Why the West Must Support Ukraine

It's funny that you pretend you are for liberty and human rights and then you post this shit.



You got a real comment about anything I ACTUALLY posted? nope.... I asked you to be SPECIFIC about the lengths YOU think we go to -- and you just took a chickenshit pass. Because you're vamping and POSING as a real "CAN DO" American without the leadership abilities.

Being for liberty and human rights doesn't mean we need to go to war with EVERY threatening dictatorial hell hole on the planet.

If China attempts to take Taiwan or starve it to death --- are you signed up for knocking off the Chinese leadership and CROSSING YOUR FINGERS ON WHAT HAPPENS NEXT?
Actually, the answer is quite simple. Everyone who knows something about Russia's demands to the US and NATO put forward in the last December clearly understands that that is a war not only between Russia and Ukraine. Ukraine was only a first stage. And who knows what would be if Russia had gotten a decisive victory in a matter of weeks.

More widely, few have doubts that China is watching closely on these events and is adjusting their strategy on Taiwan on how the things are going on in the Eastern Europe.

Obviously, MAGA-tards have ever read these demands (or even heard something about them) because they barely ever read something. But that is okay. Demography is on the side of sane people.
That's weak ass cop-out.
Excuse you.

The reason I want Putin assassinated because hebthreatened the entire human race with nuclear winter if NATO rolled one tank or few one fighter to defend against slaughter of ukrainians.

And the assassination of the Iranian general was not covert.

Pretty big differences, from where I sit. No comparison, sorry.
At the May Day rally in Slovakia, someone unfurled the Ukrainian flag. The result was not long in coming.
The Germans made a fuss to disrupt the speech of German Foreign Minister Annalena Berbock about the need to supply heavy weapons to Ukraine.
The minister was called a "warmonger"
Support for foreign wars should be voluntary. American citizens should not see their tax dollars supporting foreign governments.
Against the background of Kiev whining, here's a photo to refresh your memory. This is Donetsk, 2014. That's how Ukrainian troops "protected" people.
Excuse you.

The reason I want Putin assassinated because hebthreatened the entire human race with nuclear winter if NATO rolled one tank or few one fighter to defend against slaughter of ukrainians.

And the assassination of the Iranian general was not covert.

Pretty big differences, from where I sit. No comparison, sorry.

THREATENING to -- really doesn't count. Especially if WE DONT INTEND to roll one tank or fighter into Ukraine. And Ukraine PREFERS it that way anyways.

He's a dying man. Going under surgery sometime soon for cancer. Also has Parkinson's. His "2nd in charge" is MORE dangerous and maniacal than HE IS. The guy who's gonna be running Russia while he's in surgery and recovering is the SAME DUDE that convinced him that Ukraine was "full of Nazis".

You need to get to KNOW this guy. Your hard-on about wanting Putin dead -- because "RUSSIA and 2016" COULD put this animal in charge.

You gotta stop breaking long standing American foreign policy about "decapitation". They are prohibited LARGELY because the RESULTS can be WORSE than the cure.
The guy who's gonna be running Russia while he's in surgery and recovering is the SAME DUDE that convinced him that Ukraine was "full of Nazis".
You won't see shit even if you put your face in it... Even then you'll say it's chocolate. What stupid bastards you are.
THREATENING to -- really doesn't count. Especially if WE DONT INTEND to roll one tank or fighter into Ukraine. And Ukraine PREFERS it that way anyways.

He's a dying man. Going under surgery sometime soon for cancer. Also has Parkinson's. His "2nd in charge" is MORE dangerous and maniacal than HE IS. The guy who's gonna be running Russia while he's in surgery and recovering is the SAME DUDE that convinced him that Ukraine was "full of Nazis".

You need to get to KNOW this guy. Your hard-on about wanting Putin dead -- because "RUSSIA and 2016" COULD put this animal in charge.

You gotta stop breaking long standing American foreign policy about "decapitation". They are prohibited LARGELY because the RESULTS can be WORSE than the cure.
First of all, the Daily Mail isn't so trustworthy source. Even if Putin considers giving the power to Patrushev for a short period of time, this doesn't mean Patrushev becomes their new tsar if Putin is eliminated.

An autocracy, where all power is effectively concentrated in one hands, usually has a group of clans around their leader. And this leader is a guarantee of their wealth and safety in exchange for loyalty. And when this leader is gone, a new leader is determined by a winning clan (or a group of clans) after a struggle for the throne is finished.
None of my critics and trolls have addressed the OP:

If we don’t confront Russia’s illegal aggression now, we will have to confront Russia’s illegal aggression later.

And as the appeasers in this thread don’t understand, that cost will be much greater, a la WWII Chamberlain.
But may be, later we'll be better prepared. Right now the USA aren't ready to fight and win a nuclear war against Russia and China simultaneously. Any way, we can deal with them in a mutually profitable manner.
The Russians are not evil, unreasonable monsters as fake news depict them. They are human beings. They eat when they are hungry, they drink when they are thirsty, they attack when they are threatened. They didn't attack Ukraine while Trump was POTUS.
Why is it that not ONE of you warmongers will spell out how far we should go? We are supporting Ukraine, we are sending them weapons and cash, how much further should we go?

That was wrong and our leaders are somewhat unaccountable for THEIR ACTIONS. But, we get to discuss the FAILINGS of OUR leaders publicly and remove them if they lie too often or dont accept responsibility for their actions. Not get kidnapped or arrested and shuffled off to re-education or a camp in Siberia.

You'll see in NOVEMBER how all that works when we vote on the TOTAL failure of the current USA "regime" leaders.
When the threat is to the entire human race, it sure does. There is no second chance. But your bizarre equivocation on that to hang on to your weak, pet point is bizarre and unethical.

SO Einstein. If we THREATEN BACK to JOIN in a nuclear war with Russia -- does that make you happier and safer? How tough are you exactly? What color is your super hero cape?
First of all, the Daily Mail isn't so trustworthy source. Even if Putin considers giving the power to Patrushev for a short period of time, this doesn't mean Patrushev becomes their new tsar if Putin is eliminated.

An autocracy, where all power is effectively concentrated in one hands, usually has a group of clans around their leader. And this leader is a guarantee of their wealth and safety in exchange for loyalty. And when this leader is gone, a new leader is determined by a winning clan (or a group of clans) after a struggle for the throne is finished.

Decapitating a dictatorship almost never improves anything. I just SAID the SAME thing.

And the Daily Mail BEATS most all daily news sources in America for reliability and EFFORT in their reporting. And EFFORT is a fast vanishing trait of journalism. If they get something wrong OCCASIONALLY -- that's a lot more VALUE to me than NOT REPORTING THE STORY AT ALL -- because it "triggers" them.

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