Why the Right Hates O? "80% because he's black...."

She doesn't know what she's talking about. Most of us have a problem with him because on numerous occasions he's made it clear he hates America and hates Americans.
That's not why I dislike President Obama. I disagree with his political position that the State aka Federal government, should have total control over our lives. He, among many other far Left Democrats, believes the Constitution is a "living document". Cute words meaning it should be rewritten in their image such as stating "freedom from religion", eliminating the comma in the Second Amendment so only the National Guard, Police and US military are armed, etc.

In a sane world, we could enjoy many hours of reasoned debates on the best reasons to "hate" Obama.

But unfortunately, public discourse is dominated by the irrational left and the need of sane people to challenge them.
Celluloid Crisis

There is definitely a 'race culture' perception that since Obama is black, he would empathize more with ethnic minorities, so if a debate came up about the allure of crime in America caused by unemployment-related urban malaise, Obama might say something like, "Blacks are excited about crime, because they are demoralized by upward mobility" with less hesitation than, say, Hillary Clinton.

Maybe what we need is more movies with black actors in prominent roles, so people feel more comfortable simply talking about these issues in public forums...

I love movies!

She doesn't know what she's talking about. Most of us have a problem with him because on numerous occasions he's made it clear he hates America and hates Americans.
That's not why I dislike President Obama. I disagree with his political position that the State aka Federal government, should have total control over our lives. He, among many other far Left Democrats, believes the Constitution is a "living document". Cute words meaning it should be rewritten in their image such as stating "freedom from religion", eliminating the comma in the Second Amendment so only the National Guard, Police and US military are armed, etc.
For brevity's sake I mentioned the fact he has a problem with this country in general. He doesn't like our laws and thus he does like us. But he has said several times what he thinks of us. I'm just either too smart or too patriotic to buy into his mindset.
I am in Houston for a few days and having lunch with my friend of 35 years who is also a staunch, right wing Republican and has always spoken bluntly and plainly. So I asked her why, 7.5 years in, does the right hate Obama. I asked her to explain what he has done and the deleterious effects of his decisions and her answer is in the title of this thread.

Now before you go bashing her, she has a graduate degree from University of Texas and a member in good standing with MENSA. I thought her answer was right on just like it has been since the day he was elected.

If you are on the right here is your chance to answer the same question.

Everything is about race with those like you. I could point out the fact that I believe he failed the people of this country when he signed the ACA or the fact he did not keep his promise on Immigration Reform but you will toss that and scream it is because of the color of his skin.

It is those like you that use the color of his skin to win your arguments because without it then you can not scream racism.

So no it is not because of the color of his skin but because of the fact he has broken promises he made and before you write well the GOP has done nothing please remember he made his promise on immigration in 2008 and had the House and Senate from 2009 to 2011 and did nothing on that issue!
For brevity's sake I mentioned the fact he has a problem with this country in general. He doesn't like our laws and thus he does like us. But he has said several times what he thinks of us. I'm just either too smart or too patriotic to buy into his mindset.
When the Clintons first rolled into Washington, they had a lot of fucked up ideas. #1 being they were elected as team Billary which is why Hillary was "appointed" to lead a closed-door health care bill. #2 was their complete disrespect for our men and women in uniform.

It took them a couple years to realize how fucked up their ideas were. Even though they never apologized, they changed their ways out of necessity to comply with reality.

The Obamas were no different. President Obama blows into Washington DC believing his own press releases that he's the Messiah. FLOTUS had previously voiced "for the first time in my adult lifetime, I'm proud of my country." Coupled with the new President's naivete regarding a flag pin, they looked as rough and anti-American as the Clintons.

While it's true the far Right has made up a lot of shit about them, like the Clintons, the Obamas brought a fair amount of shit on themselves.

"I have never said that I don't wear flag pins or refuse to wear flag pins."
Barack Obama on Wednesday, April 16th, 2008 in Philadelphia
The OP is a liberal claiming that the right hates Obama because he is black.

No, moron......you extrapolated the above from your biased half brain.....What the O/P related was an OPINION from a right winger and it may or may not apply to others...Put your panties back without the knots.
Wasn't being Black that caused people to hate Obama. In fact that was what got him elected.
It has been his racism that has increased suspicion of Blacks.
Wasn't being Black that caused people to hate Obama. In fact that was what got him elected.
It has been his racism that has increased suspicion of Blacks.

You forgot to mention that he was not really black......Conservatives branded him "Halfrican"
Wasn't being Black that caused people to hate Obama. In fact that was what got him elected.
It has been his racism that has increased suspicion of Blacks.

You forgot to mention that he was not really black......Conservatives branded him "Halfrican"

That would be because it is entirely beside the point.
Most "African-Americans" are also not the slightest bit "African" either.
Racists think half is plenty when it comes to blacks...I know GOP dupes/racists/ignoramuses, I'm surrounded by them. See sig last line.

You're ALSO misinformed on everything lol. Change the channel. I only bring this up when you're obviously absolutely wrong on something, know it, and don't care. Racism causes irrationality.

Want a donut? The truth hurts, donut?
Conservative emotions are so simplistic

They just can't disagree with an opponents positions, they need to hate the person

It wasn't enough to paint Obama as an inexperienced liberal not ready to lead. They had to attack his place of birth, call him a Muslim, make it clear he is not like "you and me"

The same now applies to Hillary.

With conservatives it is not a battle of political values, it is presented as a battle of good vs evil

And yet, you can't bring yourself to clearly state that it is NOT RACISM.

Kind of undermines your credibility overall.

I said most is just hatred of Democrats

But Republicans do enough to ensure the racists are still attracted to their camp. This is the reason why blacks, Hispanics, Asians, Jews and every other minority group is repulsed by the Republicans

All one has to do is read some of the posts from USMB conservatives, listen to the callers on talk radio, read conservative blogs

Considering the scale of the myth that opposition to Obama is driven by Race, for you to know that is not true and to yet be unable or unwilling to explicitly state that fact raises the question of what other truths are you afraid or unwilling to admit?

REpublicans do NOTHING to attract racists.

THe fact that your primary "evidence" to support your claim is USMB posts shows that you have nothing to back up your PARTISAN opinion of your enemies.

NOt like Democrats who have concrete policies of blatant racial discrimination.

I'm sorry...but most of that racecard "myth" comes from Conservatives

There are sparse instances of Obama using it and when he does, he is generally correct. Same goes for Democratic leadership

The claims "Anyone who opposes Obamacare is a racist" were coming from the right

Republicans do whatever they can to ensure they have the support of racists. They know what buttons to push, which codewords to use, when to remain silent

All one has to do is read some USMB threads to see where the racists align

Why do you keep posting stuff that is obviously not true?

There is no correct way to use the Race Card.

NO one from the Right was claiming that opposing Obama was racist.

Republicans do NOTHING to pander to racists, unlike democrats who have actual racist policies.

There are far more racists on USMB on the Left than on the Right, see Asclepias, or Guno, for two obvious examples.
So they think whites are inferior? NO
The OP is a liberal claiming that the right hates Obama because he is black.

No, moron......you extrapolated the above from your biased half brain.....What the O/P related was an OPINION from a right winger and it may or may not apply to others...Put your panties back without the knots.

And the op clearly stated that he agreed with that rightwinger.

Try to be less dishonest and smug, especially when you are wrong.

From the op.

" I thought her answer was right on just like it has been since the day he was elected."

This is the point where if you had any intellectual honestly or sense of shame, you would apologize.
Racists think half is plenty when it comes to blacks...I know GOP dupes/racists/ignoramuses, I'm surrounded by them. See sig last line.

You're ALSO misinformed on everything lol. Change the channel. I only bring this up when you're obviously absolutely wrong on something, know it, and don't care. Racism causes irrationality.

Want a donut? The truth hurts, donut?

No, I'm very well informed on your lack of intelligence causing you lefites to pull the race card, every singe time.

You are an asshole.
Really have you seen Detroit ? Blocks and blocks of deserted homes, business, and government buildings. Its in the top 5 of the most dangerous cities in the US. Chicago isn't that far behind. None of that's opinion its fact.

Nitwit.....to blame the 3rd world environment solely on democrats (and blacks is moronic and somewhat racist) Go ask the rich autocrats that run our government where the jobs went..... leaving behind unemployment and squalor.
Detroit ran itself into the ground because of decades of Democratic rule. No one else caused the city to spend itself into bankruptcy.

So where did I blame anything on black people ? I never blame a race. I blame the people who lied, made promises and that deceit lies solely at the feet of the Democratic party.
So what if all the industry left lol...and the whites went to suburbia. Coincidence? Nope.
It sounds a LOT like you're saying that black people don't do well without white people being around. That's pretty racist.

Ask yourself WHY industry would leave one area for another. That might give you a clue.
They need the white industry, because they are discriminated against duh. So does the city and the area duh.
Racists think half is plenty when it comes to blacks...I know GOP dupes/racists/ignoramuses, I'm surrounded by them. See sig last line.

You're ALSO misinformed on everything lol. Change the channel. I only bring this up when you're obviously absolutely wrong on something, know it, and don't care. Racism causes irrationality.

Want a donut? The truth hurts, donut?

No, I'm very well informed on your lack of intelligence causing you lefites to pull the race card, every singe time.

You are an asshole.
You are a racist asshole. Get back on your meds. Change the channel
And yet, you can't bring yourself to clearly state that it is NOT RACISM.

Kind of undermines your credibility overall.

I said most is just hatred of Democrats

But Republicans do enough to ensure the racists are still attracted to their camp. This is the reason why blacks, Hispanics, Asians, Jews and every other minority group is repulsed by the Republicans

All one has to do is read some of the posts from USMB conservatives, listen to the callers on talk radio, read conservative blogs

Considering the scale of the myth that opposition to Obama is driven by Race, for you to know that is not true and to yet be unable or unwilling to explicitly state that fact raises the question of what other truths are you afraid or unwilling to admit?

REpublicans do NOTHING to attract racists.

THe fact that your primary "evidence" to support your claim is USMB posts shows that you have nothing to back up your PARTISAN opinion of your enemies.

NOt like Democrats who have concrete policies of blatant racial discrimination.

I'm sorry...but most of that racecard "myth" comes from Conservatives

There are sparse instances of Obama using it and when he does, he is generally correct. Same goes for Democratic leadership

The claims "Anyone who opposes Obamacare is a racist" were coming from the right

Republicans do whatever they can to ensure they have the support of racists. They know what buttons to push, which codewords to use, when to remain silent

All one has to do is read some USMB threads to see where the racists align

Why do you keep posting stuff that is obviously not true?

There is no correct way to use the Race Card.

NO one from the Right was claiming that opposing Obama was racist.

Republicans do NOTHING to pander to racists, unlike democrats who have actual racist policies.

There are far more racists on USMB on the Left than on the Right, see Asclepias, or Guno, for two obvious examples.
So they think whites are inferior? NO

THose two do. Very much so.

And yes, most lefties do.

When you believe that a racial group has some type of "original sin" to atone for, that would be a racial trait making them inferior to others.

Also, Affirmative Action and Disparate Impact Theory are polices of racial discrimination, and thus racist.
Racists think half is plenty when it comes to blacks...I know GOP dupes/racists/ignoramuses, I'm surrounded by them. See sig last line.

You're ALSO misinformed on everything lol. Change the channel. I only bring this up when you're obviously absolutely wrong on something, know it, and don't care. Racism causes irrationality.

Want a donut? The truth hurts, donut?

No, I'm very well informed on your lack of intelligence causing you lefites to pull the race card, every singe time.

You are an asshole.
You are a racist asshole. Get back on your meds. Change the channel

You are certainly the asshole here. And I am not the one who supports race discrimination like you lefties do, so, what I am trying to say is,

Fuck you, you fucking asshole.

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