Why the Liberals call to replace Equality with 'Equity' is a scam


Platinum Member
Nov 21, 2017
The year was 22121 and everybody was finally equal. They weren’t only equal before God and the law. They were equal every which way. Nobody was smarter than anybody else. Nobody was better looking than anybody else. Nobody was stronger or quicker than anybody else. All this equality was due to the 211th, 212th, and 213th Amendments to the Constitution, and to the unceasing vigilance of agents of the United States Federal Bureau of Social Justice

What is equity you ask? It’s just discrimination by another name. Groups that the Democrats like get rewarded in the name of “equity” while groups that Democrats don’t like, are indifferent to, or at worst, are less favored than other groups, get punished.

Of course, they don’t sell it like that. Instead, they tell you that they’re going to actually IMPROVE on equality by micromanaging what help, laws, and programs apply to which people based on what they need.

the idea of a society where people demand everyone else know their pronouns, get horribly offended by “microaggressions,” and get special privileges based on whatever group they happen to identify with today, but all that does ultimately is encourage victimhood, turn people against each other, and it leads to endless debate over trivia. At some point, liberals need to embrace equal treatment and stop trying to create the 10,000th exception to the rules that we’re all supposed to live by.

We already have a mechanism for achieving equity in American society that accomplishes that aim far better than the government ever could. It’s called the free market. We live in a country where there are 120,000 products in a Wal-Mart and tens of millions more online. Letting people make their own decisions about what they need is a better and more efficient method than having the government do it.

If you want a particular type of bike, why shouldn’t you buy it? If you think the government should be in the business of providing it or anything similar, you’re getting into Karl Marx territory. You know:
From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.”
We’ve already noted that the government is no substitute for God. As numerous Communist countries could tell you, it’s also not a substitute for a free market, and trying to make it one inevitably leads to poverty, oppression, and disaster'.
John Hawkins

Equality....all have equal opportunity to achieve what they want. What they do with that opportunity is up to their determination

Equity.....Those who dont achieve what they want get a piece of what others got when they achieved what they wanted with no consideration of who was more determined than who.

Simple as that.
Progs love their visual aids. We need to hire the best we can. And we keep diluting it. The elites who control us know what they are doing. The United States needs to decline for them to achieve their goals, and it is. Countless tens of trillions of dollars spent and the problems are still massive. The elites will turn on those who got them there when in total control out of necessity. The decline will continue and China will take its rightful place as world leader in a quarter century or so.
Most of the money will be diverted into Dem coffers and to their pals. The poor and middle class will get a few crumbs.

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