Why the removal of the confederate flag should be a non issue.

Lindsey Graham to call for Confederate flag to come down Page 6 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

On April 12, 2000, the South Carolina State Senate passed a bill to remove the Confederate flag from the top of the State House dome by a majority vote of 36 to 7. Originally placed there in 1962, "the new bill specified that a more traditional version of the battle flag would be flown in front of the Capitol next to a monument honoring fallen Confederate soldiers."

Confederate Flag History
I don't think the flag should be flying but that is me. I would think that being as Clinton and Gore used it for a campaign button then Mrs. Clinton would have no problem with the flag.

Pretty hilarious that the left wing lectures us on how the racists left the democrat party yet in 1992 their boy Clinton was using the rebel flag for his campaign. Quite enjoyable watching the left twist.

Hard left wing Huffington post:

As Governor, Bill Clinton Kept 'Confederate' Star On The Arkansas Flag

As Governor Bill Clinton Kept Confederate Star On The Arkansas Flag

Arkansas Governor Bill Clinton, March 4, 1987:

The blue star above the word "AKANSAS" is to commemorate the Confederate States of America.


Hard left wing Huffington post:

As Governor, Bill Clinton Kept 'Confederate' Star On The Arkansas Flag

But the former secretary of state, who is now running for president, is not the first Clinton to weigh in on the matter of the Confederacy. The state flag of Arkansas sports 25 white stars and four blue ones. And in 1987, while serving as governor of Arkansas, Bill Clinton signed a bill affirming that one of those blue stars is there in honor of the Confederate States of America.

As Governor Bill Clinton Kept Confederate Star On The Arkansas Flag

Arkansas Governor Bill Clinton, March 4, 1987:

The blue star above the word AKANSAS" is to commemorate the Confederate States of America.


Let me save some time here.


So what it is a star big deal

Clinton along with the other racists in the Democrat party switched sides. oops.

Hard left wing Huffington post:

As Governor, Bill Clinton Kept 'Confederate' Star On The Arkansas Flag

As Governor Bill Clinton Kept Confederate Star On The Arkansas Flag

Arkansas Governor Bill Clinton, March 4, 1987:

The blue star above the word "AKANSAS" is to commemorate the Confederate States of America.


We did this. Again for the slow readers -- the four stars represent the four nations that have governed the state, those being France, Spain, the USA and the CSA.

And they're all blue stars -- not Confederate flags.

Try reading your own links before they embarrass you.

Hard left wing Huffington post:

As Governor, Bill Clinton Kept 'Confederate' Star On The Arkansas Flag

As Governor Bill Clinton Kept Confederate Star On The Arkansas Flag

Arkansas Governor Bill Clinton, March 4, 1987:

The blue star above the word "AKANSAS" is to commemorate the Confederate States of America.


We did this. Again for the slow readers -- the four stars represent the four nations that have governed the state, those being France, Spain, the USA and the CSA.

And they're all blue stars -- not Confederate flags.

Try reading your own links before they embarrass you.

Its like we are besieged by idiots. Why dont these people at least read their links?
You guys doubt the impeccable Huffington Post? I'm shocked.:cool-45:

As Governor, Bill Clinton Kept 'Confederate' Star On The Arkansas Flag

A few words here about the Arkansas state flag, which -- like most flags -- is laden with symbols and references that may not be immediately apparent. According to the Arkansas secretary of state, the flag's original design, approved by the state legislature in 1913, had only three blue stars, not four. The three blue stars were meant to represent a number of things, including the year Arkansas became a state (1803) and the fact that "Arkansas belonged to three countries (France, Spain, and the United States) before attaining statehood." Legislators added a fourth blue star in 1923 to acknowledge Arkansas' membership in the Confederacy from 1861 to 1865.

The state's General Assembly reaffirmed the parameters of the flag in a 1987 act that Clinton signed. Among other provisions detailing the flag's features, such as its colors and shapes, there was a line that read, “The blue star above the word 'ARKANSAS' is to commemorate the Confederate States of America.” The act met no significant opposition at the time. In the same legislative session, the assembly also settled on an official state song.

Arkansas observes a Confederate Flag Day, which is celebrated together with Arkansas Confederate History and Heritage Month and Confederate Memorial Day. Per state code, it is observed on the Saturday immediately preceding Easter Sunday. In annual gatherings outside the Arkansas Statehouse, participants can "attend and bring examples of the variety of flags used by Arkansas units and of the Confederate government and its army during the War," according to the Log Cabin Democrat, an Arkansas newspaper.

As Governor Bill Clinton Kept Confederate Star On The Arkansas Flag
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You guys doubt the impeccable Huffington Post? I'm shocked.

As Governor, Bill Clinton Kept 'Confederate' Star On The Arkansas Flag

A few words here about the Arkansas state flag, which -- like most flags -- is laden with symbols and references that may not be immediately apparent. According to the Arkansas secretary of state, the flag's original design, approved by the state legislature in 1913, had only three blue stars, not four. The three blue stars were meant to represent a number of things, including the year Arkansas became a state (1803) and the fact that "Arkansas belonged to three countries (France, Spain, and the United States) before attaining statehood." Legislators added a fourth blue star in 1923 to acknowledge Arkansas' membership in the Confederacy from 1861 to 1865.

The state's General Assembly reaffirmed the parameters of the flag in a 1987 act that Clinton signed. Among other provisions detailing the flag's features, such as its colors and shapes, there was a line that read, “The blue star above the word 'ARKANSAS' is to commemorate the Confederate States of America.” The act met no significant opposition at the time. In the same legislative session, the assembly also settled on an official state song.

Arkansas observes a Confederate Flag Day, which is celebrated together with Arkansas Confederate History and Heritage Month and Confederate Memorial Day. Per state code, it is observed on the Saturday immediately preceding Easter Sunday. In annual gatherings outside the Arkansas Statehouse, participants can "attend and bring examples of the variety of flags used by Arkansas units and of the Confederate government and its army during the War," according to the Log Cabin Democrat, an Arkansas newspaper.
You must have flunked school. Stop embarrassing yourself for godssake. :laugh:
Branding matters. State sanctioned branding matters even more. Flying the Confederate flag so prominently at the state house, including it in the canton of the Mississippi flag, shows Americans that the White citizens of the state's which display it 'we have something and you are not worthy of it'.

What do we expect a flag's work to be? To rally patriotism, to mark national identity, to inspire troops on a battlefield, to identify ships on the high seas. All these endeavors are noble and fitting. What work do we expect of the Confederate flag? Is any of that work nobly inspirational? Is any of that work to unite? In fact, that flag sanctioned by state display is anything but noble.

Sure, individuals will continue to fly that flag. Even here in Ohio and Pennsylvania that flag can be seen in rural neighborhoods, in trailer parks and in front of shanties. Often, north of the Mason-Dixon Line, that flag is often the glorification of low brow culture. But more often, and most typically, that flag is a celebration of a warped racist attitude.

Let the redneck, the hillbilly, those untouched by the veneer of culture and knowledge fly that flag. Let them proclaim their station in life. But not one state should display that flag as a symbol of their ideals. For those ideals should never be embraced by any government in the Land of the Free.
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You all realize that you are having a fit over a Civil War memorial right?
We should not wipe out our history just because a flag.

Every single time there is an opportunity for this nation to have a real discussion about race and the impact it is having in this country, the media always manages to devert our attention away from it. From the Martin case, from Ferguson and now this non issue shit....Removing that flag will not change the minds of anyone bent on hatred and the worshiping of its purpose. With or without that flag waving in SC, that murderous nut would still have harvest the same hostilities and anger. Its just a symbol, just as the word N**** is just a word. It the minds and what people make of it, that gives the flag, the N word its power. Without our internalizing these symbols, they hold no power over anyone.

I am for keeping the flag. I say this because taking it down, will only increase the anger and bitterness so many white people are harvesting today and its not the whites who will feel the brunt of this gesture, once again black people will have to carry those burdens.

That is why we must, we must divert our attentions back to what is seriously ailing his nation and that is racism and bigotry. Until we collectively sat down and hold real discussions that bring about real changes, we will continue to defuse and minimize what is important for this nation to grow up and finally rid ourselves of the dark past.

It's a non-issue because Haley called for it to be taken down.

But, it was an issue before that. There are things that the state can do and there are things that the state can't do. Clearly.... smacking the shit out of people for their thinking isn't one of them.

Mayhap removing obstacles that divert attention will serve the purpose of forcing that attention to be focused. The problem is that I see an awful lot of people talking about talking but not any talking taking place and an awful lot of moving goal posts. Is it a sock thing? How many socks does it take to actually discuss the issue?

It doesn't belong at any state capital. I have no problem with people wearing it or hanging it in their windows because I want to see that coming a mile away. Be who you are so that there is no guess work involved.
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Pardon me while I point at the elephant in the room wearing a dunce hat, but I haven't seen anyone point this out yet.

The flag that's being removed from the state capitol happens to be in Columbia, NOT Charleston.
Every single time there is an opportunity for this nation to have a real discussion about race and the impact it is having in this country, the media always manages to devert our attention away from it. From the Martin case, from Ferguson and now this non issue shit....Removing that flag will not change the minds of anyone bent on hatred and the worshiping of its purpose. With or without that flag waving in SC, that murderous nut would still have harvest the same hostilities and anger. Its just a symbol, just as the word N**** is just a word. It the minds and what people make of it, that gives the flag, the N word its power. Without our internalizing these symbols, they hold no power over anyone.

I am for keeping the flag. I say this because taking it down, will only increase the anger and bitterness so many white people are harvesting today and its not the whites who will feel the brunt of this gesture, once again black people will have to carry those burdens.

That is why we must, we must divert our attentions back to what is seriously ailing his nation and that is racism and bigotry. Until we collectively sat down and hold real discussions that bring about real changes, we will continue to defuse and minimize what is important for this nation to grow up and finally rid ourselves of the dark past.

It's a non-issue because Haley called for it to be taken down.

But, it was an issue before that. There are things that the state can do and there are things that the state can't do. Clearly.... smacking the shit out of people for their thinking isn't one of them.

Mayhap removing obstacles that divert attention will serve the purpose of forcing that attention to be focused. The problem is that I see an awful lot of people talking about talking but not any talking taking place and an awful lot of moving goal posts. Is it a sock thing? How many socks does it take to actually discuss the issue?

It doesn't belong at any state capital. I have no problem with people wearing it or hanging it in their windows because I want to see that coming a mile away. Be who you are so that there is no guess work involved.

Listen, if the people of Virgina, Mississippi, SC, etc....want the flag to be there, who are we, those outside the state to have issues over it. Hell, had it not been for the news, I wouldn't have known it was there. This is the problem we have in this nation, we take words and symbols and give them power over us and then we find ourselves STUCK. Unwilling to move or bend and then unable to advance forward. I see so many confederate symbols in my state and I could care less about what these people's beliefs are...they have the right!!
Every single time there is an opportunity for this nation to have a real discussion about race and the impact it is having in this country, the media always manages to devert our attention away from it. From the Martin case, from Ferguson and now this non issue shit....Removing that flag will not change the minds of anyone bent on hatred and the worshiping of its purpose. With or without that flag waving in SC, that murderous nut would still have harvest the same hostilities and anger. Its just a symbol, just as the word N**** is just a word. It the minds and what people make of it, that gives the flag, the N word its power. Without our internalizing these symbols, they hold no power over anyone.

I am for keeping the flag. I say this because taking it down, will only increase the anger and bitterness so many white people are harvesting today and its not the whites who will feel the brunt of this gesture, once again black people will have to carry those burdens.

That is why we must, we must divert our attentions back to what is seriously ailing his nation and that is racism and bigotry. Until we collectively sat down and hold real discussions that bring about real changes, we will continue to defuse and minimize what is important for this nation to grow up and finally rid ourselves of the dark past.

It's a non-issue because Haley called for it to be taken down.

But, it was an issue before that. There are things that the state can do and there are things that the state can't do. Clearly.... smacking the shit out of people for their thinking isn't one of them.

Mayhap removing obstacles that divert attention will serve the purpose of forcing that attention to be focused. The problem is that I see an awful lot of people talking about talking but not any talking taking place and an awful lot of moving goal posts. Is it a sock thing? How many socks does it take to actually discuss the issue?

It doesn't belong at any state capital. I have no problem with people wearing it or hanging it in their windows because I want to see that coming a mile away. Be who you are so that there is no guess work involved.

Listen, if the people of Virgina, Mississippi, SC, etc....want the flag to be there, who are we, those outside the state to have issues over it. Hell, had it not been for the news, I wouldn't have known it was there. This is the problem we have in this nation, we take words and symbols and give them power over us and then we find ourselves STUCK. Unwilling to move or bend and then unable to advance forward. I see so many confederate symbols in my state and I could care less about what these people's beliefs are...they have the right!!
I don't think that anyone is calling for a blanket banning of that flag from any privately owned venue. But flying it at state owned property implies a state sanction of the vilest values that flag represents.
Every single time there is an opportunity for this nation to have a real discussion about race and the impact it is having in this country, the media always manages to devert our attention away from it. From the Martin case, from Ferguson and now this non issue shit....Removing that flag will not change the minds of anyone bent on hatred and the worshiping of its purpose. With or without that flag waving in SC, that murderous nut would still have harvest the same hostilities and anger. Its just a symbol, just as the word N**** is just a word. It the minds and what people make of it, that gives the flag, the N word its power. Without our internalizing these symbols, they hold no power over anyone.

I am for keeping the flag. I say this because taking it down, will only increase the anger and bitterness so many white people are harvesting today and its not the whites who will feel the brunt of this gesture, once again black people will have to carry those burdens.

That is why we must, we must divert our attentions back to what is seriously ailing his nation and that is racism and bigotry. Until we collectively sat down and hold real discussions that bring about real changes, we will continue to defuse and minimize what is important for this nation to grow up and finally rid ourselves of the dark past.

It's a non-issue because Haley called for it to be taken down.

But, it was an issue before that. There are things that the state can do and there are things that the state can't do. Clearly.... smacking the shit out of people for their thinking isn't one of them.

Mayhap removing obstacles that divert attention will serve the purpose of forcing that attention to be focused. The problem is that I see an awful lot of people talking about talking but not any talking taking place and an awful lot of moving goal posts. Is it a sock thing? How many socks does it take to actually discuss the issue?

It doesn't belong at any state capital. I have no problem with people wearing it or hanging it in their windows because I want to see that coming a mile away. Be who you are so that there is no guess work involved.

Listen, if the people of Virgina, Mississippi, SC, etc....want the flag to be there, who are we, those outside the state to have issues over it. Hell, had it not been for the news, I wouldn't have known it was there. This is the problem we have in this nation, we take words and symbols and give them power over us and then we find ourselves STUCK. Unwilling to move or bend and then unable to advance forward. I see so many confederate symbols in my state and I could care less about what these people's beliefs are...they have the right!!
I don't think that anyone is calling for a blanket banning of that flag from any privately owned venue. But flying it at state owned property implies a state sanction of the vilest values that flag represents.

What is so odd is that throughout the south, you see these tourist commercials about Miss and Ala and SC, etc....and as a black person, I be like, seriously???????
Every single time there is an opportunity for this nation to have a real discussion about race and the impact it is having in this country, the media always manages to devert our attention away from it. From the Martin case, from Ferguson and now this non issue shit....Removing that flag will not change the minds of anyone bent on hatred and the worshiping of its purpose. With or without that flag waving in SC, that murderous nut would still have harvest the same hostilities and anger. Its just a symbol, just as the word N**** is just a word. It the minds and what people make of it, that gives the flag, the N word its power. Without our internalizing these symbols, they hold no power over anyone.

I am for keeping the flag. I say this because taking it down, will only increase the anger and bitterness so many white people are harvesting today and its not the whites who will feel the brunt of this gesture, once again black people will have to carry those burdens.

That is why we must, we must divert our attentions back to what is seriously ailing his nation and that is racism and bigotry. Until we collectively sat down and hold real discussions that bring about real changes, we will continue to defuse and minimize what is important for this nation to grow up and finally rid ourselves of the dark past.

It's a non-issue because Haley called for it to be taken down.

But, it was an issue before that. There are things that the state can do and there are things that the state can't do. Clearly.... smacking the shit out of people for their thinking isn't one of them.

Mayhap removing obstacles that divert attention will serve the purpose of forcing that attention to be focused. The problem is that I see an awful lot of people talking about talking but not any talking taking place and an awful lot of moving goal posts. Is it a sock thing? How many socks does it take to actually discuss the issue?

It doesn't belong at any state capital. I have no problem with people wearing it or hanging it in their windows because I want to see that coming a mile away. Be who you are so that there is no guess work involved.

Listen, if the people of Virgina, Mississippi, SC, etc....want the flag to be there, who are we, those outside the state to have issues over it. Hell, had it not been for the news, I wouldn't have known it was there. This is the problem we have in this nation, we take words and symbols and give them power over us and then we find ourselves STUCK. Unwilling to move or bend and then unable to advance forward. I see so many confederate symbols in my state and I could care less about what these people's beliefs are...they have the right!!

You absolutely care about what people's beliefs are. There is no other explanation for this carefully crafted ID.

It's called state sponsored terrorism. There are people that are living that know precisely how it has been used. Brothers, uncles, fathers, mothers, grandparents,great grandparents, and sisters still living. Remove the obstacle and confront the issues.

The problem in this nation is talking about talking. The detachment from symbols starts from the ground up. But, then............yaw would have to actually start mobilizing against things like.........reciting the pledge daily in schools. Solid action and concrete steps. But, that seems to be missing from the conversation that we are not having a society as well.

Here is a video:
Hundreds march in Charleston Columbia to take down Confederate flag - The Washington Post

See those protestors and people in the crowd? Seems to me that they are wiling to do whatever it takes. Doesn't look like they are stuck at all.
Every single time there is an opportunity for this nation to have a real discussion about race and the impact it is having in this country, the media always manages to devert our attention away from it. From the Martin case, from Ferguson and now this non issue shit....Removing that flag will not change the minds of anyone bent on hatred and the worshiping of its purpose. With or without that flag waving in SC, that murderous nut would still have harvest the same hostilities and anger. Its just a symbol, just as the word N**** is just a word. It the minds and what people make of it, that gives the flag, the N word its power. Without our internalizing these symbols, they hold no power over anyone.

I am for keeping the flag. I say this because taking it down, will only increase the anger and bitterness so many white people are harvesting today and its not the whites who will feel the brunt of this gesture, once again black people will have to carry those burdens.

That is why we must, we must divert our attentions back to what is seriously ailing his nation and that is racism and bigotry. Until we collectively sat down and hold real discussions that bring about real changes, we will continue to defuse and minimize what is important for this nation to grow up and finally rid ourselves of the dark past.

It's a non-issue because Haley called for it to be taken down.

But, it was an issue before that. There are things that the state can do and there are things that the state can't do. Clearly.... smacking the shit out of people for their thinking isn't one of them.

Mayhap removing obstacles that divert attention will serve the purpose of forcing that attention to be focused. The problem is that I see an awful lot of people talking about talking but not any talking taking place and an awful lot of moving goal posts. Is it a sock thing? How many socks does it take to actually discuss the issue?

It doesn't belong at any state capital. I have no problem with people wearing it or hanging it in their windows because I want to see that coming a mile away. Be who you are so that there is no guess work involved.

Listen, if the people of Virgina, Mississippi, SC, etc....want the flag to be there, who are we, those outside the state to have issues over it. Hell, had it not been for the news, I wouldn't have known it was there. This is the problem we have in this nation, we take words and symbols and give them power over us and then we find ourselves STUCK. Unwilling to move or bend and then unable to advance forward. I see so many confederate symbols in my state and I could care less about what these people's beliefs are...they have the right!!
I don't think that anyone is calling for a blanket banning of that flag from any privately owned venue. But flying it at state owned property implies a state sanction of the vilest values that flag represents.

What is so odd is that throughout the south, you see these tourist commercials about Miss and Ala and SC, etc....and as a black person, I be like, seriously???????
I can't see any reason to contribute to their economy by way of tourism. We boycotted South Africa in the 1980s. We boycotted Arizona for their policies and attitudes.
People got upset about burning the American flag but the SC ruled that it was free speech.

The Confederate flag is also free speech and it says volumes that the racist white supremacist that committed an act of domestic terrorism burned the American flag and waved the Confederate flag.

So there is no misunderstanding as to what speech the Confederate flag actually stands for.

And it gives everyone who sees it very clear image of those who fly that flag.

So I don't want it removed either.

I want those who support it to feel the full brunt of the contempt that the rest of the civilized world feels about racist white supremacists who embrace domestic terrorism.
Interesting when we look at a respectable poll (Pew Research Center) of how Americans view the Confederate flag. Most Americans think nothing about it.

And Blacks, whom the flag removers say they are so concerned about, show up in the poll as having only 41% having a negative view of the flag, as opposed to 55% who are not negative to it, and that 55% of blacks includes a 10% group, who view it with a POSITIVE reaction.


People got upset about burning the American flag but the SC ruled that it was free speech.

The Confederate flag is also free speech and it says volumes that the racist white supremacist that committed an act of domestic terrorism burned the American flag and waved the Confederate flag.

So there is no misunderstanding as to what speech the Confederate flag actually stands for.

And it gives everyone who sees it very clear image of those who fly that flag.

So I don't want it removed either.

I want those who support it to feel the full brunt of the contempt that the rest of the civilized world feels about racist white supremacists who embrace domestic terrorism.
Interesting when we look at a respectable poll (Pew Research Center) of how Americans view the Confederate flag. Most Americans think nothing about it.

And Blacks, whom the flag removers say they are so concerned about, show up in the poll as having only 41% having a negative view of the flag, as opposed to 55% who are not negative to it, and that 55% of blacks includes a 10% group, who view it with a POSITIVE reaction.



Try looking at a CURRENT poll instead.

Poll 1 in 5 supports Confederate flag TheHill

Poll: 1 in 5 supports Confederate flag

By Tim Devaney - 06/22/15 11:48 AM EDT

Following the racially charged shooting at a South Carolina church, nearly two-thirds of Americans believe the Confederate flag should be removed from all government buildings.

However, 1 out of ever 5 Americans still support the public display of the Confederate flag, according to a new poll from the left-leaning Center for American Progress Action Fund.

According to the Center for American Progress poll of 645 registered voters released Monday, 64 percent of Americans say no government building should display the Confederate flag, which many see as a symbol of hatred and racism.

Meanwhile, more than 500,000 people have signed a petition to remove the Confederate flag from all government buildings.
Every single time there is an opportunity for this nation to have a real discussion about race and the impact it is having in this country, the media always manages to devert our attention away from it. From the Martin case, from Ferguson and now this non issue shit....Removing that flag will not change the minds of anyone bent on hatred and the worshiping of its purpose. With or without that flag waving in SC, that murderous nut would still have harvest the same hostilities and anger. Its just a symbol, just as the word N**** is just a word. It the minds and what people make of it, that gives the flag, the N word its power. Without our internalizing these symbols, they hold no power over anyone.

I am for keeping the flag. I say this because taking it down, will only increase the anger and bitterness so many white people are harvesting today and its not the whites who will feel the brunt of this gesture, once again black people will have to carry those burdens.

That is why we must, we must divert our attentions back to what is seriously ailing his nation and that is racism and bigotry. Until we collectively sat down and hold real discussions that bring about real changes, we will continue to defuse and minimize what is important for this nation to grow up and finally rid ourselves of the dark past.

It's a non-issue because Haley called for it to be taken down.

But, it was an issue before that. There are things that the state can do and there are things that the state can't do. Clearly.... smacking the shit out of people for their thinking isn't one of them.

Mayhap removing obstacles that divert attention will serve the purpose of forcing that attention to be focused. The problem is that I see an awful lot of people talking about talking but not any talking taking place and an awful lot of moving goal posts. Is it a sock thing? How many socks does it take to actually discuss the issue?

It doesn't belong at any state capital. I have no problem with people wearing it or hanging it in their windows because I want to see that coming a mile away. Be who you are so that there is no guess work involved.

Listen, if the people of Virgina, Mississippi, SC, etc....want the flag to be there, who are we, those outside the state to have issues over it. Hell, had it not been for the news, I wouldn't have known it was there. This is the problem we have in this nation, we take words and symbols and give them power over us and then we find ourselves STUCK. Unwilling to move or bend and then unable to advance forward. I see so many confederate symbols in my state and I could care less about what these people's beliefs are...they have the right!!

That ^^ -- the bold above. When we devote this much attention to an inanimate object symbol, regardless whether that attention is positive or negative (actually especially if it's negative), we bestow it with power. Banning bestows power too. Suddenly people go, "marijuana? Never heard of it -- it's banned? Let's go find out why".

I happened to drive across South Carolina last week, twice, before this tangent came up about the flag, and saw no Confederate flags at all, even on state government buildings. And I spend a lot of time in Mississippi (where my mother's from) and rarely ever see it there either. There's a strong smell in the air of people looking for something to be offended by.

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