Why The Resistance Is The Best Thing That’s Happened To Donald Trump

Sun Devil 92

Diamond Member
Apr 2, 2015
Sure, it matters that Donald Trump owns a historically low favorability rating. Then again, disliking the president isn’t exactly a courageous act. Plenty of Americans — many of whom supported the president during the general election — don’t like Donald Trump. They do realize that politics is a tradeoff. A more revealing question pollsters might ask people is: But do you “like” any better Chuck Schumer or Elizabeth Warren, pussy-hatted marchers griping about the patriarchy, or the totalitarians blocking Education Secretary Betsy Devos from walking into a public school?

That’s the choice #TheResistance — whose mantra, let’s face it, has synched with the national Democratic Party — has created for many moderate Republicans, right-leaning independents, and movement conservatives concerned about Trump. Which is to say, they offer no choice whatsoever. They offer plenty of hysteria, hypocrisy, and conflating of conservatism with Trumpism for political gain.


Last week, when the president tactlessly attacked the Ninth Circuit Court on Twitter, the mantra was “Trump doesn’t respect the law!” — even though Democrats had spent eight years attacking the Supreme Court over Citizens United. By Monday, when we learned that there was a deportation uptick (there probably wasn’t) of illegal immigrants, the mantra had changed to “Trump is upholding the law!” (Do Democrats believe enforcing the law horrifies most voters? Do they really believe a temporary ban on refugees from Muslim-majority countries that are terror-producing nations is as cut and dry an issue as it looks on their Twitter feeds?) These days, “the law” means “policy positions liberals like.”

Why The Resistance Is The Best Thing That's Happened To Donald Trump
Sure, it matters that Donald Trump owns a historically low favorability rating. Then again, disliking the president isn’t exactly a courageous act. Plenty of Americans — many of whom supported the president during the general election — don’t like Donald Trump. They do realize that politics is a tradeoff. A more revealing question pollsters might ask people is: But do you “like” any better Chuck Schumer or Elizabeth Warren, pussy-hatted marchers griping about the patriarchy, or the totalitarians blocking Education Secretary Betsy Devos from walking into a public school?

That’s the choice #TheResistance — whose mantra, let’s face it, has synched with the national Democratic Party — has created for many moderate Republicans, right-leaning independents, and movement conservatives concerned about Trump. Which is to say, they offer no choice whatsoever. They offer plenty of hysteria, hypocrisy, and conflating of conservatism with Trumpism for political gain.


Last week, when the president tactlessly attacked the Ninth Circuit Court on Twitter, the mantra was “Trump doesn’t respect the law!” — even though Democrats had spent eight years attacking the Supreme Court over Citizens United. By Monday, when we learned that there was a deportation uptick (there probably wasn’t) of illegal immigrants, the mantra had changed to “Trump is upholding the law!” (Do Democrats believe enforcing the law horrifies most voters? Do they really believe a temporary ban on refugees from Muslim-majority countries that are terror-producing nations is as cut and dry an issue as it looks on their Twitter feeds?) These days, “the law” means “policy positions liberals like.”

Why The Resistance Is The Best Thing That's Happened To Donald Trump
Nice spin
Sure, it matters that Donald Trump owns a historically low favorability rating. Then again, disliking the president isn’t exactly a courageous act. Plenty of Americans — many of whom supported the president during the general election — don’t like Donald Trump. They do realize that politics is a tradeoff. A more revealing question pollsters might ask people is: But do you “like” any better Chuck Schumer or Elizabeth Warren, pussy-hatted marchers griping about the patriarchy, or the totalitarians blocking Education Secretary Betsy Devos from walking into a public school?

That’s the choice #TheResistance — whose mantra, let’s face it, has synched with the national Democratic Party — has created for many moderate Republicans, right-leaning independents, and movement conservatives concerned about Trump. Which is to say, they offer no choice whatsoever. They offer plenty of hysteria, hypocrisy, and conflating of conservatism with Trumpism for political gain.


Last week, when the president tactlessly attacked the Ninth Circuit Court on Twitter, the mantra was “Trump doesn’t respect the law!” — even though Democrats had spent eight years attacking the Supreme Court over Citizens United. By Monday, when we learned that there was a deportation uptick (there probably wasn’t) of illegal immigrants, the mantra had changed to “Trump is upholding the law!” (Do Democrats believe enforcing the law horrifies most voters? Do they really believe a temporary ban on refugees from Muslim-majority countries that are terror-producing nations is as cut and dry an issue as it looks on their Twitter feeds?) These days, “the law” means “policy positions liberals like.”

Why The Resistance Is The Best Thing That's Happened To Donald Trump
Nice spin

Hello guano,

Was there something you wanted to say.

You know....speak your mind.....

Oh yeah.......
Sure, it matters that Donald Trump owns a historically low favorability rating. Then again, disliking the president isn’t exactly a courageous act. Plenty of Americans — many of whom supported the president during the general election — don’t like Donald Trump. They do realize that politics is a tradeoff. A more revealing question pollsters might ask people is: But do you “like” any better Chuck Schumer or Elizabeth Warren, pussy-hatted marchers griping about the patriarchy, or the totalitarians blocking Education Secretary Betsy Devos from walking into a public school?

That’s the choice #TheResistance — whose mantra, let’s face it, has synched with the national Democratic Party — has created for many moderate Republicans, right-leaning independents, and movement conservatives concerned about Trump. Which is to say, they offer no choice whatsoever. They offer plenty of hysteria, hypocrisy, and conflating of conservatism with Trumpism for political gain.


Last week, when the president tactlessly attacked the Ninth Circuit Court on Twitter, the mantra was “Trump doesn’t respect the law!” — even though Democrats had spent eight years attacking the Supreme Court over Citizens United. By Monday, when we learned that there was a deportation uptick (there probably wasn’t) of illegal immigrants, the mantra had changed to “Trump is upholding the law!” (Do Democrats believe enforcing the law horrifies most voters? Do they really believe a temporary ban on refugees from Muslim-majority countries that are terror-producing nations is as cut and dry an issue as it looks on their Twitter feeds?) These days, “the law” means “policy positions liberals like.”

Why The Resistance Is The Best Thing That's Happened To Donald Trump
so basically even though most americans despise you neonazis and you could never get someone who agrees with even half of the bullshit you spew elected, you support trump because atleast he's seems kind of racist, and thats all you are asking for
Sure, it matters that Donald Trump owns a historically low favorability rating. Then again, disliking the president isn’t exactly a courageous act. Plenty of Americans — many of whom supported the president during the general election — don’t like Donald Trump. They do realize that politics is a tradeoff. A more revealing question pollsters might ask people is: But do you “like” any better Chuck Schumer or Elizabeth Warren, pussy-hatted marchers griping about the patriarchy, or the totalitarians blocking Education Secretary Betsy Devos from walking into a public school?

That’s the choice #TheResistance — whose mantra, let’s face it, has synched with the national Democratic Party — has created for many moderate Republicans, right-leaning independents, and movement conservatives concerned about Trump. Which is to say, they offer no choice whatsoever. They offer plenty of hysteria, hypocrisy, and conflating of conservatism with Trumpism for political gain.


Last week, when the president tactlessly attacked the Ninth Circuit Court on Twitter, the mantra was “Trump doesn’t respect the law!” — even though Democrats had spent eight years attacking the Supreme Court over Citizens United. By Monday, when we learned that there was a deportation uptick (there probably wasn’t) of illegal immigrants, the mantra had changed to “Trump is upholding the law!” (Do Democrats believe enforcing the law horrifies most voters? Do they really believe a temporary ban on refugees from Muslim-majority countries that are terror-producing nations is as cut and dry an issue as it looks on their Twitter feeds?) These days, “the law” means “policy positions liberals like.”

Why The Resistance Is The Best Thing That's Happened To Donald Trump
so basically even though most americans despise you neonazis and you could never get someone who agrees with even half of the bullshit you spew elected, you support trump because atleast he's seems kind of racist, and thats all you are asking for

First, I'd ask you to consider posting something that makes sense.
Sure, it matters that Donald Trump owns a historically low favorability rating. Then again, disliking the president isn’t exactly a courageous act. Plenty of Americans — many of whom supported the president during the general election — don’t like Donald Trump. They do realize that politics is a tradeoff. A more revealing question pollsters might ask people is: But do you “like” any better Chuck Schumer or Elizabeth Warren, pussy-hatted marchers griping about the patriarchy, or the totalitarians blocking Education Secretary Betsy Devos from walking into a public school?

That’s the choice #TheResistance — whose mantra, let’s face it, has synched with the national Democratic Party — has created for many moderate Republicans, right-leaning independents, and movement conservatives concerned about Trump. Which is to say, they offer no choice whatsoever. They offer plenty of hysteria, hypocrisy, and conflating of conservatism with Trumpism for political gain.


Last week, when the president tactlessly attacked the Ninth Circuit Court on Twitter, the mantra was “Trump doesn’t respect the law!” — even though Democrats had spent eight years attacking the Supreme Court over Citizens United. By Monday, when we learned that there was a deportation uptick (there probably wasn’t) of illegal immigrants, the mantra had changed to “Trump is upholding the law!” (Do Democrats believe enforcing the law horrifies most voters? Do they really believe a temporary ban on refugees from Muslim-majority countries that are terror-producing nations is as cut and dry an issue as it looks on their Twitter feeds?) These days, “the law” means “policy positions liberals like.”

Why The Resistance Is The Best Thing That's Happened To Donald Trump
so basically even though most americans despise you neonazis and you could never get someone who agrees with even half of the bullshit you spew elected, you support trump because atleast he's seems kind of racist, and thats all you are asking for

First, I'd ask you to consider posting something that makes sense.
you know whats retarded about that article from the white nationalist ironically named "the federalist" news site, was this part

But lately I get the feeling that Trump’s critics have evolved from expecting Trump to be Hitler to preferring it. Obviously they don’t prefer it in a conscious way. But the alternative to Trump becoming Hitler is that they have to live out the rest of their lives as confirmed morons.

I could find thousands of articles calling Obama Stalin or even hitler as well, on that newsite no less, and so far after 8 years nothing you neo nazi morons have predicted came true. Trump's been president less than a month but the hyper partisan, thefederalist is already clearing him of all charges of being compared to hitler (because ya know he's not giving people healthcare and regulating investment banks ya know like Hitler would lol)

but not turning this on themselves as you republicans made all sort of insane predictions and fear mongering and just barked utter nonsense. so much so that you not only tried to groundlessly impeach obama and cause unheard of levels of obstructionism including shutting down the government, destroying americas AAA credit rating for the first time since the depression something Bush couldn't even accomplish. All based on conspiracy theories and propaganda, but no...your not the confirmed morons... no the democrats are because its been a month and Trump hasnt killed 6 millions jews yet lol

maybe trump will support universal healthcare? maybe then will you right wing moronic hypocrites will call him a nazi?
Sure, it matters that Donald Trump owns a historically low favorability rating. Then again, disliking the president isn’t exactly a courageous act. Plenty of Americans — many of whom supported the president during the general election — don’t like Donald Trump. They do realize that politics is a tradeoff. A more revealing question pollsters might ask people is: But do you “like” any better Chuck Schumer or Elizabeth Warren, pussy-hatted marchers griping about the patriarchy, or the totalitarians blocking Education Secretary Betsy Devos from walking into a public school?

That’s the choice #TheResistance — whose mantra, let’s face it, has synched with the national Democratic Party — has created for many moderate Republicans, right-leaning independents, and movement conservatives concerned about Trump. Which is to say, they offer no choice whatsoever. They offer plenty of hysteria, hypocrisy, and conflating of conservatism with Trumpism for political gain.


Last week, when the president tactlessly attacked the Ninth Circuit Court on Twitter, the mantra was “Trump doesn’t respect the law!” — even though Democrats had spent eight years attacking the Supreme Court over Citizens United. By Monday, when we learned that there was a deportation uptick (there probably wasn’t) of illegal immigrants, the mantra had changed to “Trump is upholding the law!” (Do Democrats believe enforcing the law horrifies most voters? Do they really believe a temporary ban on refugees from Muslim-majority countries that are terror-producing nations is as cut and dry an issue as it looks on their Twitter feeds?) These days, “the law” means “policy positions liberals like.”

Why The Resistance Is The Best Thing That's Happened To Donald Trump

Or maybe it will make people wake up to the fact that two choices isn't much of a choice. "Oh, hey, have dinner, you can choose from moldy fruit or putrid beef, which would you like sir?"

Time for REAL CHANGE, time for Proportional Representation. One person, one vote. Not one person in Wyoming, three votes.
Sure, it matters that Donald Trump owns a historically low favorability rating. Then again, disliking the president isn’t exactly a courageous act. Plenty of Americans — many of whom supported the president during the general election — don’t like Donald Trump. They do realize that politics is a tradeoff. A more revealing question pollsters might ask people is: But do you “like” any better Chuck Schumer or Elizabeth Warren, pussy-hatted marchers griping about the patriarchy, or the totalitarians blocking Education Secretary Betsy Devos from walking into a public school?

That’s the choice #TheResistance — whose mantra, let’s face it, has synched with the national Democratic Party — has created for many moderate Republicans, right-leaning independents, and movement conservatives concerned about Trump. Which is to say, they offer no choice whatsoever. They offer plenty of hysteria, hypocrisy, and conflating of conservatism with Trumpism for political gain.


Last week, when the president tactlessly attacked the Ninth Circuit Court on Twitter, the mantra was “Trump doesn’t respect the law!” — even though Democrats had spent eight years attacking the Supreme Court over Citizens United. By Monday, when we learned that there was a deportation uptick (there probably wasn’t) of illegal immigrants, the mantra had changed to “Trump is upholding the law!” (Do Democrats believe enforcing the law horrifies most voters? Do they really believe a temporary ban on refugees from Muslim-majority countries that are terror-producing nations is as cut and dry an issue as it looks on their Twitter feeds?) These days, “the law” means “policy positions liberals like.”

Why The Resistance Is The Best Thing That's Happened To Donald Trump
so basically even though most americans despise you neonazis and you could never get someone who agrees with even half of the bullshit you spew elected, you support trump because atleast he's seems kind of racist, and thats all you are asking for

First, I'd ask you to consider posting something that makes sense.
you know whats retarded about that article from the white nationalist ironically named "the federalist" news site, was this part

But lately I get the feeling that Trump’s critics have evolved from expecting Trump to be Hitler to preferring it. Obviously they don’t prefer it in a conscious way. But the alternative to Trump becoming Hitler is that they have to live out the rest of their lives as confirmed morons.

I could find thousands of articles calling Obama Stalin or even hitler as well, on that newsite no less, and so far after 8 years nothing you neo nazi morons have predicted came true. Trump's been president less than a month but the hyper partisan, thefederalist is already clearing him of all charges of being compared to hitler (because ya know he's not giving people healthcare and regulating investment banks ya know like Hitler would lol)

but not turning this on themselves as you republicans made all sort of insane predictions and fear mongering and just barked utter nonsense. so much so that you not only tried to groundlessly impeach obama and cause unheard of levels of obstructionism including shutting down the government, destroying americas AAA credit rating for the first time since the depression something Bush couldn't even accomplish. All based on conspiracy theories and propaganda, but no...your not the confirmed morons... no the democrats are because its been a month and Trump hasnt killed 6 millions jews yet lol

maybe trump will support universal healthcare? maybe then will you right wing moronic hypocrites will call him a nazi?

You are not succeeding.
Sure, it matters that Donald Trump owns a historically low favorability rating. Then again, disliking the president isn’t exactly a courageous act. Plenty of Americans — many of whom supported the president during the general election — don’t like Donald Trump. They do realize that politics is a tradeoff. A more revealing question pollsters might ask people is: But do you “like” any better Chuck Schumer or Elizabeth Warren, pussy-hatted marchers griping about the patriarchy, or the totalitarians blocking Education Secretary Betsy Devos from walking into a public school?

That’s the choice #TheResistance — whose mantra, let’s face it, has synched with the national Democratic Party — has created for many moderate Republicans, right-leaning independents, and movement conservatives concerned about Trump. Which is to say, they offer no choice whatsoever. They offer plenty of hysteria, hypocrisy, and conflating of conservatism with Trumpism for political gain.


Last week, when the president tactlessly attacked the Ninth Circuit Court on Twitter, the mantra was “Trump doesn’t respect the law!” — even though Democrats had spent eight years attacking the Supreme Court over Citizens United. By Monday, when we learned that there was a deportation uptick (there probably wasn’t) of illegal immigrants, the mantra had changed to “Trump is upholding the law!” (Do Democrats believe enforcing the law horrifies most voters? Do they really believe a temporary ban on refugees from Muslim-majority countries that are terror-producing nations is as cut and dry an issue as it looks on their Twitter feeds?) These days, “the law” means “policy positions liberals like.”

Why The Resistance Is The Best Thing That's Happened To Donald Trump

Or maybe it will make people wake up to the fact that two choices isn't much of a choice. "Oh, hey, have dinner, you can choose from moldy fruit or putrid beef, which would you like sir?"

Time for REAL CHANGE, time for Proportional Representation. One person, one vote. Not one person in Wyoming, three votes.

Not all change is for the better.

What say you carve up Cali into ten states.

That way their votes for senators would be closer to your desires.
Sure, it matters that Donald Trump owns a historically low favorability rating. Then again, disliking the president isn’t exactly a courageous act. Plenty of Americans — many of whom supported the president during the general election — don’t like Donald Trump. They do realize that politics is a tradeoff. A more revealing question pollsters might ask people is: But do you “like” any better Chuck Schumer or Elizabeth Warren, pussy-hatted marchers griping about the patriarchy, or the totalitarians blocking Education Secretary Betsy Devos from walking into a public school?

That’s the choice #TheResistance — whose mantra, let’s face it, has synched with the national Democratic Party — has created for many moderate Republicans, right-leaning independents, and movement conservatives concerned about Trump. Which is to say, they offer no choice whatsoever. They offer plenty of hysteria, hypocrisy, and conflating of conservatism with Trumpism for political gain.


Last week, when the president tactlessly attacked the Ninth Circuit Court on Twitter, the mantra was “Trump doesn’t respect the law!” — even though Democrats had spent eight years attacking the Supreme Court over Citizens United. By Monday, when we learned that there was a deportation uptick (there probably wasn’t) of illegal immigrants, the mantra had changed to “Trump is upholding the law!” (Do Democrats believe enforcing the law horrifies most voters? Do they really believe a temporary ban on refugees from Muslim-majority countries that are terror-producing nations is as cut and dry an issue as it looks on their Twitter feeds?) These days, “the law” means “policy positions liberals like.”

Why The Resistance Is The Best Thing That's Happened To Donald Trump
Nice spin
No it sucked as spin.
Sure, it matters that Donald Trump owns a historically low favorability rating. Then again, disliking the president isn’t exactly a courageous act. Plenty of Americans — many of whom supported the president during the general election — don’t like Donald Trump. They do realize that politics is a tradeoff. A more revealing question pollsters might ask people is: But do you “like” any better Chuck Schumer or Elizabeth Warren, pussy-hatted marchers griping about the patriarchy, or the totalitarians blocking Education Secretary Betsy Devos from walking into a public school?

That’s the choice #TheResistance — whose mantra, let’s face it, has synched with the national Democratic Party — has created for many moderate Republicans, right-leaning independents, and movement conservatives concerned about Trump. Which is to say, they offer no choice whatsoever. They offer plenty of hysteria, hypocrisy, and conflating of conservatism with Trumpism for political gain.


Last week, when the president tactlessly attacked the Ninth Circuit Court on Twitter, the mantra was “Trump doesn’t respect the law!” — even though Democrats had spent eight years attacking the Supreme Court over Citizens United. By Monday, when we learned that there was a deportation uptick (there probably wasn’t) of illegal immigrants, the mantra had changed to “Trump is upholding the law!” (Do Democrats believe enforcing the law horrifies most voters? Do they really believe a temporary ban on refugees from Muslim-majority countries that are terror-producing nations is as cut and dry an issue as it looks on their Twitter feeds?) These days, “the law” means “policy positions liberals like.”

Why The Resistance Is The Best Thing That's Happened To Donald Trump

Or maybe it will make people wake up to the fact that two choices isn't much of a choice. "Oh, hey, have dinner, you can choose from moldy fruit or putrid beef, which would you like sir?"

Time for REAL CHANGE, time for Proportional Representation. One person, one vote. Not one person in Wyoming, three votes.

Or you can just re-establish federalism, get what you want done at the State level, and reduce the federal government back to it's original intent.

Also, good luck amending the constitution to get true national voting.
Sure, it matters that Donald Trump owns a historically low favorability rating. Then again, disliking the president isn’t exactly a courageous act. Plenty of Americans — many of whom supported the president during the general election — don’t like Donald Trump. They do realize that politics is a tradeoff. A more revealing question pollsters might ask people is: But do you “like” any better Chuck Schumer or Elizabeth Warren, pussy-hatted marchers griping about the patriarchy, or the totalitarians blocking Education Secretary Betsy Devos from walking into a public school?

That’s the choice #TheResistance — whose mantra, let’s face it, has synched with the national Democratic Party — has created for many moderate Republicans, right-leaning independents, and movement conservatives concerned about Trump. Which is to say, they offer no choice whatsoever. They offer plenty of hysteria, hypocrisy, and conflating of conservatism with Trumpism for political gain.


Last week, when the president tactlessly attacked the Ninth Circuit Court on Twitter, the mantra was “Trump doesn’t respect the law!” — even though Democrats had spent eight years attacking the Supreme Court over Citizens United. By Monday, when we learned that there was a deportation uptick (there probably wasn’t) of illegal immigrants, the mantra had changed to “Trump is upholding the law!” (Do Democrats believe enforcing the law horrifies most voters? Do they really believe a temporary ban on refugees from Muslim-majority countries that are terror-producing nations is as cut and dry an issue as it looks on their Twitter feeds?) These days, “the law” means “policy positions liberals like.”

Why The Resistance Is The Best Thing That's Happened To Donald Trump

Or maybe it will make people wake up to the fact that two choices isn't much of a choice. "Oh, hey, have dinner, you can choose from moldy fruit or putrid beef, which would you like sir?"

Time for REAL CHANGE, time for Proportional Representation. One person, one vote. Not one person in Wyoming, three votes.

Not all change is for the better.

What say you carve up Cali into ten states.

That way their votes for senators would be closer to your desires.

Not all change is for the better, however one person, one vote IS a change for the better.
Sure, it matters that Donald Trump owns a historically low favorability rating. Then again, disliking the president isn’t exactly a courageous act. Plenty of Americans — many of whom supported the president during the general election — don’t like Donald Trump. They do realize that politics is a tradeoff. A more revealing question pollsters might ask people is: But do you “like” any better Chuck Schumer or Elizabeth Warren, pussy-hatted marchers griping about the patriarchy, or the totalitarians blocking Education Secretary Betsy Devos from walking into a public school?

That’s the choice #TheResistance — whose mantra, let’s face it, has synched with the national Democratic Party — has created for many moderate Republicans, right-leaning independents, and movement conservatives concerned about Trump. Which is to say, they offer no choice whatsoever. They offer plenty of hysteria, hypocrisy, and conflating of conservatism with Trumpism for political gain.


Last week, when the president tactlessly attacked the Ninth Circuit Court on Twitter, the mantra was “Trump doesn’t respect the law!” — even though Democrats had spent eight years attacking the Supreme Court over Citizens United. By Monday, when we learned that there was a deportation uptick (there probably wasn’t) of illegal immigrants, the mantra had changed to “Trump is upholding the law!” (Do Democrats believe enforcing the law horrifies most voters? Do they really believe a temporary ban on refugees from Muslim-majority countries that are terror-producing nations is as cut and dry an issue as it looks on their Twitter feeds?) These days, “the law” means “policy positions liberals like.”

Why The Resistance Is The Best Thing That's Happened To Donald Trump

Or maybe it will make people wake up to the fact that two choices isn't much of a choice. "Oh, hey, have dinner, you can choose from moldy fruit or putrid beef, which would you like sir?"

Time for REAL CHANGE, time for Proportional Representation. One person, one vote. Not one person in Wyoming, three votes.

Or you can just re-establish federalism, get what you want done at the State level, and reduce the federal government back to it's original intent.

Also, good luck amending the constitution to get true national voting.

Oh, it's almost impossible to get PR, why? Because the right know the current system benefits them too much.
Sure, it matters that Donald Trump owns a historically low favorability rating. Then again, disliking the president isn’t exactly a courageous act. Plenty of Americans — many of whom supported the president during the general election — don’t like Donald Trump. They do realize that politics is a tradeoff. A more revealing question pollsters might ask people is: But do you “like” any better Chuck Schumer or Elizabeth Warren, pussy-hatted marchers griping about the patriarchy, or the totalitarians blocking Education Secretary Betsy Devos from walking into a public school?

That’s the choice #TheResistance — whose mantra, let’s face it, has synched with the national Democratic Party — has created for many moderate Republicans, right-leaning independents, and movement conservatives concerned about Trump. Which is to say, they offer no choice whatsoever. They offer plenty of hysteria, hypocrisy, and conflating of conservatism with Trumpism for political gain.


Last week, when the president tactlessly attacked the Ninth Circuit Court on Twitter, the mantra was “Trump doesn’t respect the law!” — even though Democrats had spent eight years attacking the Supreme Court over Citizens United. By Monday, when we learned that there was a deportation uptick (there probably wasn’t) of illegal immigrants, the mantra had changed to “Trump is upholding the law!” (Do Democrats believe enforcing the law horrifies most voters? Do they really believe a temporary ban on refugees from Muslim-majority countries that are terror-producing nations is as cut and dry an issue as it looks on their Twitter feeds?) These days, “the law” means “policy positions liberals like.”

Why The Resistance Is The Best Thing That's Happened To Donald Trump

It's good that you have wingnut sources to tell you what to think. Otherwise, you might be really nervous about all this Flynn/Russia shit.
Sure, it matters that Donald Trump owns a historically low favorability rating. Then again, disliking the president isn’t exactly a courageous act. Plenty of Americans — many of whom supported the president during the general election — don’t like Donald Trump. They do realize that politics is a tradeoff. A more revealing question pollsters might ask people is: But do you “like” any better Chuck Schumer or Elizabeth Warren, pussy-hatted marchers griping about the patriarchy, or the totalitarians blocking Education Secretary Betsy Devos from walking into a public school?

That’s the choice #TheResistance — whose mantra, let’s face it, has synched with the national Democratic Party — has created for many moderate Republicans, right-leaning independents, and movement conservatives concerned about Trump. Which is to say, they offer no choice whatsoever. They offer plenty of hysteria, hypocrisy, and conflating of conservatism with Trumpism for political gain.


Last week, when the president tactlessly attacked the Ninth Circuit Court on Twitter, the mantra was “Trump doesn’t respect the law!” — even though Democrats had spent eight years attacking the Supreme Court over Citizens United. By Monday, when we learned that there was a deportation uptick (there probably wasn’t) of illegal immigrants, the mantra had changed to “Trump is upholding the law!” (Do Democrats believe enforcing the law horrifies most voters? Do they really believe a temporary ban on refugees from Muslim-majority countries that are terror-producing nations is as cut and dry an issue as it looks on their Twitter feeds?) These days, “the law” means “policy positions liberals like.”

Why The Resistance Is The Best Thing That's Happened To Donald Trump

It's good that you have wingnut sources to tell you what to think. Otherwise, you might be really nervous about all this Flynn/Russia shit.

And those voices in your head (the ones that sound like Nancy Pelosi).....well there is help for that.
Sure, it matters that Donald Trump owns a historically low favorability rating. Then again, disliking the president isn’t exactly a courageous act. Plenty of Americans — many of whom supported the president during the general election — don’t like Donald Trump. They do realize that politics is a tradeoff. A more revealing question pollsters might ask people is: But do you “like” any better Chuck Schumer or Elizabeth Warren, pussy-hatted marchers griping about the patriarchy, or the totalitarians blocking Education Secretary Betsy Devos from walking into a public school?

That’s the choice #TheResistance — whose mantra, let’s face it, has synched with the national Democratic Party — has created for many moderate Republicans, right-leaning independents, and movement conservatives concerned about Trump. Which is to say, they offer no choice whatsoever. They offer plenty of hysteria, hypocrisy, and conflating of conservatism with Trumpism for political gain.


Last week, when the president tactlessly attacked the Ninth Circuit Court on Twitter, the mantra was “Trump doesn’t respect the law!” — even though Democrats had spent eight years attacking the Supreme Court over Citizens United. By Monday, when we learned that there was a deportation uptick (there probably wasn’t) of illegal immigrants, the mantra had changed to “Trump is upholding the law!” (Do Democrats believe enforcing the law horrifies most voters? Do they really believe a temporary ban on refugees from Muslim-majority countries that are terror-producing nations is as cut and dry an issue as it looks on their Twitter feeds?) These days, “the law” means “policy positions liberals like.”

Why The Resistance Is The Best Thing That's Happened To Donald Trump

Or maybe it will make people wake up to the fact that two choices isn't much of a choice. "Oh, hey, have dinner, you can choose from moldy fruit or putrid beef, which would you like sir?"

Time for REAL CHANGE, time for Proportional Representation. One person, one vote. Not one person in Wyoming, three votes.

Not all change is for the better.

What say you carve up Cali into ten states.

That way their votes for senators would be closer to your desires.

Not all change is for the better, however one person, one vote IS a change for the better.

Prove it.
Sure, it matters that Donald Trump owns a historically low favorability rating. Then again, disliking the president isn’t exactly a courageous act. Plenty of Americans — many of whom supported the president during the general election — don’t like Donald Trump. They do realize that politics is a tradeoff. A more revealing question pollsters might ask people is: But do you “like” any better Chuck Schumer or Elizabeth Warren, pussy-hatted marchers griping about the patriarchy, or the totalitarians blocking Education Secretary Betsy Devos from walking into a public school?

That’s the choice #TheResistance — whose mantra, let’s face it, has synched with the national Democratic Party — has created for many moderate Republicans, right-leaning independents, and movement conservatives concerned about Trump. Which is to say, they offer no choice whatsoever. They offer plenty of hysteria, hypocrisy, and conflating of conservatism with Trumpism for political gain.


Last week, when the president tactlessly attacked the Ninth Circuit Court on Twitter, the mantra was “Trump doesn’t respect the law!” — even though Democrats had spent eight years attacking the Supreme Court over Citizens United. By Monday, when we learned that there was a deportation uptick (there probably wasn’t) of illegal immigrants, the mantra had changed to “Trump is upholding the law!” (Do Democrats believe enforcing the law horrifies most voters? Do they really believe a temporary ban on refugees from Muslim-majority countries that are terror-producing nations is as cut and dry an issue as it looks on their Twitter feeds?) These days, “the law” means “policy positions liberals like.”

Why The Resistance Is The Best Thing That's Happened To Donald Trump

Or maybe it will make people wake up to the fact that two choices isn't much of a choice. "Oh, hey, have dinner, you can choose from moldy fruit or putrid beef, which would you like sir?"

Time for REAL CHANGE, time for Proportional Representation. One person, one vote. Not one person in Wyoming, three votes.

Not all change is for the better.

What say you carve up Cali into ten states.

That way their votes for senators would be closer to your desires.

Not all change is for the better, however one person, one vote IS a change for the better.

Prove it.

Fine. Although this is about what is "better" which is highly subjective.

However we know that when people have one person one vote they vote differently. In Germany 10% of the people will vote for the main two parties in FPTP and then will switch their vote to smaller parties when it comes to proportional representation.

There's a difference, FPTP is negative voting where people will vote for someone in order to stop someone else getting into power. PR is positive voting where people vote for the party they want to represent them.

In the US people ended up voting for two joke candidates and ended up with one of them. In other countries this won't happen because people actually have more choice, which means parties are less likely to go with the joke candidate because they know they can be decimated at the polls.

If I live in a country, I want to have equal say with everyone else. Why? Because then politicians will end up seeing things in an equal way. In a country where there's an imbalance, then those who have less of a say will have less of the benefits of the politicians.
Sure, it matters that Donald Trump owns a historically low favorability rating. Then again, disliking the president isn’t exactly a courageous act. Plenty of Americans — many of whom supported the president during the general election — don’t like Donald Trump. They do realize that politics is a tradeoff. A more revealing question pollsters might ask people is: But do you “like” any better Chuck Schumer or Elizabeth Warren, pussy-hatted marchers griping about the patriarchy, or the totalitarians blocking Education Secretary Betsy Devos from walking into a public school?

That’s the choice #TheResistance — whose mantra, let’s face it, has synched with the national Democratic Party — has created for many moderate Republicans, right-leaning independents, and movement conservatives concerned about Trump. Which is to say, they offer no choice whatsoever. They offer plenty of hysteria, hypocrisy, and conflating of conservatism with Trumpism for political gain.


Last week, when the president tactlessly attacked the Ninth Circuit Court on Twitter, the mantra was “Trump doesn’t respect the law!” — even though Democrats had spent eight years attacking the Supreme Court over Citizens United. By Monday, when we learned that there was a deportation uptick (there probably wasn’t) of illegal immigrants, the mantra had changed to “Trump is upholding the law!” (Do Democrats believe enforcing the law horrifies most voters? Do they really believe a temporary ban on refugees from Muslim-majority countries that are terror-producing nations is as cut and dry an issue as it looks on their Twitter feeds?) These days, “the law” means “policy positions liberals like.”

Why The Resistance Is The Best Thing That's Happened To Donald Trump

Or maybe it will make people wake up to the fact that two choices isn't much of a choice. "Oh, hey, have dinner, you can choose from moldy fruit or putrid beef, which would you like sir?"

Time for REAL CHANGE, time for Proportional Representation. One person, one vote. Not one person in Wyoming, three votes.

Not all change is for the better.

What say you carve up Cali into ten states.

That way their votes for senators would be closer to your desires.

Not all change is for the better, however one person, one vote IS a change for the better.

Prove it.

Fine. Although this is about what is "better" which is highly subjective.

However we know that when people have one person one vote they vote differently. In Germany 10% of the people will vote for the main two parties in FPTP and then will switch their vote to smaller parties when it comes to proportional representation.

There's a difference, FPTP is negative voting where people will vote for someone in order to stop someone else getting into power. PR is positive voting where people vote for the party they want to represent them.

In the US people ended up voting for two joke candidates and ended up with one of them. In other countries this won't happen because people actually have more choice, which means parties are less likely to go with the joke candidate because they know they can be decimated at the polls.

If I live in a country, I want to have equal say with everyone else. Why? Because then politicians will end up seeing things in an equal way. In a country where there's an imbalance, then those who have less of a say will have less of the benefits of the politicians.

That is why that have states.

Pure and simple.
Or maybe it will make people wake up to the fact that two choices isn't much of a choice. "Oh, hey, have dinner, you can choose from moldy fruit or putrid beef, which would you like sir?"

Time for REAL CHANGE, time for Proportional Representation. One person, one vote. Not one person in Wyoming, three votes.

Not all change is for the better.

What say you carve up Cali into ten states.

That way their votes for senators would be closer to your desires.

Not all change is for the better, however one person, one vote IS a change for the better.

Prove it.

Fine. Although this is about what is "better" which is highly subjective.

However we know that when people have one person one vote they vote differently. In Germany 10% of the people will vote for the main two parties in FPTP and then will switch their vote to smaller parties when it comes to proportional representation.

There's a difference, FPTP is negative voting where people will vote for someone in order to stop someone else getting into power. PR is positive voting where people vote for the party they want to represent them.

In the US people ended up voting for two joke candidates and ended up with one of them. In other countries this won't happen because people actually have more choice, which means parties are less likely to go with the joke candidate because they know they can be decimated at the polls.

If I live in a country, I want to have equal say with everyone else. Why? Because then politicians will end up seeing things in an equal way. In a country where there's an imbalance, then those who have less of a say will have less of the benefits of the politicians.

That is why that have states.

Pure and simple.

So pure and simple you can only write 9 words.
Sun Devil has no clue why the know nothing Devos was such a poor choice... or the racist Sessions... or Pruitt at the EPA or on and on.
The most illlogical, inexperienced cabinet in history.
And then there's the Neo Nazi Bannon whispering his bull shit in trump's ear.

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