Why the Sudden Spate of Anti-Mormon News?


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
I've of course read the “Joseph Smith had 40 Wives” all over the internet. Then, when I turned on CNN, there was some professor from somewhere talking about the same “new”, declaring heretofore “secret documents” have been discovered about the subject.

[I'll get back to this in a bit]

And then while doing my morning news scan, I came across an article on BBC Online reporting about Mormon Magic Underwear and other outrageous beliefs by members of the church.

Nowhere was the full name of the church given – The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

I had to ask myself – What's going on here? Why this all of a sudden?

It then hit me – it's all political! :rolleyes:

The Left got it's butt tromped in the midterms and a number of conservative people were elected to Congress. The only way to regain their power is for liberals to do what they always do – viscously attack those who present a threat to them. They did it quite successfully to Governor Romney. Perhaps it will work against others.

They're already accusing black, conservative, Republican, MORMON Mia Love of being an Aunt Tomasa and a GOP Whore.

They're going after conservative blacks elected to office at all levels. Who dare they flout the party that has given them so much in the way of government handouts?

So what if Joseph Smith had 40 wives? Or a hundred? It was never any secret that Brigham Young had multiple wives.

Have you ever thought to look at their situation? They had been driven out of almost everywhere they had settled. Houses and businesses burned out. Many of them men killed, leaving more and more mothers struggling to care for their children. For that reason, THE WOMEN turned to men who showed an ability to provide for them. They weren't after an incestuous or titillating experience but security for them and their kids.

Polygamy has existed throughout history and is currently being observed in many countries all around the world? If that be the case, why the big deal about something that happened 170 years ago? [That's when Joseph Smith was assassinated.]

So, when you see or read all this garbage, remember – IT'S ALL POLITICAL!
I think it'll take a few months for the fact to sink in with the left, that their 24/7 media hate campaigns against all things decent, is something America has grown sick and tired of.
Oh noes!!


RWs just HATE facts and of course, naturally ASSSume that only libs would ever be interested in FACTS.

Seriously, does anyone believe that mittens has a snowball's chance in hell to be anything but a three-time loser?
Is there any truth to this theory of yours longknife? Or is this like how ebola is going to destroy America and Obama will declare himself emperor?
I had to ask myself – What's going on here? Why this all of a sudden? It then hit me – it's all political! :rolleyes:

The Left got it's butt tromped in the midterms and a number of conservative people were elected to Congress. The only way to regain their power is for liberals to do what they always do – viscously attack those who present a threat to them. They did it quite successfully to Governor Romney. Perhaps it will work against others.

...So what if Joseph Smith had 40 wives? Or a hundred? It was never any secret that Brigham Young had multiple wives.

That's not the reason. The reason is because Judge Sutton in the 6th federal circuit cited his reason for keeping gay marriage illegal in the four states in his ward in part was because gays couldn't object also to polygamy being legal marriage. And for that reason, states have to have the right to regulate marriage instead of sweeping federal protection for gay marriage.

He made many very compelling and cutting lucid legal points and this was one of his trumps. THAT is why "all of a sudden" the LGBT controlled media is dispensing all manner of anti-mormon [anti-polygamy] sentiments. Because now their attorneys will have to overcome that obstacle when the cases all finally make it before SCOTUS soon. It's a tough reasoning to beat. So they're going to demonize polygamy in the public's eye to gain sympathy for their "our cult isn't the same thing at all as the mormon cult" angle they will be arguing to overcome that devastating and potent legal blow.

It's no coincidence that you noticed this so soon after that decision...the timing... Dems are not afraid at all of Romney winning 2016 against even their most mediocre candidates. His record of beating down the working man would never get him the middle bloc...the bloc that no one can win 2016 without..

Read Sutton's Opinion here. 14-1341 184 6th Circuit Decision in Marriage Cases Specific pages are 23-24 and 30 of the Opinion. I'll post one excerpt here for you do discover why mormons are at this timing in the debate "suddenly demonized"...

(It ain't Romney)

(Page 23)
How, the claimants ask, could anyone possibly be unworthy of this civil institution? Aren’t gay and straight couples both capable of honoring this civil institution in some cases and of messing it up in others? All of this, however, proves much too much. History is replete with examples of love, sex, and marriage tainted by hypocrisy. Without it, half of the world’s literature, and three-quarters of its woe, would disappear. Throughout, we have never leveraged these inconsistencies about deeply personal, sometimes existential, views of marriage into a ground for constitutionalizing the field. Instead, we have allowed state democratic forces to fix the problems as they emerge and as evolving community mores show they should be fixed. Even if we think about today’s issue and today’s alleged inconsistencies solely from the perspective of the claimants in this case, it is difficult to call that formula, already coming to terms with a new view of marriage, a failure. Any other approach would create line-drawing problems of its own. Consider how plaintiffs’ love-and-commitment definition of marriage would fare under their own rational basis test. Their definition does too much because it fails to account for the reality that no State in the country requires couples, whether gay or straight, to be in love. Their definition does too little because it fails to account for plural marriages, where there is no reason to think that three or four adults, whether gay, bisexual, or straight, lack the capacity to share love, affection, and commitment, or for that matter lack the capacity to be capable (and more plentiful) parents to boot. If it is constitutionally irrational to stand by the man-woman definition of marriage, it must be constitutionally irrational to stand by the monogamous definition of marriage. Plaintiffs have no answer to the point. What they might say they cannot: They might say that tradition or community mores provide a rational basis for States to stand by the monogamy definition of marriage, but they cannot say that because that is exactly what they claim is illegitimate about the States’ male-female definition of marriage. The predicament does not end there. No State is free of marriage policies that go too far in some directions and not far enough in others, making all of them vulnerable—if the claimants’ theory of rational basis review prevails
Even after you guys win elections, you still manage to find a way to paint yourselves as victims.

It blows my mind how dedicated to it you guys are.
At least they married their babies' mamas as opposed to the fatherless culture of democrats.
and shit for brains like yourself is the result, I grew up Mormon of all the strange shit they do and believe incest is not one of them.
marrying underage girls to old men is DIFFERENT STORY..
The LDS church put out a video a week or so ago on the underwear thing. It explained that their "garment" is no different than garments of other religions, such as orthodox jews or muslims, and why the "magical underwear" term is offensive. (not that I'm saying the OP is offensive.)

The Smith story originated with the Church itself acknowledging it had been a bit misleading as to the facts.

Mormons Admit that Church Founder had 40 Wives

It seems to me to be a rather healthy attempt to correctly state facts and beliefs.
While there hasn't been any actual increase in talk about Mormons, there absolutely has been an increase in conservatives whining about it.

What we're seeing is the results of conservatives getting addicted to whining, They keep needing bigger fixes. It used to be they only had to whine 3 times a day to avoid withdrawal symptoms, but now it's up to 6 times a day.
At least they married their babies' mamas as opposed to the fatherless culture of democrats.
and shit for brains like yourself is the result, I grew up Mormon of all the strange shit they do and believe incest is not one of them.
marrying underage girls to old men is DIFFERENT STORY..
Did you see something about pedophilia advocacy? I didn't.
didn't need too...
talking out your ass must come naturally to you.
The LDS church put out a video a week or so ago on the underwear thing. It explained that their "garment" is no different than garments of other religions, such as orthodox jews or muslims, and why the "magical underwear" term is offensive. (not that I'm saying the OP is offensive.)
The Smith story originated with the Church itself acknowledging it had been a bit misleading as to the facts.
Mormons Admit that Church Founder had 40 Wives
It seems to me to be a rather healthy attempt to correctly state facts and beliefs.
Nope. It's about the 6th federal appeals court decision painting out gay marraige as equal to polygamy marriage. And therefore, both are subject to state regulation.

That's what this is all about.
While there hasn't been any actual increase in talk about Mormons, there absolutely has been an increase in conservatives whining about it.

What we're seeing is the results of conservatives getting addicted to whining, They keep needing bigger fixes. It used to be they only had to whine 3 times a day to avoid withdrawal symptoms, but now it's up to 6 times a day.
you'd think (a thing conservatives avoid religiously) that after this sweep they'd be happy. Alas no , the poor abused conservatives must forever play the victim.
The LDS church put out a video a week or so ago on the underwear thing. It explained that their "garment" is no different than garments of other religions, such as orthodox jews or muslims, and why the "magical underwear" term is offensive. (not that I'm saying the OP is offensive.)
The Smith story originated with the Church itself acknowledging it had been a bit misleading as to the facts.
Mormons Admit that Church Founder had 40 Wives
It seems to me to be a rather healthy attempt to correctly state facts and beliefs.
Nope. It's about the 6th federal appeals court decision painting out gay marraige as equal to polygamy marriage. And therefore, both are subject to state regulation.

That's what this is all about.
do you have gay bashing with every meal?
At least they married their babies' mamas as opposed to the fatherless culture of democrats.
and shit for brains like yourself is the result, I grew up Mormon of all the strange shit they do and believe incest is not one of them.
marrying underage girls to old men is DIFFERENT STORY..
I think that is sort of the potentially fascinating subplots to the Church's recent moves to clarify itself on issues that have been subject to conjecture and ridicule. Personally, I couldn't care less if gays have civil unions, aside from thinking it's probably necessary in terms of property law, but the LDS church views of the roles of women v. men aren't really horrid. Typically schools with lots of Mormons spend less, but have good outcomes, because of parental involvement, for example. But, divorce is a reality that has to be dealt with. Polygammy in light of the recent court rulings is going to be an issue. Personally, I have seen how it is damaging to young people in areas where more fundamentalitst Mormons control the political structure. I think one can build a legal argument that unlike marriage between two consenting same sex people, there is a provable negative societal effect with polygamy. I hope the LDS folks take that on. Traditionally, they have been reluctant to do so.
How did the OP evolve into Gay Bashing?

It certainly wasn't anything I wrote.
At least they married their babies' mamas as opposed to the fatherless culture of democrats.
and shit for brains like yourself is the result, I grew up Mormon of all the strange shit they do and believe incest is not one of them.
marrying underage girls to old men is DIFFERENT STORY..
Did you see something about pedophilia advocacy? I didn't.
didn't need too...
talking out your ass must come naturally to you.
You need to be specific lest you be a typically substance-challenged lefty.

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