Why the left loves terrorist bombers, from obama's friend bill ayers and bernadine dorhn to the rest


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Why do left wing twits like obama like actual, terrorist bombers.....?

Why liberals just love to set terrorists free | New York Post

What is it about progressives like President Obama — and even pretend progressives like Gov. Andrew Cuomo — that makes them so forgiving of terrorists?

Obama, on his way out the door, Tuesday commuted the effective life sentence of Puerto Rican nationalist-terrorist Oscar Lopez Rivera — an architect of the wave of terror that led to the murder-by-bombing of four at Fraunces Tavern in Lower Manhattan in 1975.

Cuomo, for no apparent reason other than to plant a wet one on Black Lives Matter, last month gave an early out to one-time Weather Underground conspirator Judith Clark — convicted of murdering two cops and a security guard during the infamous Brinks armored car robbery in Rockland County in 1981.


Rivera, not that it seems to matter, was involved directly or otherwise in at least 146 bombings, leaving nine dead in Puerto Rico and on the mainland. Among the wounded were NYPD bomb squad officers, one of whom was blinded.

Fraunces, where Gen. George Washington delivered his farewell to his military officers in 1783, is as iconic a target as America-haters could hope for. So it really is hard to fathom how the mayor of New York City could celebrate Rivera’s release.

Actually, no, it’s not. Just the opposite: FALN and Rivera were hard-core Communists operating at the height of the Cold War. Why would a mayor who honeymooned in Havana fail to recognize — pardon the expression — a fellow traveler, even decades down the road?


So let’s guess it was to send a message.

To wit, in Progressiveland, that some lives matter more than others; that dead and maimed cops and unlucky bystanders matter less than justly convicted and incarcerated radicals — and that in the final analysis, benevolent government is meant to stand with the bad guys. (And gals, as the case may be. Isn’t everybody a victim these days?)

This is just the sort of bird Obama might be expected to flip America as he departs. Cuomo, meanwhile, is a onetime centrist trapped in a sharply leftward-drifting state. Since he essentially stands for nothing anymore, if he ever did, it’s no surprise he chooses to drift with it.

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