Why this forum is predominantly white alt-right userbase?

What do you think? Is this a reflection of modern day america or this is coincidence or this forum was created with this intent to be a platform for alt-right views?

It's definitely NOT a reflection of modern day America. But it is very interesting how alt-right degenerates flock here like flies on shit. Something about the design, the logo, and the existing base of far right extremist nutjobs seems to pull them in...The Russian trolls sure do like this place as well.

There are plenty of you Khmer Rouge left here, it's just that you are dumb as rocks and get your asses kicked in debates...
Im not jealous of whites, and I dont hate or dislike whites. I like white people. Only white people who hate me I dont like. There are some who hate me based on my origins/ancestry. If they dont like me I dont like them either.
Then you are judging people on whether they like you or not...Hmmm...that never has occurred to me that I should think that way. How do you determine who doesn't like you?

Shouldn't you just treat people the way you would want them to treat you? Then everyone would like you!

Obviously. Not exactly "like" they dont need to "kiss my ass" but if i notice they are hostile or dislike me i naturally will dislike them too. Doesnt everyone do that? And I agree with to treat everyone how you want to be treated yes. I didnt said I treat people bad. I have empathy even for my enemies.

People don't like you because you're repulsive. I can almost smell you from here... You mentioned in another thread being denied entry to a nightclub because you're brown but I suspect you were being dishonest. You were denied entry because you're a creepy pervert looking to grope the young girls.
Why do you feel people don't like him? You are the one bringing up creepy perverts and judging someone you know nothing about and he's the creep?

It's called being a good judge of character. It's a skill left wingers seem to lack... His complete lack of self awareness and his desperate grasping for approval from strangers only deepens my disdain for him. I've met people like him before...
Love your avatar.
Can any of you liberals tell us why team Obama lied about the YouTube video being the motivating factor in the Benghazi attack? Cue the k*nt act. Liberals don't like truthful discussion.
Over 100 cities held protests over the video. So it looks like your embarrassing, inbred bitchass can go ahead and fuck yourself.

Your fellow terrorists launched coordinated attacks, you mean.

More proof that the Anti-First Amendment fucks like you are just an extension of Al Qaeda/ISIS
Then you are judging people on whether they like you or not...Hmmm...that never has occurred to me that I should think that way. How do you determine who doesn't like you?

Shouldn't you just treat people the way you would want them to treat you? Then everyone would like you!

Obviously. Not exactly "like" they dont need to "kiss my ass" but if i notice they are hostile or dislike me i naturally will dislike them too. Doesnt everyone do that? And I agree with to treat everyone how you want to be treated yes. I didnt said I treat people bad. I have empathy even for my enemies.

People don't like you because you're repulsive. I can almost smell you from here... You mentioned in another thread being denied entry to a nightclub because you're brown but I suspect you were being dishonest. You were denied entry because you're a creepy pervert looking to grope the young girls.
Why do you feel people don't like him? You are the one bringing up creepy perverts and judging someone you know nothing about and he's the creep?

It's called being a good judge of character. It's a skill left wingers seem to lack... His complete lack of self awareness and his desperate grasping for approval from strangers only deepens my disdain for him. I've met people like him before...
Love your avatar.
Is it a raven or a crow?
Obviously. Not exactly "like" they dont need to "kiss my ass" but if i notice they are hostile or dislike me i naturally will dislike them too. Doesnt everyone do that? And I agree with to treat everyone how you want to be treated yes. I didnt said I treat people bad. I have empathy even for my enemies.

People don't like you because you're repulsive. I can almost smell you from here... You mentioned in another thread being denied entry to a nightclub because you're brown but I suspect you were being dishonest. You were denied entry because you're a creepy pervert looking to grope the young girls.
Why do you feel people don't like him? You are the one bringing up creepy perverts and judging someone you know nothing about and he's the creep?

It's called being a good judge of character. It's a skill left wingers seem to lack... His complete lack of self awareness and his desperate grasping for approval from strangers only deepens my disdain for him. I've met people like him before...
Love your avatar.
Is it a raven or a crow?
Actually, I was talking about his User Name...impuretrash...lol
Im not jealous of whites, and I dont hate or dislike whites. I like white people. Only white people who hate me I dont like. There are some who hate me based on my origins/ancestry. If they dont like me I dont like them either.
Then you are judging people on whether they like you or not...Hmmm...that never has occurred to me that I should think that way. How do you determine who doesn't like you?

Shouldn't you just treat people the way you would want them to treat you? Then everyone would like you!

Obviously. Not exactly "like" they dont need to "kiss my ass" but if i notice they are hostile or dislike me i naturally will dislike them too. Doesnt everyone do that? And I agree with to treat everyone how you want to be treated yes. I didnt said I treat people bad. I have empathy even for my enemies.

People don't like you because you're repulsive. I can almost smell you from here... You mentioned in another thread being denied entry to a nightclub because you're brown but I suspect you were being dishonest. You were denied entry because you're a creepy pervert looking to grope the young girls.
Why do you feel people don't like him? You are the one bringing up creepy perverts and judging someone you know nothing about and he's the creep?

It's called being a good judge of character. It's a skill left wingers seem to lack... His complete lack of self awareness and his desperate grasping for approval from strangers only deepens my disdain for him. I've met people like him before...

No its because I disagreed with alt-right and you are alt-right and because I said some uncovenient things which you dislike and of course in combination that Im not white (non-white who says uncovenient things). Thats why you dislike me, but dont worry its exactly people like you I dislike.
Obviously. Not exactly "like" they dont need to "kiss my ass" but if i notice they are hostile or dislike me i naturally will dislike them too. Doesnt everyone do that? And I agree with to treat everyone how you want to be treated yes. I didnt said I treat people bad. I have empathy even for my enemies.

People don't like you because you're repulsive. I can almost smell you from here... You mentioned in another thread being denied entry to a nightclub because you're brown but I suspect you were being dishonest. You were denied entry because you're a creepy pervert looking to grope the young girls.
Why do you feel people don't like him? You are the one bringing up creepy perverts and judging someone you know nothing about and he's the creep?

It's called being a good judge of character. It's a skill left wingers seem to lack... His complete lack of self awareness and his desperate grasping for approval from strangers only deepens my disdain for him. I've met people like him before...
Love your avatar.
Is it a raven or a crow?

Looks like a mocking bird.
Probably its a opinion, its my impression of the forum userbase.

Well buddy I'm gonna be honest with you and suggest you delete your account and start over. Seems pretty obvious to me that you have low self esteem and are jealous of white folks. Next time, don't share your personal photos because that shit is troll bait.

Im not jealous of whites, and I dont hate or dislike whites. I like white people. Only white people who hate me I dont like. There are some who hate me based on my origins/ancestry. If they dont like me I dont like them either.
Then you are judging people on whether they like you or not...Hmmm...that never has occurred to me that I should think that way. How do you determine who doesn't like you?

Shouldn't you just treat people the way you would want them to treat you? Then everyone would like you!

Obviously. Not exactly "like" they dont need to "kiss my ass" but if i notice they are hostile or dislike me i naturally will dislike them too. Doesnt everyone do that? And I agree with to treat everyone how you want to be treated yes. I didnt said I treat people bad. I have empathy even for my enemies.

People don't like you because you're repulsive. I can almost smell you from here... You mentioned in another thread being denied entry to a nightclub because you're brown but I suspect you were being dishonest. You were denied entry because you're a creepy pervert looking to grope the young girls.


What do you think? Is this a reflection of modern day america or this is coincidence or this forum was created with this intent to be a platform for alt-right views?

No I think its open to everybody really

Indeed, but there seem to be more alt-right types. I noticed when there were polls most voted for Trump here like 80% of the voters. Probably coincidence. The forum doesnt forbid anyone to come here.
Then you are judging people on whether they like you or not...Hmmm...that never has occurred to me that I should think that way. How do you determine who doesn't like you?

Shouldn't you just treat people the way you would want them to treat you? Then everyone would like you!

Obviously. Not exactly "like" they dont need to "kiss my ass" but if i notice they are hostile or dislike me i naturally will dislike them too. Doesnt everyone do that? And I agree with to treat everyone how you want to be treated yes. I didnt said I treat people bad. I have empathy even for my enemies.

People don't like you because you're repulsive. I can almost smell you from here... You mentioned in another thread being denied entry to a nightclub because you're brown but I suspect you were being dishonest. You were denied entry because you're a creepy pervert looking to grope the young girls.
Why do you feel people don't like him? You are the one bringing up creepy perverts and judging someone you know nothing about and he's the creep?

It's called being a good judge of character. It's a skill left wingers seem to lack... His complete lack of self awareness and his desperate grasping for approval from strangers only deepens my disdain for him. I've met people like him before...

No its because I disagreed with alt-right and you are alt-right and because I said some uncovenient things which you dislike and of course in combination that Im not white (non-white who says uncovenient things). Thats why you dislike me, but dont worry its exactly people like you I dislike.

And by "alt-right" you mean "non-communist," right? The right is an alternative to you Stalinists and the totalitarian system you promote, hence "alt-right."
Probably its a opinion, its my impression of the forum userbase.

Well buddy I'm gonna be honest with you and suggest you delete your account and start over. Seems pretty obvious to me that you have low self esteem and are jealous of white folks. Next time, don't share your personal photos because that shit is troll bait.

Im not jealous of whites, and I dont hate or dislike whites. I like white people. Only white people who hate me I dont like. There are some who hate me based on my origins/ancestry. If they dont like me I dont like them either.
Then you are judging people on whether they like you or not...Hmmm...that never has occurred to me that I should think that way. How do you determine who doesn't like you?

Shouldn't you just treat people the way you would want them to treat you? Then everyone would like you!

Obviously. Not exactly "like" they dont need to "kiss my ass" but if i notice they are hostile or dislike me i naturally will dislike them too. Doesnt everyone do that? And I agree with to treat everyone how you want to be treated yes. I didnt said I treat people bad. I have empathy even for my enemies.
You don't have empathy for your enemies or you wouldn't have said, "if they dislike me, I dislike them, too".

As far as I can tell he's been honest and polite. I don't get why people are giving him a hard time. He's alright with me.
Obviously. Not exactly "like" they dont need to "kiss my ass" but if i notice they are hostile or dislike me i naturally will dislike them too. Doesnt everyone do that? And I agree with to treat everyone how you want to be treated yes. I didnt said I treat people bad. I have empathy even for my enemies.

People don't like you because you're repulsive. I can almost smell you from here... You mentioned in another thread being denied entry to a nightclub because you're brown but I suspect you were being dishonest. You were denied entry because you're a creepy pervert looking to grope the young girls.
Why do you feel people don't like him? You are the one bringing up creepy perverts and judging someone you know nothing about and he's the creep?

It's called being a good judge of character. It's a skill left wingers seem to lack... His complete lack of self awareness and his desperate grasping for approval from strangers only deepens my disdain for him. I've met people like him before...

No its because I disagreed with alt-right and you are alt-right and because I said some uncovenient things which you dislike and of course in combination that Im not white (non-white who says uncovenient things). Thats why you dislike me, but dont worry its exactly people like you I dislike.

And by "alt-right" you mean "non-communist," right? The right is an alternative to you Stalinists and the totalitarian system you promote, hence "alt-right."

Im not communist Im unaffiliated and best described as "moderate" or "centrist" but Im really unaffialiated with any party or political movement.
Well buddy I'm gonna be honest with you and suggest you delete your account and start over. Seems pretty obvious to me that you have low self esteem and are jealous of white folks. Next time, don't share your personal photos because that shit is troll bait.

Im not jealous of whites, and I dont hate or dislike whites. I like white people. Only white people who hate me I dont like. There are some who hate me based on my origins/ancestry. If they dont like me I dont like them either.
Then you are judging people on whether they like you or not...Hmmm...that never has occurred to me that I should think that way. How do you determine who doesn't like you?

Shouldn't you just treat people the way you would want them to treat you? Then everyone would like you!

Obviously. Not exactly "like" they dont need to "kiss my ass" but if i notice they are hostile or dislike me i naturally will dislike them too. Doesnt everyone do that? And I agree with to treat everyone how you want to be treated yes. I didnt said I treat people bad. I have empathy even for my enemies.
You don't have empathy for your enemies or you wouldn't have said, "if they dislike me, I dislike them, too".

As far as I can tell he's been honest and polite. I don't get why people are giving him a hard time. He's alright with me.
You're right. Sorry Mortimer.
People don't like you because you're repulsive. I can almost smell you from here... You mentioned in another thread being denied entry to a nightclub because you're brown but I suspect you were being dishonest. You were denied entry because you're a creepy pervert looking to grope the young girls.
Why do you feel people don't like him? You are the one bringing up creepy perverts and judging someone you know nothing about and he's the creep?

It's called being a good judge of character. It's a skill left wingers seem to lack... His complete lack of self awareness and his desperate grasping for approval from strangers only deepens my disdain for him. I've met people like him before...

No its because I disagreed with alt-right and you are alt-right and because I said some uncovenient things which you dislike and of course in combination that Im not white (non-white who says uncovenient things). Thats why you dislike me, but dont worry its exactly people like you I dislike.

And by "alt-right" you mean "non-communist," right? The right is an alternative to you Stalinists and the totalitarian system you promote, hence "alt-right."

Im not communist Im unaffiliated and best described as "moderate" or "centrist" but Im really unaffialiated with any party or political movement.

Right, you just use Communist epithets to describe the enemies of the party..... :thup:
Im not jealous of whites, and I dont hate or dislike whites. I like white people. Only white people who hate me I dont like. There are some who hate me based on my origins/ancestry. If they dont like me I dont like them either.
Then you are judging people on whether they like you or not...Hmmm...that never has occurred to me that I should think that way. How do you determine who doesn't like you?

Shouldn't you just treat people the way you would want them to treat you? Then everyone would like you!

Obviously. Not exactly "like" they dont need to "kiss my ass" but if i notice they are hostile or dislike me i naturally will dislike them too. Doesnt everyone do that? And I agree with to treat everyone how you want to be treated yes. I didnt said I treat people bad. I have empathy even for my enemies.

People don't like you because you're repulsive. I can almost smell you from here... You mentioned in another thread being denied entry to a nightclub because you're brown but I suspect you were being dishonest. You were denied entry because you're a creepy pervert looking to grope the young girls.
Why do you feel people don't like him? You are the one bringing up creepy perverts and judging someone you know nothing about and he's the creep?

It's called being a good judge of character. It's a skill left wingers seem to lack... His complete lack of self awareness and his desperate grasping for approval from strangers only deepens my disdain for him. I've met people like him before...

I may have missed something. What did he say that you found so offensive?
Why do you feel people don't like him? You are the one bringing up creepy perverts and judging someone you know nothing about and he's the creep?

It's called being a good judge of character. It's a skill left wingers seem to lack... His complete lack of self awareness and his desperate grasping for approval from strangers only deepens my disdain for him. I've met people like him before...

No its because I disagreed with alt-right and you are alt-right and because I said some uncovenient things which you dislike and of course in combination that Im not white (non-white who says uncovenient things). Thats why you dislike me, but dont worry its exactly people like you I dislike.

And by "alt-right" you mean "non-communist," right? The right is an alternative to you Stalinists and the totalitarian system you promote, hence "alt-right."

Im not communist Im unaffiliated and best described as "moderate" or "centrist" but Im really unaffialiated with any party or political movement.

Right, you just use Communist epithets to describe the enemies of the party..... :thup:

So alt-right is a communist epitheth? How they describe themselfes then? I will use their own description later then.
People don't like you because you're repulsive. I can almost smell you from here... You mentioned in another thread being denied entry to a nightclub because you're brown but I suspect you were being dishonest. You were denied entry because you're a creepy pervert looking to grope the young girls.
Why do you feel people don't like him? You are the one bringing up creepy perverts and judging someone you know nothing about and he's the creep?

It's called being a good judge of character. It's a skill left wingers seem to lack... His complete lack of self awareness and his desperate grasping for approval from strangers only deepens my disdain for him. I've met people like him before...

No its because I disagreed with alt-right and you are alt-right and because I said some uncovenient things which you dislike and of course in combination that Im not white (non-white who says uncovenient things). Thats why you dislike me, but dont worry its exactly people like you I dislike.

And by "alt-right" you mean "non-communist," right? The right is an alternative to you Stalinists and the totalitarian system you promote, hence "alt-right."

Im not communist Im unaffiliated and best described as "moderate" or "centrist" but Im really unaffialiated with any party or political movement.

Everyone here thinks they're a "moderate". LOL!
Im not communist Im unaffiliated and best described as "moderate" or "centrist" but Im really unaffialiated with any party or political movement.

Translation: a lazy self centered slob who doesn't have any particular belief system who lives in the moment and is only motivated by what feels good, like an animal.
Well buddy I'm gonna be honest with you and suggest you delete your account and start over. Seems pretty obvious to me that you have low self esteem and are jealous of white folks. Next time, don't share your personal photos because that shit is troll bait.

Im not jealous of whites, and I dont hate or dislike whites. I like white people. Only white people who hate me I dont like. There are some who hate me based on my origins/ancestry. If they dont like me I dont like them either.
Then you are judging people on whether they like you or not...Hmmm...that never has occurred to me that I should think that way. How do you determine who doesn't like you?

Shouldn't you just treat people the way you would want them to treat you? Then everyone would like you!

Obviously. Not exactly "like" they dont need to "kiss my ass" but if i notice they are hostile or dislike me i naturally will dislike them too. Doesnt everyone do that? And I agree with to treat everyone how you want to be treated yes. I didnt said I treat people bad. I have empathy even for my enemies.
You don't have empathy for your enemies or you wouldn't have said, "if they dislike me, I dislike them, too".

As far as I can tell he's been honest and polite. I don't get why people are giving him a hard time. He's alright with me.

I agree

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