Why there is bias on who gets prosecuted for crimes.

It's not THEIR money.
what's not their money? If they keep their money, it's their money. WTF is wrong with you?
Taxes are your share of the costs of maintaining a first world country and enjoying all of the benefits of the education, infrastructure, hospitals, libraries and opportunities it provides to you and your family. Chief among them is the protection of your property.
nope, wrong, the employees hired to work for said company cover all those costs. Again, you have no fking clue.
If you live in a condo, you have to pay condo fees for the insurance, repairs, common elements, landscaping, maintenance, concierge and cleaning staff, and visitor parking the condo corporation provides, as well as a maintenance fund for big repairs.

The residents vote on all big expenditures or changes which the Board implements. You can't just say "I'm not using the swimming pool, and I think the concierge is unnecessary, so I'm not paying for these things, because the majority of the residents DID vote for these things. You want to live in this condo, you have to pay for them too, whether you voted for them or not.
what's that have to do with the price of coffee in China?
The American people have voted for leftist policies every time Republicans crash the economy and impoverish all the workers, only to give the keys to Republicans, as soon as the Democrats patch up the economy and getting running again after the crash. Because Republicans lie about the long term economic impact.
disinformation, making up shite that's out of DNC playbook.
At this point, your economy has tipped into 2nd tier nation status, with 80% of the income and wealth going to the top 10%. This is not sustainable. Norway has a 50/50 split, Canada has 40% going to the top.

A strong and thriving middle class is a requirement for a success capitalist economy. Republican tax codes have destroyed the economic balance of the economy and are impoverishing everyone but those at the top.

Under the Democrats' "New Deal" economic policies, the American middle class was EXPANDING, not shrinking. You didn't have massive budget deficits, or stagnant wages with shrinking buying power.

Young adults didn't start their adult lives $50,000 in debt. And working people were getting earned income credits and food stamps to feed their families.
just more disinformation infecting the thread. I wish you actually knew the difference from paying and not paying taxes. sheesh!!! Must be a Canadian thingy!
It's not THEIR money. Taxes are your share of the costs of maintaining a first world country and enjoying all of the benefits of the education, infrastructure, hospitals, libraries and opportunities it provides to you and your family. Chief among them is the protection of your property.

If you live in a condo, you have to pay condo fees for the insurance, repairs, common elements, landscaping, maintenance, concierge and cleaning staff, and visitor parking the condo corporation provides, as well as a maintenance fund for big repairs.

The residents vote on all big expenditures or changes which the Board implements. You can't just say "I'm not using the swimming pool, and I think the concierge is unnecessary, so I'm not paying for these things, because the majority of the residents DID vote for these things. You want to live in this condo, you have to pay for them too, whether you voted for them or not.

The American people have voted for leftist policies every time Republicans crash the economy and impoverish all the workers, only to give the keys to Republicans, as soon as the Democrats patch up the economy and getting running again after the crash. Because Republicans lie about the long term economic impact.

At this point, your economy has tipped into 2nd tier nation status, with 80% of the income and wealth going to the top 10%. This is not sustainable. Norway has a 50/50 split, Canada has 40% going to the top.

A strong and thriving middle class is a requirement for a success capitalist economy. Republican tax codes have destroyed the economic balance of the economy and are impoverishing everyone but those at the top.

Under the Democrats' "New Deal" economic policies, the American middle class was EXPANDING, not shrinking. You didn't have massive budget deficits, or stagnant wages with shrinking buying power.

Young adults didn't start their adult lives $50,000 in debt. And working people were getting earned income credits and food stamps to feed their families.
The rich pay 90% of the fed taxes.
The rich pay 90% of the fed taxes.
well technically, when corporations get tax breaks, they don't spend any money and get no money back. They are expected to hire employees with those benefits and then those employees pay income taxes.
The rich pay 90% of the fed taxes.

Given that they have 80% of the money, that's more than fair.

They also need an educated work force, complex communications systems and transportation systems, protection of intellectual property and markets, trade deals with foreign nations where they do business, protection of chattels and property, so they should be paying much more than those who aren't using so many resources.
well technically, when corporations get tax breaks, they don't spend any money and get no money back. They are expected to hire employees with those benefits and then those employees pay income taxes.
Green energy and other Democratic corps like GE gets those. You know, like the company Pelosi's husband owns.
Given that they have 80% of the money, that's more than fair.

They also need an educated work force, complex communications systems and transportation systems, protection of intellectual property and markets, trade deals with foreign nations where they do business, protection of chattels and property, so they should be paying much more than those who aren't using so many resources.
If your number was right, they should pay 80% of the taxes, I.E. less taxes.
I see you're on our side now.
If your number was right, they should pay 80% of the taxes, I.E. less taxes.
I see you're on our side now.

The better solution is to give their employees a living wage and then everybody's taxes, including the rich people's taxes, would go down, and you could get rid of all of those government employees administering the Section 8, Food Stamps, and Earned income credits programs that their employees are now using. MedicAid would also be reduced.

These figures are sad, but true


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Folks call trump a Felon because of a liberal judge and demand they haven't gone after the Democrats. This is why Harris-led office, ATF stonewalling probe into 'collusion' with anti-gun group lawsuit: House Oversight chair

Colmes listed all the evidence that made Hillary quality, then claim she didn't have intent because she was too stupid to know she was violating the law. She graduated from Harvard, and claims she didn't know what destruction of evidence or obstruction of evidence was. She was Secretary of State and claims she didn't know the rules when handling Classified documents were. He wouldn't do that if Hillary was a Republican.

The rules for Republicans are different from the rules for Democrats.
James Comey's Involvement with Hillary Clinton

James Comey, the former FBI director, played a significant role in the investigation into Hillary Clinton's use of a private email server during her tenure as Secretary of State. Here are the key points regarding his involvement:

1. Investigation Initiation:
- The FBI opened a criminal investigation into Clinton's email practices in July 2015, focusing on the handling of classified information. Comey was at the helm of the FBI during this investigation, which became a major political issue as the 2016 presidential election approached.

2. Public Statements and Controversy:
- Comey publicly announced the FBI's findings in July 2016, stating that Clinton had been "extremely careless" in her handling of classified materials but recommended no criminal charges. This announcement was controversial and led to accusations that Comey had influenced the election.

3. The October Surprise:
- Just days before the election, Comey sent a letter to Congress announcing that the FBI was reopening the investigation due to newly discovered emails related to the case. This decision was met with significant backlash, as many believed it could have swayed the election in favor of Donald Trump. Comey later expressed regret over the timing of this announcement, acknowledging that it was a "serious error in judgment".

4. Relationship with the Democratic Party:
- Comey's actions placed him in a complicated position with the Democratic Party, particularly with Clinton's campaign. While he was tasked with conducting an impartial investigation, the timing and nature of his announcements led to perceptions of bias and interference in the electoral process.

In summary, James Comey's involvement with Hillary Clinton was marked by his leadership of the FBI during the investigation into her email practices, his controversial public statements, and the significant impact of his actions on the 2016 presidential election.

==> If FBI had really worked for America( and not for political parties ), America would be a better place now. :)

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