Why The Left Loves Socialism

Go live in Canada then

Aw, no ammo at all?
It's all about free shit - is it not?

Hardly, no.
Ok, free shit that other people pay for...

If I assumed you have never participated in any healthcare insurance and have never done anything other than pay for all your own healthcarte and that of your family's, I might me more inclined to indulge you.
I pay for all my shit out of pocket, I have no need for insurance…
I liked being in a socialist organization, the military...

Except the military is not a socialist organization.

Sorry... it's just NOT.

Of course it is - it is centrally controlled organization paid for in entirety by compulsive taxation. How do you get an economic arrangement MORE socialist than that???

And before you start talking about how Constitution provides for it (you rightwingers always do) - DON'T. Socialism and Capitalism is not defined by constitutionality, it is defined by economic structure.
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This OP might be a little wordy

It's also big time silly.

The left loves socialism no more than the right loves anarchy and theocracy.

Your entire economic system screamed out for socialism a few scant years ago, again, and the entire planet witnessed it.

? Our entire economic system screamed out for government takeover of majority of economy???? Must've missed that one.

What I didn't miss is all the screaming about supposedly SOCIALIST Obamacare, you know, that healthcare reform of private insurance companies paying to private healthcare providers.
Bailouts? 2007-2008? Across both "conservative" and "liberal" administrations?

Straight up socialism and Wall Streeters etc were wailing for it to keep the entire economic system afloat.
Aw, no ammo at all?
It's all about free shit - is it not?

Hardly, no.
Ok, free shit that other people pay for...

If I assumed you have never participated in any healthcare insurance and have never done anything other than pay for all your own healthcarte and that of your family's, I might me more inclined to indulge you.
I pay for all my shit out of pocket, I have no need for insurance…

I rather think you're full of shit sir.
It's all about free shit - is it not?

Hardly, no.
Ok, free shit that other people pay for...

If I assumed you have never participated in any healthcare insurance and have never done anything other than pay for all your own healthcarte and that of your family's, I might me more inclined to indulge you.
I pay for all my shit out of pocket, I have no need for insurance…

I rather think you're full of shit sir.
Believe what you want to believe, but the fact is I have never paid for insurance and my whole life and I am not about to either.
Hardly, no.
Ok, free shit that other people pay for...

If I assumed you have never participated in any healthcare insurance and have never done anything other than pay for all your own healthcarte and that of your family's, I might me more inclined to indulge you.
I pay for all my shit out of pocket, I have no need for insurance…

I rather think you're full of shit sir.
Believe what you want to believe, but the fact is I have never paid for insurance and my whole life and I am not about to either.

Good for you. So you have no stake in our system and where it goes.
I liked being in a socialist organization, the military...

Except the military is not a socialist organization.

Sorry... it's just NOT.

Of course it is - it is centrally controlled organization paid for in entirety by compulsive taxation. How do you get an economic arrangement MORE socialist than that???

And before you start talking about how Constitution provides for it (you rightwingers always do) - DON'T. Socialism and Capitalism is not defined by constitutionality, it is defined by economic structure.

no it isn't, socialism is about economics, not warfighting
Ok, free shit that other people pay for...

If I assumed you have never participated in any healthcare insurance and have never done anything other than pay for all your own healthcarte and that of your family's, I might me more inclined to indulge you.
I pay for all my shit out of pocket, I have no need for insurance…

I rather think you're full of shit sir.
Believe what you want to believe, but the fact is I have never paid for insurance and my whole life and I am not about to either.

Good for you. So you have no stake in our system and where it goes.
I'm not a big fan for paying for what "might" happen…
If I assumed you have never participated in any healthcare insurance and have never done anything other than pay for all your own healthcarte and that of your family's, I might me more inclined to indulge you.
I pay for all my shit out of pocket, I have no need for insurance…

I rather think you're full of shit sir.
Believe what you want to believe, but the fact is I have never paid for insurance and my whole life and I am not about to either.

Good for you. So you have no stake in our system and where it goes.
I'm not a big fan for paying for what "might" happen…

I pay for all my shit out of pocket, I have no need for insurance…

I rather think you're full of shit sir.
Believe what you want to believe, but the fact is I have never paid for insurance and my whole life and I am not about to either.

Good for you. So you have no stake in our system and where it goes.
I'm not a big fan for paying for what "might" happen…

Insurance is just another word for diminishing return…
I rather think you're full of shit sir.
Believe what you want to believe, but the fact is I have never paid for insurance and my whole life and I am not about to either.

Good for you. So you have no stake in our system and where it goes.
I'm not a big fan for paying for what "might" happen…

Insurance is just another word for diminishing return…

Man, I have a feeling this is gonna catch on.
Socialism has never worked....and never will. Econ 101

It actually does work for a while. In the movie it worked very well for a while. Like I said, it was proudly considered virtuous and noble... democracy in action... everyone working together for the common good of the group. What it ultimately did was crush individuality and sense of self-accomplishment.

The Left will proudly showcase the European countries in Scandinavia as these marvelous examples of socialism working... and they will work for 20-30 years in some cases. Eventually, even they will fail.

When you crush individuality and the sense of self-accomplishment, you crush the human spirit... and it's all downhill from there. We know this from experience, the historical record is rife with examples. Trouble is, the Socialists refuse to accept the truth and continue to make excuses for their dismal track record... oh, there was corruption, or this shouldn't have been allowed to happen, or that was the problem but we've FIXED it now... and every generation or so, they trot out a new incarnation of the same failed idea.
^^^ this is the common mythology of the GOP, Tory, Far Right John Birchers.

They just don't want to pay taxes.

They are greedy to the gills.

It is a vice.
No..We don't want to pay taxes. Not for that shit. Not to pay up while others game the system with impunity. Not while government systems and departments add more nonessential employees. Not while department heads continue to find ways to bury money so their budgets are increased with no questions asked. Not so our government can freely tell us "never mind what we are doing. Just pay your taxes and shut up about it"..
Of course you as a left winger, cannot grasp this. You are enamored with government.
I liked being in a socialist organization, the military...

Except the military is not a socialist organization.

Sorry... it's just NOT.

Of course it is - it is centrally controlled organization paid for in entirety by compulsive taxation. How do you get an economic arrangement MORE socialist than that???

And before you start talking about how Constitution provides for it (you rightwingers always do) - DON'T. Socialism and Capitalism is not defined by constitutionality, it is defined by economic structure.

As I said before, I can see where people get this idea. Read that again so you understand me... I can see where you get that idea. Is that computing in your brain? That I actually see and realize how you can think this way and I understand? I think it's important that you realize that before reading further.

Here is why it's NOT socialism: The military in our country is an establishment under an enumerated power of congress. We (self-governing people) gave congress permission to do this as a responsibility of our federal government. So this is not something government did of it's own volition, it is something we agreed to allow our government to do as a necessary responsibility of government. The military system itself is not Socialist because it doesn't serve it's own social needs and purpose, it serves the needs of the country. The military doesn't do what it does for the sake of itself.

Now, one can make the argument that many facets of the military and how it functions are similar to Socialism or are "socialistic" in nature, but that does not mean they are "Socialist" unless you are perverting the definition of Socialism or misunderstanding the relationship between the people and the government they established.
Considering Americans don't even have a socialist party I would say they don't love it all. A better question might be why are right wingers so paranoid and afraid of socialism?
Socialism as a method of operating a nation has been shown to be a failure.
If you want socialism, move to a socialist country.
We have the Best form of Socialism in the Entire World.

The best almost socialist countries would be the Scandinavian countries. You can still own a business like SAAB or a host of others but all transporation like Trains and Airports are owned by the government. So are the schools, public utilities and more. And their education blows ours away.

In those countries, EVERYONE has the RIGHT to a living wage, decent housing, decent job. They even have the right to vacation rubbing elbows with the rich. You want to spend your vacation cruising up and down the Feords, go for it, it's payed for. You want to travel? All of it may not be paid for but you make enough to afford it.

No, be definition, Sweden isn't all Socialist. But it's pretty danged close. I doubt if there ever could be a true "Socialist" country that last very long. Just like there can never be a complete Corporate form of the government either. Successful Governments are a mix.

Go south of a Republic and you end up with the Government being run by the Corporations. We are headed that way very fast right now. Luckily, it's not the first time it's headed that way. It almost always drifts back to the center. The US has also almost been a Socialist country but that drifted back to the center as well. We just need to be careful to do it gently. Not like it's being tried right now. We need to take our time to develop the ideas first.

BTW, placing those tariffs are socialist behavior. Imagine that, a bunch of Right Wing Nutzoids are trying to do a serious Socialist action. Believe it or not, I would like to see much of Asia given at least a 20% tariff but not Japan and South Korea who mostly play by the rules because we have tariffed them before. Mail China, the Maylasias, Vietnam and a few others that play very, very loose. Those high end Nikes only cost 6 bucks to make, you know.
yes, the reason we have dictionary definitions, is because the right wing has lousy reading comprehension.

otherwise, we know that socialism starts with a social contract.

Can you name one nation-state that is "communist or socialist" that does Not have Government. It really is that simple; except to the fantastical, right wing.

You've become a laughing stock in this thread and I feel it's now beneath my dignity to respond to you further. If you happen to stumble upon a rational argument, I may change my mind, but as of now I am going to disregard your posts.
Just projection?

Government Is Social-ism.

Can you name one nation-state that is "communist or socialist" that does Not have Government. It really is that simple; except to the fantastical, right wing.

I don't know of one single Communist country that ever existed longer than about 10 minutes. It's like Democracy, works fine in small numbers but if those numbers grow then you are in serious trouble. The US is NOT a Democracy and never has been. China and the old Soviet Union were NEVER communist governed either.
yes, the reason we have dictionary definitions, is because the right wing has lousy reading comprehension.

otherwise, we know that socialism starts with a social contract.

Can you name one nation-state that is "communist or socialist" that does Not have Government. It really is that simple; except to the fantastical, right wing.

You've become a laughing stock in this thread and I feel it's now beneath my dignity to respond to you further. If you happen to stumble upon a rational argument, I may change my mind, but as of now I am going to disregard your posts.
Just projection?

Government Is Social-ism.

Can you name one nation-state that is "communist or socialist" that does Not have Government. It really is that simple; except to the fantastical, right wing.

I don't know of one single Communist country that ever existed longer than about 10 minutes. It's like Democracy, works fine in small numbers but if those numbers grow then you are in serious trouble. The US is NOT a Democracy and never has been. China and the old Soviet Union were NEVER communist governed either.

but they were state command and control economies, far closer to a communist ideal than anything
Believe what you want to believe, but the fact is I have never paid for insurance and my whole life and I am not about to either.

Good for you. So you have no stake in our system and where it goes.
I'm not a big fan for paying for what "might" happen…

Insurance is just another word for diminishing return…

Man, I have a feeling this is gonna catch on.
He's right. Most of us buy insurance because government has made it compulsory.
Two things. Most of us never incur losses that justify the premiums we are charged. Insurance carriers make rules that punish those who incur losses in the event the insured files a claim.
Considering Americans don't even have a socialist party I would say they don't love it all. A better question might be why are right wingers so paranoid and afraid of socialism?
Socialism as a method of operating a nation has been shown to be a failure.
If you want socialism, move to a socialist country.
We have the Best form of Socialism in the Entire World.

The best almost socialist countries would be the Scandinavian countries. You can still own a business like SAAB or a host of others but all transporation like Trains and Airports are owned by the government. So are the schools, public utilities and more. And their education blows ours away.

In those countries, EVERYONE has the RIGHT to a living wage, decent housing, decent job. They even have the right to vacation rubbing elbows with the rich. You want to spend your vacation cruising up and down the Feords, go for it, it's payed for. You want to travel? All of it may not be paid for but you make enough to afford it.

No, be definition, Sweden isn't all Socialist. But it's pretty danged close. I doubt if there ever could be a true "Socialist" country that last very long. Just like there can never be a complete Corporate form of the government either. Successful Governments are a mix.

Go south of a Republic and you end up with the Government being run by the Corporations. We are headed that way very fast right now. Luckily, it's not the first time it's headed that way. It almost always drifts back to the center. The US has also almost been a Socialist country but that drifted back to the center as well. We just need to be careful to do it gently. Not like it's being tried right now. We need to take our time to develop the ideas first.

BTW, placing those tariffs are socialist behavior. Imagine that, a bunch of Right Wing Nutzoids are trying to do a serious Socialist action. Believe it or not, I would like to see much of Asia given at least a 20% tariff but not Japan and South Korea who mostly play by the rules because we have tariffed them before. Mail China, the Maylasias, Vietnam and a few others that play very, very loose. Those high end Nikes only cost 6 bucks to make, you know.

their education doesn't blow our away
yes, the reason we have dictionary definitions, is because the right wing has lousy reading comprehension.

otherwise, we know that socialism starts with a social contract.

Can you name one nation-state that is "communist or socialist" that does Not have Government. It really is that simple; except to the fantastical, right wing.

You've become a laughing stock in this thread and I feel it's now beneath my dignity to respond to you further. If you happen to stumble upon a rational argument, I may change my mind, but as of now I am going to disregard your posts.
Just projection?

Government Is Social-ism.

Can you name one nation-state that is "communist or socialist" that does Not have Government. It really is that simple; except to the fantastical, right wing.

I don't know of one single Communist country that ever existed longer than about 10 minutes. It's like Democracy, works fine in small numbers but if those numbers grow then you are in serious trouble. The US is NOT a Democracy and never has been. China and the old Soviet Union were NEVER communist governed either.

but they were state command and control economies, far closer to a communist ideal than anything

Even the US has been there. We have also been on the other side of the coin. Before FDR, the US was controlled by the really big and powerful Corporation. Then we slid back and almost went Socialist for awhile (enter WWI and II).

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