Why the removal of the confederate flag should be a non issue.

I agree. This shift to a flag is a giant distraction. Let's face it -- it wasn't a flag that went to a church and gunned down nine people. Nor did the guy who did it, do it because the flag exists.

I guess it's easier to get lost in a rhetorical gunfight over an inanimate object symbol than to confront our own collective cultural psyche.
I agree.....It seems the media has taken this flag thing and run with it...
On the local CBS affiliate 6 pm news they opened with a local breaking story. Then spent the next two segments on the Church murders....But not on the people who were slaughtered....No, there were three pieces in those two segments about the flag....
It's almost as though the victims are being ignored in order to fulfill some editorial/political agenda.....
I must be old school. I am a believer in pure journalism. That is, a reporter is not supposed to care about the outcome of a story. Only the facts. And that goes double for the editorial staff.
I guess when some tv executives were convinced that 'news is boring', they decided that a news cast was to be considered "entertainment".....
Flag is gone

Shed no tears

Oh, there's gonna be tears shed, because black people all around this country are gonna have to contend with crazy whites who will take this shit out on some innocent black person and you heard it here first. This is bad on all accounts.
Dont let crazy whites scare you. Thats how they maintain the status quo. I'm actually hoping some monkey tries something with me.
People got upset about burning the American flag but the SC ruled that it was free speech.

The Confederate flag is also free speech and it says volumes that the racist white supremacist that committed an act of domestic terrorism burned the American flag and waved the Confederate flag.

So there is no misunderstanding as to what speech the Confederate flag actually stands for.

And it gives everyone who sees it very clear image of those who fly that flag.

So I don't want it removed either.

I want those who support it to feel the full brunt of the contempt that the rest of the civilized world feels about racist white supremacists who embrace domestic terrorism.

Well, its gone and sadly black people are gonna find life in this country just a little bit more dangerous, so brother and sisters watch ya backs.
Gotta wonder if we wont see an explosion of Confederate Battle Flags hanging in front of peoples homes?
It'll be a good indicator of public opinion at the very least.
That'll show those negroes

Funny,I look at it like a good way to judge public opinion.
Not really unless you are going to visit every neighborhood in the US. We know with certainty you are too frightened to do that.

There's this thing called the media,maybe you've heard of it?
Flag is gone

Shed no tears

Oh, there's gonna be tears shed, because black people all around this country are gonna have to contend with crazy whites who will take this shit out on some innocent black person and you heard it here first. This is bad on all accounts.
Dont let crazy whites scare you. Thats how they maintain the status quo. I'm actually hoping some monkey tries something with me.

Proud Navy vet here and gun owner (smile)
Gotta wonder if we wont see an explosion of Confederate Battle Flags hanging in front of peoples homes?
It'll be a good indicator of public opinion at the very least.
That'll show those negroes

Funny,I look at it like a good way to judge public opinion.
Not really unless you are going to visit every neighborhood in the US. We know with certainty you are too frightened to do that.

There's this thing called the media,maybe you've heard of it?
Yes I have. Do they go into every neighborhood or are you really that stupid?
Flag is gone

Shed no tears

Oh, there's gonna be tears shed, because black people all around this country are gonna have to contend with crazy whites who will take this shit out on some innocent black person and you heard it here first. This is bad on all accounts.
Dont let crazy whites scare you. Thats how they maintain the status quo. I'm actually hoping some monkey tries something with me.

Proud Navy vet here and gun owner (smile)
Yeah I have a couple that are waiting to put in some work should the need arise.
Gotta wonder if we wont see an explosion of Confederate Battle Flags hanging in front of peoples homes?
It'll be a good indicator of public opinion at the very least.
That'll show those negroes

Funny,I look at it like a good way to judge public opinion.
Not really unless you are going to visit every neighborhood in the US. We know with certainty you are too frightened to do that.

There's this thing called the media,maybe you've heard of it?
Yes I have. Do they go into every neighborhood or are you really that stupid?

It'll be clear to anyone who lives in the area. Who in turn speak to the reporters.
Why does the obvious always seem to escape you?
So you remove it from a museum site.
It's still on bumper stickers, front yard flagpoles, garage walls, window curtains.

Like the OP said, it's the racism and bigoted people (of both races) that is the bigger problem.
That AND mental illness sets people off.
That one particular thing is just a sign of a symptom, not the true disease

Not to mention, once you make a big deal out of an inanimate symbol (which gives it power) to remove it from the state house, you get more bumper stickers, yard decorations, T-shirts and such, largely from people who weren't displaying it for racist reasons in the first place.
I, for one, dont really care what some pion, white trash hillbilly, displays on his bumper. When a symbol of racism is flown on a government building its a reminder they support the same racism.

It also means that they hate America and want leave the union.

These aren't patriots.

They hate America so much they fly a flag of traitors who killed thousands of Americans only so they can enslave people and leave the union.

No one should have any respect for people who hate our nation.
That'll show those negroes

Funny,I look at it like a good way to judge public opinion.
Not really unless you are going to visit every neighborhood in the US. We know with certainty you are too frightened to do that.

There's this thing called the media,maybe you've heard of it?
Yes I have. Do they go into every neighborhood or are you really that stupid?

It'll be clear to anyone who lives in the area. Who in turn speak to the reporters.
Why does the obvious always seem to escape you?
What will be clear? That you are an idiot? I have never seen reporters just randomly wandering neighborhoods.
Gotta wonder if we wont see an explosion of Confederate Battle Flags hanging in front of peoples homes?
It'll be a good indicator of public opinion at the very least.
Southerners are known for their defiant nature. Hence the reason why many southern states incorporated some form or reference to the Confederate Battle Flag in their respective state flags...In fact all former Confederacy Member states except VA and SC have in their design some reference to the Stars and Bars and/or the Confederate Battle Flag
Funny,I look at it like a good way to judge public opinion.
Not really unless you are going to visit every neighborhood in the US. We know with certainty you are too frightened to do that.

There's this thing called the media,maybe you've heard of it?
Yes I have. Do they go into every neighborhood or are you really that stupid?

It'll be clear to anyone who lives in the area. Who in turn speak to the reporters.
Why does the obvious always seem to escape you?
What will be clear? That you are an idiot? I have never seen reporters just randomly wandering neighborhoods.

Well nignoramous if it became a story who else are they going to talk to?
Gotta wonder if we wont see an explosion of Confederate Battle Flags hanging in front of peoples homes?
It'll be a good indicator of public opinion at the very least.


And that will identify who should be shunned, mocked and reviled.

And I :salute: Gov Haley and Senator Graham for standing up and speaking out. It is all too rare to see politicians taking a stand on issues of this nation.

So credit where it is due!
That is a generalization.. And a ridiculous and prejudiced comment.
Every single time there is an opportunity for this nation to have a real discussion about race and the impact it is having in this country, the media always manages to devert our attention away from it. From the Martin case, from Ferguson and now this non issue shit....Removing that flag will not change the minds of anyone bent on hatred and the worshiping of its purpose. With or without that flag waving in SC, that murderous nut would still have harvest the same hostilities and anger. Its just a symbol, just as the word N**** is just a word. It the minds and what people make of it, that gives the flag, the N word its power. Without our internalizing these symbols, they hold no power over anyone.

I am for keeping the flag. I say this because taking it down, will only increase the anger and bitterness so many white people are harvesting today and its not the whites who will feel the brunt of this gesture, once again black people will have to carry those burdens.

That is why we must, we must divert our attentions back to what is seriously ailing his nation and that is racism and bigotry. Until we collectively sat down and hold real discussions that bring about real changes, we will continue to defuse and minimize what is important for this nation to grow up and finally rid ourselves of the dark past.
While I agree the flag itself really is a non issue, I disagree for the following reasons....

1. Flags are visual symbols. To see the symbol of racism in your face constantly is going to cause distrust.

2. "We" cant talk until they get rid of their racists. Nothing good will come of asking the people who try their best to oppress you to stop trying to oppress you. The people that arent racist dont need a talk.

3. You can talk until you are blue in the face and nothing will change until action is taken to back those talks. We live in a country that basically gave us a slap in the face by giving out reparations to the Japanese but would rather pass a kidney stone than reimburse Blacks.
"Their racists?....Hey cowboy. Check your guns at the door. Racism is in ALL sides.
Now. if you can identify who those individuals that are...how'd you put it?...."who are doing their best to oppress you", then you can be involved in the discussion because you'd have something to add. You have a ways to go before you are invited. You have too much anger and hate inside you.
Reimburse blacks? For what?......Ok, for a moment, lets say by some once in a millennium aligning of the planets and some other series of miracles the federal government loses a lawsuit and reparations are ordered by a court....
Now, think long and hard before you answer this question....."who is going to be responsible for paying you?'...
Consider your answer very carefully.
Not really unless you are going to visit every neighborhood in the US. We know with certainty you are too frightened to do that.

There's this thing called the media,maybe you've heard of it?
Yes I have. Do they go into every neighborhood or are you really that stupid?

It'll be clear to anyone who lives in the area. Who in turn speak to the reporters.
Why does the obvious always seem to escape you?
What will be clear? That you are an idiot? I have never seen reporters just randomly wandering neighborhoods.

Well nignoramous if it became a story who else are they going to talk to?
Who told you it was going to become a story monkey? I guess your "clear" is getting more cloudy with each passing post.
Every single time there is an opportunity for this nation to have a real discussion about race and the impact it is having in this country, the media always manages to devert our attention away from it. From the Martin case, from Ferguson and now this non issue shit....Removing that flag will not change the minds of anyone bent on hatred and the worshiping of its purpose. With or without that flag waving in SC, that murderous nut would still have harvest the same hostilities and anger. Its just a symbol, just as the word N**** is just a word. It the minds and what people make of it, that gives the flag, the N word its power. Without our internalizing these symbols, they hold no power over anyone.

I am for keeping the flag. I say this because taking it down, will only increase the anger and bitterness so many white people are harvesting today and its not the whites who will feel the brunt of this gesture, once again black people will have to carry those burdens.

That is why we must, we must divert our attentions back to what is seriously ailing his nation and that is racism and bigotry. Until we collectively sat down and hold real discussions that bring about real changes, we will continue to defuse and minimize what is important for this nation to grow up and finally rid ourselves of the dark past.
While I agree the flag itself really is a non issue, I disagree for the following reasons....

1. Flags are visual symbols. To see the symbol of racism in your face constantly is going to cause distrust.

2. "We" cant talk until they get rid of their racists. Nothing good will come of asking the people who try their best to oppress you to stop trying to oppress you. The people that arent racist dont need a talk.

3. You can talk until you are blue in the face and nothing will change until action is taken to back those talks. We live in a country that basically gave us a slap in the face by giving out reparations to the Japanese but would rather pass a kidney stone than reimburse Blacks.
"Their racists?....Hey cowboy. Check your guns at the door. Racism is in ALL sides.
Now. if you can identify who those individuals that are...how'd you put it?...."who are doing their best to oppress you", then you can be involved in the discussion because you'd have something to add. You have a ways to go before you are invited. You have too much anger and hate inside you.
Reimburse blacks? For what?......Ok, for a moment, lets say by some once in a millennium aligning of the planets and some other series of miracles the federal government loses a lawsuit and reparations are ordered by a court....
Now, think long and hard before you answer this question....."who is going to be responsible for paying you?'...
Consider your answer very carefully.
Trust me when I say I have nothing to say to whites about it. Its not a matter of being invited. Its none of your business and you are the ones that are not invited. Black people have to succeed on their own. What kind of fool looks to the people oppressing you to stop oppressing you?

What do you mean who is going to pay? The same people that paid the Japanese. All tax payers.
There's this thing called the media,maybe you've heard of it?
Yes I have. Do they go into every neighborhood or are you really that stupid?

It'll be clear to anyone who lives in the area. Who in turn speak to the reporters.
Why does the obvious always seem to escape you?
What will be clear? That you are an idiot? I have never seen reporters just randomly wandering neighborhoods.

Well nignoramous if it became a story who else are they going to talk to?
Who told you it was going to become a story monkey? I guess your "clear" is getting more cloudy with each passing post.
There's this thing called the media,maybe you've heard of it?
Yes I have. Do they go into every neighborhood or are you really that stupid?

It'll be clear to anyone who lives in the area. Who in turn speak to the reporters.
Why does the obvious always seem to escape you?
What will be clear? That you are an idiot? I have never seen reporters just randomly wandering neighborhoods.

Well nignoramous if it became a story who else are they going to talk to?
Who told you it was going to become a story monkey? I guess your "clear" is getting more cloudy with each passing post.

What a nignoramous.....
Yes I have. Do they go into every neighborhood or are you really that stupid?

It'll be clear to anyone who lives in the area. Who in turn speak to the reporters.
Why does the obvious always seem to escape you?
What will be clear? That you are an idiot? I have never seen reporters just randomly wandering neighborhoods.

Well nignoramous if it became a story who else are they going to talk to?
Who told you it was going to become a story monkey? I guess your "clear" is getting more cloudy with each passing post.
Yes I have. Do they go into every neighborhood or are you really that stupid?

It'll be clear to anyone who lives in the area. Who in turn speak to the reporters.
Why does the obvious always seem to escape you?
What will be clear? That you are an idiot? I have never seen reporters just randomly wandering neighborhoods.

Well nignoramous if it became a story who else are they going to talk to?
Who told you it was going to become a story monkey? I guess your "clear" is getting more cloudy with each passing post.

What a nignoramous.....
What cave monkey....

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