Why the hate on Hillary? BS hate propaganda PERIOD.

POLICY is all I care about. "I know, a tax cut for the rich, dereg of Wall St, a military buildup, and blaming minorities and the poor.'' Great ideas, change my butt. And continuing malicious, irrelevant gossip.

Party is all you care about - and you blatantly lie to promote your filthy party.

The LAW requires that all email be archived so that a Freedom of Information Act request can perform discovery on the email. Hillary commissioned a private email system to SPECIFICALLY violate the law, knowing that federal system operators WILL comply. She further hired hackers to use Bit Bleach to erase the evidence of her criminal acts.

Yes, Comey said that Hillary is above the law, she is "too big to jail." Nonetheless, she willfully and maliciously violated the law.

No matter how much you lie, this does not change.
Personal e-mails are allowed to be deleted. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ WTH is she supposed to be hiding ANYWAY? LOL

Personal e-mails are allowed to be deleted. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ WTH is she supposed to be hiding ANYWAY? LOL

You're an idiot and a liar.

The Secretary of State is a cabinet level official, the emails of such are subject to federal law.

Except in the case of Hillary, who is above the law that governs the lesser people.
Then you are a very stupid person. Demanding immunity from prosecution means you believe you have committed crimes and you are invoking your fifth amendment rights against self incrimination. So if you were worried about being called a criminal, demanding immunity will confirm people's belief you are.

You've never seen anyone tried for a crime they didn't commit, have you? Again, I worked in law for 30 years. I've seen innocent people railroaded before. Especially in matters of national security. Anyone who submitted to questioning in Hillary's email scandal was smart to have immunity.

Immunity is given in the hopes that a small fish would implicate a big one. If Hillary is so guilty of doing all of the things you accuse her of, why didn't anyone flip on her? Why has NO ONE ever flipped on the Clintons? They flipped on Reagan, on Nixon, and on others. Why, if Hillary is so hated, does no one flip on her?
You can twist and you can spin, but the fact is no one demands immunity from prosecution unless they know they have committed a crime. These are no little fish who could be railroaded into prison. This group included Chyrel Mills, Clinton's chief f staff who would have had outstanding legal representation if she had been indicted. These immunities were given out clearly as a part of a cover up of crimes committed by Clinton and her staff both when she was in the State Department and since the news about the private email server came out, a cover up by the Justice Department and almost certainly involving the WH.

Both of the Clintons have been involved in criminal enterprises throughout their public lives in both Arkansas and Washington and many of those close to them who were also involved have either died, allegedly from from suicide or accidents, while the Clintons, who stood in the center of these illegal enterprises, walk away with only their reputations tarnished. Why haven't any of these people flipped on the Clintons? Why do Mafia bosses stay out of prison for so long while their soldiers die or got to prison? Fear.
The only fear these days is of officials' fear of becoming famous by Fox etc and ridiculous GOP congressional witch hunts and hated by their dupes. All these Clinton "scandals" have been investigated ad nauseum by bought off GOPers and nothing has been found but a bj from a GOP slut/idiot. lol
In fact, in the course of these investigations quite a few Clinton associates, in both Arkansas and Washington, either died, allegedly from suicide or accidents and quite a few went to prison for crimes committed in the same enterprises the Clintons were involved in. This is frequently what happens in investigations of Mafia bosses.
Prison? What, Whitewater? The Clintons gave them money and lost 68,000. The deaths were investigated and no evidence of any Clinton involvement. Foster was investigated FIVE times, including by Starr, and he obviously was found to be a suicide. He couldn't handle all the bs hate from a-hole Pubs and their bought off minions and dupes. Your party has been a catastrophic disgrace since Reagan. And the country ditto. See sig pp1.
Again, why do Clinton supporters always sound like Mafia lawyers? "They was framed, I tell ya" over and over again.

Personal e-mails are allowed to be deleted. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ WTH is she supposed to be hiding ANYWAY? LOL

You're an idiot and a liar.

The Secretary of State is a cabinet level official, the emails of such are subject to federal law.

Except in the case of Hillary, who is above the law that governs the lesser people.
I might be mistaken, but I don't lie. I don't think you're lying, but I'm sure your bought off pundits and pols do, hater dupe. See sig, last line.
You've never seen anyone tried for a crime they didn't commit, have you? Again, I worked in law for 30 years. I've seen innocent people railroaded before. Especially in matters of national security. Anyone who submitted to questioning in Hillary's email scandal was smart to have immunity.

Immunity is given in the hopes that a small fish would implicate a big one. If Hillary is so guilty of doing all of the things you accuse her of, why didn't anyone flip on her? Why has NO ONE ever flipped on the Clintons? They flipped on Reagan, on Nixon, and on others. Why, if Hillary is so hated, does no one flip on her?
You can twist and you can spin, but the fact is no one demands immunity from prosecution unless they know they have committed a crime. These are no little fish who could be railroaded into prison. This group included Chyrel Mills, Clinton's chief f staff who would have had outstanding legal representation if she had been indicted. These immunities were given out clearly as a part of a cover up of crimes committed by Clinton and her staff both when she was in the State Department and since the news about the private email server came out, a cover up by the Justice Department and almost certainly involving the WH.

Both of the Clintons have been involved in criminal enterprises throughout their public lives in both Arkansas and Washington and many of those close to them who were also involved have either died, allegedly from from suicide or accidents, while the Clintons, who stood in the center of these illegal enterprises, walk away with only their reputations tarnished. Why haven't any of these people flipped on the Clintons? Why do Mafia bosses stay out of prison for so long while their soldiers die or got to prison? Fear.
The only fear these days is of officials' fear of becoming famous by Fox etc and ridiculous GOP congressional witch hunts and hated by their dupes. All these Clinton "scandals" have been investigated ad nauseum by bought off GOPers and nothing has been found but a bj from a GOP slut/idiot. lol
In fact, in the course of these investigations quite a few Clinton associates, in both Arkansas and Washington, either died, allegedly from suicide or accidents and quite a few went to prison for crimes committed in the same enterprises the Clintons were involved in. This is frequently what happens in investigations of Mafia bosses.
Prison? What, Whitewater? The Clintons gave them money and lost 68,000. The deaths were investigated and no evidence of any Clinton involvement. Foster was investigated FIVE times, including by Starr, and he obviously was found to be a suicide. He couldn't handle all the bs hate from a-hole Pubs and their bought off minions and dupes. Your party has been a catastrophic disgrace since Reagan. And the country ditto. See sig pp1.
Again, why do Clinton supporters always sound like Mafia lawyers? "They was framed, I tell ya" over and over again.
Pure bs propaganda has you totally. lol. And to be framed, you have to be found guilty of something.The GOP handling of the Clintons has been nothing but a disgrace. Phony "scandals" everywhere. Monica was a silly slut lol...

Meanwhile, your heroes screw the country and you every day while you obsess over malevolent gossip and a world of political lies. See sig. All fact. PP1 from 2007.

Personal e-mails are allowed to be deleted. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ WTH is she supposed to be hiding ANYWAY? LOL

You're an idiot and a liar.

The Secretary of State is a cabinet level official, the emails of such are subject to federal law.

Except in the case of Hillary, who is above the law that governs the lesser people.
She deleted personal e-mails which she is allowed to do. Nothing new. Of course she's the only one hounded for it. And the Boooshies deleted 22 MILLION e-mails that were illegally on RNC servers. And had tons of bs to hide. We really should have a propaganda machine, except we have morals, unlike your hypocrite heroes.
I don't hate Hillary. I just think she's a worthless bus stop rat bag old hag lying socialist power-hungry incompetent piece of shit.
I don't hate Hillary. I just think she's a worthless bus stop rat bag old hag lying socialist power-hungry incompetent piece of shit.
You are misinformed. lol. Maybe socialist- but you don't know what it means.
POLICY is all I care about. "I know, a tax cut for the rich, dereg of Wall St, a military buildup, and blaming minorities and the poor.'' Great ideas, change my butt. And continuing malicious, irrelevant gossip.

Party is all you care about - and you blatantly lie to promote your filthy party.

The LAW requires that all email be archived so that a Freedom of Information Act request can perform discovery on the email. Hillary commissioned a private email system to SPECIFICALLY violate the law, knowing that federal system operators WILL comply. She further hired hackers to use Bit Bleach to erase the evidence of her criminal acts.

Yes, Comey said that Hillary is above the law, she is "too big to jail." Nonetheless, she willfully and maliciously violated the law.

No matter how much you lie, this does not change.
Personal e-mails are allowed to be deleted. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ WTH is she supposed to be hiding ANYWAY? LOL
How do we know they were personal?
Just take her word for it?
Sure seems to be a lot of smoke around Hildebeast, but she's really good at hiding the fires. The Clintonistas do their best to spin it away. OP should work in a laundromat, he's really good at spin...
It's easy when all the ACTUAL facts are on my side. Your side is the equivalent of the National Enquirer.
Sure, spin away. You wouldn't know facts if they hit you in the forehead. Hildebeast fluffer, libcrappe dupe.
POLICY is all I care about. "I know, a tax cut for the rich, dereg of Wall St, a military buildup, and blaming minorities and the poor.'' Great ideas, change my butt. And continuing malicious, irrelevant gossip.

Party is all you care about - and you blatantly lie to promote your filthy party.

The LAW requires that all email be archived so that a Freedom of Information Act request can perform discovery on the email. Hillary commissioned a private email system to SPECIFICALLY violate the law, knowing that federal system operators WILL comply. She further hired hackers to use Bit Bleach to erase the evidence of her criminal acts.

Yes, Comey said that Hillary is above the law, she is "too big to jail." Nonetheless, she willfully and maliciously violated the law.

No matter how much you lie, this does not change.
Personal e-mails are allowed to be deleted. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ WTH is she supposed to be hiding ANYWAY? LOL
How do we know they were personal?
Just take her word for it?
That's how it's always been. What was she hiding? lol. The Sec of state is not the enemy lol...
POLICY is all I care about. "I know, a tax cut for the rich, dereg of Wall St, a military buildup, and blaming minorities and the poor.'' Great ideas, change my butt. And continuing malicious, irrelevant gossip.

Party is all you care about - and you blatantly lie to promote your filthy party.

The LAW requires that all email be archived so that a Freedom of Information Act request can perform discovery on the email. Hillary commissioned a private email system to SPECIFICALLY violate the law, knowing that federal system operators WILL comply. She further hired hackers to use Bit Bleach to erase the evidence of her criminal acts.

Yes, Comey said that Hillary is above the law, she is "too big to jail." Nonetheless, she willfully and maliciously violated the law.

No matter how much you lie, this does not change.
Personal e-mails are allowed to be deleted. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ WTH is she supposed to be hiding ANYWAY? LOL
How do we know they were personal?
Just take her word for it?
Frankie thinks everything Hildebeast says is golden. She can do no wrong. He's a dupe...
Sure seems to be a lot of smoke around Hildebeast, but she's really good at hiding the fires. The Clintonistas do their best to spin it away. OP should work in a laundromat, he's really good at spin...
It's easy when all the ACTUAL facts are on my side. Your side is the equivalent of the National Enquirer.
Sure, spin away. You wouldn't know facts if they hit you in the forehead. Hildebeast fluffer, libcrappe dupe.
No actual evidence. Unless you believed everything is rigged. I'll go with reality. All you patriots believe America is rigged. lol. Try looklng at bogus pander to the rich GOP tax rates, policy that would actually help you , and try believing in our justice system.
You can twist and you can spin, but the fact is no one demands immunity from prosecution unless they know they have committed a crime. These are no little fish who could be railroaded into prison. This group included Chyrel Mills, Clinton's chief f staff who would have had outstanding legal representation if she had been indicted. These immunities were given out clearly as a part of a cover up of crimes committed by Clinton and her staff both when she was in the State Department and since the news about the private email server came out, a cover up by the Justice Department and almost certainly involving the WH.

Both of the Clintons have been involved in criminal enterprises throughout their public lives in both Arkansas and Washington and many of those close to them who were also involved have either died, allegedly from from suicide or accidents, while the Clintons, who stood in the center of these illegal enterprises, walk away with only their reputations tarnished. Why haven't any of these people flipped on the Clintons? Why do Mafia bosses stay out of prison for so long while their soldiers die or got to prison? Fear.
The only fear these days is of officials' fear of becoming famous by Fox etc and ridiculous GOP congressional witch hunts and hated by their dupes. All these Clinton "scandals" have been investigated ad nauseum by bought off GOPers and nothing has been found but a bj from a GOP slut/idiot. lol
In fact, in the course of these investigations quite a few Clinton associates, in both Arkansas and Washington, either died, allegedly from suicide or accidents and quite a few went to prison for crimes committed in the same enterprises the Clintons were involved in. This is frequently what happens in investigations of Mafia bosses.
Prison? What, Whitewater? The Clintons gave them money and lost 68,000. The deaths were investigated and no evidence of any Clinton involvement. Foster was investigated FIVE times, including by Starr, and he obviously was found to be a suicide. He couldn't handle all the bs hate from a-hole Pubs and their bought off minions and dupes. Your party has been a catastrophic disgrace since Reagan. And the country ditto. See sig pp1.
Again, why do Clinton supporters always sound like Mafia lawyers? "They was framed, I tell ya" over and over again.
Pure bs propaganda has you totally. lol. And to be framed, you have to be found guilty of something.The GOP handling of the Clintons has been nothing but a disgrace. Phony "scandals" everywhere. Monica was a silly slut lol...

Meanwhile, your heroes screw the country and you every day while you obsess over malevolent gossip and a world of political lies. See sig. All fact. PP1 from 2007.
Aww, just tell the truth, it wouldn't matter to you if you found a stack of bodies under her desk, your pure partisan bias which is apparent in every post would still lead you to vote for her.
POLICY is all I care about. "I know, a tax cut for the rich, dereg of Wall St, a military buildup, and blaming minorities and the poor.'' Great ideas, change my butt. And continuing malicious, irrelevant gossip.

Party is all you care about - and you blatantly lie to promote your filthy party.

The LAW requires that all email be archived so that a Freedom of Information Act request can perform discovery on the email. Hillary commissioned a private email system to SPECIFICALLY violate the law, knowing that federal system operators WILL comply. She further hired hackers to use Bit Bleach to erase the evidence of her criminal acts.

Yes, Comey said that Hillary is above the law, she is "too big to jail." Nonetheless, she willfully and maliciously violated the law.

No matter how much you lie, this does not change.
Personal e-mails are allowed to be deleted. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ WTH is she supposed to be hiding ANYWAY? LOL
How do we know they were personal?
Just take her word for it?
Frankie thinks everything Hildebeast says is golden. She can do no wrong. He's a dupe...
I thinkl she'll be a good president. What this country doesn't need is tax cuts on the rich and deregulating Wall St. How many times can you be fooled with malevolent gossip, conspiracy theories, and blaming the poor (blacks)?
The only fear these days is of officials' fear of becoming famous by Fox etc and ridiculous GOP congressional witch hunts and hated by their dupes. All these Clinton "scandals" have been investigated ad nauseum by bought off GOPers and nothing has been found but a bj from a GOP slut/idiot. lol
In fact, in the course of these investigations quite a few Clinton associates, in both Arkansas and Washington, either died, allegedly from suicide or accidents and quite a few went to prison for crimes committed in the same enterprises the Clintons were involved in. This is frequently what happens in investigations of Mafia bosses.
Prison? What, Whitewater? The Clintons gave them money and lost 68,000. The deaths were investigated and no evidence of any Clinton involvement. Foster was investigated FIVE times, including by Starr, and he obviously was found to be a suicide. He couldn't handle all the bs hate from a-hole Pubs and their bought off minions and dupes. Your party has been a catastrophic disgrace since Reagan. And the country ditto. See sig pp1.
Again, why do Clinton supporters always sound like Mafia lawyers? "They was framed, I tell ya" over and over again.
Pure bs propaganda has you totally. lol. And to be framed, you have to be found guilty of something.The GOP handling of the Clintons has been nothing but a disgrace. Phony "scandals" everywhere. Monica was a silly slut lol...

Meanwhile, your heroes screw the country and you every day while you obsess over malevolent gossip and a world of political lies. See sig. All fact. PP1 from 2007.
Aww, just tell the truth, it wouldn't matter to you if you found a stack of bodies under her desk, your pure partisan bias which is apparent in every post would still lead you to vote for her.
Tell me when any such thing happens, dupe.
In fact, in the course of these investigations quite a few Clinton associates, in both Arkansas and Washington, either died, allegedly from suicide or accidents and quite a few went to prison for crimes committed in the same enterprises the Clintons were involved in. This is frequently what happens in investigations of Mafia bosses.
Prison? What, Whitewater? The Clintons gave them money and lost 68,000. The deaths were investigated and no evidence of any Clinton involvement. Foster was investigated FIVE times, including by Starr, and he obviously was found to be a suicide. He couldn't handle all the bs hate from a-hole Pubs and their bought off minions and dupes. Your party has been a catastrophic disgrace since Reagan. And the country ditto. See sig pp1.
Again, why do Clinton supporters always sound like Mafia lawyers? "They was framed, I tell ya" over and over again.
Pure bs propaganda has you totally. lol. And to be framed, you have to be found guilty of something.The GOP handling of the Clintons has been nothing but a disgrace. Phony "scandals" everywhere. Monica was a silly slut lol...

Meanwhile, your heroes screw the country and you every day while you obsess over malevolent gossip and a world of political lies. See sig. All fact. PP1 from 2007.
Aww, just tell the truth, it wouldn't matter to you if you found a stack of bodies under her desk, your pure partisan bias which is apparent in every post would still lead you to vote for her.
Tell me when any such thing happens, dupe.
Why would you want to know, since it wouldn't change your vote?
POLICY is all I care about. "I know, a tax cut for the rich, dereg of Wall St, a military buildup, and blaming minorities and the poor.'' Great ideas, change my butt. And continuing malicious, irrelevant gossip.

Party is all you care about - and you blatantly lie to promote your filthy party.

The LAW requires that all email be archived so that a Freedom of Information Act request can perform discovery on the email. Hillary commissioned a private email system to SPECIFICALLY violate the law, knowing that federal system operators WILL comply. She further hired hackers to use Bit Bleach to erase the evidence of her criminal acts.

Yes, Comey said that Hillary is above the law, she is "too big to jail." Nonetheless, she willfully and maliciously violated the law.

No matter how much you lie, this does not change.
Personal e-mails are allowed to be deleted. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ WTH is she supposed to be hiding ANYWAY? LOL
How do we know they were personal?
Just take her word for it?
Frankie thinks everything Hildebeast says is golden. She can do no wrong. He's a dupe...
I thinkl she'll be a good president. What this country doesn't need is tax cuts on the rich and deregulating Wall St. How many times can you be fooled with malevolent gossip, conspiracy theories, and blaming the poor (blacks)?
She won't be president.
It won't even be close.

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