Why the the left should NEVER try exploiting the Bible

And where did he state that the poor should he helped at the barrel of a gun by government???

So your main concern here is to assert your right to tell Jesus to go fuck himself when it comes to issues such as helping the poor.


Easy to notice that 1 out of 6 children goes to be hungry in the US every night. Where are the 'Christians'? It's obvious government can't carry the whole load so why haven't these oh so good Christians just taken on themselves to help the poor and ignore what the government does. If churches helped all these people the government would not have to spend any money to begin with.

Feeding them with their labor and sacrifice

The problem with his statement is churches carry the bulk of helping the less fortunate.

I work with an Outreach, I have for nearly 12 years and I've yet to see any atheists groups, or agnostic groups out there feeding the poor. But I've seen a boatload of religious groups, not all Christian, I've seen people from many faiths.

I agree. It isn't about helping the poor to them. Its about controlling our money.

Of they aired about helping the poor they would be giving their time and their money rather than pretending they do something by giving away another's time and money through violence

You people cling to the same fake memes because you will cling to anything that lets you continue to be selfish. 'Control your money'? Meaningless. Everyone is taxed. Stop your whining. Jesus never said 'help the poor unless you don't feel like it'.

"What you do for the least of these my brothers you do also for me".

Your answer is to do nothing but whine about paying taxes. Snowflakes all.
Jesus' main teaching was raise up and help the poor. "What you do for the least of these my brothers you do for me". Conservatives are hell bent on stepping on the poor at every single opportunity they get.
And where did he state that the poor should he helped at the barrel of a gun by government???

So your main concern here is to assert your right to tell Jesus to go fuck himself when it comes to issues such as helping the poor.

So your main focus here is to lie when a post exposes your ignorance and your exploitation of the Bible is exposed? I'll ask the question just for you again:

Where in the Bible did it state that the poor should he helped at the barrel of a gun by government???

It's a simple question NYcarbineer. Are you incapable of answering it? Yep! As always...

If Jesus didn't teach that helping the poor was mandatory, then isn't it true that you can tell him go fuck himself and his advice to help the poor,

and still claim that you yourself are a good Christian?
I don't believe Jesus said things were mandatory as such. Instead, he said "this is what you need to do to reach Heaven, and besides, it's the right thing to do." That's why God made man with free will — the Lord wishes us to truly love Him and come to Him willingly.

But the idea that Jesus never wanted people to pay taxes to help the poor is unsupported at best. He never said, "Give unto the poor, but not through a government, that shit is stupid, yo." Render unto Caesar and all that.

Also, why do liberals have to prove the Bible says taxes to help the poor is a good thing? How about show where in the Bible it says to never help people through taxes?

If 'Christians' helped the poor enough then no taxes would be needed to help the poor.

But Kristians fall way too short don't they. It's so easy to say 'I'm a Christian' as long as it doesn't cost you money or you don't have to put out any effort.
And where did he state that the poor should he helped at the barrel of a gun by government???

So your main concern here is to assert your right to tell Jesus to go fuck himself when it comes to issues such as helping the poor.

So your main focus here is to lie when a post exposes your ignorance and your exploitation of the Bible is exposed? I'll ask the question just for you again:

Where in the Bible did it state that the poor should he helped at the barrel of a gun by government???

It's a simple question NYcarbineer. Are you incapable of answering it? Yep! As always...

If Jesus didn't teach that helping the poor was mandatory, then isn't it true that you can tell him go fuck himself and his advice to help the poor,

and still claim that you yourself are a good Christian?
I don't believe Jesus said things were mandatory as such. Instead, he said "this is what you need to do to reach Heaven, and besides, it's the right thing to do." That's why God made man with free will — the Lord wishes us to truly love Him and come to Him willingly.

But the idea that Jesus never wanted people to pay taxes to help the poor is unsupported at best. He never said, "Give unto the poor, but not through a government, that shit is stupid, yo." Render unto Caesar and all that.

Also, why do liberals have to prove the Bible says taxes to help the poor is a good thing? How about show where in the Bible it says to never help people through taxes?

If 'Christians' helped the poor enough then no taxes would be needed to help the poor.

But Kristians fall way too short don't they. It's so easy to say 'I'm a Christian' as long as it doesn't cost you money or you don't have to put out any effort.

Oh knock it off, Christians do the bulk of helping the poor.
Both sides exploit the Bible. That's because the Bible can pretty much be ripped apart, taken out of context, and so on. It's also fairly contradictory.

Take self-defense. Jesus is pretty clear about turning the other cheek, but he also went apeshit on the moneylenders. The New Testament is full of love they neighbor, but the Old Testament is full of genocide and war. No matter where you stand on the subject, you can find a Biblical reference to support your stance.

That said, I think there are two clear points that stand out:
  1. The Commandments are mostly clear, and Jesus said the the greatest are to love God and each other. The only problem is in defining "love." Far-righters say it's not loving to give to the poor because it saps their self-esteem and capacity to work. Far-lefters say taking taxes from people is loving.
  2. Too many people put things in the Bible that don't exist. For example, it's silent on abortion and premarital sex. People interpret lines to say the Bible talks about both, but it doesn't.
But for my two cents (and yes, this is veering into opinion, not fact), the far right is overly hypocritical when it comes to the Bible. Liberals might live a sinful lifestyle as defined by the Bible, but many don't claim to use the Bible as their handbook.

And it's not even conservatives as a whole, who I believe are groovy folks. No, it's the far-right extremists who make religion a tool for hate and power. The same mega pastors who remind us that the poor are blessed have mansions and private jets. The same politicians who decry liberalism as sin have divorces and gay sex scandals. And IIRC, the red states where abortion is under attack have some of the highest rates of abortions.
Actually the Old Testament has been misinterpreted for years by scholars and theologians alike. It is a road map for Adam 'humankind', Adam 'a red earth human' that tells about the spiritual hosts in humans, in the heavens, in the earth, in nations and in lands; both places in the spirit and physical locations. By this host, this host as a result is birthed, so on and so forth. If the human does or goes there when told not to 'this it results in this' and these are the penalties, rewards, recompense and consequences, etc.. It is all pretty well covered but those also have been misinterpreted. As it is something when that thing whatever it may be happens within or from without most cannot see their own self as being under subjection, in judgment, going through tribulations, trials and so forth as it is to hard for many to do that extreme self evaluation.

Like Crixus says 'The word is beautiful and pure. Trying to use it in politics would be like using Song of Solomon as a script for a porno. Just wrong who ever does it.'
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And where did he state that the poor should he helped at the barrel of a gun by government???

So your main concern here is to assert your right to tell Jesus to go fuck himself when it comes to issues such as helping the poor.

So your main focus here is to lie when a post exposes your ignorance and your exploitation of the Bible is exposed? I'll ask the question just for you again:

Where in the Bible did it state that the poor should he helped at the barrel of a gun by government???

It's a simple question NYcarbineer. Are you incapable of answering it? Yep! As always...

If Jesus didn't teach that helping the poor was mandatory, then isn't it true that you can tell him go fuck himself and his advice to help the poor,

and still claim that you yourself are a good Christian?
I don't believe Jesus said things were mandatory as such. Instead, he said "this is what you need to do to reach Heaven, and besides, it's the right thing to do." That's why God made man with free will — the Lord wishes us to truly love Him and come to Him willingly.

But the idea that Jesus never wanted people to pay taxes to help the poor is unsupported at best. He never said, "Give unto the poor, but not through a government, that shit is stupid, yo." Render unto Caesar and all that.

Also, why do liberals have to prove the Bible says taxes to help the poor is a good thing? How about show where in the Bible it says to never help people through taxes?

If 'Christians' helped the poor enough then no taxes would be needed to help the poor.

But Kristians fall way too short don't they. It's so easy to say 'I'm a Christian' as long as it doesn't cost you money or you don't have to put out any effort.
So how much do you or have you personally put out to help the poor?
So your main concern here is to assert your right to tell Jesus to go fuck himself when it comes to issues such as helping the poor.

So your main focus here is to lie when a post exposes your ignorance and your exploitation of the Bible is exposed? I'll ask the question just for you again:

Where in the Bible did it state that the poor should he helped at the barrel of a gun by government???

It's a simple question NYcarbineer. Are you incapable of answering it? Yep! As always...

If Jesus didn't teach that helping the poor was mandatory, then isn't it true that you can tell him go fuck himself and his advice to help the poor,

and still claim that you yourself are a good Christian?
I don't believe Jesus said things were mandatory as such. Instead, he said "this is what you need to do to reach Heaven, and besides, it's the right thing to do." That's why God made man with free will — the Lord wishes us to truly love Him and come to Him willingly.

But the idea that Jesus never wanted people to pay taxes to help the poor is unsupported at best. He never said, "Give unto the poor, but not through a government, that shit is stupid, yo." Render unto Caesar and all that.

Also, why do liberals have to prove the Bible says taxes to help the poor is a good thing? How about show where in the Bible it says to never help people through taxes?

If 'Christians' helped the poor enough then no taxes would be needed to help the poor.

But Kristians fall way too short don't they. It's so easy to say 'I'm a Christian' as long as it doesn't cost you money or you don't have to put out any effort.

Oh knock it off, Christians do the bulk of helping the poor.

So it's the fault of Christians that the poor stay poor?
Liberals are more Jesus like than the hate filled righties .
If Jesus was alive today, he'd rip the nails out of his own hands to climb down and bitch slap every stinking illegal loving lefty. grrr (-

yes, 'cause jesus was ALL about violence.
He wouldn't beat up the moneylenders today. (-:

Trump, Feb. 17: Torture works. OK, folks? You know, I have these guys—”Torture doesn’t work!”—believe me, it works. And waterboarding is your minor form. Some people say it’s not actually torture. Let’s assume it is. But they asked me the question: What do you think of waterboarding? Absolutely fine. But we should go much stronger than waterboarding.

Trump on Torture - FactCheck.org

would jesus approve of torture today?

What does Trump have to do with Christ?

exactly. how can so called 'followers of christ' reCONcile the fact that they voted for an orange yam sack who believes in torture & still be christians?
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So your main concern here is to assert your right to tell Jesus to go fuck himself when it comes to issues such as helping the poor.

So your main focus here is to lie when a post exposes your ignorance and your exploitation of the Bible is exposed? I'll ask the question just for you again:

Where in the Bible did it state that the poor should he helped at the barrel of a gun by government???

It's a simple question NYcarbineer. Are you incapable of answering it? Yep! As always...

If Jesus didn't teach that helping the poor was mandatory, then isn't it true that you can tell him go fuck himself and his advice to help the poor,

and still claim that you yourself are a good Christian?
I don't believe Jesus said things were mandatory as such. Instead, he said "this is what you need to do to reach Heaven, and besides, it's the right thing to do." That's why God made man with free will — the Lord wishes us to truly love Him and come to Him willingly.

But the idea that Jesus never wanted people to pay taxes to help the poor is unsupported at best. He never said, "Give unto the poor, but not through a government, that shit is stupid, yo." Render unto Caesar and all that.

Also, why do liberals have to prove the Bible says taxes to help the poor is a good thing? How about show where in the Bible it says to never help people through taxes?

If 'Christians' helped the poor enough then no taxes would be needed to help the poor.

But Kristians fall way too short don't they. It's so easy to say 'I'm a Christian' as long as it doesn't cost you money or you don't have to put out any effort.

Oh knock it off, Christians do the bulk of helping the poor.

Support your claim with a link...like this

Top 10 Non-Profits Fighting Poverty
The left is all over the news, social media, and even right here on USMB these days attempting to exploit the Bible for their own political gain. Whenever they are incapable of defending their irrational position, aside from screaming racist/homophobe/xenophobe/etc., they will invariably scream "the Bible says to redistribute wealth". The problem, of course, is that the Bible says no such thing. And they would know that if they didn't hate the Bible and religion. It's a bad idea to attempt to quote something one has never read.
Josh Protas, the vice president of public policy at MAZON, a Jewish anti-hunger group...quoted a verse in Leviticus. Not to be outdone, Rep. Jodey Arrington quoted a Bible verse of his own, saying, “If a man will not work he shall not eat.”

“I did hear Mr. Protas, your opening remarks, where you quoted Leviticus, I believe — and I think that’s a great reflection on the character of God and the compassion of God’s heart and how we ought to reflect that compassion in our lives,” Arrington said. “But there’s also, you know, the Scripture, tells us in 2 Thessalonians chapter 3:10, he says, ‘for even when we were with you, we gave you this rule: if a man will not work, he shall not eat.’ And then he goes on to say ‘we hear that some among you are idle.’

Boom! Talk about a knockout blow. This is what happens to a person who doesn't know the Bible and yet attempts to exploit it for the evils of socialism/marxism/communism.

Libs FURIOUS! Texas Republican Has 10 BRUTAL Words For Food Stamp Junkies
If the republicans stopped using the bible as a mask, libs wouldn't have to keep pointing out the hypocrisy.
The left is all over the news, social media, and even right here on USMB these days attempting to exploit the Bible for their own political gain. Whenever they are incapable of defending their irrational position, aside from screaming racist/homophobe/xenophobe/etc., they will invariably scream "the Bible says to redistribute wealth". The problem, of course, is that the Bible says no such thing. And they would know that if they didn't hate the Bible and religion. It's a bad idea to attempt to quote something one has never read.
Josh Protas, the vice president of public policy at MAZON, a Jewish anti-hunger group...quoted a verse in Leviticus. Not to be outdone, Rep. Jodey Arrington quoted a Bible verse of his own, saying, “If a man will not work he shall not eat.”

“I did hear Mr. Protas, your opening remarks, where you quoted Leviticus, I believe — and I think that’s a great reflection on the character of God and the compassion of God’s heart and how we ought to reflect that compassion in our lives,” Arrington said. “But there’s also, you know, the Scripture, tells us in 2 Thessalonians chapter 3:10, he says, ‘for even when we were with you, we gave you this rule: if a man will not work, he shall not eat.’ And then he goes on to say ‘we hear that some among you are idle.’

Boom! Talk about a knockout blow. This is what happens to a person who doesn't know the Bible and yet attempts to exploit it for the evils of socialism/marxism/communism.

Libs FURIOUS! Texas Republican Has 10 BRUTAL Words For Food Stamp Junkies
If the republicans stopped using the bible as a mask, libs wouldn't have to keep pointing out the hypocrisy.

And that is the heart of it isn't it. Many claim to be 'Christians' but their entire lives are spent acting in direct opposition to what Christ stood for.

Sitting in a church no more makes you a Christian than sitting in a garage makes you a car.
Churches get massive tax breaks and in many cases get government funding for their charity work,

so no one should be claiming that there's a difference between direct government help for the poor and government help for the poor via a church.
So your main concern here is to assert your right to tell Jesus to go fuck himself when it comes to issues such as helping the poor.

So your main focus here is to lie when a post exposes your ignorance and your exploitation of the Bible is exposed? I'll ask the question just for you again:

Where in the Bible did it state that the poor should he helped at the barrel of a gun by government???

It's a simple question NYcarbineer. Are you incapable of answering it? Yep! As always...

If Jesus didn't teach that helping the poor was mandatory, then isn't it true that you can tell him go fuck himself and his advice to help the poor,

and still claim that you yourself are a good Christian?
I don't believe Jesus said things were mandatory as such. Instead, he said "this is what you need to do to reach Heaven, and besides, it's the right thing to do." That's why God made man with free will — the Lord wishes us to truly love Him and come to Him willingly.

But the idea that Jesus never wanted people to pay taxes to help the poor is unsupported at best. He never said, "Give unto the poor, but not through a government, that shit is stupid, yo." Render unto Caesar and all that.

Also, why do liberals have to prove the Bible says taxes to help the poor is a good thing? How about show where in the Bible it says to never help people through taxes?

If 'Christians' helped the poor enough then no taxes would be needed to help the poor.
So your main concern here is to assert your right to tell Jesus to go fuck himself when it comes to issues such as helping the poor.

So your main focus here is to lie when a post exposes your ignorance and your exploitation of the Bible is exposed? I'll ask the question just for you again:

Where in the Bible did it state that the poor should he helped at the barrel of a gun by government???

It's a simple question NYcarbineer. Are you incapable of answering it? Yep! As always...

If Jesus didn't teach that helping the poor was mandatory, then isn't it true that you can tell him go fuck himself and his advice to help the poor,

and still claim that you yourself are a good Christian?
I don't believe Jesus said things were mandatory as such. Instead, he said "this is what you need to do to reach Heaven, and besides, it's the right thing to do." That's why God made man with free will — the Lord wishes us to truly love Him and come to Him willingly.

But the idea that Jesus never wanted people to pay taxes to help the poor is unsupported at best. He never said, "Give unto the poor, but not through a government, that shit is stupid, yo." Render unto Caesar and all that.

Also, why do liberals have to prove the Bible says taxes to help the poor is a good thing? How about show where in the Bible it says to never help people through taxes?

If 'Christians' helped the poor enough then no taxes would be needed to help the poor.

But Kristians fall way too short don't they. It's so easy to say 'I'm a Christian' as long as it doesn't cost you money or you don't have to put out any effort.

Oh knock it off, Christians do the bulk of helping the poor.

But not enough to keep the evil government out of the poor helping business.
So your main concern here is to assert your right to tell Jesus to go fuck himself when it comes to issues such as helping the poor.

So your main focus here is to lie when a post exposes your ignorance and your exploitation of the Bible is exposed? I'll ask the question just for you again:

Where in the Bible did it state that the poor should he helped at the barrel of a gun by government???

It's a simple question NYcarbineer. Are you incapable of answering it? Yep! As always...

If Jesus didn't teach that helping the poor was mandatory, then isn't it true that you can tell him go fuck himself and his advice to help the poor,

and still claim that you yourself are a good Christian?
I don't believe Jesus said things were mandatory as such. Instead, he said "this is what you need to do to reach Heaven, and besides, it's the right thing to do." That's why God made man with free will — the Lord wishes us to truly love Him and come to Him willingly.

But the idea that Jesus never wanted people to pay taxes to help the poor is unsupported at best. He never said, "Give unto the poor, but not through a government, that shit is stupid, yo." Render unto Caesar and all that.

Also, why do liberals have to prove the Bible says taxes to help the poor is a good thing? How about show where in the Bible it says to never help people through taxes?

If 'Christians' helped the poor enough then no taxes would be needed to help the poor.

But Kristians fall way too short don't they. It's so easy to say 'I'm a Christian' as long as it doesn't cost you money or you don't have to put out any effort.
So how much do you or have you personally put out to help the poor?

The amount of my taxes that goes to such help. And I don't vote for conservative politicians who would kill all programs for the poor.
So your main concern here is to assert your right to tell Jesus to go fuck himself when it comes to issues such as helping the poor.

So your main focus here is to lie when a post exposes your ignorance and your exploitation of the Bible is exposed? I'll ask the question just for you again:

Where in the Bible did it state that the poor should he helped at the barrel of a gun by government???

It's a simple question NYcarbineer. Are you incapable of answering it? Yep! As always...

If Jesus didn't teach that helping the poor was mandatory, then isn't it true that you can tell him go fuck himself and his advice to help the poor,

and still claim that you yourself are a good Christian?
I don't believe Jesus said things were mandatory as such. Instead, he said "this is what you need to do to reach Heaven, and besides, it's the right thing to do." That's why God made man with free will — the Lord wishes us to truly love Him and come to Him willingly.

But the idea that Jesus never wanted people to pay taxes to help the poor is unsupported at best. He never said, "Give unto the poor, but not through a government, that shit is stupid, yo." Render unto Caesar and all that.

Also, why do liberals have to prove the Bible says taxes to help the poor is a good thing? How about show where in the Bible it says to never help people through taxes?

First of all, many many liberals are in fact Christian, so a liberal vs. conservative debate about the teachings of Jesus is just one more debate about what it is to follow the teachings of Christ.
Progressives don't get to define what "Christian" is.
It is far too foreign to them.

And you do? What's your definition then?
Suggesting you listen to the Pope rather than politicians when it comes to God is nonsense? Funny.
That is an idiotic straw-man. At no point did SassyIrishLass ever state he listens to politicians when it comes to God. Stop making desperate accusations. You sound like an idiot when you accuse people of something they never said or even implied.
Pope: It's better to be an atheist than a bad Christian - CNN.com

(CNN)If you're a Christian who exploits people, leads a double life or manages a "dirty" business, perhaps it's better not to call yourself a believer, Pope Francis suggested in a homily on Thursday in Rome.

Evangelicals are the worst. They are so two-faced it's like they have a revolving head.

"If you're a Christian who exploits people, leads a double life or manages a "dirty" business, perhaps it's better not to call yourself a believer", Pope Francis suggested in a homily on Thursday in Rome.

"So many Christians are like this, and these people scandalize others," Francis said during morning Mass at Casa Santa Marta, according to Vatican Radio. "How many times have we heard -- all of us, around the neighborhood and elsewhere -- 'But to be a Catholic like that, it's better to be an atheist.' It is that: scandal."
"But what is scandal? Scandal is saying one thing and doing another."

This is conservative Kristianity. Saying one thing and doing the opposite.
Pope: It's better to be an atheist than a bad Christian - CNN.com

(CNN)If you're a Christian who exploits people, leads a double life or manages a "dirty" business, perhaps it's better not to call yourself a believer, Pope Francis suggested in a homily on Thursday in Rome.

Evangelicals are the worst. They are so two-faced it's like they have a revolving head.

"If you're a Christian who exploits people, leads a double life or manages a "dirty" business, perhaps it's better not to call yourself a believer", Pope Francis suggested in a homily on Thursday in Rome.

"So many Christians are like this, and these people scandalize others," Francis said during morning Mass at Casa Santa Marta, according to Vatican Radio. "How many times have we heard -- all of us, around the neighborhood and elsewhere -- 'But to be a Catholic like that, it's better to be an atheist.' It is that: scandal."
"But what is scandal? Scandal is saying one thing and doing another."

This is conservative Kristianity. Saying one thing and doing the opposite.
Regardless, peoples personal beliefs have no place in shaping policy. Separation of church and state. Politicians like pence who use their extremist religious beliefs to form laws are despicable, a threat to our nation, and our way of life.
Pope: It's better to be an atheist than a bad Christian - CNN.com

(CNN)If you're a Christian who exploits people, leads a double life or manages a "dirty" business, perhaps it's better not to call yourself a believer, Pope Francis suggested in a homily on Thursday in Rome.

Evangelicals are the worst. They are so two-faced it's like they have a revolving head.

"If you're a Christian who exploits people, leads a double life or manages a "dirty" business, perhaps it's better not to call yourself a believer", Pope Francis suggested in a homily on Thursday in Rome.

"So many Christians are like this, and these people scandalize others," Francis said during morning Mass at Casa Santa Marta, according to Vatican Radio. "How many times have we heard -- all of us, around the neighborhood and elsewhere -- 'But to be a Catholic like that, it's better to be an atheist.' It is that: scandal."
"But what is scandal? Scandal is saying one thing and doing another."

This is conservative Kristianity. Saying one thing and doing the opposite.

They use it as a tool for bad things that Jesus would never support.

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