Why the removal of the confederate flag should be a non issue.

Why the confederate flag will not be flown again

People got upset about burning the American flag but the SC ruled that it was free speech.

The Confederate flag is also free speech and it says volumes that the racist white supremacist that committed an act of domestic terrorism burned the American flag and waved the Confederate flag.

So there is no misunderstanding as to what speech the Confederate flag actually stands for.

And it gives everyone who sees it very clear image of those who fly that flag.

So I don't want it removed either.

I want those who support it to feel the full brunt of the contempt that the rest of the civilized world feels about racist white supremacists who embrace domestic terrorism.
Interesting when we look at a respectable poll (Pew Research Center) of how Americans view the Confederate flag. Most Americans think nothing about it.

And Blacks, whom the flag removers say they are so concerned about, show up in the poll as having only 41% having a negative view of the flag, as opposed to 55% who are not negative to it, and that 55% of blacks includes a 10% group, who view it with a POSITIVE reaction.



Try looking at a CURRENT poll instead.

Poll 1 in 5 supports Confederate flag TheHill

Poll: 1 in 5 supports Confederate flag

By Tim Devaney - 06/22/15 11:48 AM EDT

Following the racially charged shooting at a South Carolina church, nearly two-thirds of Americans believe the Confederate flag should be removed from all government buildings.

However, 1 out of ever 5 Americans still support the public display of the Confederate flag, according to a new poll from the left-leaning Center for American Progress Action Fund.

According to the Center for American Progress poll of 645 registered voters released Monday, 64 percent of Americans say no government building should display the Confederate flag, which many see as a symbol of hatred and racism.

Meanwhile, more than 500,000 people have signed a petition to remove the Confederate flag from all government buildings.
Center for American Progress. HA HA HA HA :lame2: :laugh: :laugh2:

500,000 people. HA HA HA HA That is 1/636 of the population (AKA .0015723)
People got upset about burning the American flag but the SC ruled that it was free speech.

The Confederate flag is also free speech and it says volumes that the racist white supremacist that committed an act of domestic terrorism burned the American flag and waved the Confederate flag.

So there is no misunderstanding as to what speech the Confederate flag actually stands for.

And it gives everyone who sees it very clear image of those who fly that flag.

So I don't want it removed either.

I want those who support it to feel the full brunt of the contempt that the rest of the civilized world feels about racist white supremacists who embrace domestic terrorism.
Interesting when we look at a respectable poll (Pew Research Center) of how Americans view the Confederate flag. Most Americans think nothing about it.

And Blacks, whom the flag removers say they are so concerned about, show up in the poll as having only 41% having a negative view of the flag, as opposed to 55% who are not negative to it, and that 55% of blacks includes a 10% group, who view it with a POSITIVE reaction.



Try looking at a CURRENT poll instead.

Poll 1 in 5 supports Confederate flag TheHill

Poll: 1 in 5 supports Confederate flag

By Tim Devaney - 06/22/15 11:48 AM EDT

Following the racially charged shooting at a South Carolina church, nearly two-thirds of Americans believe the Confederate flag should be removed from all government buildings.

However, 1 out of ever 5 Americans still support the public display of the Confederate flag, according to a new poll from the left-leaning Center for American Progress Action Fund.

According to the Center for American Progress poll of 645 registered voters released Monday, 64 percent of Americans say no government building should display the Confederate flag, which many see as a symbol of hatred and racism.

Meanwhile, more than 500,000 people have signed a petition to remove the Confederate flag from all government buildings.
Center for American Progress. HA HA HA HA :lame2: :laugh: :laugh2:

500,000 people. HA HA HA HA That is 1/636 of the population (AKA .0015723)

Gosh, PPP just got a virtually identical result to CAP.

Before Charleston Not Many People Wanted To Take Down The Confederate Flag FiveThirtyEight

UPDATE (June 22, 5:03 p.m.): Monday afternoon, Public Policy Polling released a survey of registered voters conducted June 19-20, after the Charleston shooting. Sixty-four percent of registered voters opposed government buildings flying the Confederate flag, while 21 percent supported these displays. Fifteen percent were unsure.​

How much do you want to bet that the next couple of polls all show similar results?
Gotta wonder if we wont see an explosion of Confederate Battle Flags hanging in front of peoples homes?
It'll be a good indicator of public opinion at the very least.
Good. Let them publicly identify themselves as the bigots they are by going out of their way to wave that symbol of racism and hatred.

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So you remove it from a museum site.
It's still on bumper stickers, front yard flagpoles, garage walls, window curtains.

Like the OP said, it's the racism and bigoted people (of both races) that is the bigger problem.
That AND mental illness sets people off.
That one particular thing is just a sign of a symptom, not the true disease

Not to mention, once you make a big deal out of an inanimate symbol (which gives it power) to remove it from the state house, you get more bumper stickers, yard decorations, T-shirts and such, largely from people who weren't displaying it for racist reasons in the first place.
Yeah, and...?

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What does "the removal" mean? Y'all lefties have a mentally impaired shooter who was probably drug dosed by the system all of his school years and y'all want to legalize marijuana and outlaw historic symbols you don't agree with. No surprises here.
What does it symbolize?

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You all realize that you are having a fit over a Civil War memorial right?
We should not wipe out our history just because a flag.
What history does that flag symbolize?

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Gotta wonder if we wont see an explosion of Confederate Battle Flags hanging in front of peoples homes?
It'll be a good indicator of public opinion at the very least.
Good. Let them publicly identify themselves as the bigots they are by going out of their way to wave that symbol of racism and hatred.

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Only in your little mind...
Gotta wonder if we wont see an explosion of Confederate Battle Flags hanging in front of peoples homes?
It'll be a good indicator of public opinion at the very least.
That'll show those negroes

Funny,I look at it like a good way to judge public opinion.
Just like the public opinion to ending slavery.

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WTF? Your connection has failed.
Gotta wonder if we wont see an explosion of Confederate Battle Flags hanging in front of peoples homes?
It'll be a good indicator of public opinion at the very least.
That'll show those negroes

Funny,I look at it like a good way to judge public opinion.
Just like the public opinion to ending slavery.

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WTF? Your connection has failed.
Actually, it was spot on.

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Poor piece of shit Dylan.....in his attempts to force a race war between n**ga's too busy sleeping with white women and white men too busy visiting emergency rooms from their guns accidentally shooting their dogs and kids.....he will now single handily be responsible for not only getting rid of racist flags around the country, but also making a lot of his aryan nation supporters mad as hell...either way in prison, ol boy or should I say soon to be popular girl, can't get a break!!! LOLOLOLOLO

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