Why this forum is predominantly white alt-right userbase?

Why do you feel people don't like him? You are the one bringing up creepy perverts and judging someone you know nothing about and he's the creep?

It's called being a good judge of character. It's a skill left wingers seem to lack... His complete lack of self awareness and his desperate grasping for approval from strangers only deepens my disdain for him. I've met people like him before...

No its because I disagreed with alt-right and you are alt-right and because I said some uncovenient things which you dislike and of course in combination that Im not white (non-white who says uncovenient things). Thats why you dislike me, but dont worry its exactly people like you I dislike.

And by "alt-right" you mean "non-communist," right? The right is an alternative to you Stalinists and the totalitarian system you promote, hence "alt-right."

Im not communist Im unaffiliated and best described as "moderate" or "centrist" but Im really unaffialiated with any party or political movement.

Everyone here thinks they're a "moderate". LOL!

I agree with that too !
So alt-right is a communist epitheth? How they describe themselfes then? I will use their own description later then.

It was at one time a term for a tiny faction that opposed the GOP and the idiocy they often promote, But the Communists quickly descended and termed any and everyone who deviates from the agenda of a centrally planned and managed economy in an authoritarian state with harsh suppression of words and thoughts in opposition to party dictates as "alt-right."

Bake the cake, any who cling to the notion of a first amendment and oppose such tyranny must be the hate epithet of the day, Tea Baggers, er I mean ALT-RIGHT.
Why do you feel people don't like him? You are the one bringing up creepy perverts and judging someone you know nothing about and he's the creep?

It's called being a good judge of character. It's a skill left wingers seem to lack... His complete lack of self awareness and his desperate grasping for approval from strangers only deepens my disdain for him. I've met people like him before...

No its because I disagreed with alt-right and you are alt-right and because I said some uncovenient things which you dislike and of course in combination that Im not white (non-white who says uncovenient things). Thats why you dislike me, but dont worry its exactly people like you I dislike.

And by "alt-right" you mean "non-communist," right? The right is an alternative to you Stalinists and the totalitarian system you promote, hence "alt-right."

Im not communist Im unaffiliated and best described as "moderate" or "centrist" but Im really unaffialiated with any party or political movement.

Everyone here thinks they're a "moderate". LOL!

Not me, I am proudly a radical. Support of the United States Constitution, and particularly the Bill of Rights is radical in the extreme in today's America.
Im not jealous of whites, and I dont hate or dislike whites. I like white people. Only white people who hate me I dont like. There are some who hate me based on my origins/ancestry. If they dont like me I dont like them either.
Then you are judging people on whether they like you or not...Hmmm...that never has occurred to me that I should think that way. How do you determine who doesn't like you?

Shouldn't you just treat people the way you would want them to treat you? Then everyone would like you!

Obviously. Not exactly "like" they dont need to "kiss my ass" but if i notice they are hostile or dislike me i naturally will dislike them too. Doesnt everyone do that? And I agree with to treat everyone how you want to be treated yes. I didnt said I treat people bad. I have empathy even for my enemies.

People don't like you because you're repulsive. I can almost smell you from here... You mentioned in another thread being denied entry to a nightclub because you're brown but I suspect you were being dishonest. You were denied entry because you're a creepy pervert looking to grope the young girls.

No they dont like me because they are racist. Many people like me who have half a brain cell. I usually get along with most people. Some people are just hateful.
Mortimore, there are some people who dislike me and I just don't worry about it. Sometimes it is jealousy and sometimes, they might have a point. But, for those I feel dislike me, I can still see their favorable traits as be honest about their unfavorable traits.
And it has never occurred to me to dislike a person due to their race!

What do you think? Is this a reflection of modern day america or this is coincidence or this forum was created with this intent to be a platform for alt-right views?

No I think its open to everybody really

Indeed, but there seem to be more alt-right types. I noticed when there were polls most voted for Trump here like 80% of the voters. Probably coincidence. The forum doesnt forbid anyone to come here.

Trump is not alt right.
What do you think? Is this a reflection of modern day america or this is coincidence or this forum was created with this intent to be a platform for alt-right views?

No I think its open to everybody really

Indeed, but there seem to be more alt-right types. I noticed when there were polls most voted for Trump here like 80% of the voters. Probably coincidence. The forum doesnt forbid anyone to come here.

Well I think this ALT RIGHT only makes up a small part of Trump voters, but I think some Democrats would like to label all of them as ALT Right. Hillary made the mistake during the campaign of calling half the country "Deplorables", yet even a lot of Democrats voted for Trump in the election. There were many reasons people voted for Trump, and in the end, there were only two choices.
Here is one definition for "alt right" on Wikipedia. I don't have an issue with much of their definition, but their inclusion of Breitbart is a mistake.

Alt-right - Wikipedia

The alt-right, or alternative right, is a loosely defined group of people with far-rightideologies who reject mainstream conservatism in favor of white nationalism. White supremacist[1] Richard Spencer initially promoted the term in 2010 in reference to a movement centered on white nationalism, and did so according to the Associated Pressto disguise overt racism, white supremacism, and neo-Nazism.[2][3][4] The term drew considerable media attention and controversy during and after the 2016 US presidential election.[5]

Alt-right beliefs have been described as isolationist, protectionist, antisemitic, and white supremacist,[6][7][8] frequently overlapping with Neo-Nazism,[9][10][11][12] nativism and Islamophobia,[13][14][15][16][17] antifeminism, misogyny, and homophobia,[9][18][19][20][12]right-wing populism,[21][22] and the neoreactionary movement.[6][23] The concept has further been associated with several groups from American nationalists, neo-monarchists, men's rights advocates, and the 2016 presidential campaign of Donald Trump.[13][22][23][24][25]

The alt-right has its roots on Internet websites such as 4chan and 8chan, where anonymous members create and use Internet memes to express their ideologies.[6][11][26] It is difficult to tell how much of what people write in these venues is serious and how much is intended to provoke outrage.[21][27] Members of the alt-right use websites like Alternative Right, Twitter, Breitbart, and Reddit to convey their message.[28][29] Alt-right postings generally support the policies of Donald Trump and Mike Pence [30][31][32][33] and oppose immigration, multiculturalism and political correctness.[10][18][34]

The alt-right has also had a significant influence on conservative thought in the United States, such as the Sailer Strategy for winning political support, along with having close ties to the Trump Administration. It has been listed as a key reason for Trump's win in the 2016 election.[35][36] The Trump administration includes several figures who are associated with the alt-right, such as former White House Chief Strategist Steve Bannon.[37] In 2016, Bannon described Breitbart as "the platform for the alt-right", with the goal of promoting the ideology.[38]
What do you think? Is this a reflection of modern day america or this is coincidence or this forum was created with this intent to be a platform for alt-right views?

It's definitely NOT a reflection of modern day America. But it is very interesting how alt-right degenerates flock here like flies on shit. Something about the design, the logo, and the existing base of far right extremist nutjobs seems to pull them in...The Russian trolls sure do like this place as well.

What do you guys think "Alt-Right" means?

Far right white nationalists. In other words -- you.
What do you think? Is this a reflection of modern day america or this is coincidence or this forum was created with this intent to be a platform for alt-right views?

It's definitely NOT a reflection of modern day America. But it is very interesting how alt-right degenerates flock here like flies on shit. Something about the design, the logo, and the existing base of far right extremist nutjobs seems to pull them in...The Russian trolls sure do like this place as well.

What do you guys think "Alt-Right" means?

Far right white nationalists. In other words -- you.

That's a gross oversimplification my man. But yes. We're far right white nationalists. Appreciate you leaving out the usual 'supremacist nazi fascist' superlatives.
What do you think? Is this a reflection of modern day america or this is coincidence or this forum was created with this intent to be a platform for alt-right views?

It's definitely NOT a reflection of modern day America. But it is very interesting how alt-right degenerates flock here like flies on shit. Something about the design, the logo, and the existing base of far right extremist nutjobs seems to pull them in...The Russian trolls sure do like this place as well.

What do you guys think "Alt-Right" means?

Far right white nationalists. In other words -- you.

That's a gross oversimplification my man. But yes. We're far right white nationalists. Appreciate you leaving out the usual 'supremacist nazi fascist' superlatives.

Why do you support white-only communities?
What do you think? Is this a reflection of modern day america or this is coincidence or this forum was created with this intent to be a platform for alt-right views?

It's definitely NOT a reflection of modern day America. But it is very interesting how alt-right degenerates flock here like flies on shit. Something about the design, the logo, and the existing base of far right extremist nutjobs seems to pull them in...The Russian trolls sure do like this place as well.

What do you guys think "Alt-Right" means?

Far right white nationalists. In other words -- you.

That's a gross oversimplification my man. But yes. We're far right white nationalists. Appreciate you leaving out the usual 'supremacist nazi fascist' superlatives.

Why do you support white-only communities?

For the same reasons non-whites want to immigrate to our countries.
It's definitely NOT a reflection of modern day America. But it is very interesting how alt-right degenerates flock here like flies on shit. Something about the design, the logo, and the existing base of far right extremist nutjobs seems to pull them in...The Russian trolls sure do like this place as well.

What do you guys think "Alt-Right" means?

Far right white nationalists. In other words -- you.

That's a gross oversimplification my man. But yes. We're far right white nationalists. Appreciate you leaving out the usual 'supremacist nazi fascist' superlatives.

Why do you support white-only communities?

For the same reasons non-whites want to immigrate to our countries.

I'm a white guy. Why should I support white nationalism? Do you want to engage and try and persuade me and others to your cause? Or do you want to give non-answers like you did above?
Try posting opposing points of view where Liberals hangout like Democratic Underground. They ban you. I posted there under the name Thomas Payne and didn't survive a day. They only allow progressive socialist post there.
Try posting opposing points of view where Liberals hangout like Democratic Underground. They ban you. I posted there under the name Thomas Payne and didn't survive a day. They only allow progressive socialist post there.

I thought they had a section where conservatives could post. I haven't visited that site in years.
What do you guys think "Alt-Right" means?

Far right white nationalists. In other words -- you.

That's a gross oversimplification my man. But yes. We're far right white nationalists. Appreciate you leaving out the usual 'supremacist nazi fascist' superlatives.

Why do you support white-only communities?

For the same reasons non-whites want to immigrate to our countries.

I'm a white guy. Why should I support white nationalism? Do you want to engage and try and persuade me and others to your cause? Or do you want to give non-answers like you did above?

Sorry, it was late and I was very tired. Anyway to put it in the words of Richard Spencer: race is real, race matters. Race is the foundation of national identity. Since the 1960s, there has been a concerted effort by marxist elites to redefine the character of this nation and western civilization as a whole...and it's working, the negative impact of mass immigration from the 3rd world is impossible to deny. Our social order is teetering on the brink of total destruction.

"They" brainwashed the boomer generation into believing the "magic dirt" philosophy; as soon as your feet touch our soil even the most debased mideast death cult fanatic transforms into George Washington... Not everyone who's not white is inherently bad but it's a fact that different races in general trend towards certain patterns of behavior. Tens of thousands of years of years of evolutionary development in vastly different environments can't just be swept under the rug. It's crazy to say that there's no difference between Swedish people and Arabs. Turning a blind eye to the “browning of America” will ensure the destruction of everything we hold dear. Is it really worth avoiding uncomfortable conversations with non-white drinking buddies?
What do you think? Is this a reflection of modern day america or this is coincidence or this forum was created with this intent to be a platform for alt-right views?

It's definitely NOT a reflection of modern day America. But it is very interesting how alt-right degenerates flock here like flies on shit. Something about the design, the logo, and the existing base of far right extremist nutjobs seems to pull them in...The Russian trolls sure do like this place as well.

There are plenty of you Khmer Rouge left here, it's just that you are dumb as rocks and get your asses kicked in debates...

and, of course to these slobbering idiots, anybody who isn't currently throwing a bag of urine on somebody is "alt right".

When a person is sitting at one end zone or the other, midfield looks a LONG way away.
Maybe you should go to a Serbian message board. They are nice people over there.

I didnt said you guys are not nice or that I dont like the forum, but I noticed many users with alt-right views. And there is only one black guy "Asclepias". So I was curious, but I like the forum and as long no one insults me or mistreats Im fine with different views.
To hell with the left. More guns, less blacks.
Maybe you should go to a Serbian message board. They are nice people over there.

I didnt said you guys are not nice or that I dont like the forum, but I noticed many users with alt-right views. And there is only one black guy "Asclepias". So I was curious, but I like the forum and as long no one insults me or mistreats Im fine with different views.
So where do you work?
Trying to dox?
What do you think? Is this a reflection of modern day america or this is coincidence or this forum was created with this intent to be a platform for alt-right views?
We've had a pipeline from Stormfront to here for awhile...with them being closed down, we're getting more slithering over here.
Arent you a mod on storm front? You sure sound like one. One thing is for certain when a lib douche is losing they start posting "stormfront....."

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