Why the the left should NEVER try exploiting the Bible

And yet each and every one of your narratives in this thread was destroyed...with links
My dear - your only link was obliterated by me. To the point where the only response you were left with was "it doesn't matter".

Um, not even close...and I provided multiple links. Still believe women have only been having abortions for 30 years?
It seems all you have is insults and ignorance. Get a grip on yourself you little whiner.
I'm not whining - merely pointing out your inability to communicate clearly and concisely in written from.
The teabagging right wingers are the ones that use the context of the bible to their benefit only when it is relevant.
The right is fairly consistent in their biblical views and rarely uses them to justify legislation (they don't need to - instead they rely on the U.S. Constitution, economic indicators, etc. which prove they are right). It's the left that always attempts to justify their unconstitutional communism with "but...but....Jesus would".
Now you're starting to understand the main point. "Liberals" try to use Jesus' teachings to justify their desired public policies, yet would run screaming into the night if our laws really did honor Him.

So, what do they really want?

What liberals are screaming about laws to help the poor?
They're not, they're trying to use Jesus' words as justification when castigating "conservatives" who don't support a massive nanny state.

And you used Jesus to justify NOT having the government help the poor.
He was silent on the subject. He was, however, clear on how He expected His followers to act. Regardless, it's still ridiculous for "liberals" who want nothing else to do with Him to try to use his teachings.

you mean:

A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.


Now you're starting to understand the main point. "Liberals" try to use Jesus' teachings to justify their desired public policies, yet would run screaming into the night if our laws really did honor Him.

So, what do they really want?

What liberals are screaming about laws to help the poor?
They're not, they're trying to use Jesus' words as justification when castigating "conservatives" who don't support a massive nanny state.

And you used Jesus to justify NOT having the government help the poor.
He was silent on the subject. He was, however, clear on how He expected His followers to act. Regardless, it's still ridiculous for "liberals" who want nothing else to do with Him to try to use his teachings.

Who are all these liberals that you think want nothing to do with Jesus? Are you, for example, declaring Barack Obama to be a pretend Christian?

& how many sundays has trump spent going to church? lol.. that must be the church of mar-a-lago where the alter is on the golf course.
& how many sundays has trump spent going to church? lol.. that must be the church of mar-a-lago where the alter is on the golf course.
You have to wonder how dumb a hatriot has to be to mention the term "golf course" when Barack Obama set the record for days on the golf course by a president. A record which will never be broken. The man missed 52% of his national security meetings because he was so busy golfing and vacationing in Hawaii.
& how many sundays has trump spent going to church? lol.. that must be the church of mar-a-lago where the alter is on the golf course.
You have to wonder how dumb a hatriot has to be to mention the term "golf course" when Barack Obama set the record for days on the golf course by a president. A record which will never be broken. The man missed 52% of his national security meetings because he was so busy golfing and vacationing in Hawaii.

you have to wonder how fucking lazy trumpanzees are not to take seconds to do a little research b4 showing how truly stupid they really are. CONsidering trump has only been in office < 100 days versus obama's 8 full years & it's obvious it would only be a short matter of time for that bloated yam sack to easily surpass obama - if not for the fact he will be impeached or resign within the coming year.

Trump is golfing twice as much as Obama did

Published: Mar 31, 2017 1:43 p.m. ET

President working 9-iron to 5-iron is bad business for America

The inputs? So far, according to multiple reports, Trump has gone golfing 13 times since becoming president.

March 31 is Trump’s 71st day in office. That’s one round of golf every five-and-a-half days.

Meanwhile the magazine Golf Digest, in the kind of exhaustive and heroic work that really deserves some kind of prize, in January added up all the times Obama went golfing during his eight-year term as president.

The total: 306 times. The calendar tell us there were 2,922 days in Obama’s two terms. So that’s one round of golf every nine-and-a-half days.

In other words, Trump has been golfing at almost twice the rate as Obama did. And this in the supposedly busy early days of his presidency to boot.

Trump is golfing twice as much as Obama did
There is a place in hell for the self righteous bastards. May they rot forever.
There is a place in hell here on earth for self Righteous poor people hating rich people suck off Bitches liked you Fuck off asshole Bitch:alirulz:

Luke 11:39-42 Then the Lord said to him, “Now you Pharisees clean the outside of the cup and of the dish, but inside you are full of greed and wickedness. You fools! Did not the one who made the outside make the inside also? So give for alms those things that are within; and see, everything will be clean for you. “But woe to you Pharisees! For you tithe mint and rue and herbs of all kinds, and neglect justice and the love of God

What a pleasant little drug addled boy you seem to be.

lol.... do you think he 'ought to be sent up' like rush limbaugh said should happen to drug users? :rofl:
Obama golfed on his day off . And he didn't jet set around every weekend unlike the Don.
The left is all over the news, social media, and even right here on USMB these days attempting to exploit the Bible for their own political gain. Whenever they are incapable of defending their irrational position, aside from screaming racist/homophobe/xenophobe/etc., they will invariably scream "the Bible says to redistribute wealth". The problem, of course, is that the Bible says no such thing. And they would know that if they didn't hate the Bible and religion. It's a bad idea to attempt to quote something one has never read.
Josh Protas, the vice president of public policy at MAZON, a Jewish anti-hunger group...quoted a verse in Leviticus. Not to be outdone, Rep. Jodey Arrington quoted a Bible verse of his own, saying, “If a man will not work he shall not eat.”

“I did hear Mr. Protas, your opening remarks, where you quoted Leviticus, I believe — and I think that’s a great reflection on the character of God and the compassion of God’s heart and how we ought to reflect that compassion in our lives,” Arrington said. “But there’s also, you know, the Scripture, tells us in 2 Thessalonians chapter 3:10, he says, ‘for even when we were with you, we gave you this rule: if a man will not work, he shall not eat.’ And then he goes on to say ‘we hear that some among you are idle.’

Boom! Talk about a knockout blow. This is what happens to a person who doesn't know the Bible and yet attempts to exploit it for the evils of socialism/marxism/communism.

Libs FURIOUS! Texas Republican Has 10 BRUTAL Words For Food Stamp Junkies

Sounds like the ignorance that is religion.

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