Why the Left Has to Suppress Free Speech


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
Interesting read. Little by little we've seen this coming, and we set back and did nothing.

Why the Left Has to Suppress Free Speech


Let us begin with this fact: The left always suppresses speech. Since Vladimir Lenin and the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia in 1917, there has been no example of the left in control and not crushing dissent.
That is one of the important differences between liberal and left: Liberalism and liberals believe in free speech. (The present leftist threat to freedom in America, the greatest threat to freedom in American history, is made possible because liberals think they have more to fear from conservatives than from the left. Liberals do not understand that the left regards liberals as their useful idiots.)

Why the Left Has to Suppress Free Speech | RealClearPolitics
Interesting read. Little by little we've seen this coming, and we set back and did nothing.

Why the Left Has to Suppress Free Speech

Let us begin with this fact: The left always suppresses speech. Since Vladimir Lenin and the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia in 1917, there has been no example of the left in control and not crushing dissent.
That is one of the important differences between liberal and left: Liberalism and liberals believe in free speech. (The present leftist threat to freedom in America, the greatest threat to freedom in American history, is made possible because liberals think they have more to fear from conservatives than from the left. Liberals do not understand that the left regards liberals as their useful idiots.)

Why the Left Has to Suppress Free Speech | RealClearPolitics
What could we do?
We had too many Democrat tyrants in too many cities cheering them on.
Interesting read. Little by little we've seen this coming, and we set back and did nothing.

Why the Left Has to Suppress Free Speech

Let us begin with this fact: The left always suppresses speech. Since Vladimir Lenin and the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia in 1917, there has been no example of the left in control and not crushing dissent.
That is one of the important differences between liberal and left: Liberalism and liberals believe in free speech. (The present leftist threat to freedom in America, the greatest threat to freedom in American history, is made possible because liberals think they have more to fear from conservatives than from the left. Liberals do not understand that the left regards liberals as their useful idiots.)

Why the Left Has to Suppress Free Speech | RealClearPolitics
Nobody is supressing free speech.
Interesting read. Little by little we've seen this coming, and we set back and did nothing.

Why the Left Has to Suppress Free Speech

Let us begin with this fact: The left always suppresses speech. Since Vladimir Lenin and the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia in 1917, there has been no example of the left in control and not crushing dissent.
That is one of the important differences between liberal and left: Liberalism and liberals believe in free speech. (The present leftist threat to freedom in America, the greatest threat to freedom in American history, is made possible because liberals think they have more to fear from conservatives than from the left. Liberals do not understand that the left regards liberals as their useful idiots.)

Why the Left Has to Suppress Free Speech | RealClearPolitics
What could we do?
We had too many Democrat tyrants in too many cities cheering them on.

We set back and allowed liberals to completely take over our schools, and set back and allowed them to teach our children that America is evil, and needs to be destroyed from the inside.
We got lazy, we should have organized and ran for school boards, and city councils, and all other local boards. We let this happen, and now we are paying a price. A very dear price.
Interesting read. Little by little we've seen this coming, and we set back and did nothing.

Why the Left Has to Suppress Free Speech

Let us begin with this fact: The left always suppresses speech. Since Vladimir Lenin and the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia in 1917, there has been no example of the left in control and not crushing dissent.
That is one of the important differences between liberal and left: Liberalism and liberals believe in free speech. (The present leftist threat to freedom in America, the greatest threat to freedom in American history, is made possible because liberals think they have more to fear from conservatives than from the left. Liberals do not understand that the left regards liberals as their useful idiots.)


Why the Left Has to Suppress Free Speech | RealClearPolitics

Dennis Prager? He said that Trump was unfit to be a presidential candidate, let alone president. That his adultery, character assassination of others, embrace of torture, bad behavior, whining, and use of profanity violate values and principles that Prager has upheld as essential to civil life. But hey, the fool endorsed him anyway because he opposed Clinton. Talk about the ends justifying the means. He is slimy piece of shit. To be honest, a Jew sucking up to Christians like this asshole doesn't rise to the level of pondscum.
Interesting read. Little by little we've seen this coming, and we set back and did nothing.

Why the Left Has to Suppress Free Speech

Let us begin with this fact: The left always suppresses speech. Since Vladimir Lenin and the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia in 1917, there has been no example of the left in control and not crushing dissent.
That is one of the important differences between liberal and left: Liberalism and liberals believe in free speech. (The present leftist threat to freedom in America, the greatest threat to freedom in American history, is made possible because liberals think they have more to fear from conservatives than from the left. Liberals do not understand that the left regards liberals as their useful idiots.)

Why the Left Has to Suppress Free Speech | RealClearPolitics
I’m telling
Weak paper that the left controls media as Trump has repeated right wing conspiracy with ease and wear he gets his information. Unconfirmed conspiracies can be searched by google and the top hits will be right wing sites that nobody but right wing people even heard of.

FOX has been available for awhile. I hear that they can no longer be trusted by the right so others will try and take their place

The left controls universities. There is little or no dissent allowed at universities. - So there are no conservative universities. I can name at least 10 well known conservative universities. Does the left control these universities. Still what defines a liberal college varies. Still people do choose colleges based on political preference. Universities cannot discriminate based on political preferences. If your saying the best universities are leftist then hey who am I to argue. I would suspect others might make an argument.

The left controls nearly every "news" medium. There is little or no dissent in the mainstream media -- not in the "news" sections and not in the opinion sections. I can name at least 20 conservative news sites. Fly by night conservative sites are plentiful. Little or no dissent. Please with the riot at the capitol , there is plenty of dissent and they got the word out fairly easy

The left controls Hollywood. No dissent is allowed in Hollywood. Hollywood is based on what people will watch for entertainment. That is how they make money so they will make movies based on that. What will people pay for to watch. The numbers do not lie.
A person should have to take a class on free speech before speaking on it. You are free to say whatever dumb things you want. Free speech does not mean you have the right to say it on other people's time.

Of course it does. That's called public expression, another thing the NaziDems hate (at least when it isn't their own shock troops looting and burning black neighborhoods).
Weak paper that the left controls media as Trump has repeated right wing conspiracy with ease and wear he gets his information. Unconfirmed conspiracies can be searched by google and the top hits will be right wing sites that nobody but right wing people even heard of.

FOX has been available for awhile. I hear that they can no longer be trusted by the right so others will try and take their place

The left controls universities. There is little or no dissent allowed at universities. - So there are no conservative universities. I can name at least 10 well known conservative universities. Does the left control these universities. Still what defines a liberal college varies. Still people do choose colleges based on political preference. Universities cannot discriminate based on political preferences. If your saying the best universities are leftist then hey who am I to argue. I would suspect others might make an argument.

The left controls nearly every "news" medium. There is little or no dissent in the mainstream media -- not in the "news" sections and not in the opinion sections. I can name at least 20 conservative news sites. Fly by night conservative sites are plentiful. Little or no dissent. Please with the riot at the capitol , there is plenty of dissent and they got the word out fairly easy

The left controls Hollywood. No dissent is allowed in Hollywood. Hollywood is based on what people will watch for entertainment. That is how they make money so they will make movies based on that. What will people pay for to watch. The numbers do not lie.
Like I said, stupidity from within.
That was a post rooted in ignorance.
Name the ten major conservative universities.
A person should have to take a class on free speech before speaking on it. You are free to say whatever dumb things you want. Free speech does not mean you have the right to say it on other people's time.

Of course it does. That's called public expression, another thing the NaziDems hate (at least when it isn't their own shock troops looting and burning black neighborhoods).

Of course it does not. You don't want speech protected. You want a law to force people to listen and accept your drivel.
We knew if America was ever defeated it would be in either an apocalyptic nuclear war or from within.
I didn’t expect stupidity from within to be the conqueror.

It's taken time, but every kid that comes out of school right now is pretty much guaranteed to be part of the "Woke". They are taught that America was NEVER great, was ALWAYS racist, and needs to be completely dismantled.
Interesting read. Little by little we've seen this coming, and we set back and did nothing.

Why the Left Has to Suppress Free Speech

Let us begin with this fact: The left always suppresses speech. Since Vladimir Lenin and the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia in 1917, there has been no example of the left in control and not crushing dissent.
That is one of the important differences between liberal and left: Liberalism and liberals believe in free speech. (The present leftist threat to freedom in America, the greatest threat to freedom in American history, is made possible because liberals think they have more to fear from conservatives than from the left. Liberals do not understand that the left regards liberals as their useful idiots.)

Why the Left Has to Suppress Free Speech | RealClearPolitics

Another idiotic, subjective, and wrongheaded opinion piece from a partisan rightwing hack lying about ‘the left.’

“The left controls everything!!!”


True hyperbolic, moronic demagoguery.

Not only is it a lie that ‘the left’ seeks to ‘suppress’ free speech, but much of what’s referenced – such as ‘the media’ and ‘Hollywood’ are private sector entities not even subject to the doctrine of free speech.

It’s remarkable to think anyone believes this baseless dross.
Interesting read. Little by little we've seen this coming, and we set back and did nothing.

Why the Left Has to Suppress Free Speech

Let us begin with this fact: The left always suppresses speech. Since Vladimir Lenin and the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia in 1917, there has been no example of the left in control and not crushing dissent.
That is one of the important differences between liberal and left: Liberalism and liberals believe in free speech. (The present leftist threat to freedom in America, the greatest threat to freedom in American history, is made possible because liberals think they have more to fear from conservatives than from the left. Liberals do not understand that the left regards liberals as their useful idiots.)

Why the Left Has to Suppress Free Speech | RealClearPolitics
Nobody is supressing free speech.
Corrupt people in office must be removed from office...I hear that even McConnell and his wife have received millions from China over the years....Why does China keep popping up with elected swampers?....what is going on?...
No wonder that McConnell was acting like he was taking orders from Pelosi so often....
They are all compromised regarding China....both the right and the left....and libs just put the big China rat into the white house....
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