Why the Second Amendment may be losing relevance in gun debate

99% of us never wear a gun. Only a small percentage of them....not even one percent...feels the need to carry a gun....unless it's something to do with their jobs.

I know you don't care about people who live in NYC, Chicago, or live on the border......so basically I think you need to STFU and mind your own God Damned Business.

Bulldyke rightly fears that as the Schutzstaffel begin kicking in doors to force vaccinations on peoples children, these agents of the democrat party might be met by parents who resist them by force of arms.

I lived in New York City for 20 years. We used to go to Harlem and the South Bronx to after hours clubs and Salsa clubs late at night. I never felt the need to be armed.
Have you been there in the last year?
Word is...NYC has changed. The things you used to do are a thing of the past. And Democrats want you to get used to the transformation of America they're ushering in. Get used to high crime, sprawling homelessness, and increased drug use.
Bulldyke rightly fears that as the Schutzstaffel begin kicking in doors to force vaccinations on peoples children, these agents of the democrat party might be met by parents who resist them by force of arms.
That's the primary concern these days. The Nazi's in the Democrat Party trying to force us to do what we don't have to do...or don't want to do.
Australia made the mistake of giving up their guns and now the cops have everyone in perpetual lock down.
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It's not paranoia when it happens to you.

I hope you never get jumped by 3 pieces of shit. I hope you never get jumped from behind, taken to the ground and beat in the face by a guy with a bike chain wrapped aropund his fist while his 2 accomplices kick you in the ribs and stomp on your abdomen. I hope you're never left bleeding on the ground in the middle of winter after you are robbed and your shoes and coat are taken. I hope you never have to walk 8 blocks to a hospital and watch people stare at you or to see 2 cops drive by and ignore you as you stumble along covered in your own blood.

I hope you never end up in the hospital for 10 days with 3 broken ribs a ruptured spleen, a fractured eye orbital and a grade 4 concussion. I hope you're never left with permanent vision impairment in one eye and scars on your face.

This happened to me and it will never happen again so yes after that happened I used to carry a gun all the time when I lived in that shithole city because I wasn't going to be a helpless victim ever again.

Like I said count yourself fortunate and save the internet bravado and insults until you walk a mile in another person's shoes.
I hope those things don't happen to me too, but I have no reason to believe they will. I'm certainly not coward enough to think there is a reasonable possibility that they might happen. I couldn't live in that much fear. How many people that you know have experienced that? Sure, I suppose something like that has happened at some point to somebody somewhere, but the odds against it are astronomical. Are you also fearful of an airplane falling from the sky, or of being bitten by a radioactive spider? You're a coward. Own it.
Sing Kumbaya or knit a quilt, it will go away

See that doesn't actually happen because of guns, but that is a spot on description of what has actually happened with covid

Does "gun nut" sound better than "constitutional right"?

the lefts fundamental misunderstanding of the constitution [and most everything else] is what leads to non-sense like that type of thinking...

That could be a complete contemptable lie [or journalistic license if you prefer] from beginning to end and top to bottom but it doesn't have to be true to make it a valid point in discussion, the fact that you need some kind of justification for others to employ their constitutional rights is the real problem here.
If you think it's silly to say you are afraid to face life without being armed, then the coward gun nuts should quit doing it.
‘Joseph Blocher, professor of law and co-director of the Center for Firearms Law at Duke Law School, described the patchwork of state laws that exists across the country as a "buffer zone" for the Second Amendment.

"Before you even get to the Constitution, there's a huge array of other laws super protecting the right to keep and bear arms," Blocher said. "This collection of laws is giving individuals lots of protection for gun-related activity that the Second Amendment would not necessarily require, and certainly, and in almost all of these instances, that no lower court has said the Second Amendment would require."

Adam Winkler, a professor of law at the UCLA School of Law, also said the Second Amendment is losing its legal relevance in distinguishing lawful policies from unlawful ones as the gap between what he calls the "judicial Second Amendment” and the "aspirational Second Amendment" widens.

Winkler defines the "judicial Second Amendment" as how courts interpret the constitutional provision in their decisions, and the "aspirational Second Amendment" as how the amendment is used in political dialogue. The latter is "far more hostile to gun laws than the judicial one," he said -- and also more prevalent.

"The aspirational Second Amendment is overtaking the judicial Second Amendment in American law," he wrote in the Indiana Law Journal in 2018, a sentiment he repeated in a recent interview with ABC News. "State law is embracing such a robust, anti-regulatory view of the right to keep and bear arms that the judicial Second Amendment, at least as currently construed, seems likely to have less and less to say about the shape of America's gun laws."’

This is why meaningful, constructive, good faith debate concerning the Second Amendment, its meaning, and its application as a matter of regulatory law is impossible.

The judicial Second Amendment camp and the political Second Amendment camp will always be at odds, never finding consensus or agreement – with the former following Second Amendment jurisprudence as determined by the Supreme Court and the latter having nothing but contempt for the Court and its decisions concerning the Second Amendment.
We have a Second Amendment and should have no security problems in our free States. Don't grab guns, grab gun lovers and Regulate them Well!
99% of us never wear a gun. Only a small percentage of them....not even one percent...feels the need to carry a gun....unless it's something to do with their jobs.

I know you don't care about people who live in NYC, Chicago, or live on the border......so basically I think you need to STFU and mind your own God Damned Business.
Sure, but you think lots of goofy stuff.
If a "measure" has not been ruled constitutional by the court, how can you, with any honesty or acumen, say it is constitutional?

He can't. He's an intellectually dishonest pseudo intellectual spewing crap.
I hope those things don't happen to me too, but I have no reason to believe they will. I'm certainly not coward enough to think there is a reasonable possibility that they might happen. I couldn't live in that much fear. How many people that you know have experienced that? Sure, I suppose something like that has happened at some point to somebody somewhere, but the odds against it are astronomical. Are you also fearful of an airplane falling from the sky, or of being bitten by a radioactive spider? You're a coward. Own it.
Denial is not a sign of intelligence.

And I know quite a few people who have been the victims of violent crime because I grew up where there was a lot of crime.

And I don't really like to fly but that's more of a claustrophobic thing.

Internet tough guys like you who like to crow how brave they are are usually the first ones to piss their pants when threatened so you can keep on being an internet bad ass if it fulfills some deep seeded need you have. You don't impress anyone.
That's the primary concern these days. The Nazi's in the Democrat Party trying to force us to do what we don't have to do...or don't want to do.
Australia made the mistake of giving up their guns and now the cops have everyone in perpetual lock down.
The defense and protection of the state and of the United States is an obligation of all persons within the state. The legislature shall provide for the discharge of this obligation and for the maintenance and regulation of an organized militia.
Denial is not a sign of intelligence.

And I know quite a few people who have been the victims of violent crime because I grew up where there was a lot of crime.

And I don't really like to fly but that's more of a claustrophobic thing.

Internet tough guys like you who like to crow how brave they are are usually the first ones to piss their pants when threatened so you can keep on being an internet bad ass if it fulfills some deep seeded need you have. You don't impress anyone.
Being an internet bad ass is the last thing I would want to do. I'm simply not afraid to face life the same way people have always faced life. With the knowledge that there is bad stuff out there, but with a little common sense you can avoid most of it. The odds are that I, like almost every other person in the world will never have to deal with the massively good or bad things that a miniscule number of people experience. If you choose to live your life cowering in fear, you can do that, but I couldn't live like that.
That's exactly what I said. You are afraid to face normal everyday life without being prepared to kill someone. There are plenty of gun nuts just like you. The vast majority of guns in the US are owned by a small proportion of the people. The cowards. The rest of us live life without your constant fear. Lots of us gun owners aren't afraid to face everyday life without being armed. We aren't cowards.I guss that's why we aren't gun nuts.
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Keep it up.....show us that behind all the pretense of being a reasonable person, you are a rabid, anti-gun extremist, who lies about the need for universal background checks because you need them so you can then demand gun registration....
And that all regulatory measures are an ‘infringement’ although the Supreme Court has never ruled on the constitutionality of those measures.
If a "measure" has not been ruled constitutional by the court, how can you, with any honesty or acumen, say it is constitutional?
I hope those things don't happen to me too, but I have no reason to believe they will. I'm certainly not coward enough to think there is a reasonable possibility that they might happen. I couldn't live in that much fear. How many people that you know have experienced that? Sure, I suppose something like that has happened at some point to somebody somewhere, but the odds against it are astronomical. Are you also fearful of an airplane falling from the sky, or of being bitten by a radioactive spider? You're a coward. Own it.

Get rid of your seat belts, fire and smoke detectors, stop looking both ways before you cross the street...those things are simply the evidence of cowardice...right?
Being an internet bad ass is the last thing I would want to do. I'm simply not afraid to face life the same way people have always faced life. With the knowledge that there is bad stuff out there, but with a little common sense you can avoid most of it. The odds are that I, like almost every other person in the world will never have to deal with the massively good or bad things that a miniscule number of people experience. If you choose to live your life cowering in fear, you can do that, but I couldn't live like that.
I don't cower, never did.

You'd piss your pants if you ever lived in my old neighborhood of that I am certain.
The defense and protection of the state and of the United States is an obligation of all persons within the state. The legislature shall provide for the discharge of this obligation and for the maintenance and regulation of an organized militia.
You can't have an organized militia if the population cannot own guns or learn how to shoot on their own.
You understand the difference between a militia and an active military unit, right?

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