Why the the left should NEVER try exploiting the Bible

Pope: It's better to be an atheist than a bad Christian - CNN.com

(CNN)If you're a Christian who exploits people, leads a double life or manages a "dirty" business, perhaps it's better not to call yourself a believer, Pope Francis suggested in a homily on Thursday in Rome.

Evangelicals are the worst. They are so two-faced it's like they have a revolving head.

"If you're a Christian who exploits people, leads a double life or manages a "dirty" business, perhaps it's better not to call yourself a believer", Pope Francis suggested in a homily on Thursday in Rome.

"So many Christians are like this, and these people scandalize others," Francis said during morning Mass at Casa Santa Marta, according to Vatican Radio. "How many times have we heard -- all of us, around the neighborhood and elsewhere -- 'But to be a Catholic like that, it's better to be an atheist.' It is that: scandal."
"But what is scandal? Scandal is saying one thing and doing another."

This is conservative Kristianity. Saying one thing and doing the opposite.

They use it as a tool for bad things that Jesus would never support.
Definitely. Under the new GOP Jesus would have been denied his flight to America, sent away. No room at the INN, Sorry god.
Women were terminating pregnancies back then.

Yeah....that started with the landmark decision in Judea: Row vs. Wade. When Jesus got out of the boat, his disciples had to decide whether to keep rowing or whether to follow him and have to wade in the water if they couldn't walk on it like he could.
Pope: It's better to be an atheist than a bad Christian - CNN.com

(CNN)If you're a Christian who exploits people, leads a double life or manages a "dirty" business, perhaps it's better not to call yourself a believer, Pope Francis suggested in a homily on Thursday in Rome.
If you're a leftist who has never read the Bible, denounces faith, and exploits religion in a sick desire for fascism, you better not call yourself an American. Admit what you are - a hatriot.
Definitely. Under the new GOP Jesus would have been denied his flight to America, sent away. No room at the INN, Sorry god.
The United States is not an "Inn". The fact that you view it as such as a way to justify your desire to exploit it speaks volumes.
And I don't vote for conservative politicians who would kill all programs for the poor.
Of course not! Since you refuse to help the poor - the only way to soothe your conscious is to pull a lever for communism and convince yourself you did something on their behalf. :laugh:
Pope: It's better to be an atheist than a bad Christian - CNN.com

(CNN)If you're a Christian who exploits people, leads a double life or manages a "dirty" business, perhaps it's better not to call yourself a believer, Pope Francis suggested in a homily on Thursday in Rome.
If you're a leftist who has never read the Bible, denounces faith, and exploits religion in a sick desire for fascism, you better not call yourself an American. Admit what you are - a hatriot.

I believe in the pope over politics. That makes me a hatriot? Very funny.
So conservatives think that if we eliminated Medicaid, all the medical needs of those low income Americans would be taken care of by the churches?

lol, good one. Try a lie once in awhile that might at least have a gram of believability in it.
Actually the Old Testament has been misinterpreted for years by scholars and theologians alike. .'

Oh look! It took the internet to find the one guy who knows the true interpretation of the Bible.

lol, another gem.
I believe in the pope over politics. That makes me a hatriot? Very funny.
No...it makes you an asshole for claiming that anyone stated they believe a politician over the Pope when it comes to religion. Nobody made that statement. The premise of this thread is how you left-wing hatriots who have never even opened the Bible attempt to exploit it for political purposes.
Women were terminating pregnancies back then.

Yeah....that started with the landmark decision in Judea: Row vs. Wade. When Jesus got out of the boat, his disciples had to decide whether to keep rowing or whether to follow him and have to wade in the water if they couldn't walk on it like he could.

Abortion was practiced in the days of the Roman empire. It was generally considered acceptable.

Jesus Christ never objected to abortion, even though it was going on all around him in his society.

That makes Christ pro-choice by definition.
I believe in the pope over politics. That makes me a hatriot? Very funny.
No...it makes you an asshole for claiming that anyone stated they believe a politician over the Pope when it comes to religion. Nobody made that statement. The premise of this thread is how you left-wing hatriots who have never even opened the Bible attempt to exploit it for political purposes.

Jesus was a political figure. We know that much for a fact.
So conservatives think that if we eliminated Medicaid, all the medical needs of those low income Americans would be taken care of by the churches?
As usual, your argument fails on so many levels...
  • The U.S. Constitution trumps your faux "concern" for the poor
  • The nation shouldn't have to collapse because of your faux "concern" for the poor
  • The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is providing healthcare all over the world. Imagine how much more we could do
So conservatives think that if we eliminated Medicaid, all the medical needs of those low income Americans would be taken care of by the churches?
As usual, your argument fails on so many levels...
  • The U.S. Constitution trumps your faux "concern" for the poor
  • The nation shouldn't have to collapse because of your faux "concern" for the poor
  • The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is providing healthcare all over the world. Imagine how much more we could do

So you're claiming the churches could and would come up with the entire current Medicaid budget if Medicaid was ended.

lol, the hits just keep on comin'.
Jesus was a political figure. We know that much for a fact.
There is nothing funnier than Carby's idea of a "fact". To him, the Lochness Monster, George Bush ordering the 9/11 attacks, "Global Warming", and a treasure map on the back of the Declaration of Independence are all "facts".
So conservatives think that if we eliminated Medicaid, all the medical needs of those low income Americans would be taken care of by the churches?
As usual, your argument fails on so many levels...
  • The U.S. Constitution trumps your faux "concern" for the poor
  • The nation shouldn't have to collapse because of your faux "concern" for the poor
  • The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is providing healthcare all over the world. Imagine how much more we could do

So you're claiming the churches could and would come up with the entire current Medicaid budget if Medicaid was ended.
As usual, your argument fails on so many levels...
  • The U.S. Constitution trumps your faux "concern" for the poor
  • The nation shouldn't have to collapse because of your faux "concern" for the poor
  • The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is providing healthcare all over the world. Imagine how much more we could do
Actually the Old Testament has been misinterpreted for years by scholars and theologians alike. .'

Oh look! It took the internet to find the one guy who knows the true interpretation of the Bible.

lol, another gem.
Surely not in your eyes as you claim you don't believe period and slam Christians every chance you get. Your loss not ours.
Women were terminating pregnancies back then.

Yeah....that started with the landmark decision in Judea: Row vs. Wade. When Jesus got out of the boat, his disciples had to decide whether to keep rowing or whether to follow him and have to wade in the water if they couldn't walk on it like he could.

Christ you can be ridiculously stupid sometimes...

Abortion in the Ancient and Premodern World
They also had torture and slavery in the ancient world....

Abortion was clearly seen as murder even then, but murder was literally commonplace.

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