Why this forum is predominantly white alt-right userbase?

Can any of you liberals tell us why team Obama lied about the YouTube video being the motivating factor in the Benghazi attack? Cue the k*nt act. Liberals don't like truthful discussion.
Over 100 cities held protests over the video. So it looks like you're embarrassing, inbred bitchass can go ahead and fuck yourself.

LOL. See what I mean? Liberal k*nts don't like honest discussion. They can't and won't answer a simple fucking question. Why did team Obama lie about the cause of the Benghazzi attacks? Any of you other liberal k*nts want to take a stab at this?
They didn't. 100+ cities protested the video. In Benghazi, terrorists attacked, and republicans vowed to vindicate those terrorists from any responsibility. Because they had a witch to hunt!

I'm putting you on "ignore". You're too fucking stupid to engage.
Well, we know what that means............:scared1:
What do you think? Is this a reflection of modern day america or this is coincidence or this forum was created with this intent to be a platform for alt-right views?
We've had a pipeline from Stormfront to here for awhile...with them being closed down, we're getting more slithering over here.
Arent you a mod on storm front? You sure sound like one. One thing is for certain when a lib douche is losing they start posting "stormfront....."
I find that if the shoe fits......
What do you think? Is this a reflection of modern day america or this is coincidence or this forum was created with this intent to be a platform for alt-right views?
We've had a pipeline from Stormfront to here for awhile...with them being closed down, we're getting more slithering over here.
Arent you a mod on storm front? You sure sound like one. One thing is for certain when a lib douche is losing they start posting "stormfront....."
I find that if the shoe fits......
You wear it well.
Maybe you should go to a Serbian message board. They are nice people over there.

I didnt said you guys are not nice or that I dont like the forum, but I noticed many users with alt-right views. And there is only one black guy "Asclepias". So I was curious, but I like the forum and as long no one insults me or mistreats Im fine with different views.
So where do you work?
Trying to dox?
You are a moron. The question relates to what type of work one does. You claim to be a retired military, are you doxed? The guy revealed more info about himself and his family including a wealth of pictorial presentations that your idiotic remark makes no sense. A "researcher" worth his salt could determine even the township just based on the pictures presented by the OP.
Every time I try to redpill a normie with Alt-right philosophy, here comes this bodacea **** trying to derail the thread. Why isn't she banned yet? She never adds anything of substance to a discussion and stupidly laughs at all of my posts, only adding to my positive ratings. I think she's BlackFag in disguise. Exact same posting style.
Maybe you should go to a Serbian message board. They are nice people over there.

I didnt said you guys are not nice or that I dont like the forum, but I noticed many users with alt-right views. And there is only one black guy "Asclepias". So I was curious, but I like the forum and as long no one insults me or mistreats Im fine with different views.
To hell with the left. More guns, less blacks.

Why do you care about blacks?

Less Communists - of ANY color.
Maybe you should go to a Serbian message board. They are nice people over there.

I didnt said you guys are not nice or that I dont like the forum, but I noticed many users with alt-right views. And there is only one black guy "Asclepias". So I was curious, but I like the forum and as long no one insults me or mistreats Im fine with different views.
So where do you work?
Trying to dox?
You are a moron. The question relates to what type of work one does. You claim to be a retired military, are you doxed? The guy revealed more info about himself and his family including a wealth of pictorial presentations that your idiotic remark makes no sense. A "researcher" worth his salt could determine even the township just based on the pictures presented by the OP.
If you are not attempting to dox, I apologize...but I will point out that doxing people is a classic move of the Alt-Right...they got that from their "ancestoral group" Gamer-gate.
We've had a pipeline from Stormfront to here for awhile...with them being closed down, we're getting more slithering over here.

Is that interfering with the sewage line from ThinkProgress over here that you traverse, Nazi Pete?
Maybe you should go to a Serbian message board. They are nice people over there.

I didnt said you guys are not nice or that I dont like the forum, but I noticed many users with alt-right views. And there is only one black guy "Asclepias". So I was curious, but I like the forum and as long no one insults me or mistreats Im fine with different views.
So where do you work?
Trying to dox?
You are a moron. The question relates to what type of work one does. You claim to be a retired military, are you doxed? The guy revealed more info about himself and his family including a wealth of pictorial presentations that your idiotic remark makes no sense. A "researcher" worth his salt could determine even the township just based on the pictures presented by the OP.
If you are not attempting to dox, I apologize...but I will point out that doxing people is a classic move of the Alt-Right...they got that from their "ancestoral group" Gamer-gate.
Sounds like another play from the Goebbels page, like always.
What do you think? Is this a reflection of modern day america or this is coincidence or this forum was created with this intent to be a platform for alt-right views?
This forum is in no way a reflection of anything happening in America today.
Maybe you should go to a Serbian message board. They are nice people over there.

I didnt said you guys are not nice or that I dont like the forum, but I noticed many users with alt-right views. And there is only one black guy "Asclepias". So I was curious, but I like the forum and as long no one insults me or mistreats Im fine with different views.
So where do you work?
Trying to dox?
You are a moron. The question relates to what type of work one does. You claim to be a retired military, are you doxed? The guy revealed more info about himself and his family including a wealth of pictorial presentations that your idiotic remark makes no sense. A "researcher" worth his salt could determine even the township just based on the pictures presented by the OP.

Far right white nationalists. In other words -- you.

That's a gross oversimplification my man. But yes. We're far right white nationalists. Appreciate you leaving out the usual 'supremacist nazi fascist' superlatives.

Why do you support white-only communities?

For the same reasons non-whites want to immigrate to our countries.

I'm a white guy. Why should I support white nationalism? Do you want to engage and try and persuade me and others to your cause? Or do you want to give non-answers like you did above?

Sorry, it was late and I was very tired. Anyway to put it in the words of Richard Spencer: race is real, race matters. Race is the foundation of national identity. Since the 1960s, there has been a concerted effort by marxist elites to redefine the character of this nation and western civilization as a whole...and it's working, the negative impact of mass immigration from the 3rd world is impossible to deny. Our social order is teetering on the brink of total destruction.

"They" brainwashed the boomer generation into believing the "magic dirt" philosophy; as soon as your feet touch our soil even the most debased mideast death cult fanatic transforms into George Washington... Not everyone who's not white is inherently bad but it's a fact that different races in general trend towards certain patterns of behavior. Tens of thousands of years of years of evolutionary development in vastly different environments can't just be swept under the rug. It's crazy to say that there's no difference between Swedish people and Arabs. Turning a blind eye to the “browning of America” will ensure the destruction of everything we hold dear. Is it really worth avoiding uncomfortable conversations with non-white drinking buddies?
Globalists are very close to their goal in destroying the U.S. We do not have a nation. Globalists destroyed the family as a basic unit of society, pitching women against men, races against each other, religions against each other, encouraging mass illegal and legal (1965) immigration from third world countries, promoting pornography, attacking Christianity yet not attacking muslims, jews, hindus etc., attacking the white race with unprecedented boldness while encouraging terrorist groups to break up peaceful demonstrations with impunity. We are on the brink of collapse here and in Europe also. When people have nothing to lose they become unpredictable, don't they?
Every time I try to redpill a normie with Alt-right philosophy, here comes this bodacea **** trying to derail the thread. Why isn't she banned yet? She never adds anything of substance to a discussion and stupidly laughs at all of my posts, only adding to my positive ratings. I think she's BlackFag in disguise. Exact same posting style.

Nazi Pete, AKA bodecea is a troll, nothing more. Never has this troll contributed to any conversation, Most of the time it just runs around pissing on the posts of it's betters. Nazi Pete is dumb as a fucking 2x4 and entirely incapable of carrying on a reasoned conversation. Trolling is all you will ever get from Nazi Pete.
Every time I try to redpill a normie with Alt-right philosophy, here comes this bodacea **** trying to derail the thread. Why isn't she banned yet? She never adds anything of substance to a discussion and stupidly laughs at all of my posts, only adding to my positive ratings. I think she's BlackFag in disguise. Exact same posting style.

Nazi Pete, AKA bodecea is a troll, nothing more. Never has this troll contributed to any conversation, Most of the time it just runs around pissing on the posts of it's betters. Nazi Pete is dumb as a fucking 2x4 and entirely incapable of carrying on a reasoned conversation. Trolling is all you well ever get from Nazi Pete.

I put the bitch on my ignore list. There's absolutely nothing to be gained by reading her posts, I'm not here to argue with marxist zombies.
Every time I try to redpill a normie with Alt-right philosophy, here comes this bodacea **** trying to derail the thread. Why isn't she banned yet? She never adds anything of substance to a discussion and stupidly laughs at all of my posts, only adding to my positive ratings. I think she's BlackFag in disguise. Exact same posting style.

Nazi Pete, AKA bodecea is a troll, nothing more. Never has this troll contributed to any conversation, Most of the time it just runs around pissing on the posts of it's betters. Nazi Pete is dumb as a fucking 2x4 and entirely incapable of carrying on a reasoned conversation. Trolling is all you well ever get from Nazi Pete.

I put the bitch on my ignore list. There's absolutely nothing to be gained by reading her posts, I'm not here to argue with marxist zombies.
I have never put anybody on ignore but I am getting close on this one.
What do you think? Is this a reflection of modern day america or this is coincidence or this forum was created with this intent to be a platform for alt-right views?

Alt Right is a fiction invented by Hillary and disseminated to her Moonbat followers on 8/25/16.

You won't find a single mention of that phrase prior to Hillary feeding it into the Progressive hivemind on that day
True to form, ignorant lefties (pardon the redundancy) think they can simply place labels on people and groups and we all are supposed to treat them as true. Labels like "alt-right", "Nazi", "white supremist", "racist", etc. Most of the left are too stupid to know what those labels actually mean.
What do you think? Is this a reflection of modern day america or this is coincidence or this forum was created with this intent to be a platform for alt-right views?

Alt Right is a fiction invented by Hillary and disseminated to her Moonbat followers on 8/25/16.

You won't find a single mention of that phrase prior to Hillary feeding it into the Progressive hivemind on that day

You're completely wrong about that you MSM zombie.
What do you think? Is this a reflection of modern day america or this is coincidence or this forum was created with this intent to be a platform for alt-right views?

Alt Right is a fiction invented by Hillary and disseminated to her Moonbat followers on 8/25/16.

You won't find a single mention of that phrase prior to Hillary feeding it into the Progressive hivemind on that day
The alt-right, or alternative right, is a loosely defined group of people with far-right ideologieswho reject mainstream conservatism in favor of white nationalism. White supremacist[1] Richard Spencer initially promoted the term in 2010 in reference to a movement centered on white nationalism, and did so according to the Associated Press to disguise overt racism, white supremacism, and neo-Nazism.[2][3][4] The term drew considerable media attention and controversy during and after the 2016 US presidential election.[5]
In March 2010, Spencer founded AlternativeRight.com, a website he edited until 2012. He has stated that he created the term alt-right.[9]

Hillary is Richard Spencer? Who knew?

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