Why the search for the origins of Covid may be harmful.

Any government "investigation" into something like this will be just as useless as the Warren Commission was or the 911 Commission. They are formed only to protect the guilty parties in government and to deceive the public about what the truth is.

My bet is that some of that research and weaponizing was done at a few of the US biolabs in Ukraine. Maybe Burisma was somehow involved?

US biolabs produce US bioweapons.
First I do not subscribe to that idea. It's just the slant of the article. Here is my biggest gripe with the article.

Many scientists worry that intense focus on what may ultimately be an unsolvable problem is obscuring how critical it is to prevent the next major pandemic.

I don't believe you can address something unless you know the facts as best as you possibly can. If it came from the lab (which I believe) part of the discussion would have to be if we should even be creating these viruses. (we shouldn't be).

The article does much to do what they claim is harmful. Politicizing the virus.

Those adversely effected by this have every right to know the origins. If it were a lab leak, justice to the dead is indeed called for.
Those adversely effected by this have every right to know the origins. If it were a lab leak, justice to the dead is indeed called for.

There will be no justice. I do NOT say that because that is what I think is right. Justice to me is anyone involved going to prison.

It was not an accident, it was planned. Home - Pl@ndemic Series

Therefore the 'lab theory' is an intended distraction. IMO it doesn't matter from which lab it came. What matters is that many family members and friends, some now deceased and others made sick, were injected with a bioweapon. The perpetrators need to be prosecuted for crimes against humanity.
So no climate variations before that?

Of course there were, but this one had a larger impact on the local farmer. I have clients that have been on the same land for 5 or 6 generations and never needed irrigation and now they do. So they added it instead of pretending nothing was changing.
I think the Dust Bowl of the 1930s had a larger impact on farmers.

That was due to a great many things, the climate changing not being on of them.

But hey, I am sure you sitting there in your basement are correct and these farmers are just being stupid :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
That was due to a great many things, the climate changing not being on of them.

But hey, I am sure you sitting there in your basement are correct and these farmers are just being stupid :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

Going from normal rainfall to severe drought that lasted several years isn’t a changing climate?

But it is true there were many other contributing factors, but dude, seriously?
Going from normal rainfall to severe drought that lasted several years isn’t a changing climate?

But it is true there were many other contributing factors, but dude, seriously?

Droughts have always been a part of the climate.
So has everything else. Good god!

The draughts of the 30s that led to the dust bowl were a transitory event, unlike the shifting rain patterns.

You might want to go back, get your GED and learn the difference between weather and the climate.
The draughts of the 30s that led to the dust bowl were a transitory event, unlike the shifting rain patterns.

You might want to go back, get your GED and learn the difference between weather and the climate.

Oh god you are a laugh riot! See all the moisture in California. I guess that was transitory as well.

And a GED comment from a dude who thinks gay men can give birth! 🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪
Actually the rain patterns have changed there as well. Do try and keep up

When you are forced to lie about what I said, it is a sign of how weak you are.
No lie at all, you went on for pages trying to justify your insanity
If the virus was the result of a lab leak which I also believe it was one way we go about dealing with a future pandemic is finding out how it happened and holding those responsible accountable to lessen the chances of it happening again. We can’t do this if the nation and most of the world takes the stick head in sand approach because it might upset someone namely China.
I've always believed the lab theory from Day One. Too much circumstantial evidence pointing to it. The wet market theory never made much sense to me. We may never know because China covered it up and has been reluctant to work transparently and frankly, our own government can't be trusted either, especially if they had a hand in developing it through gain of function research as evidence has also suggested in Senate hearings. They would never admit culpability if true.
In a congressional hearing, Fauci denied culpability in funding, especially 'gain of function' funding of his organization that definitely has been part of that Wuhan lab, and we now know that he flat out lied or is too dumb to know what his organization or the Wuhan lab are doing. (The lie theory seems more plausible to me.)

But the leftists in government and those who support them don't care. Why don't they care? It is completely mystifying to me how Americans become so partisan and dedicated to propaganda that they refuse to even consider a truth that is contrary to that.

I would love to have the funding and resources to be able to research and trace the money trails flowing from China to the USA and vice versa.

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