Why the the left should NEVER try exploiting the Bible

Um, not even close...and I provided multiple links. Still believe women have only been having abortions for 30 years?
Still believe in the "Prehistoric Parenthood" abortion clinics outside of most caves? :laugh:

That's it "Patriot", deflect, deflect. I said, and proved, that abortions have been performed for thousands of years.
Um, not even close...and I provided multiple links. Still believe women have only been having abortions for 30 years?
Still believe in the "Prehistoric Parenthood" abortion clinics outside of most caves? :laugh:

That's it "Patriot", deflect, deflect. I said, and proved, that abortions have been performed for thousands of years.
Sweetie...they haven't even had the capabilities to perform abortions for "thousands of years". Hell, they didn't even have the capabilities to tell if a woman was pregnant 200 years ago - much less thousands of years ago. There were no ultrasounds. No at home pregnancy tests.

There is no "deflecting" here. You made a dumb comment - it came back to bite you in the ass. Placing dust in water does not an abortion make! :lmao:
Um, not even close...and I provided multiple links. Still believe women have only been having abortions for 30 years?
Still believe in the "Prehistoric Parenthood" abortion clinics outside of most caves? :laugh:

That's it "Patriot", deflect, deflect. I said, and proved, that abortions have been performed for thousands of years.
Sweetie...they haven't even had the capabilities to perform abortions for "thousands of years". Hell, they didn't even have the capabilities to tell if a woman was pregnant 200 years ago - much less thousands of years ago. There were no ultrasounds. No at home pregnancy tests.

There is no "deflecting" here. You made a dumb comment - it came back to bite you in the ass. Placing dust in water does not an abortion make! :lmao:

Yes, football "star", they have. I provided you the links to the Egyptian text (that is over 3,000 years old) describing how to perform one.

You're single aren't you? Always have been? Have you ever been with a woman?
Who are all these liberals that you think want nothing to do with Jesus? Are you, for example, declaring Barack Obama to be a pretend Christian?
Donald Trump now there is a committed Christian serial adulterer and abuser of females
Who says Trump is a Christian?
He does
Trump: "Art Of The Deal" Is My Second Favorite Book, First Favorite Is the Bible ...
Would it surprise you if I said I don't believe him?
You do know, don't you, that you are making my point for me? Now that you are citing Jesus' teachings, how strongly are you going to follow them?
I am not a fucking Christian Flutter Buttocks ... I am a Heathen and an extreme leftist
Yet you are citing His teachings to justify your stances. Do you not see the cognitive dissonance you exhibit?
No I am citing his teaching to show you what a duplicitous hypocritical freak you and the rest of the Evangelical salad tossers for Trump are...all the mother fuckers who claim to be Righteous and Christian but have a toxic hatred for the poor ... I would never call myself a Christian what you kidding me LOL
And again with the wild assumptions...
Do you have anything in particular that you think He would say that I would disagree with? Or are you just desperately trolling?
yes to sell all your possessions and give it to the poor
Luke 14:12-14 He said also to the one who had invited him, “When you give a luncheon or a dinner, do not invite your friends or your brothers or your relatives or rich neighbors, in case they may invite you in return, and you would be repaid. But when you give a banquet, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, and the blind. And you will be blessed, because they cannot repay you, for you will be repaid at the resurrection of the righteous.”
Where is it written

Do not give a banquet. Go to your neighbor, a stranger and rob their banquet to feed the poor, the crippled, the lame and the blind. You will be blessed and you will have robbed and forced your neighbor and stranger into being blessed also.

I missed that part. Where is that written?
Me too. There is, however, this part that sounds a lot like the attitude rich liberals have:

12 And the Lord sent Nathan unto David. And he came unto him, and said unto him, There were two men in one city; the one rich, and the other poor.

2 The rich man had exceeding many flocks and herds:

3 But the poor man had nothing, save one little ewe lamb, which he had bought and nourished up: and it grew up together with him, and with his children; it did eat of his own meat, and drank of his own cup, and lay in his bosom, and was unto him as a daughter.

4 And there came a traveller unto the rich man, and he spared to take of his own flock and of his own herd, to dress for the wayfaring man that was come unto him; but took the poor man's lamb, and dressed it for the man that was come to him.

How typical, to not give from his own wealth, but to take from someone else without regard to what little he had. The problem with demanding that society subsidize the poor is that the definition of "poor" always expands to include those who previously would not be thought of as being poor, and subsequently, the definition of "rich" always expands to include those who previously would not be thought of as rich, because more are needed to support increased spending.
Now you're starting to understand the main point. "Liberals" try to use Jesus' teachings to justify their desired public policies, yet would run screaming into the night if our laws really did honor Him.

So, what do they really want?

What liberals are screaming about laws to help the poor?
They're not, they're trying to use Jesus' words as justification when castigating "conservatives" who don't support a massive nanny state.

And you used Jesus to justify NOT having the government help the poor.
He was silent on the subject. He was, however, clear on how He expected His followers to act. Regardless, it's still ridiculous for "liberals" who want nothing else to do with Him to try to use his teachings.

you mean:

A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.



By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.
Now you're starting to understand the main point. "Liberals" try to use Jesus' teachings to justify their desired public policies, yet would run screaming into the night if our laws really did honor Him.

So, what do they really want?

What liberals are screaming about laws to help the poor?
They're not, they're trying to use Jesus' words as justification when castigating "conservatives" who don't support a massive nanny state.

And you used Jesus to justify NOT having the government help the poor.
He was silent on the subject. He was, however, clear on how He expected His followers to act. Regardless, it's still ridiculous for "liberals" who want nothing else to do with Him to try to use his teachings.

Who are all these liberals that you think want nothing to do with Jesus? Are you, for example, declaring Barack Obama to be a pretend Christian?

By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.

If ye keep my commandments, ye shall abide in my love; even as I have kept my Father's commandments, and abide in his love.

If ye love me, keep my commandments.

That's how you know. Tell you what, let's answer this question. If Obama is a Christian, when did he become one? His father was Muslim and he grew up in a Muslim country, attending Muslim schools. When exactly was he converted to Christianity, and why is he not considered an apostate Muslim with a price on his head?
What liberals are screaming about laws to help the poor?
They're not, they're trying to use Jesus' words as justification when castigating "conservatives" who don't support a massive nanny state.

And you used Jesus to justify NOT having the government help the poor.
He was silent on the subject. He was, however, clear on how He expected His followers to act. Regardless, it's still ridiculous for "liberals" who want nothing else to do with Him to try to use his teachings.

you mean:

A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.



By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.

where's the love coming from those who want to cut off the most vulnerable from being able to see a doctor? from getting a meal delivered because they are homebound?

talking the talk, but not walking the walk = wolves in sheep's clothing.
NO! you are a big whiner and liar.
Get over the fact that you are not the superior being you think you are.
And a good ass-kicking like you have been getting just pisses you off.
Just like this ass-kicking.

It seems all you have is insults and ignorance. Get a grip on yourself you little whiner.
I'm not whining - merely pointing out your inability to communicate clearly and concisely in written from.
The teabagging right wingers are the ones that use the context of the bible to their benefit only when it is relevant.
The right is fairly consistent in their biblical views and rarely uses them to justify legislation (they don't need to - instead they rely on the U.S. Constitution, economic indicators, etc. which prove they are right). It's the left that always attempts to justify their unconstitutional communism with "but...but....Jesus would".
What liberals are screaming about laws to help the poor?
They're not, they're trying to use Jesus' words as justification when castigating "conservatives" who don't support a massive nanny state.

And you used Jesus to justify NOT having the government help the poor.
He was silent on the subject. He was, however, clear on how He expected His followers to act. Regardless, it's still ridiculous for "liberals" who want nothing else to do with Him to try to use his teachings.

Who are all these liberals that you think want nothing to do with Jesus? Are you, for example, declaring Barack Obama to be a pretend Christian?

By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.

If ye keep my commandments, ye shall abide in my love; even as I have kept my Father's commandments, and abide in his love.

If ye love me, keep my commandments.

That's how you know. Tell you what, let's answer this question. If Obama is a Christian, when did he become one? His father was Muslim and he grew up in a Muslim country, attending Muslim schools. When exactly was he converted to Christianity, and why is he not considered an apostate Muslim with a price on his head?

<pfffft> trump is an adulterer who hasn't stepped foot in a church on his own in eons because he knows he has a lightening bolt with his name on it.
You really are stupid! LOL!

Um, not even close...and I provided multiple links. Still believe women have only been having abortions for 30 years?
Still believe in the "Prehistoric Parenthood" abortion clinics outside of most caves? :laugh:

That's it "Patriot", deflect, deflect. I said, and proved, that abortions have been performed for thousands of years.
Sweetie...they haven't even had the capabilities to perform abortions for "thousands of years". Hell, they didn't even have the capabilities to tell if a woman was pregnant 200 years ago - much less thousands of years ago. There were no ultrasounds. No at home pregnancy tests.

There is no "deflecting" here. You made a dumb comment - it came back to bite you in the ass. Placing dust in water does not an abortion make! :lmao:
They're not, they're trying to use Jesus' words as justification when castigating "conservatives" who don't support a massive nanny state.

And you used Jesus to justify NOT having the government help the poor.
He was silent on the subject. He was, however, clear on how He expected His followers to act. Regardless, it's still ridiculous for "liberals" who want nothing else to do with Him to try to use his teachings.

you mean:

A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.



By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.

where's the love coming from those who want to cut off the most vulnerable from being able to see a doctor? from getting a meal delivered because they are homebound?

talking the talk, but not walking the walk = wolves in sheep's clothing.
You're assuming things that are not in evidence. Is it wanting to "cut off the most vulnerable from being able to see a doctor" when someone wants to keep more of his own resources so he can take care of his neighbor who is unable to see a doctor on his own? Is it wanting to prevent someone from "getting a meal delivered because they are homebound" for someone who wants to keep more of his own resources so he can help his neighbor who is homebound and cannot provide for themselves?

It's the difference between personally identifying a person in need and helping them, and ignoring those in need because we think the government is going to take care of them.

It's not heartless to think the more compassionate choice is to take care of those around you yourself. In fact, it is more heartless to ignore those in trouble because we're paying the government to do it for us.
They're not, they're trying to use Jesus' words as justification when castigating "conservatives" who don't support a massive nanny state.

And you used Jesus to justify NOT having the government help the poor.
He was silent on the subject. He was, however, clear on how He expected His followers to act. Regardless, it's still ridiculous for "liberals" who want nothing else to do with Him to try to use his teachings.

Who are all these liberals that you think want nothing to do with Jesus? Are you, for example, declaring Barack Obama to be a pretend Christian?

By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.

If ye keep my commandments, ye shall abide in my love; even as I have kept my Father's commandments, and abide in his love.

If ye love me, keep my commandments.

That's how you know. Tell you what, let's answer this question. If Obama is a Christian, when did he become one? His father was Muslim and he grew up in a Muslim country, attending Muslim schools. When exactly was he converted to Christianity, and why is he not considered an apostate Muslim with a price on his head?

<pfffft> trump is an adulterer who hasn't stepped foot in a church on his own in eons because he knows he has a lightening bolt with his name on it.
I have yet to see evidence that Trump is in fact a Christian.
Get over the fact that you are not the superior being you think you are.
I don't think I'm superior. I think your comment here goes to illustrate your psyche of an inferiority complex. That is further supported by your immature cartoons you resort to due to your inability to articulate anything properly.
And you used Jesus to justify NOT having the government help the poor.
He was silent on the subject. He was, however, clear on how He expected His followers to act. Regardless, it's still ridiculous for "liberals" who want nothing else to do with Him to try to use his teachings.

you mean:

A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.



By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.

where's the love coming from those who want to cut off the most vulnerable from being able to see a doctor? from getting a meal delivered because they are homebound?

talking the talk, but not walking the walk = wolves in sheep's clothing.
You're assuming things that are not in evidence. Is it wanting to "cut off the most vulnerable from being able to see a doctor" when someone wants to keep more of his own resources so he can take care of his neighbor who is unable to see a doctor on his own? Is it wanting to prevent someone from "getting a meal delivered because they are homebound" for someone who wants to keep more of his own resources so he can help his neighbor who is homebound and cannot provide for themselves?

It's the difference between personally identifying a person in need and helping them, and ignoring those in need because we think the government is going to take care of them.

It's not heartless to think the more compassionate choice is to take care of those around you yourself. In fact, it is more heartless to ignore those in trouble because we're paying the government to do it for us.

uh-huh. if that were the case, there wouldn't be a need for outside help. too many claim they would help, but don't. just like all the little zygotes that aren't adopted by those that want them born.
NO! you are a big whiner and liar.
You sound like a small child when you post. Can I ask what grade you are in? The "Y" in "you" should be capitalized since it comes after the punctuation which ends a previous statement or sentence. Just saying, snowflake. You'll learn more of this stuff once you hit junior high.
And you used Jesus to justify NOT having the government help the poor.
He was silent on the subject. He was, however, clear on how He expected His followers to act. Regardless, it's still ridiculous for "liberals" who want nothing else to do with Him to try to use his teachings.

Who are all these liberals that you think want nothing to do with Jesus? Are you, for example, declaring Barack Obama to be a pretend Christian?

By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.

If ye keep my commandments, ye shall abide in my love; even as I have kept my Father's commandments, and abide in his love.

If ye love me, keep my commandments.

That's how you know. Tell you what, let's answer this question. If Obama is a Christian, when did he become one? His father was Muslim and he grew up in a Muslim country, attending Muslim schools. When exactly was he converted to Christianity, and why is he not considered an apostate Muslim with a price on his head?

<pfffft> trump is an adulterer who hasn't stepped foot in a church on his own in eons because he knows he has a lightening bolt with his name on it.
I have yet to see evidence that Trump is in fact a Christian.

& the extreme fundies who shout how christiany they are- don't really care, but voted for him anyway. why would that be?
He was silent on the subject. He was, however, clear on how He expected His followers to act. Regardless, it's still ridiculous for "liberals" who want nothing else to do with Him to try to use his teachings.

you mean:

A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.



By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.

where's the love coming from those who want to cut off the most vulnerable from being able to see a doctor? from getting a meal delivered because they are homebound?

talking the talk, but not walking the walk = wolves in sheep's clothing.
You're assuming things that are not in evidence. Is it wanting to "cut off the most vulnerable from being able to see a doctor" when someone wants to keep more of his own resources so he can take care of his neighbor who is unable to see a doctor on his own? Is it wanting to prevent someone from "getting a meal delivered because they are homebound" for someone who wants to keep more of his own resources so he can help his neighbor who is homebound and cannot provide for themselves?

It's the difference between personally identifying a person in need and helping them, and ignoring those in need because we think the government is going to take care of them.

It's not heartless to think the more compassionate choice is to take care of those around you yourself. In fact, it is more heartless to ignore those in trouble because we're paying the government to do it for us.

uh-huh. if that were the case, there wouldn't be a need for outside help. too many claim they would help, but don't. just like all the little zygotes that aren't adopted by those that want them born.
That just means there aren't enough Christians around.

The "war on poverty" hasn't been terribly effective, has it? Know what is more effective? A roaring economy that gives all who are willing to work the opportunity to do so.

By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.

where's the love coming from those who want to cut off the most vulnerable from being able to see a doctor? from getting a meal delivered because they are homebound?

talking the talk, but not walking the walk = wolves in sheep's clothing.
You're assuming things that are not in evidence. Is it wanting to "cut off the most vulnerable from being able to see a doctor" when someone wants to keep more of his own resources so he can take care of his neighbor who is unable to see a doctor on his own? Is it wanting to prevent someone from "getting a meal delivered because they are homebound" for someone who wants to keep more of his own resources so he can help his neighbor who is homebound and cannot provide for themselves?

It's the difference between personally identifying a person in need and helping them, and ignoring those in need because we think the government is going to take care of them.

It's not heartless to think the more compassionate choice is to take care of those around you yourself. In fact, it is more heartless to ignore those in trouble because we're paying the government to do it for us.

uh-huh. if that were the case, there wouldn't be a need for outside help. too many claim they would help, but don't. just like all the little zygotes that aren't adopted by those that want them born.
That just means there aren't enough Christians around.

The "war on poverty" hasn't been terribly effective, has it? Know what is more effective? A roaring economy that gives all who are willing to work the opportunity to do so.

with a minimum wage of $15?

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