same thing on the road in hotels.

... There is a real danger. If it is public that you have a BlackBerry and it it [sic] government and you are using it, government or not, to do business, it may become an official record and subject to the law.

Yet the fact that Hillary Clinton emailed through a private server anddidn’t use it to cover anything up is somehow the defining issue of her campaign. “My God,” people cry, “anyone else would be in jail!”

Or is the real scandal that her family runs but does not profit from a charitable foundation awarded an A grade by Charity Watch, a four out of four star rating by Charity Navigator and responsible for helping 435 million people in 180 countries get things like clean drinking water and HIV medication? Because the AP seems super concerned that she encountered people who donated to it—specifically Nobel Peace Prize-winning economist Muhammad Yunus—in her official capacity as Secretary of State.

It should at this point be observed that her opponent is a shameless con artist who has built an empire bilking people with fake businesses, fake universities, fake charities and, now, a fake campaign. Last week, he told a lie every three minutes and fifteen seconds. Oh, and did we mention that he, (like so many of his online “supporters,”) is a goddamnRussian stooge? I tried to list all of the dumb, awful stuff that he does every day and I cannot come close to keeping up.

Voters, it seems, are his easiest marks yet.

And it isn’t just Republicans. The double standards are even more transparent on the left.

Back in the mid-90s, Clinton’s persistent unwillingness to hide the fact that she was a thinking human female really freaked the center-left establishment out. Michael Moore observed that, “[Maureen Dowd] is fixated on trashing Hillary Rodham in the way liberals love to do, to prove they’re not really liberal.” The bashing slowly morphed into a creepy, extraordinary sort of policing.

Since then, Clinton racked up a Senate voting record more liberal than any nominee since Mondale. Her 2008 platform was slightly to Obama’s left on domestic issues. Her 2016 platform was barely to the right of self-proclaimed socialist Bernie Sanders.

Yet, we have all heard and seen countless liberal posers passionately decrying her “far right voting record,” untrustworthy promises or ever-changing policy positions. Jon Stewart recently called Clinton, “A bright woman without the courage of her convictions, because I don’t know what they even are.” Because if he doesn’t know, she must not have any, right?

In fact, there is a very lengthy trail of public records all pointing in the same direction. If you can’t figure out which, maybe the problem is you.

Yet, many on the left who gladly voted for John Kerry, two years after hevoted to authorize the Iraq war, now say they couldn’t possibly vote for Clinton, because she did, too.

And view her with contempt for opposing same-sex marriage in 2008, while fawning over men like Barack Obama and Bernie Sanders, who held the same position at the same time.

It’s time to stop pretending that this is about substance. This is about an eagerness to believe that a woman who seeks power will say or do anything to get it. This is about a Lady MacBeth stereotype that, frankly, should never have existed in the first place. This is about the one thing no one wants to admit it’s about.

Consider, for a moment, two people. One, as a young woman at the beginning of a promising legal career, went door to door searching for ways to guarantee an education to the countless disabled and disadvantaged children who had fallen through the cracks. The other, as a young millionaire, exacted revenge on his recently deceased brother’s family by cutting off the medical insurance desperately needed by his nephew’s newborn son, who at eighteen months of age was suffering from violent seizures brought on by a rare neurological disorder.

What kind of a society treats these two people as equal in any way? What kind of society even considers the latter over the former for its highest office?

Generations from now, people will shake their heads at this moment in time, when the first female major party presidential nominee—competent, qualified and more thoroughly vetted than any non-incumbent candidate in history—endured the humiliation of being likened to such an obvious grifter, ignoramus and hate monger.

We deserve the shame that we will bear.

The GOP propaganda machine, and the cowardly corporate media and politicians that allow this to pass are a disgrace.
Hillary is clearly the most corrupt politician in the history of the country, but you still love her.

I suspect you would vote for Stalin, Hitler, or Mao if they were Democrats.
Our justice system has found NOTHING. IT'S a CONSPIRACY!!! Right, dupes? LOL
Then you are a very stupid person. Demanding immunity from prosecution means you believe you have committed crimes and you are invoking your fifth amendment rights against self incrimination. So if you were worried about being called a criminal, demanding immunity will confirm people's belief you are.

You've never seen anyone tried for a crime they didn't commit, have you? Again, I worked in law for 30 years. I've seen innocent people railroaded before. Especially in matters of national security. Anyone who submitted to questioning in Hillary's email scandal was smart to have immunity.

Immunity is given in the hopes that a small fish would implicate a big one. If Hillary is so guilty of doing all of the things you accuse her of, why didn't anyone flip on her? Why has NO ONE ever flipped on the Clintons? They flipped on Reagan, on Nixon, and on others. Why, if Hillary is so hated, does no one flip on her?
You can twist and you can spin, but the fact is no one demands immunity from prosecution unless they know they have committed a crime. These are no little fish who could be railroaded into prison. This group included Chyrel Mills, Clinton's chief f staff who would have had outstanding legal representation if she had been indicted. These immunities were given out clearly as a part of a cover up of crimes committed by Clinton and her staff both when she was in the State Department and since the news about the private email server came out, a cover up by the Justice Department and almost certainly involving the WH.

Both of the Clintons have been involved in criminal enterprises throughout their public lives in both Arkansas and Washington and many of those close to them who were also involved have either died, allegedly from from suicide or accidents, while the Clintons, who stood in the center of these illegal enterprises, walk away with only their reputations tarnished. Why haven't any of these people flipped on the Clintons? Why do Mafia bosses stay out of prison for so long while their soldiers die or got to prison? Fear.
POLICY is all I care about. "I know, a tax cut for the rich, dereg of Wall St, a military buildup, and blaming minorities and the poor.'' Great ideas, change my butt. And continuing malicious, irrelevant gossip.

Party is all you care about - and you blatantly lie to promote your filthy party.

The LAW requires that all email be archived so that a Freedom of Information Act request can perform discovery on the email. Hillary commissioned a private email system to SPECIFICALLY violate the law, knowing that federal system operators WILL comply. She further hired hackers to use Bit Bleach to erase the evidence of her criminal acts.

Yes, Comey said that Hillary is above the law, she is "too big to jail." Nonetheless, she willfully and maliciously violated the law.

No matter how much you lie, this does not change.
Then you are a very stupid person. Demanding immunity from prosecution means you believe you have committed crimes and you are invoking your fifth amendment rights against self incrimination. So if you were worried about being called a criminal, demanding immunity will confirm people's belief you are.

You've never seen anyone tried for a crime they didn't commit, have you? Again, I worked in law for 30 years. I've seen innocent people railroaded before. Especially in matters of national security. Anyone who submitted to questioning in Hillary's email scandal was smart to have immunity.

Immunity is given in the hopes that a small fish would implicate a big one. If Hillary is so guilty of doing all of the things you accuse her of, why didn't anyone flip on her? Why has NO ONE ever flipped on the Clintons? They flipped on Reagan, on Nixon, and on others. Why, if Hillary is so hated, does no one flip on her?
You can twist and you can spin, but the fact is no one demands immunity from prosecution unless they know they have committed a crime. These are no little fish who could be railroaded into prison. This group included Chyrel Mills, Clinton's chief f staff who would have had outstanding legal representation if she had been indicted. These immunities were given out clearly as a part of a cover up of crimes committed by Clinton and her staff both when she was in the State Department and since the news about the private email server came out, a cover up by the Justice Department and almost certainly involving the WH.

Both of the Clintons have been involved in criminal enterprises throughout their public lives in both Arkansas and Washington and many of those close to them who were also involved have either died, allegedly from from suicide or accidents, while the Clintons, who stood in the center of these illegal enterprises, walk away with only their reputations tarnished. Why haven't any of these people flipped on the Clintons? Why do Mafia bosses stay out of prison for so long while their soldiers die or got to prison? Fear.
The only fear these days is of officials' fear of becoming famous by Fox etc and ridiculous GOP congressional witch hunts and hated by their dupes. All these Clinton "scandals" have been investigated ad nauseum by bought off GOPers and nothing has been found but a bj from a GOP slut/idiot. lol
Then you are a very stupid person. Demanding immunity from prosecution means you believe you have committed crimes and you are invoking your fifth amendment rights against self incrimination. So if you were worried about being called a criminal, demanding immunity will confirm people's belief you are.

You've never seen anyone tried for a crime they didn't commit, have you? Again, I worked in law for 30 years. I've seen innocent people railroaded before. Especially in matters of national security. Anyone who submitted to questioning in Hillary's email scandal was smart to have immunity.

Immunity is given in the hopes that a small fish would implicate a big one. If Hillary is so guilty of doing all of the things you accuse her of, why didn't anyone flip on her? Why has NO ONE ever flipped on the Clintons? They flipped on Reagan, on Nixon, and on others. Why, if Hillary is so hated, does no one flip on her?
You can twist and you can spin, but the fact is no one demands immunity from prosecution unless they know they have committed a crime. These are no little fish who could be railroaded into prison. This group included Chyrel Mills, Clinton's chief f staff who would have had outstanding legal representation if she had been indicted. These immunities were given out clearly as a part of a cover up of crimes committed by Clinton and her staff both when she was in the State Department and since the news about the private email server came out, a cover up by the Justice Department and almost certainly involving the WH.

Both of the Clintons have been involved in criminal enterprises throughout their public lives in both Arkansas and Washington and many of those close to them who were also involved have either died, allegedly from from suicide or accidents, while the Clintons, who stood in the center of these illegal enterprises, walk away with only their reputations tarnished. Why haven't any of these people flipped on the Clintons? Why do Mafia bosses stay out of prison for so long while their soldiers die or got to prison? Fear.
The only fear these days is of officials' fear of becoming famous by Fox etc and ridiculous GOP congressional witch hunts and hated by their dupes. All these Clinton "scandals" have been investigated ad nauseum by bought off GOPers and nothing has been found but a bj from a GOP slut/idiot. lol
In fact, in the course of these investigations quite a few Clinton associates, in both Arkansas and Washington, either died, allegedly from suicide or accidents and quite a few went to prison for crimes committed in the same enterprises the Clintons were involved in. This is frequently what happens in investigations of Mafia bosses.
Sure seems to be a lot of smoke around Hildebeast, but she's really good at hiding the fires. The Clintonistas do their best to spin it away. OP should work in a laundromat, he's really good at spin...
Sure seems to be a lot of smoke around Hildebeast, but she's really good at hiding the fires. The Clintonistas do their best to spin it away. OP should work in a laundromat, he's really good at spin...
It's easy when all the ACTUAL facts are on my side. Your side is the equivalent of the National Enquirer.
Then you are a very stupid person. Demanding immunity from prosecution means you believe you have committed crimes and you are invoking your fifth amendment rights against self incrimination. So if you were worried about being called a criminal, demanding immunity will confirm people's belief you are.

You've never seen anyone tried for a crime they didn't commit, have you? Again, I worked in law for 30 years. I've seen innocent people railroaded before. Especially in matters of national security. Anyone who submitted to questioning in Hillary's email scandal was smart to have immunity.

Immunity is given in the hopes that a small fish would implicate a big one. If Hillary is so guilty of doing all of the things you accuse her of, why didn't anyone flip on her? Why has NO ONE ever flipped on the Clintons? They flipped on Reagan, on Nixon, and on others. Why, if Hillary is so hated, does no one flip on her?
You can twist and you can spin, but the fact is no one demands immunity from prosecution unless they know they have committed a crime. These are no little fish who could be railroaded into prison. This group included Chyrel Mills, Clinton's chief f staff who would have had outstanding legal representation if she had been indicted. These immunities were given out clearly as a part of a cover up of crimes committed by Clinton and her staff both when she was in the State Department and since the news about the private email server came out, a cover up by the Justice Department and almost certainly involving the WH.

Both of the Clintons have been involved in criminal enterprises throughout their public lives in both Arkansas and Washington and many of those close to them who were also involved have either died, allegedly from from suicide or accidents, while the Clintons, who stood in the center of these illegal enterprises, walk away with only their reputations tarnished. Why haven't any of these people flipped on the Clintons? Why do Mafia bosses stay out of prison for so long while their soldiers die or got to prison? Fear.
The only fear these days is of officials' fear of becoming famous by Fox etc and ridiculous GOP congressional witch hunts and hated by their dupes. All these Clinton "scandals" have been investigated ad nauseum by bought off GOPers and nothing has been found but a bj from a GOP slut/idiot. lol
In fact, in the course of these investigations quite a few Clinton associates, in both Arkansas and Washington, either died, allegedly from suicide or accidents and quite a few went to prison for crimes committed in the same enterprises the Clintons were involved in. This is frequently what happens in investigations of Mafia bosses.
Prison? What, Whitewater? The Clintons gave them money and lost 68,000. The deaths were investigated and no evidence of any Clinton involvement. Foster was investigated FIVE times, including by Starr, and he obviously was found to be a suicide. He couldn't handle all the bs hate from a-hole Pubs and their bought off minions and dupes. Your party has been a catastrophic disgrace since Reagan. And the country ditto. See sig pp1.

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