Why the Sudden Spate of Anti-Mormon News?

I've of course read the “Joseph Smith had 40 Wives” all over the internet. Then, when I turned on CNN, there was some professor from somewhere talking about the same “new”, declaring heretofore “secret documents” have been discovered about the subject.

[I'll get back to this in a bit]

And then while doing my morning news scan, I came across an article on BBC Online reporting about Mormon Magic Underwear and other outrageous beliefs by members of the church.

Nowhere was the full name of the church given – The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

I had to ask myself – What's going on here? Why this all of a sudden?

It then hit me – it's all political! :rolleyes:

The Left got it's butt tromped in the midterms and a number of conservative people were elected to Congress. The only way to regain their power is for liberals to do what they always do – viscously attack those who present a threat to them. They did it quite successfully to Governor Romney. Perhaps it will work against others.

They're already accusing black, conservative, Republican, MORMON Mia Love of being an Aunt Tomasa and a GOP Whore.

They're going after conservative blacks elected to office at all levels. Who dare they flout the party that has given them so much in the way of government handouts?

So what if Joseph Smith had 40 wives? Or a hundred? It was never any secret that Brigham Young had multiple wives.

Have you ever thought to look at their situation? They had been driven out of almost everywhere they had settled. Houses and businesses burned out. Many of them men killed, leaving more and more mothers struggling to care for their children. For that reason, THE WOMEN turned to men who showed an ability to provide for them. They weren't after an incestuous or titillating experience but security for them and their kids.

Polygamy has existed throughout history and is currently being observed in many countries all around the world? If that be the case, why the big deal about something that happened 170 years ago? [That's when Joseph Smith was assassinated.]

So, when you see or read all this garbage, remember – IT'S ALL POLITICAL!

What ya get spending millions of dollars fighting gay marriage from states away. You woke the dragon, now you're getting the fiery breath in your face.
I've of course read the “Joseph Smith had 40 Wives” all over the internet. Then, when I turned on CNN, there was some professor from somewhere talking about the same “new”, declaring heretofore “secret documents” have been discovered about the subject.

[I'll get back to this in a bit]

And then while doing my morning news scan, I came across an article on BBC Online reporting about Mormon Magic Underwear and other outrageous beliefs by members of the church.

Nowhere was the full name of the church given – The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

I had to ask myself – What's going on here? Why this all of a sudden?

It then hit me – it's all political! :rolleyes:

The Left got it's butt tromped in the midterms and a number of conservative people were elected to Congress. The only way to regain their power is for liberals to do what they always do – viscously attack those who present a threat to them. They did it quite successfully to Governor Romney. Perhaps it will work against others.

They're already accusing black, conservative, Republican, MORMON Mia Love of being an Aunt Tomasa and a GOP Whore.

They're going after conservative blacks elected to office at all levels. Who dare they flout the party that has given them so much in the way of government handouts?

So what if Joseph Smith had 40 wives? Or a hundred? It was never any secret that Brigham Young had multiple wives.

Have you ever thought to look at their situation? They had been driven out of almost everywhere they had settled. Houses and businesses burned out. Many of them men killed, leaving more and more mothers struggling to care for their children. For that reason, THE WOMEN turned to men who showed an ability to provide for them. They weren't after an incestuous or titillating experience but security for them and their kids.

Polygamy has existed throughout history and is currently being observed in many countries all around the world? If that be the case, why the big deal about something that happened 170 years ago? [That's when Joseph Smith was assassinated.]

So, when you see or read all this garbage, remember – IT'S ALL POLITICAL!

What ya get spending millions of dollars fighting gay marriage from states away. You woke the dragon, now you're getting the fiery breath in your face.

The thread that was started about Joseph Smith and his 40 wives was started by a staunch Conservative Christian.

Read the posts by 'real Christians' and how they bash Mormons.

Me- the terrible liberal? Mormons are some of the nicest and most honest people I have ever met- I disagree with Mormon religious doctrine- but no more than I do Catholic religious doctrine- but Mormon's, like Catholics, aren't insisting I agree with them, nor do I insist on them agreeing with me.
I've of course read the “Joseph Smith had 40 Wives” all over the internet. Then, when I turned on CNN, there was some professor from somewhere talking about the same “new”, declaring heretofore “secret documents” have been discovered about the subject.

[I'll get back to this in a bit]

And then while doing my morning news scan, I came across an article on BBC Online reporting about Mormon Magic Underwear and other outrageous beliefs by members of the church.

Nowhere was the full name of the church given – The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

I had to ask myself – What's going on here? Why this all of a sudden?

It then hit me – it's all political! :rolleyes:

The Left got it's butt tromped in the midterms and a number of conservative people were elected to Congress. The only way to regain their power is for liberals to do what they always do – viscously attack those who present a threat to them. They did it quite successfully to Governor Romney. Perhaps it will work against others.

They're already accusing black, conservative, Republican, MORMON Mia Love of being an Aunt Tomasa and a GOP Whore.

They're going after conservative blacks elected to office at all levels. Who dare they flout the party that has given them so much in the way of government handouts?

So what if Joseph Smith had 40 wives? Or a hundred? It was never any secret that Brigham Young had multiple wives.

Have you ever thought to look at their situation? They had been driven out of almost everywhere they had settled. Houses and businesses burned out. Many of them men killed, leaving more and more mothers struggling to care for their children. For that reason, THE WOMEN turned to men who showed an ability to provide for them. They weren't after an incestuous or titillating experience but security for them and their kids.

Polygamy has existed throughout history and is currently being observed in many countries all around the world? If that be the case, why the big deal about something that happened 170 years ago? [That's when Joseph Smith was assassinated.]

So, when you see or read all this garbage, remember – IT'S ALL POLITICAL!

What ya get spending millions of dollars fighting gay marriage from states away. You woke the dragon, now you're getting the fiery breath in your face.

The thread that was started about Joseph Smith and his 40 wives was started by a staunch Conservative Christian.

Read the posts by 'real Christians' and how they bash Mormons.

Me- the terrible liberal? Mormons are some of the nicest and most honest people I have ever met- I disagree with Mormon religious doctrine- but no more than I do Catholic religious doctrine- but Mormon's, like Catholics, aren't insisting I agree with them, nor do I insist on them agreeing with me.

Cultists are almost always nice. But try this: go to a Mormon temple and try walking around. Like you know, how every other church, synagogue, and mosque welcomes wholeheartedly. :)
At least they married their babies' mamas as opposed to the fatherless culture of democrats.
and shit for brains like yourself is the result, I grew up Mormon of all the strange shit they do and believe incest is not one of them.
marrying underage girls to old men is DIFFERENT STORY..
Did you see something about pedophilia advocacy? I didn't.
didn't need too...
talking out your ass must come naturally to you.
You need to be specific lest you be a typically substance-challenged lefty.
you might want to learn something about Mormonism before making asshat statements.
what you laughingly call substance is pure propaganda.
Even after you guys win elections, you still manage to find a way to paint yourselves as victims.

It blows my mind how dedicated to it you guys are.

Gee, I thought you were apolitical, doctor. I've done my own diagnoses after reading 30 or so of your posts, comrade.
wow a proven fascist talking shit about an imaginary communist ....
I've of course read the “Joseph Smith had 40 Wives” all over the internet. Then, when I turned on CNN, there was some professor from somewhere talking about the same “new”, declaring heretofore “secret documents” have been discovered about the subject.

[I'll get back to this in a bit]

And then while doing my morning news scan, I came across an article on BBC Online reporting about Mormon Magic Underwear and other outrageous beliefs by members of the church.

Nowhere was the full name of the church given – The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

I had to ask myself – What's going on here? Why this all of a sudden?

It then hit me – it's all political! :rolleyes:

The Left got it's butt tromped in the midterms and a number of conservative people were elected to Congress. The only way to regain their power is for liberals to do what they always do – viscously attack those who present a threat to them. They did it quite successfully to Governor Romney. Perhaps it will work against others.

They're already accusing black, conservative, Republican, MORMON Mia Love of being an Aunt Tomasa and a GOP Whore.

They're going after conservative blacks elected to office at all levels. Who dare they flout the party that has given them so much in the way of government handouts?

So what if Joseph Smith had 40 wives? Or a hundred? It was never any secret that Brigham Young had multiple wives.

Have you ever thought to look at their situation? They had been driven out of almost everywhere they had settled. Houses and businesses burned out. Many of them men killed, leaving more and more mothers struggling to care for their children. For that reason, THE WOMEN turned to men who showed an ability to provide for them. They weren't after an incestuous or titillating experience but security for them and their kids.

Polygamy has existed throughout history and is currently being observed in many countries all around the world? If that be the case, why the big deal about something that happened 170 years ago? [That's when Joseph Smith was assassinated.]

So, when you see or read all this garbage, remember – IT'S ALL POLITICAL!

What ya get spending millions of dollars fighting gay marriage from states away. You woke the dragon, now you're getting the fiery breath in your face.

The thread that was started about Joseph Smith and his 40 wives was started by a staunch Conservative Christian.

Read the posts by 'real Christians' and how they bash Mormons.

Me- the terrible liberal? Mormons are some of the nicest and most honest people I have ever met- I disagree with Mormon religious doctrine- but no more than I do Catholic religious doctrine- but Mormon's, like Catholics, aren't insisting I agree with them, nor do I insist on them agreeing with me.
most all Mormons are very conservative...kinda the model for it...
on the other hand lots of people today who call themselves conservative are fascists .
At least they married their babies' mamas as opposed to the fatherless culture of democrats.
and shit for brains like yourself is the result, I grew up Mormon of all the strange shit they do and believe incest is not one of them.
marrying underage girls to old men is DIFFERENT STORY..
Did you see something about pedophilia advocacy? I didn't.
didn't need too...
talking out your ass must come naturally to you.
You need to be specific lest you be a typically substance-challenged lefty.
you might want to learn something about Mormonism before making asshat statements.
what you laughingly call substance is pure propaganda.
You still haven't made a pointed reply.
Cultists are almost always nice. But try this: go to a Mormon temple and try walking around. Like you know, how every other church, synagogue, and mosque welcomes wholeheartedly. :)

Have you ever tried to just walk into the sacristy of any Christian church? Or something similar in Jewish Tabernacles?

It is a matter of places they consider quite sacred to their beliefs.

At the same time, whenever a new Mormon Temple is about to be dedicated, THE GENERAL PUBLIC IS ALWAYS INVITED TO VISIT AND VIEW IT!

Sounds like you try anything to belittle them. What's your specific beef with them? Specific!
I did not say polygamists were bad, you did.

I said polygamy is not a slippery slope because it involves more than two people, while marriage involves only two people.
I did not say polygamists were bad, you did.

I said polygamy is not a slippery slope because it involves more than two people, while marriage involves only two people.
Marriage only involves men and women. Are you citing tradition perchance? Is it traditional that marriage only involves two people? That isn't quite true though either is it? Marriage has been polygamy for thousands of years. Do you mean your style of marriage or other people's styles? How do we know that yours is better?

You should probably read Judge Sutton's opinion and get back to me when you're done: 14-1341 184 6th Circuit Decision in Marriage Cases
Sil, since your lack of expertise on this subject has been revealed, your questions are meaningless.

You understand Sutton even less than Windsor.

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