Why the well educated vote Liberal

I can tell the posters that never went to college that post..
Look in the mirror lately Moonbeam, after I pointed out your grammatical errors? Bwaaaahhhhaaaaa, I never claimed I went to college and since working on F-15s in Saudi Arabia and not paying taxes on my income and investing that profit, I am now collecting a 6 figure income and only paying 5% on that income. Yep, I didn't waste 10s of thousands of dollars getting a worthless degree from Marxist professors, who end up gouging their students so those professors make obscene salaries...
So what!? You piece of shit , not only does your envy show but you lie to build yourself up....It doesn't matter if you go to college or not that is up to the individual and I support these kids no matter which path they take in life, at least they are trying....And I for one pat people on the back to show they have been doing a good job, you put them down, thus you are a piece of shit...
Oh by the way, I didn't major in English dipshit.....

Is English dipshit a course, or elective?
Moonglow said
Oh by the way, I didn't major in English dipshit.....
Hey Moonbeam, next time you point out someone has misspelled a word, then come back to this link and say again ...
I didn't major in English dipshit
I didn't finish college and yeah, I make mistakes, but I man up(notice I use the word MAN, not gender PC) and will admit my error.. You libtards though, will divert away while proving how much of a moron you really are..
Sure. Educated people can work at Starbucks if they wish. However, uneducated people won't ever achieve the career success of their educated peers.

What kind of lie is that?



Again what career success? Why in the hell would a welder want to be a great lawyer?

So you calling a guy the best welder ever is not achieving the career success of his educated peers? ??????

Do you imagine that the welder makes as much as a "great lawer"? What do you imagine Trump's long time personal lawyer, Michael Cohen is worth?

Michael Cohen Bio, Age, Height, Married, Net Worth, Career, Personal Lawyer, Life, Trivia

You base money as success, how shallow are you?

Btw I know pipe welders making over $150,000 a year.

Btw we don't have $100,000 in student debt either...


Again what career success? Why in the hell would a welder want to be a great lawyer?

So you calling a guy the best welder ever is not achieving the career success of his educated peers? ??????

Do you imagine that the welder makes as much as a "great lawer"? What do you imagine Trump's long time personal lawyer, Michael Cohen is worth?

Michael Cohen Bio, Age, Height, Married, Net Worth, Career, Personal Lawyer, Life, Trivia

You base money as success, how shallow are you?

Btw I know pipe welders making over $150,000 a year.

That was the topic, dope.

Say what?

The topic is this

Why the well educated vote Liberals
Great argument. Keep those outstanding and enlightening post coming.


Enlighten all of us and show us that all conservatives send their kids to private schools.

Please, save your buddy from his dopey claims.
All 3 of my kids went to private school, since I went to Saudi Arabia, when I got back, was able to afford it and the taxes so your kids could go get indoctrinated at the public elementary schools.

We were talking about college, dope.
You put all your kids through private college on 70k/yr?
You claimed you worked there tax free, dope.
Okay see if you can follow... This is 3rd grade stuff, so I hope you at least made it past 2nd..

I put my kinds in private school so they wouldn't be indoctrinated at a young age to be "liberal". They know the difference between Marxism and Capitalism, and they truly hate people like you, who want to take what they will have, and give it to someone who doesn't deserve it..

Great. We were talking about college though, dope.

Conservatives: I'm NOT posting this here to deepen our partisan divide, or to be insulting. Lord knows we have enough of that, but rather to give everyone an idea of why well educated voters tend to vote the way they do. Among the reasons well educated voters tend to lean to the left are: Educated professionals tend to be urban dwellers who live close to other like minded voters, more liberal female college graduates, the well educated tend to be exposed to many different kinds of people worldwide, fostering a more tolerant attitude regarding other cultures, races, and faiths, and much more. Lots of interesting reading here.

Why Are Highly Educated Americans Getting More Liberal?

Why the Most Educated Americans Vote Democratic

The reason more educated people may vote liberal is because to get better educated you have to go to an indoctrination center, often referred to as college. The indoctrination center is staffed with those who have already been indoctrinated, often called professors. Indoctrination is not effective on the strong willed thinking type people, often referred to as conservatives, but works rather well on the emotional, weak minded individuals who then become liberals. Glad I could enlighten you.

^Retarded argunent.

Conservativesand their children attended the very same institutions, dope.
No, they went to private schools, dumbass...
My older son is fixing F-35s in the military and my younger son will too when he graduates from private high school. They are learning the lasted technology and once out they can go all over the world as a contractor making $70,000 + all tax free... They are very smart kids, not to be burdened with college debt that is crushing the hopes of the young.
The way you are pushing college, you must be one of those over paid professors who indoctrinate the young. Now I am seeing you for what you are, moocher...
Student Loan Debt Is Crushing The American Dream


Again what career success? Why in the hell would a welder want to be a great lawyer?

So you calling a guy the best welder ever is not achieving the career success of his educated peers? ??????

Do you imagine that the welder makes as much as a "great lawer"? What do you imagine Trump's long time personal lawyer, Michael Cohen is worth?

Michael Cohen Bio, Age, Height, Married, Net Worth, Career, Personal Lawyer, Life, Trivia

You base money as success, how shallow are you?

Btw I know pipe welders making over $150,000 a year.

That was the topic, dope.

Say what?

The topic is this

Why the well educated vote Liberals

No, the topic of the discussion I was having with someone else, fool.

Enlighten all of us and show us that all conservatives send their kids to private schools.

Please, save your buddy from his dopey claims.
All 3 of my kids went to private school, since I went to Saudi Arabia, when I got back, was able to afford it and the taxes so your kids could go get indoctrinated at the public elementary schools.

We were talking about college, dope.
You put all your kids through private college on 70k/yr?
You claimed you worked there tax free, dope.
Okay see if you can follow... This is 3rd grade stuff, so I hope you at least made it past 2nd..

I put my kinds in private school so they wouldn't be indoctrinated at a young age to be "liberal". They know the difference between Marxism and Capitalism, and they truly hate people like you, who want to take what they will have, and give it to someone who doesn't deserve it..

Great. We were talking about college though, dope.

Conservatives: I'm NOT posting this here to deepen our partisan divide, or to be insulting. Lord knows we have enough of that, but rather to give everyone an idea of why well educated voters tend to vote the way they do. Among the reasons well educated voters tend to lean to the left are: Educated professionals tend to be urban dwellers who live close to other like minded voters, more liberal female college graduates, the well educated tend to be exposed to many different kinds of people worldwide, fostering a more tolerant attitude regarding other cultures, races, and faiths, and much more. Lots of interesting reading here.

Why Are Highly Educated Americans Getting More Liberal?

Why the Most Educated Americans Vote Democratic

The reason more educated people may vote liberal is because to get better educated you have to go to an indoctrination center, often referred to as college. The indoctrination center is staffed with those who have already been indoctrinated, often called professors. Indoctrination is not effective on the strong willed thinking type people, often referred to as conservatives, but works rather well on the emotional, weak minded individuals who then become liberals. Glad I could enlighten you.

^Retarded argunent.

Conservativesand their children attended the very same institutions, dope.
No, they went to private schools, dumbass...
My older son is fixing F-35s in the military and my younger son will too when he graduates from private high school. They are learning the lasted technology and once out they can go all over the world as a contractor making $70,000 + all tax free... They are very smart kids, not to be burdened with college debt that is crushing the hopes of the young.
The way you are pushing college, you must be one of those over paid professors who indoctrinate the young. Now I am seeing you for what you are, moocher...
Student Loan Debt Is Crushing The American Dream

Wonderful. That still has not a damn thing to do with what we were discussing.

You claimed conservatives send their kids to private colleges. Prove it.
Conservatives: I'm NOT posting this here to deepen our partisan divide, or to be insulting. Lord knows we have enough of that, but rather to give everyone an idea of why well educated voters tend to vote the way they do. Among the reasons well educated voters tend to lean to the left are: Educated professionals tend to be urban dwellers who live close to other like minded voters, more liberal female college graduates, the well educated tend to be exposed to many different kinds of people worldwide, fostering a more tolerant attitude regarding other cultures, races, and faiths, and much more. Lots of interesting reading here.

Why Are Highly Educated Americans Getting More Liberal?

Why the Most Educated Americans Vote Democratic
Educated isn't the same as Wisdom. You can spend 100's of thousands of dollars and still end up working as a barista at Starbucks. You go off and get skills like plumbing, or carpentry and earn 40 thousand dollars a year easy. People who get college educated, end up needing the government to take care of them because of such high debt those stupid individuals accrue. Those who got wise enough to get skills, don't carry a high debt so can mortgage out a house and car, thus putting them away ahead than the "Highly Educated" moron...

View attachment 172312

Or you can get a degree in analytics and earn 6 figures and hire the plumbers and carpenters making 40 grand a year.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
I've never met a journeyman carpenter of plumber who makes 40K a year.
Yep the left wingers tend to lie about their education level, so how really trustworthy are the polls
I am honest all the time, when asked what my college education level is, I respond...some college. I thank God that I never finished off college as it would of prevented me from going to Saudi Arabia where I was making $70,000 a year tax free for 5 1/2 years. That was a God send.
I thank God that I never finished off college as it would of prevented me from going to Saudi Arabia where I was making $70,000 a year tax free for 5 1/2 years. That was a God send.

^Turnip logic.
/\ Liberal jealousy....get out of your small town, stop working for Walmart go overseas and make something of yourself. Stop being a liberal victim.

Not much of an America first sort of right wing zealot are you?

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Not much of an America first sort of right wing zealot are you?
Says the guy who "supposedly" served in the military yet votes for the very people who despise the military. You do know that the Dems are going to shut down the government where the military and CHIPS program wont get funding? Why don't the liberals like the people who protect them and the poor kids who need healthcare like CHIPS..

The Corrupt Democratic Party has made it 100% clear that they are the Party of illegal aliens FIRST
All 3 of my kids went to private school, since I went to Saudi Arabia, when I got back, was able to afford it and the taxes so your kids could go get indoctrinated at the public elementary schools.

We were talking about college, dope.
You put all your kids through private college on 70k/yr?
You claimed you worked there tax free, dope.
Okay see if you can follow... This is 3rd grade stuff, so I hope you at least made it past 2nd..

I put my kinds in private school so they wouldn't be indoctrinated at a young age to be "liberal". They know the difference between Marxism and Capitalism, and they truly hate people like you, who want to take what they will have, and give it to someone who doesn't deserve it..

Great. We were talking about college though, dope.

The reason more educated people may vote liberal is because to get better educated you have to go to an indoctrination center, often referred to as college. The indoctrination center is staffed with those who have already been indoctrinated, often called professors. Indoctrination is not effective on the strong willed thinking type people, often referred to as conservatives, but works rather well on the emotional, weak minded individuals who then become liberals. Glad I could enlighten you.

^Retarded argunent.

Conservativesand their children attended the very same institutions, dope.
No, they went to private schools, dumbass...
My older son is fixing F-35s in the military and my younger son will too when he graduates from private high school. They are learning the lasted technology and once out they can go all over the world as a contractor making $70,000 + all tax free... They are very smart kids, not to be burdened with college debt that is crushing the hopes of the young.
The way you are pushing college, you must be one of those over paid professors who indoctrinate the young. Now I am seeing you for what you are, moocher...
Student Loan Debt Is Crushing The American Dream

Wonderful. That still has not a damn thing to do with what we were discussing.

You claimed conservatives send their kids to private colleges. Prove it.
Top Conservative Colleges
'Liberal' and 'conservative' in America are mostly smoke screen words that have little meaning outside of politics, American politics that is. Everyone is both dependent on topic, although the strongly biased or bigoted tend or pretend to be on the right side. The left side died when communism turned out to be un-doable for humans. But foes are essential as they provide meaning for most people. And I don't buy the BS that age makes you conservative I ain't changing.

Curiously today under Trump many republicans and conservatives have joined the more so called liberal press. Nicole Wallace on MSNBC is excellent, Steve Schmidt tells it like it is, Max Boot too. Many sites are getting rid of open opinion sections so as to control and maintain integrity in an age of fake or biased news mostly from the far right. Hillary and Obama hatred is still the tool of control for the small minded, one must wonder at the life cycle of this nonsense and why some still look backward as if to correct some wrong.

MSNBC’s Nicolle Wallace on Trump, Cable News, and Why Voters Are ‘Ripsh*t Mad’

"Patriotism means to stand by the country. It does not mean to stand by the President." Theodore Roosevelt, 26th President
Wallace/Schmidt/Boot are radical Trump Haters! That's why they are on MSNBC you IDIOT!
Reread you post.
"Tell it like it is"? No they tell it like they know you want to hear so you'll keep turning on their show/s so they can sell you those 'Depends" so the 1% shareholders can make more money.
Dear GOD you are really dumb!
The Democrats are calling the 75% of Americans who have less than a college degree "uneducated".
Democrats are saying that 75% of American Voters are inferior people.
That seems like are really
dumb political move.
Conservatives: I'm NOT posting this here to deepen our partisan divide, or to be insulting. Lord knows we have enough of that, but rather to give everyone an idea of why well educated voters tend to vote the way they do. Among the reasons well educated voters tend to lean to the left are: Educated professionals tend to be urban dwellers who live close to other like minded voters, more liberal female college graduates, the well educated tend to be exposed to many different kinds of people worldwide, fostering a more tolerant attitude regarding other cultures, races, and faiths, and much more. Lots of interesting reading here.

Why Are Highly Educated Americans Getting More Liberal?

Why the Most Educated Americans Vote Democratic
Educated isn't the same as Wisdom. You can spend 100's of thousands of dollars and still end up working as a barista at Starbucks. You go off and get skills like plumbing, or carpentry and earn 40 thousand dollars a year easy. People who get college educated, end up needing the government to take care of them because of such high debt those stupid individuals accrue. Those who got wise enough to get skills, don't carry a high debt so can mortgage out a house and car, thus putting them away ahead than the "Highly Educated" moron...

View attachment 172312

Sure. Educated people can work at Starbucks if they wish. However, uneducated people won't ever achieve the career success of their educated peers.
"If they wish"? SUUUURE. All those 'highly educated LIB Starbucks employees "wish" to work at Starbucks. SUUUURE!
Until that community college part time teaching job comes around. Then they can teach stupid LIB saps how the people in medieval times dyed their shoes using beet juice,
Conservatives: I'm NOT posting this here to deepen our partisan divide, or to be insulting. Lord knows we have enough of that, but rather to give everyone an idea of why well educated voters tend to vote the way they do. Among the reasons well educated voters tend to lean to the left are: Educated professionals tend to be urban dwellers who live close to other like minded voters, more liberal female college graduates, the well educated tend to be exposed to many different kinds of people worldwide, fostering a more tolerant attitude regarding other cultures, races, and faiths, and much more. Lots of interesting reading here.

Why Are Highly Educated Americans Getting More Liberal?

Why the Most Educated Americans Vote Democratic

I would never vote democrat and am well educated.

I can tell you the reason, many "well educated" people spend their time on crap that most people do not give a shit about. These people can not survive in the free market and do not contribute anything productive to the society. Just intellectual bullshit that is actually anti-intellectual because the so called intellectuals have to always have to have far leftist views to secure funding.

Of course, it's farcical to say that someone with a gender studies degree is well educated. More likely that sort of person is human waste.
Conservatives: I'm NOT posting this here to deepen our partisan divide, or to be insulting. Lord knows we have enough of that, but rather to give everyone an idea of why well educated voters tend to vote the way they do. Among the reasons well educated voters tend to lean to the left are: Educated professionals tend to be urban dwellers who live close to other like minded voters, more liberal female college graduates, the well educated tend to be exposed to many different kinds of people worldwide, fostering a more tolerant attitude regarding other cultures, races, and faiths, and much more. Lots of interesting reading here.

Why Are Highly Educated Americans Getting More Liberal?

Why the Most Educated Americans Vote Democratic
Some of the dumbest and dimmest people I know are college educated....some of the smartest people I knew never got past 9th grade...so...
Conservatives: I'm NOT posting this here to deepen our partisan divide, or to be insulting. Lord knows we have enough of that, but rather to give everyone an idea of why well educated voters tend to vote the way they do. Among the reasons well educated voters tend to lean to the left are: Educated professionals tend to be urban dwellers who live close to other like minded voters, more liberal female college graduates, the well educated tend to be exposed to many different kinds of people worldwide, fostering a more tolerant attitude regarding other cultures, races, and faiths, and much more. Lots of interesting reading here.

Why Are Highly Educated Americans Getting More Liberal?

Why the Most Educated Americans Vote Democratic

The reason more educated people may vote liberal is because to get better educated you have to go to an indoctrination center, often referred to as college. The indoctrination center is staffed with those who have already been indoctrinated, often called professors. Indoctrination is not effective on the strong willed thinking type people, often referred to as conservatives, but works rather well on the emotional, weak minded individuals who then become liberals. Glad I could enlighten you.
I have two degrees from a long time ago.
I learned in the first week of the first semester that in order to get passing marks all you had to do was parrot back what the LIB professors said.
No problem.
All I had to do was read the professor's course outline and rearrange the words and I was guaranteed an 'A'.
I was out in five years not owning a penny thanks to working part time.
All up cost for both degrees? About 6K in books and tuition.
Yep the left wingers tend to lie about their education level, so how really trustworthy are the polls
I am honest all the time, when asked what my college education level is, I respond...some college. I thank God that I never finished off college as it would of prevented me from going to Saudi Arabia where I was making $70,000 a year tax free for 5 1/2 years. That was a God send.
I thank God that I never finished off college as it would of prevented me from going to Saudi Arabia where I was making $70,000 a year tax free for 5 1/2 years. That was a God send.

^Turnip logic.
/\ Liberal jealousy....get out of your small town, stop working for Walmart go overseas and make something of yourself. Stop being a liberal victim.

Not much of an America first sort of right wing zealot are you?

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Not much of an America first sort of right wing zealot are you?
Says the guy who "supposedly" served in the military yet votes for the very people who despise the military. You do know that the Dems are going to shut down the government where the military and CHIPS program wont get funding? Why don't the liberals like the people who protect them and the poor kids who need healthcare like CHIPS..
He "served in the military" and 'MO' isn't a tranny. LOL!


Most White Southerners fall into Middle-Class, even if it's Lower Middle-Class.

more stereotyping that is far from accurate. When the debate is lost the losers always resort to slander.

Well, the red states with the poorest of poor support the GOP.. It is true.. why is the truth slander?


there are more people below the poverty level in California than all the southern states combined.

your claim that most white southerners are lower middle class is simply a lie. It may be true about most blacks and Hispanics nationwide, and certainly is true in California.


Poverty in California is because the Mega Rich got a tax cut in San Francisco..#Trickle Down bullshit

What happened was the mega rich kicked out the middle class housing out to build expensive Hi-Rise apartments.

No one can afford those apt. except the mega rich..

Trickle down send thousands to the streets..

All of this is coming your way.


Oh, right, the evil rich in California. Have you told Pelosi? Have you told Feinstein? Have you told moonbeam Brown? California is broke and full of poverty because of failed liberalism, an influx of illegal leeches, and stupid illegal sanctuary city policies. Wake the fuck up.
Conservatives: I'm NOT posting this here to deepen our partisan divide, or to be insulting. Lord knows we have enough of that, but rather to give everyone an idea of why well educated voters tend to vote the way they do. Among the reasons well educated voters tend to lean to the left are: Educated professionals tend to be urban dwellers who live close to other like minded voters, more liberal female college graduates, the well educated tend to be exposed to many different kinds of people worldwide, fostering a more tolerant attitude regarding other cultures, races, and faiths, and much more. Lots of interesting reading here.

Why Are Highly Educated Americans Getting More Liberal?

Why the Most Educated Americans Vote Democratic

Aside from the fact that the implication here is that being "highly-educated" makes you smarter, more wise, the other truism is that many of the more educated all vote liberal. They do not. But the reason why a lot of university types vote far Left can be stated very simply without any need for deep analysis: there is a movement afoot in universities and instructors to indoctrinate students in Leftist Doctrine. In fact, it is common to get bad grades if you even question the teacher. The reason why a lot of higher degreed people are solid hard Left is because it was DRILLED INTO THEIR SKULLS incessantly during all those long years by the instructors that taught them.

I mean, look at UC Berkeley, how the kids flip out if anyone even moderate comes there to speak! Do you think all those kids were that way when they first came there out of high school??? Not!

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