Why the Political Establishment FEARS Ted Cruz

Who are these "far righties" you speak of. And by "who" I mean what are their names.

Lonestar, those questions have been answered for years here, so you don't get to play "just one more time". :lol:

Your moment is over for the rest of our lives.

And your lies continue by your dodging giving answers to honest queries.

Of course for any lurkers reading, you just acted like a big ****, but that's OK cause we know you are a ****.

For the lurkers, Lonestar is an outlier racist and reactionary. His time is almost over in America. Good riddance.
Lonestar, those questions have been answered for years here, so you don't get to play "just one more time". :lol:

Your moment is over for the rest of our lives.

And your lies continue by your dodging giving answers to honest queries.

Of course for any lurkers reading, you just acted like a big ****, but that's OK cause we know you are a ****.

For the lurkers, Lonestar is an outlier racist and reactionary. His time is almost over in America. Good riddance.

lol, you are such a fucking retard.
I am in 100% agreement with your comment. However....can any of them win in the general election?? :confused:

I refuse to support another Dole, McCain, or Romney.

I'll sit on the sidelines. Or actively oppose a Chris Christie.

If we don't, the liberal republican establishment will never get the message.

Romney was the last straw.

the Reactionary Republican Moment is over

that is the message the far righties are not getting

there will never be a far right nominee in our lifetimes

You are by far the most smug commie on this website. I can't wait until the day your plastic little world melts around you, punk. Have a fucked up day!
Interview with Sen. Ted Cruz: Republican defeatism surprises me | Rare

When the campaign started in January 2011, I was at 2% in the polls… and the margin of error was 3%. Nobody gave us a prayer. But, over the next year, thousands upon thousands of men and women across Texas came together and worked tirelessly, knocking on doors, making phone calls, sending e-mails, speaking out on Facebook and Twitter. And, thanks to their incredible hard work, thanks to their passion for change, we went from 2% in the polls to not just winning, but winning the primary by 14 points and winning the general by 16 points. It was an incredible testament to the grassroots, and to what Texans can do working together.

Texans got engaged in the Senate race, I believe, because they understood that the country is at a crossroads. That we cannot keep going down the road we are going, [with] of out-of-control spending, debt, taxes, and regulation. That we can’t keep bankrupting the next generations. And that it has been career politicians in both parties who got us in this mess.

It is a remarkable privilege to serve at a time such as this, at time when the stakes are so high. I’m honored to work for 26 million Texans, and every day I try to do my very best to fight for them, to defend free-market principles and champion our constitutional liberties, so that we can pull our country back from the brink. And I’m deeply optimistic that, together, we can prevail – we can return to our founding principles that have made America the freest and most prosperous nation in the world.

Cruz not only sees the problems clearly, but he has enough faith in the moral right to pursue his reform agenda not matter that the experts say he cant get it done.

This country needs men like him and Senator Paul to restore it to its former glory and prosperity.

A true conservative not a wishy washy one will win every election. Cruz may be the guy if he can resist the centrist bullshit we have become used to.
Interview with Sen. Ted Cruz: Republican defeatism surprises me | Rare

Cruz not only sees the problems clearly, but he has enough faith in the moral right to pursue his reform agenda not matter that the experts say he cant get it done.

This country needs men like him and Senator Paul to restore it to its former glory and prosperity.

I am in 100% agreement with your comment. However....can any of them win in the general election?? :confused:

I refuse to support another Dole, McCain, or Romney.

I'll sit on the sidelines. Or actively oppose a Chris Christie.

If we don't, the liberal republican establishment will never get the message.

Romney was the last straw.

Romney did everything he could to move as far to the right as he could. The further he moved right, the bigger the backlash. Independents just aren't buying the far right agenda on any level.
I am in 100% agreement with your comment. However....can any of them win in the general election?? :confused:

I refuse to support another Dole, McCain, or Romney.

I'll sit on the sidelines. Or actively oppose a Chris Christie.

If we don't, the liberal republican establishment will never get the message.

Romney was the last straw.

the Reactionary Republican Moment is over

that is the message the far righties are not getting

there will never be a far right nominee in our lifetimes

Oh, I wouldn't be so sure of that. The moderates are leaving the party in droves.
I refuse to support another Dole, McCain, or Romney.

I'll sit on the sidelines. Or actively oppose a Chris Christie.

If we don't, the liberal republican establishment will never get the message.

Romney was the last straw.

the Reactionary Republican Moment is over

that is the message the far righties are not getting

there will never be a far right nominee in our lifetimes

Oh, I wouldn't be so sure of that. The moderates are leaving the party in droves.

You are a liberal, so you have no more say about the GOP mainstream than a far right reactionary.
Who are these "far righties" you speak of. And by "who" I mean what are their names.

Lonestar, those questions have been answered for years here, so you don't get to play "just one more time". :lol:

Your moment is over for the rest of our lives.

And your lies continue by your dodging giving answers to honest queries.

Of course for any lurkers reading, you just acted like a big ****, but that's OK cause we know you are a ****.

I have always answered honestly, and when you are full of crap, little one, we squeeze it out of you. :lol:
Interview with Sen. Ted Cruz: Republican defeatism surprises me | Rare

When the campaign started in January 2011, I was at 2% in the polls… and the margin of error was 3%. Nobody gave us a prayer. But, over the next year, thousands upon thousands of men and women across Texas came together and worked tirelessly, knocking on doors, making phone calls, sending e-mails, speaking out on Facebook and Twitter. And, thanks to their incredible hard work, thanks to their passion for change, we went from 2% in the polls to not just winning, but winning the primary by 14 points and winning the general by 16 points. It was an incredible testament to the grassroots, and to what Texans can do working together.

Texans got engaged in the Senate race, I believe, because they understood that the country is at a crossroads. That we cannot keep going down the road we are going, [with] of out-of-control spending, debt, taxes, and regulation. That we can’t keep bankrupting the next generations. And that it has been career politicians in both parties who got us in this mess.

It is a remarkable privilege to serve at a time such as this, at time when the stakes are so high. I’m honored to work for 26 million Texans, and every day I try to do my very best to fight for them, to defend free-market principles and champion our constitutional liberties, so that we can pull our country back from the brink. And I’m deeply optimistic that, together, we can prevail – we can return to our founding principles that have made America the freest and most prosperous nation in the world.

Cruz not only sees the problems clearly, but he has enough faith in the moral right to pursue his reform agenda not matter that the experts say he cant get it done.

This country needs men like him and Senator Paul to restore it to its former glory and prosperity.

A true conservative not a wishy washy one will win every election. Cruz may be the guy if he can resist the centrist bullshit we have become used to.

A reactionary conservative will lose every time: no doubt about that.
I agree. McConnell and Boner sure do seem afraid of Cruz. They are afraid of him because he is throwing red meat to the least intelligent members of his party.....and there are just enough of them to cause havoc when they set on the bait. They see him as a threat to the GOP.

When you have a guy whose goal in life is to secure a career as a paid speaker and talk show guest......and you allow him to rise to the position of US Senator.....this is what you get.

Nutters really, really like this guy. He "speaks his mind" and he "hits Dem's hard". He "isn't afraid". For them.....that is plenty.
He sure does make them nervous.

Of making the Republican Party an irrelevant force on the national stage.

Not really.

Heck, I could see a scenario where Cruz could end up as the 45th President.

Again- about 45% will always vote for the GOP, 45% will always vote for the Democrat. those are the floors.

All he has to do is convince 6 of the 10% that remains to vote for him.

And frankly, Cruz is a lot more articulate than Romney and a lot less inclined to look down his nose at working folks, so he could probably pull it off.

Also, no matter who the Democrats nominate, that person will not be as charismatic as Obama.

Now, I'm an old guy, but I remember in 1979 when Democrats WISHED the GOP would nominate a guy they thought was so radical they could easily win the election.

That guy was Ronald Reagan.
He sure does make them nervous.

Of making the Republican Party an irrelevant force on the national stage.

Bullshit, Toro.

The GOP makes itself irrelevant by opening the door as wide as they can so more illegals can come into this country and vote Democrat.

In 84 we legalized 4 million, and said it was a one time thing, wont happen again.

now here we are after the illegals have taken over ENTIRE INDUSTRIES and now we are talking about doing it all AGAIN for THREE TIMES AS MANY THIS TIME?

And they will vote Democrat at 3:1 ratios.

Why in God's sweet name would a Republican vote for such a thing?

Because the RINOs are OWNED by Wall Street banks and the Big corporations.

If this bill passes, the GOP is a permanent minority and the Democrats will reign supreme unless a party can rise up that replaces the GOP, and I pray it happens ASAP.

I realize that all you can see is more money in your pocket if the GOP does this, but have you really given any thought to what this country will be like after say just 20 years of Democrat control of the Congress, WH and Supreme Court?

Because that is what will happen if it doesn't wake the rest of the country up.
I agree. McConnell and Boner sure do seem afraid of Cruz. They are afraid of him because he is throwing red meat to the least intelligent members of his party.....and there are just enough of them to cause havoc when they set on the bait. They see him as a threat to the GOP.

When you have a guy whose goal in life is to secure a career as a paid speaker and talk show guest......and you allow him to rise to the position of US Senator.....this is what you get.

Nutters really, really like this guy. He "speaks his mind" and he "hits Dem's hard". He "isn't afraid". For them.....that is plenty.

Or maybe they like clarity.

McConnell and Boenher talk a lot of shit, but at the end of the day, they fold.
He sure does make them nervous.

Of making the Republican Party an irrelevant force on the national stage.

Not really.

Heck, I could see a scenario where Cruz could end up as the 45th President.

Again- about 45% will always vote for the GOP, 45% will always vote for the Democrat. those are the floors.

All he has to do is convince 6 of the 10% that remains to vote for him.

And frankly, Cruz is a lot more articulate than Romney and a lot less inclined to look down his nose at working folks, so he could probably pull it off.

Also, no matter who the Democrats nominate, that person will not be as charismatic as Obama.

Now, I'm an old guy, but I remember in 1979 when Democrats WISHED the GOP would nominate a guy they thought was so radical they could easily win the election.

That guy was Ronald Reagan.

Damn, you got one mostly right.

Except the regular Democrat voters are closer to 35% of the population, and 45% of the popular vote. Big difference.

A three way split works to the advantage of a conservative party, but there runs a risk of demographics changing that before the political system reflects it.
Nope, no more "just one more time." You have proved yourself unworthy of one more time.

Typical liberal can't prove his claim. You're dismissed!

Your "just one more time" is dismissed. I am no more a liberal than you are a non-racist mainstream Republican.

You are a foul racist far right reactionary hater.

You're absolutely a liberal, you're just too much of a coward or too ashamed to admit it.

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