Why the well educated vote Liberal

Educated isn't the same as Wisdom. You can spend 100's of thousands of dollars and still end up working as a barista at Starbucks. You go off and get skills like plumbing, or carpentry and earn 40 thousand dollars a year easy. People who get college educated, end up needing the government to take care of them because of such high debt those stupid individuals accrue. Those who got wise enough to get skills, don't carry a high debt so can mortgage out a house and car, thus putting them away ahead than the "Highly Educated" moron...

View attachment 172312

Sure. Educated people can work at Starbucks if they wish. However, uneducated people won't ever achieve the career success of their educated peers.
Bullshit, liar...

There's one common trait you will find in those who make more than $500k/yr. They're all highly educated and motivated.

Really? Neither Bill Gates nor Mark Zuckerberg every actually graduated from college. I think you mean to say that the odds are greater you will make over $500k per year with a college education. It is far from absolute. I can give you 1000’s of examples to the contrary.

Sure, there's always an exception for self made people. The truth is that the highest paying professions all require a formal education.

Undoubtedly your projected life income is higher with a college education, but I bristle when I read it stated as an absolute, because it is not.
Conservatives: I'm NOT posting this here to deepen our partisan divide, or to be insulting. Lord knows we have enough of that, but rather to give everyone an idea of why well educated voters tend to vote the way they do. Among the reasons well educated voters tend to lean to the left are: Educated professionals tend to be urban dwellers who live close to other like minded voters, more liberal female college graduates, the well educated tend to be exposed to many different kinds of people worldwide, fostering a more tolerant attitude regarding other cultures, races, and faiths, and much more. Lots of interesting reading here.

Why Are Highly Educated Americans Getting More Liberal?

Why the Most Educated Americans Vote Democratic

The reason more educated people may vote liberal is because to get better educated you have to go to an indoctrination center, often referred to as college. The indoctrination center is staffed with those who have already been indoctrinated, often called professors. Indoctrination is not effective on the strong willed thinking type people, often referred to as conservatives, but works rather well on the emotional, weak minded individuals who then become liberals. Glad I could enlighten you.

^Retarded argunent.

Conservativesand their children attended the very same institutions, dope.
No, they went to private schools, dumbass...

Sure, dope.

Only in America will libturds tell you that RAISING your fucking taxes will make your lives better....Geezus where do these libtards come from??

The top 1% thanks you for their continued tax breaks , while your temporary tax break runs out in 5 years after the next campaign..


Prove those tax cuts won't be permanent?

Most White Southerners fall into Middle-Class, even if it's Lower Middle-Class.

more stereotyping that is far from accurate. When the debate is lost the losers always resort to slander.

Well, the red states with the poorest of poor support the GOP.. It is true.. why is the truth slander?


there are more people below the poverty level in California than all the southern states combined.

your claim that most white southerners are lower middle class is simply a lie. It may be true about most blacks and Hispanics nationwide, and certainly is true in California.
It would seem to me if they were so "well educated" they would never vote liberal. Voting liberal is like suicide for a country and these so called smart people should be smart enough to realize this. So, why don't they? Hint: they are not so smart as you think they are.

Example: Venezuela.
Only in America will libturds tell you that RAISING your fucking taxes will make your lives better....Geezus where do these libtards come from??

The top 1% thanks you for their continued tax breaks , while your temporary tax break runs out in 5 years after the next campaign..


Prove those tax cuts won't be permanent?

whoopi told him that, so he knows its true.
Conservatives: I'm NOT posting this here to deepen our partisan divide, or to be insulting. Lord knows we have enough of that, but rather to give everyone an idea of why well educated voters tend to vote the way they do. Among the reasons well educated voters tend to lean to the left are: Educated professionals tend to be urban dwellers who live close to other like minded voters, more liberal female college graduates, the well educated tend to be exposed to many different kinds of people worldwide, fostering a more tolerant attitude regarding other cultures, races, and faiths, and much more. Lots of interesting reading here.

Why Are Highly Educated Americans Getting More Liberal?

Why the Most Educated Americans Vote Democratic

The reason more educated people may vote liberal is because to get better educated you have to go to an indoctrination center, often referred to as college. The indoctrination center is staffed with those who have already been indoctrinated, often called professors. Indoctrination is not effective on the strong willed thinking type people, often referred to as conservatives, but works rather well on the emotional, weak minded individuals who then become liberals. Glad I could enlighten you.

^Retarded argunent.

Conservativesand their children attended the very same institutions, dope.
No, they went to private schools, dumbass...

Sure, dope.

Great argument. Keep those outstanding and enlightening post coming.
Conservatives: I'm NOT posting this here to deepen our partisan divide, or to be insulting. Lord knows we have enough of that, but rather to give everyone an idea of why well educated voters tend to vote the way they do. Among the reasons well educated voters tend to lean to the left are: Educated professionals tend to be urban dwellers who live close to other like minded voters, more liberal female college graduates, the well educated tend to be exposed to many different kinds of people worldwide, fostering a more tolerant attitude regarding other cultures, races, and faiths, and much more. Lots of interesting reading here.

Why Are Highly Educated Americans Getting More Liberal?

Why the Most Educated Americans Vote Democratic

The reason more educated people may vote liberal is because to get better educated you have to go to an indoctrination center, often referred to as college. The indoctrination center is staffed with those who have already been indoctrinated, often called professors. Indoctrination is not effective on the strong willed thinking type people, often referred to as conservatives, but works rather well on the emotional, weak minded individuals who then become liberals. Glad I could enlighten you.

^Retarded argunent.

Conservativesand their children attended the very same institutions, dope.
No, they went to private schools, dumbass...

Sure, dope.

Great argument. Keep those outstanding and enlightening post coming.

he/she/it is a liberal, insults is all they have left. kind of pathetic how they have destroyed the party of Kennedy and Truman.
Sure. Educated people can work at Starbucks if they wish. However, uneducated people won't ever achieve the career success of their educated peers.
Bullshit, liar...

There's one common trait you will find in those who make more than $500k/yr. They're all highly educated and motivated.

Really? Neither Bill Gates nor Mark Zuckerberg every actually graduated from college. I think you mean to say that the odds are greater you will make over $500k per year with a college education. It is far from absolute. I can give you 1000’s of examples to the contrary.

Sure, there's always an exception for self made people. The truth is that the highest paying professions all require a formal education.

Undoubtedly your projected life income is higher with a college education, but I bristle when I read it stated as an absolute, because it is not.
^Turnip logic.
/\ Liberal jealousy....get out of your small town, stop working for Walmart go overseas and make something of yourself. Stop being a liberal victim.

^ Dopey assumptions.

Only a dope would thank God for a one time opportunity to make $385k rather than finishing a degree, working hard and making $200k/yr or more for maybe decades.
Oh I forgot to tell you that while over there, I had put money into HD and Boeing stock, and since I had a $10,000 family deduction I could burn off my capital gains over there thus making even more money. I love using every tax loophole I learned while living overseas, for I use every tax loophole provided to me by my government to continue make over $200,000 a year in dividends while only paying about 5% in taxes on that income...

Go check every other post about my finances made over seas, and see if there is any deviations... If I am a liar like Hitlery , I should have plenty of falsehoods that you can find....

You certainly didn't turn $70k/yr into $200k/yr, liar.
Young people <25 tend to adopt Liberal ideology as they haven’t really been able to see how Liberal policy ruins shit....further, it's not easy to be a Conservative. One must think on their own, pave their own way, be responsible and accountable, have an expectation of fellow citizens, make sound decisions, respect law and order, prefer the opposite sex...etc etc

Liberals have it so much easier....breathe oxygen, pretend to love and respect ALL OTHERS, stand there with a sad face and a hand out, expect government to lead you through life on a leash, expect nothing of others, blame all shortcomings on others and always, ALWAYS champion the lowest grade human while degrading our best and most productive.
Conservatives: I'm NOT posting this here to deepen our partisan divide, or to be insulting. Lord knows we have enough of that, but rather to give everyone an idea of why well educated voters tend to vote the way they do. Among the reasons well educated voters tend to lean to the left are: Educated professionals tend to be urban dwellers who live close to other like minded voters, more liberal female college graduates, the well educated tend to be exposed to many different kinds of people worldwide, fostering a more tolerant attitude regarding other cultures, races, and faiths, and much more. Lots of interesting reading here.

Why Are Highly Educated Americans Getting More Liberal?

Why the Most Educated Americans Vote Democratic

The reason more educated people may vote liberal is because to get better educated you have to go to an indoctrination center, often referred to as college. The indoctrination center is staffed with those who have already been indoctrinated, often called professors. Indoctrination is not effective on the strong willed thinking type people, often referred to as conservatives, but works rather well on the emotional, weak minded individuals who then become liberals. Glad I could enlighten you.

^Retarded argunent.

Conservativesand their children attended the very same institutions, dope.
No, they went to private schools, dumbass...

Sure, dope.

Great argument. Keep those outstanding and enlightening post coming.


Enlighten all of us and show us that all conservatives send their kids to private schools.

Please, save your buddy from his dopey claims.
The reason more educated people may vote liberal is because to get better educated you have to go to an indoctrination center, often referred to as college. The indoctrination center is staffed with those who have already been indoctrinated, often called professors. Indoctrination is not effective on the strong willed thinking type people, often referred to as conservatives, but works rather well on the emotional, weak minded individuals who then become liberals. Glad I could enlighten you.

^Retarded argunent.

Conservativesand their children attended the very same institutions, dope.
No, they went to private schools, dumbass...

Sure, dope.

Great argument. Keep those outstanding and enlightening post coming.

he/she/it is a liberal, insults is all they have left. kind of pathetic how they have destroyed the party of Kennedy and Truman.

I call it like I see it. Dopey assertions are treated as such.

Most White Southerners fall into Middle-Class, even if it's Lower Middle-Class.

more stereotyping that is far from accurate. When the debate is lost the losers always resort to slander.

Well, the red states with the poorest of poor support the GOP.. It is true.. why is the truth slander?


there are more people below the poverty level in California than all the southern states combined.

your claim that most white southerners are lower middle class is simply a lie. It may be true about most blacks and Hispanics nationwide, and certainly is true in California.


Poverty in California is because the Mega Rich got a tax cut in San Francisco..#Trickle Down bullshit

What happened was the mega rich kicked out the middle class housing out to build expensive Hi-Rise apartments.

No one can afford those apt. except the mega rich..

Trickle down send thousands to the streets..

All of this is coming your way.

The reason more educated people may vote liberal is because to get better educated you have to go to an indoctrination center, often referred to as college. The indoctrination center is staffed with those who have already been indoctrinated, often called professors. Indoctrination is not effective on the strong willed thinking type people, often referred to as conservatives, but works rather well on the emotional, weak minded individuals who then become liberals. Glad I could enlighten you.

^Retarded argunent.

Conservativesand their children attended the very same institutions, dope.
No, they went to private schools, dumbass...

Sure, dope.

Great argument. Keep those outstanding and enlightening post coming.


Enlighten all of us and show us that all conservatives send their kids to private schools.

Please, save your buddy from his dopey claims.
All 3 of my kids went to private school, since I went to Saudi Arabia, when I got back, was able to afford it and the taxes so your kids could go get indoctrinated at the public elementary schools.
Conservatives: I'm NOT posting this here to deepen our partisan divide, or to be insulting. Lord knows we have enough of that, but rather to give everyone an idea of why well educated voters tend to vote the way they do. Among the reasons well educated voters tend to lean to the left are: Educated professionals tend to be urban dwellers who live close to other like minded voters, more liberal female college graduates, the well educated tend to be exposed to many different kinds of people worldwide, fostering a more tolerant attitude regarding other cultures, races, and faiths, and much more. Lots of interesting reading here.

Why Are Highly Educated Americans Getting More Liberal?

Why the Most Educated Americans Vote Democratic
Educated isn't the same as Wisdom. You can spend 100's of thousands of dollars and still end up working as a barista at Starbucks. You go off and get skills like plumbing, or carpentry and earn 40 thousand dollars a year easy. People who get college educated, end up needing the government to take care of them because of such high debt those stupid individuals accrue. Those who got wise enough to get skills, don't carry a high debt so can mortgage out a house and car, thus putting them away ahead than the "Highly Educated" moron...

View attachment 172312

Sure. Educated people can work at Starbucks if they wish. However, uneducated people won't ever achieve the career success of their educated peers.

What kind of lie is that?


Most White Southerners fall into Middle-Class, even if it's Lower Middle-Class.

more stereotyping that is far from accurate. When the debate is lost the losers always resort to slander.

Well, the red states with the poorest of poor support the GOP.. It is true.. why is the truth slander?


there are more people below the poverty level in California than all the southern states combined.

your claim that most white southerners are lower middle class is simply a lie. It may be true about most blacks and Hispanics nationwide, and certainly is true in California.


Poverty in California is because the Mega Rich got a tax cut in San Francisco..#Trickle Down bullshit

What happened was the mega rich kicked out the middle class housing out to build expensive Hi-Rise apartments.

No one can afford those apt. except the mega rich..

Trickle down send thousands to the streets..

All of this is coming your way.

Poverty in California is because the middle class moved out to Arizona while the Liberal elites forced more tax on everyone except themselves and the poor illegals are left to do the shitwork for those liberals. Try again, you fucking moron..
Only in America will libturds tell you that RAISING your fucking taxes will make your lives better....Geezus where do these libtards come from??

The top 1% thanks you for their continued tax breaks , while your temporary tax break runs out in 5 years after the next campaign..

The top 1% thanks you for their continued tax breaks
Says the jealous welfare queen.

Haaa... Nope sucka , I am set for life and then it goes to my children.

Only in America will libturds tell you that RAISING your fucking taxes will make your lives better....Geezus where do these libtards come from??

The top 1% thanks you for their continued tax breaks , while your temporary tax break runs out in 5 years after the next campaign..

The top 1% thanks you for their continued tax breaks
Says the jealous welfare queen.

Haaa... Nope sucka , I am set for life and then it goes to my children.

Not very liberal of you, to not share the wealth with the poor...Why are you such a liberal elites scumbag, like Nancy Pelosi and others, where is the equality of it all...Fucking hypocrite.
Only in America will libturds tell you that RAISING your fucking taxes will make your lives better....Geezus where do these libtards come from??

The top 1% thanks you for their continued tax breaks , while your temporary tax break runs out in 5 years after the next campaign..


Prove those tax cuts won't be permanent?

Here Bear! They did a fast one under the Americans noses as usual the scumbags.

Republicans’ magic trick: Middle class tax cuts that disappear

Perspective | Republicans’ magic trick: Middle class tax cuts that disappear

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