Why the well educated vote Liberal

Not "uber wealthy", dope.
$500k is actually .5%.
CEO's make far more than that.
The uber wealthy is more like the .001%.
So a CEO of a small company who makes $100,000 a year is uber wealthy even when he doesn't make far more than $500,000 a year? Do you understand what I am trying to point out to you, that you have been lied to by your liberal politicians over and over, yet you continue to vote for them?

So a CEO of a small company who makes $100,000 a year is uber wealthy

My plumber makes over $100k, dope. That's middle class. (Wealthy to those who live in a trailer I suppose).
The average CEO pay is nearly $14m/yr.
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Salaries | PayScale
Chief Executive Officers in the United States can expect to earn a very comfortable salary, with average salaries (in the ballpark of $163K) surpassing six figures annually.
And you like Moonbeam are a product of the FAILED public education system, though indoctrination. Stop watching the Lame Stream Media and post bullshit that you have no clue what you are talking about...

What companies are those?

How about the S&P 500? Average CEO pay is $13.8m.

You have to be a complete moron to believe that the national average is $163k.
So there are only 500 companies in the United States? You really are showing how much of a Socialist you are..

No, dope.
That's why I said "national average".
Conservatives: I'm NOT posting this here to deepen our partisan divide, or to be insulting. Lord knows we have enough of that, but rather to give everyone an idea of why well educated voters tend to vote the way they do. Among the reasons well educated voters tend to lean to the left are: Educated professionals tend to be urban dwellers who live close to other like minded voters, more liberal female college graduates, the well educated tend to be exposed to many different kinds of people worldwide, fostering a more tolerant attitude regarding other cultures, races, and faiths, and much more. Lots of interesting reading here.

Why Are Highly Educated Americans Getting More Liberal?

Why the Most Educated Americans Vote Democratic
Educated isn't the same as Wisdom. You can spend 100's of thousands of dollars and still end up working as a barista at Starbucks. You go off and get skills like plumbing, or carpentry and earn 40 thousand dollars a year easy. People who get college educated, end up needing the government to take care of them because of such high debt those stupid individuals accrue. Those who got wise enough to get skills, don't carry a high debt so can mortgage out a house and car, thus putting them away ahead than the "Highly Educated" moron...

View attachment 172312

Sure. Educated people can work at Starbucks if they wish. However, uneducated people won't ever achieve the career success of their educated peers.

What kind of lie is that?



Again what career success? Why in the hell would a welder want to be a great lawyer?

So you calling a guy the best welder ever is not achieving the career success of his educated peers? ??????
Not "uber wealthy", dope.
$500k is actually .5%.
CEO's make far more than that.
The uber wealthy is more like the .001%.
So a CEO of a small company who makes $100,000 a year is uber wealthy even when he doesn't make far more than $500,000 a year? Do you understand what I am trying to point out to you, that you have been lied to by your liberal politicians over and over, yet you continue to vote for them?

So a CEO of a small company who makes $100,000 a year is uber wealthy

My plumber makes over $100k, dope. That's middle class. (Wealthy to those who live in a trailer I suppose).
The average CEO pay is nearly $14m/yr.
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Salaries | PayScale
Chief Executive Officers in the United States can expect to earn a very comfortable salary, with average salaries (in the ballpark of $163K) surpassing six figures annually.
And you like Moonbeam are a product of the FAILED public education system, though indoctrination. Stop watching the Lame Stream Media and post bullshit that you have no clue what you are talking about...

What companies are those?

How about the S&P 500? Average CEO pay is $13.8m.

You have to be a complete moron to believe that the national average is $163k.

CEOs are grossly overpaid, so are Hollywood "actors", rappers, NFL players, NBA players, TV news readers, Lawyers, doctors, country music singers, soccer players, pro golfers-----------what exactly is your point?

Try reading the thread to find out. Responding to random posts without understanding the context is just dumb.

Only in America will libturds tell you that RAISING your fucking taxes will make your lives better....Geezus where do these libtards come from??

The top 1% thanks you for their continued tax breaks , while your temporary tax break runs out in 5 years after the next campaign..


Prove those tax cuts won't be permanent?

Here Bear! They did a fast one under the Americans noses as usual the scumbags.

Republicans’ magic trick: Middle class tax cuts that disappear

Perspective | Republicans’ magic trick: Middle class tax cuts that disappear
Did you know that the Bush tax cuts disappeared when Obama raised taxes on not only the rich, who got much richer, but the middle class, and the poor....Yeah, dem tax cuts sure did disappear, whenever a liberal gets in charge...
Conservatives: I'm NOT posting this here to deepen our partisan divide, or to be insulting. Lord knows we have enough of that, but rather to give everyone an idea of why well educated voters tend to vote the way they do. Among the reasons well educated voters tend to lean to the left are: Educated professionals tend to be urban dwellers who live close to other like minded voters, more liberal female college graduates, the well educated tend to be exposed to many different kinds of people worldwide, fostering a more tolerant attitude regarding other cultures, races, and faiths, and much more. Lots of interesting reading here.

Why Are Highly Educated Americans Getting More Liberal?

Why the Most Educated Americans Vote Democratic

The reason more educated people may vote liberal is because to get better educated you have to go to an indoctrination center, often referred to as college. The indoctrination center is staffed with those who have already been indoctrinated, often called professors. Indoctrination is not effective on the strong willed thinking type people, often referred to as conservatives, but works rather well on the emotional, weak minded individuals who then become liberals. Glad I could enlighten you.

^Retarded argunent.

Conservativesand their children attended the very same institutions, dope.

Really? I assume you are just making that up and have nothing to support it since you posted no link. Strange......neither of my kids go to either mine or my wife’s alma mater. So much for liberal assumptions. FAIL!

Post up the evidence.
Conservatives: I'm NOT posting this here to deepen our partisan divide, or to be insulting. Lord knows we have enough of that, but rather to give everyone an idea of why well educated voters tend to vote the way they do. Among the reasons well educated voters tend to lean to the left are: Educated professionals tend to be urban dwellers who live close to other like minded voters, more liberal female college graduates, the well educated tend to be exposed to many different kinds of people worldwide, fostering a more tolerant attitude regarding other cultures, races, and faiths, and much more. Lots of interesting reading here.

Why Are Highly Educated Americans Getting More Liberal?

Why the Most Educated Americans Vote Democratic
Educated isn't the same as Wisdom. You can spend 100's of thousands of dollars and still end up working as a barista at Starbucks. You go off and get skills like plumbing, or carpentry and earn 40 thousand dollars a year easy. People who get college educated, end up needing the government to take care of them because of such high debt those stupid individuals accrue. Those who got wise enough to get skills, don't carry a high debt so can mortgage out a house and car, thus putting them away ahead than the "Highly Educated" moron...

View attachment 172312

Sure. Educated people can work at Starbucks if they wish. However, uneducated people won't ever achieve the career success of their educated peers.

What kind of lie is that?



Again what career success? Why in the hell would a welder want to be a great lawyer?

So you calling a guy the best welder ever is not achieving the career success of his educated peers? ??????
Why in the hell would a welder want to be a great lawyer
What is interesting about your comment, a welder is known to fix things and build things up, while a lawyer is known to take things away and destroy things... Sounds just like Conservatives, who want to make people better, while Liberals want people to fail, "you didn't build that"...
Only in America will libturds tell you that RAISING your fucking taxes will make your lives better....Geezus where do these libtards come from??

The top 1% thanks you for their continued tax breaks , while your temporary tax break runs out in 5 years after the next campaign..

The top 1% thanks you for their continued tax breaks
Says the jealous welfare queen.

Haaa... Nope sucka , I am set for life and then it goes to my children.

Not very liberal of you, to not share the wealth with the poor...Why are you such a liberal elites scumbag, like Nancy Pelosi and others, where is the equality of it all...Fucking hypocrite.

So it shows that you love to judge people when you don't even know them... Is that how you win a debate?

I worked on the streets getting drug addicted pregnant women off of the streets, educated them, and most of them went off to have healthy babies..Ever hear of a crack baby?

I made good investments ... I also got very sick

Only in America will libturds tell you that RAISING your fucking taxes will make your lives better....Geezus where do these libtards come from??

The top 1% thanks you for their continued tax breaks , while your temporary tax break runs out in 5 years after the next campaign..


Prove those tax cuts won't be permanent?

Here Bear! They did a fast one under the Americans noses as usual the scumbags.

Republicans’ magic trick: Middle class tax cuts that disappear

Perspective | Republicans’ magic trick: Middle class tax cuts that disappear
Did you know that the Bush tax cuts disappeared when Obama raised taxes on not only the rich, who got much richer, but the middle class, and the poor....Yeah, dem tax cuts sure did disappear, whenever a liberal gets in charge...

Let's see a link CowBoy!

^Retarded argunent.

Conservativesand their children attended the very same institutions, dope.
No, they went to private schools, dumbass...

Sure, dope.

Great argument. Keep those outstanding and enlightening post coming.


Enlighten all of us and show us that all conservatives send their kids to private schools.

Please, save your buddy from his dopey claims.
All 3 of my kids went to private school, since I went to Saudi Arabia, when I got back, was able to afford it and the taxes so your kids could go get indoctrinated at the public elementary schools.

We were talking about college, dope.
You put all your kids through private college on 70k/yr?
You claimed you worked there tax free, dope.
Only in America will libturds tell you that RAISING your fucking taxes will make your lives better....Geezus where do these libtards come from??

The top 1% thanks you for their continued tax breaks , while your temporary tax break runs out in 5 years after the next campaign..

The top 1% thanks you for their continued tax breaks
Says the jealous welfare queen.

Haaa... Nope sucka , I am set for life and then it goes to my children.

Not very liberal of you, to not share the wealth with the poor...Why are you such a liberal elites scumbag, like Nancy Pelosi and others, where is the equality of it all...Fucking hypocrite.

So it shows that you love to judge people when you don't even know them... Is that how you win a debate?

I worked on the streets getting drug addicted pregnant women off of the streets, educated them, and most of them went off to have healthy babies..Ever hear of a crack baby?

I made good investments ... I also got very sick

I was judged by the sick, falling down, crooked, enabler of her rapist husband, vagina, ex candidate when she called me and other US voters, "Deplorable" and you libturds went right along with her... Stop being a pathetic, petulant, cry baby, and man up, for when you want to get into the gutters, being a cold war vet, I will get right down there with you and play as dirty as you lefties are...

Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals
4. "Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules. You can kill them with this, for they can no more obey their own rules than the liberals can live up to Liberalism."
Only in America will libturds tell you that RAISING your fucking taxes will make your lives better....Geezus where do these libtards come from??

The top 1% thanks you for their continued tax breaks , while your temporary tax break runs out in 5 years after the next campaign..


Prove those tax cuts won't be permanent?

Here Bear! They did a fast one under the Americans noses as usual the scumbags.

Republicans’ magic trick: Middle class tax cuts that disappear

Perspective | Republicans’ magic trick: Middle class tax cuts that disappear
Did you know that the Bush tax cuts disappeared when Obama raised taxes on not only the rich, who got much richer, but the middle class, and the poor....Yeah, dem tax cuts sure did disappear, whenever a liberal gets in charge...

Let's see a link CowBoy!


He raised payroll tax by 2% in 2013

These 13 Tax Increases Hit in 2013

No, they went to private schools, dumbass...

Sure, dope.

Great argument. Keep those outstanding and enlightening post coming.


Enlighten all of us and show us that all conservatives send their kids to private schools.

Please, save your buddy from his dopey claims.
All 3 of my kids went to private school, since I went to Saudi Arabia, when I got back, was able to afford it and the taxes so your kids could go get indoctrinated at the public elementary schools.

We were talking about college, dope.
You put all your kids through private college on 70k/yr?
You claimed you worked there tax free, dope.
Okay see if you can follow... This is 3rd grade stuff, so I hope you at least made it past 2nd..

I put my kinds in private school so they wouldn't be indoctrinated at a young age to be "liberal". They know the difference between Marxism and Capitalism, and they truly hate people like you, who want to take what they will have, and give it to someone who doesn't deserve it..
I can tell the posters that never went to college that post..
Look in the mirror lately Moonbeam, after I pointed out your grammatical errors? Bwaaaahhhhaaaaa, I never claimed I went to college and since working on F-15s in Saudi Arabia and not paying taxes on my income and investing that profit, I am now collecting a 6 figure income and only paying 5% on that income. Yep, I didn't waste 10s of thousands of dollars getting a worthless degree from Marxist professors, who end up gouging their students so those professors make obscene salaries...
So what!? You piece of shit , not only does your envy show but you lie to build yourself up....It doesn't matter if you go to college or not that is up to the individual and I support these kids no matter which path they take in life, at least they are trying....And I for one pat people on the back to show they have been doing a good job, you put them down, thus you are a piece of shit...
Oh by the way, I didn't major in English dipshit.....

Is English dipshit a course, or elective?
The top 1% thanks you for their continued tax breaks , while your temporary tax break runs out in 5 years after the next campaign..

The top 1% thanks you for their continued tax breaks
Says the jealous welfare queen.

Haaa... Nope sucka , I am set for life and then it goes to my children.

Not very liberal of you, to not share the wealth with the poor...Why are you such a liberal elites scumbag, like Nancy Pelosi and others, where is the equality of it all...Fucking hypocrite.

So it shows that you love to judge people when you don't even know them... Is that how you win a debate?

I worked on the streets getting drug addicted pregnant women off of the streets, educated them, and most of them went off to have healthy babies..Ever hear of a crack baby?

I made good investments ... I also got very sick

I was judged by the sick, falling down, crooked, enabler of her rapist husband, vagina, ex candidate when she called me and other US voters, "Deplorable" and you libturds went right along with her... Stop being a pathetic, petulant, cry baby, and man up, for when you want to get into the gutters, being a cold war vet, I will get right down there with you and play as dirty as you lefties are...

Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals
4. "Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules. You can kill them with this, for they can no more obey their own rules than the liberals can live up to Liberalism."

You are going off topic...I didn't like Hillary or Trump ...So next!

I voted for my party like many of us did.

Conservatives: I'm NOT posting this here to deepen our partisan divide, or to be insulting. Lord knows we have enough of that, but rather to give everyone an idea of why well educated voters tend to vote the way they do. Among the reasons well educated voters tend to lean to the left are: Educated professionals tend to be urban dwellers who live close to other like minded voters, more liberal female college graduates, the well educated tend to be exposed to many different kinds of people worldwide, fostering a more tolerant attitude regarding other cultures, races, and faiths, and much more. Lots of interesting reading here.

Why Are Highly Educated Americans Getting More Liberal?

Why the Most Educated Americans Vote Democratic
Educated isn't the same as Wisdom. You can spend 100's of thousands of dollars and still end up working as a barista at Starbucks. You go off and get skills like plumbing, or carpentry and earn 40 thousand dollars a year easy. People who get college educated, end up needing the government to take care of them because of such high debt those stupid individuals accrue. Those who got wise enough to get skills, don't carry a high debt so can mortgage out a house and car, thus putting them away ahead than the "Highly Educated" moron...

View attachment 172312

Sure. Educated people can work at Starbucks if they wish. However, uneducated people won't ever achieve the career success of their educated peers.

What kind of lie is that?



Again what career success? Why in the hell would a welder want to be a great lawyer?

So you calling a guy the best welder ever is not achieving the career success of his educated peers? ??????

Do you imagine that the welder makes as much as a "great lawer"? What do you imagine Trump's long time personal lawyer, Michael Cohen is worth?

Michael Cohen Bio, Age, Height, Married, Net Worth, Career, Personal Lawyer, Life, Trivia
Only in America will libturds tell you that RAISING your fucking taxes will make your lives better....Geezus where do these libtards come from??

The top 1% thanks you for their continued tax breaks , while your temporary tax break runs out in 5 years after the next campaign..

The top 1% thanks you for their continued tax breaks
Says the jealous welfare queen.

Haaa... Nope sucka , I am set for life and then it goes to my children.

Not very liberal of you, to not share the wealth with the poor...Why are you such a liberal elites scumbag, like Nancy Pelosi and others, where is the equality of it all...Fucking hypocrite.

So it shows that you love to judge people when you don't even know them... Is that how you win a debate?

I worked on the streets getting drug addicted pregnant women off of the streets, educated them, and most of them went off to have healthy babies..Ever hear of a crack baby?

I made good investments ... I also got very sick

I took in people who worked for a union and told them about investing in the stock market and working for themselves. Now many of them are self employed and doing quite well in President Trump stock market. Many of them are now my friends and many are of color.. They will never vote Democrat again...Best investment I ever made was showing these people the way to American Prosperity...
Says the jealous welfare queen.

Haaa... Nope sucka , I am set for life and then it goes to my children.

Not very liberal of you, to not share the wealth with the poor...Why are you such a liberal elites scumbag, like Nancy Pelosi and others, where is the equality of it all...Fucking hypocrite.

So it shows that you love to judge people when you don't even know them... Is that how you win a debate?

I worked on the streets getting drug addicted pregnant women off of the streets, educated them, and most of them went off to have healthy babies..Ever hear of a crack baby?

I made good investments ... I also got very sick

I was judged by the sick, falling down, crooked, enabler of her rapist husband, vagina, ex candidate when she called me and other US voters, "Deplorable" and you libturds went right along with her... Stop being a pathetic, petulant, cry baby, and man up, for when you want to get into the gutters, being a cold war vet, I will get right down there with you and play as dirty as you lefties are...

Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals
4. "Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules. You can kill them with this, for they can no more obey their own rules than the liberals can live up to Liberalism."

You are going off topic...I didn't like Hillary or Trump ...So next!

I voted for my party like many of us did.

Do you feel the Bern? Bwwaaaaahhhaaaahhhhaaaa Your party screwed you over like a lightbulb in a socket....Threw Bernie under the bus so the bitch could fail....
Educated isn't the same as Wisdom. You can spend 100's of thousands of dollars and still end up working as a barista at Starbucks. You go off and get skills like plumbing, or carpentry and earn 40 thousand dollars a year easy. People who get college educated, end up needing the government to take care of them because of such high debt those stupid individuals accrue. Those who got wise enough to get skills, don't carry a high debt so can mortgage out a house and car, thus putting them away ahead than the "Highly Educated" moron...

View attachment 172312

Sure. Educated people can work at Starbucks if they wish. However, uneducated people won't ever achieve the career success of their educated peers.

What kind of lie is that?



Again what career success? Why in the hell would a welder want to be a great lawyer?

So you calling a guy the best welder ever is not achieving the career success of his educated peers? ??????

Do you imagine that the welder makes as much as a "great lawer"? What do you imagine Trump's long time personal lawyer, Michael Cohen is worth?

Michael Cohen Bio, Age, Height, Married, Net Worth, Career, Personal Lawyer, Life, Trivia

You base money as success, how shallow are you?

Btw I know pipe welders making over $150,000 a year.
Sure, dope.

Great argument. Keep those outstanding and enlightening post coming.


Enlighten all of us and show us that all conservatives send their kids to private schools.

Please, save your buddy from his dopey claims.
All 3 of my kids went to private school, since I went to Saudi Arabia, when I got back, was able to afford it and the taxes so your kids could go get indoctrinated at the public elementary schools.

We were talking about college, dope.
You put all your kids through private college on 70k/yr?
You claimed you worked there tax free, dope.
Okay see if you can follow... This is 3rd grade stuff, so I hope you at least made it past 2nd..

I put my kinds in private school so they wouldn't be indoctrinated at a young age to be "liberal". They know the difference between Marxism and Capitalism, and they truly hate people like you, who want to take what they will have, and give it to someone who doesn't deserve it..

Great. We were talking about college though, dope.

Conservatives: I'm NOT posting this here to deepen our partisan divide, or to be insulting. Lord knows we have enough of that, but rather to give everyone an idea of why well educated voters tend to vote the way they do. Among the reasons well educated voters tend to lean to the left are: Educated professionals tend to be urban dwellers who live close to other like minded voters, more liberal female college graduates, the well educated tend to be exposed to many different kinds of people worldwide, fostering a more tolerant attitude regarding other cultures, races, and faiths, and much more. Lots of interesting reading here.

Why Are Highly Educated Americans Getting More Liberal?

Why the Most Educated Americans Vote Democratic

The reason more educated people may vote liberal is because to get better educated you have to go to an indoctrination center, often referred to as college. The indoctrination center is staffed with those who have already been indoctrinated, often called professors. Indoctrination is not effective on the strong willed thinking type people, often referred to as conservatives, but works rather well on the emotional, weak minded individuals who then become liberals. Glad I could enlighten you.

^Retarded argunent.

Conservativesand their children attended the very same institutions, dope.
No, they went to private schools, dumbass...
Sure. Educated people can work at Starbucks if they wish. However, uneducated people won't ever achieve the career success of their educated peers.

What kind of lie is that?



Again what career success? Why in the hell would a welder want to be a great lawyer?

So you calling a guy the best welder ever is not achieving the career success of his educated peers? ??????

Do you imagine that the welder makes as much as a "great lawer"? What do you imagine Trump's long time personal lawyer, Michael Cohen is worth?

Michael Cohen Bio, Age, Height, Married, Net Worth, Career, Personal Lawyer, Life, Trivia

You base money as success, how shallow are you?

Btw I know pipe welders making over $150,000 a year.

That was the topic, dope.

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