Why this forum is predominantly white alt-right userbase?

None of your business, you also already stereotyped me because of my ancestry. No need to discuss with you. You want to say that Im a leech and a "Gypsy"

Methinks thou doth protest too much.

My thread is not a protest its a curious inquiry. I dont protest it, the comment against that guy is a protest though, but I rarerly protest. Maybe you mistake my questions with protest.
What do you think? Is this a reflection of modern day america or this is coincidence or this forum was created with this intent to be a platform for alt-right views?

Sounds like an opinion. Are you worried about something?
So where do you work?

None of your business, you also already stereotyped me because of my ancestry. No need to discuss with you. You want to say that Im a leech and a "Gypsy"
So, you don't work. You said it, I didn't.

No I never said that. You said that now, but I know why you ask. You want to trap me into something, that Im a bad person, you already hate me because Im Roma and are prejudiced. Fuck off, I noticed you before, You insulted me often.
Why are you so aggressive? Also, your accusations need some factual proof. Please, provide some links about my insulting you.

Also, according to our dictionary the Gypsy is not derogatory as you claim it to be. Look at below.
gypsy |ˈjipsē| (also gipsy) noun (pl. gypsies)

1 (usu. Gypsy)a member of a traveling people traditionally living by itinerant trade and fortune telling. Gypsies speak a language (Romany) that is related to Hindi and are believed to have originated in South Asia.• the language of the gypsies; Romany.
2 a nomadic or free-spirited person.

Im aggressive because you provoce me. But usually Im not aggressive. If I were white you wouldnt have asked where I work, thats obvious. Because it has nothing to do with this thread at all. And I dont need to tell anything about my private life I dont want to. Gypsy is pejorative yes and has heavy negative connotations. The dictionary doesnt say its deragotary because Romani have not much political power to make a difference the others define us usually.

You're displaying classic behavior of someone caught in a lie. Just admit it already...
So where do you work?

None of your business, you also already stereotyped me because of my ancestry. No need to discuss with you. You want to say that Im a leech and a "Gypsy"
So, you don't work. You said it, I didn't.

No I never said that. You said that now, but I know why you ask. You want to trap me into something, that Im a bad person, you already hate me because Im Roma and are prejudiced. Fuck off, I noticed you before, You insulted me often.
Why are you so aggressive? Also, your accusations need some factual proof. Please, provide some links about my insulting you.

Also, according to our dictionary the Gypsy is not derogatory as you claim it to be. Look at below.
gypsy |ˈjipsē| (also gipsy) noun (pl. gypsies)

1 (usu. Gypsy)a member of a traveling people traditionally living by itinerant trade and fortune telling. Gypsies speak a language (Romany) that is related to Hindi and are believed to have originated in South Asia.• the language of the gypsies; Romany.
2 a nomadic or free-spirited person.

Im aggressive because you provoce me. But usually Im not aggressive. If I were white you wouldnt have asked where I work, thats obvious. Because it has nothing to do with this thread at all. And I dont need to tell anything about my private life I dont want to. Gypsy is pejorative yes and has heavy negative connotations. The dictionary doesnt say its deragotary because Romani have not much political power to make a difference the others define us usually.
"Where do you work" generally means what type of work. Not the necessarily the physical place. I do mechanical work. Some here does sales work and nobody gets offended when somebody asks "where do you work." If you don't want to say it, no worries but I think I hit a raw nerve because you got very aggressive with no reason at all.
None of your business, you also already stereotyped me because of my ancestry. No need to discuss with you. You want to say that Im a leech and a "Gypsy"

Methinks thou doth protest too much.

My thread is not a protest its a curious inquiry. I dont protest it, the comment against that guy is a protest though, but I rarerly protest. Maybe you mistake my questions with protest.

LOL ok...
What do you think? Is this a reflection of modern day america or this is coincidence or this forum was created with this intent to be a platform for alt-right views?

I support the constitution and many of the principles on which America was founded. I believe in freedom of expression, respecting others, keeping government in check so that we can be as free as possible, I believe that we should demand that our government not waste our money as I also believe the people should be permitted to keep the fruits of their labor. I believe in immigration laws as I believe our immigration policy should be based on what's best for the average American. Do you consider my to be "alt-right"?

You sound fair and reasonable not someone who treats others injust because of their skin colour. I think you are Republican or Libertarian I dont know if you are Alt-Right.

I'm pretty liberterian on most social issues and conservative when it comes to government. Shouldn't we all be diligent about how our government spends our money? And shouldn't we demand that government not be wasteful? I don't know what you mean by "alt-right". I have had liberals call me that even though I am a white guy married to a Mexican woman and my children are bilingual Hispanics. I also support gay marriage. As far as I can tell, much of the left considers anyone to the right of Lena Dunham as "alt-right". The left tries to smear anyone on the right as being some sort of an extremist and they often resort to violent action to prevent speech with which they disagree. Leftist ideology, espoused by the likes of Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Pol Pot, Castro, etc., etc., etc. has given the world oceans of blood, mountains of dead bodies and immeasurable suffering.
None of your business, you also already stereotyped me because of my ancestry. No need to discuss with you. You want to say that Im a leech and a "Gypsy"
So, you don't work. You said it, I didn't.

No I never said that. You said that now, but I know why you ask. You want to trap me into something, that Im a bad person, you already hate me because Im Roma and are prejudiced. Fuck off, I noticed you before, You insulted me often.
Why are you so aggressive? Also, your accusations need some factual proof. Please, provide some links about my insulting you.

Also, according to our dictionary the Gypsy is not derogatory as you claim it to be. Look at below.
gypsy |ˈjipsē| (also gipsy) noun (pl. gypsies)

1 (usu. Gypsy)a member of a traveling people traditionally living by itinerant trade and fortune telling. Gypsies speak a language (Romany) that is related to Hindi and are believed to have originated in South Asia.• the language of the gypsies; Romany.
2 a nomadic or free-spirited person.

Im aggressive because you provoce me. But usually Im not aggressive. If I were white you wouldnt have asked where I work, thats obvious. Because it has nothing to do with this thread at all. And I dont need to tell anything about my private life I dont want to. Gypsy is pejorative yes and has heavy negative connotations. The dictionary doesnt say its deragotary because Romani have not much political power to make a difference the others define us usually.
"Where do you work" generally means what type of work. Not the necessarily the physical place. I do mechanical work. Some here does sales work and nobody gets offended when somebody asks "where do you work." If you don't want to say it, no worries but I think I hit a raw nerve because you got very aggressive with no reason at all.

Im sorry that I got aggressive, I apologise.
What do you think? Is this a reflection of modern day america or this is coincidence or this forum was created with this intent to be a platform for alt-right views?

Sounds like an opinion. Are you worried about something?

Probably its a opinion, its my impression of the forum userbase.

Well buddy I'm gonna be honest with you and suggest you delete your account and start over. Seems pretty obvious to me that you have low self esteem and are jealous of white folks. Next time, don't share your personal photos because that shit is troll bait.
What do you think? Is this a reflection of modern day america or this is coincidence or this forum was created with this intent to be a platform for alt-right views?

Sounds like an opinion. Are you worried about something?

Probably its a opinion, its my impression of the forum userbase.

Well buddy I'm gonna be honest with you and suggest you delete your account and start over. Seems pretty obvious to me that you have low self esteem and are jealous of white folks. Next time, don't share your personal photos because that shit is troll bait.

Im not jealous of whites, and I dont hate or dislike whites. I like white people. Only white people who hate me I dont like. There are some who hate me based on my origins/ancestry. If they dont like me I dont like them either.
What do you think? Is this a reflection of modern day america or this is coincidence or this forum was created with this intent to be a platform for alt-right views?

Sounds like an opinion. Are you worried about something?

Probably its a opinion, its my impression of the forum userbase.

Well buddy I'm gonna be honest with you and suggest you delete your account and start over. Seems pretty obvious to me that you have low self esteem and are jealous of white folks. Next time, don't share your personal photos because that shit is troll bait.

Im not jealous of whites, and I dont hate or dislike whites. I like white people. Only white people who hate me I dont like. There are some who hate me based on my origins/ancestry. If they dont like me I dont like them either.
Then you are judging people on whether they like you or not...Hmmm...that never has occurred to me that I should think that way. How do you determine who doesn't like you?

Shouldn't you just treat people the way you would want them to treat you? Then everyone would like you!
What do you think? Is this a reflection of modern day america or this is coincidence or this forum was created with this intent to be a platform for alt-right views?

Sounds like an opinion. Are you worried about something?

Probably its a opinion, its my impression of the forum userbase.

Well buddy I'm gonna be honest with you and suggest you delete your account and start over. Seems pretty obvious to me that you have low self esteem and are jealous of white folks. Next time, don't share your personal photos because that shit is troll bait.

Im not jealous of whites, and I dont hate or dislike whites. I like white people. Only white people who hate me I dont like. There are some who hate me based on my origins/ancestry. If they dont like me I dont like them either.
Then you are judging people on whether they like you or not...Hmmm...that never has occurred to me that I should think that way. How do you determine who doesn't like you?

Shouldn't you just treat people the way you would want them to treat you? Then everyone would like you!

Obviously. Not exactly "like" they dont need to "kiss my ass" but if i notice they are hostile or dislike me i naturally will dislike them too. Doesnt everyone do that? And I agree with to treat everyone how you want to be treated yes. I didnt said I treat people bad. I have empathy even for my enemies.
Sounds like an opinion. Are you worried about something?

Probably its a opinion, its my impression of the forum userbase.

Well buddy I'm gonna be honest with you and suggest you delete your account and start over. Seems pretty obvious to me that you have low self esteem and are jealous of white folks. Next time, don't share your personal photos because that shit is troll bait.

Im not jealous of whites, and I dont hate or dislike whites. I like white people. Only white people who hate me I dont like. There are some who hate me based on my origins/ancestry. If they dont like me I dont like them either.
Then you are judging people on whether they like you or not...Hmmm...that never has occurred to me that I should think that way. How do you determine who doesn't like you?

Shouldn't you just treat people the way you would want them to treat you? Then everyone would like you!

Obviously. Not exactly "like" they dont need to "kiss my ass" but if i notice they are hostile or dislike me i naturally will dislike them too. Doesnt everyone do that? And I agree with to treat everyone how you want to be treated yes. I didnt said I treat people bad. I have empathy even for my enemies.
You don't have empathy for your enemies or you wouldn't have said, "if they dislike me, I dislike them, too".
Probably its a opinion, its my impression of the forum userbase.

Well buddy I'm gonna be honest with you and suggest you delete your account and start over. Seems pretty obvious to me that you have low self esteem and are jealous of white folks. Next time, don't share your personal photos because that shit is troll bait.

Im not jealous of whites, and I dont hate or dislike whites. I like white people. Only white people who hate me I dont like. There are some who hate me based on my origins/ancestry. If they dont like me I dont like them either.
Then you are judging people on whether they like you or not...Hmmm...that never has occurred to me that I should think that way. How do you determine who doesn't like you?

Shouldn't you just treat people the way you would want them to treat you? Then everyone would like you!

Obviously. Not exactly "like" they dont need to "kiss my ass" but if i notice they are hostile or dislike me i naturally will dislike them too. Doesnt everyone do that? And I agree with to treat everyone how you want to be treated yes. I didnt said I treat people bad. I have empathy even for my enemies.
You don't have empathy for your enemies or you wouldn't have said, "if they dislike me, I dislike them, too".

I never said I treat them bad though. I dont think emphathy encompasses that I need to like them or let them roll over me, I believe also in self-defence. But lets say I could harm them because they dislike me If I had that button I could press, I wouldnt do it.
Sounds like an opinion. Are you worried about something?

Probably its a opinion, its my impression of the forum userbase.

Well buddy I'm gonna be honest with you and suggest you delete your account and start over. Seems pretty obvious to me that you have low self esteem and are jealous of white folks. Next time, don't share your personal photos because that shit is troll bait.

Im not jealous of whites, and I dont hate or dislike whites. I like white people. Only white people who hate me I dont like. There are some who hate me based on my origins/ancestry. If they dont like me I dont like them either.
Then you are judging people on whether they like you or not...Hmmm...that never has occurred to me that I should think that way. How do you determine who doesn't like you?

Shouldn't you just treat people the way you would want them to treat you? Then everyone would like you!

Obviously. Not exactly "like" they dont need to "kiss my ass" but if i notice they are hostile or dislike me i naturally will dislike them too. Doesnt everyone do that? And I agree with to treat everyone how you want to be treated yes. I didnt said I treat people bad. I have empathy even for my enemies.

People don't like you because you're repulsive. I can almost smell you from here... You mentioned in another thread being denied entry to a nightclub because you're brown but I suspect you were being dishonest. You were denied entry because you're a creepy pervert looking to grope the young girls.
Probably its a opinion, its my impression of the forum userbase.

Well buddy I'm gonna be honest with you and suggest you delete your account and start over. Seems pretty obvious to me that you have low self esteem and are jealous of white folks. Next time, don't share your personal photos because that shit is troll bait.

Im not jealous of whites, and I dont hate or dislike whites. I like white people. Only white people who hate me I dont like. There are some who hate me based on my origins/ancestry. If they dont like me I dont like them either.
Then you are judging people on whether they like you or not...Hmmm...that never has occurred to me that I should think that way. How do you determine who doesn't like you?

Shouldn't you just treat people the way you would want them to treat you? Then everyone would like you!

Obviously. Not exactly "like" they dont need to "kiss my ass" but if i notice they are hostile or dislike me i naturally will dislike them too. Doesnt everyone do that? And I agree with to treat everyone how you want to be treated yes. I didnt said I treat people bad. I have empathy even for my enemies.

People don't like you because you're repulsive. I can almost smell you from here... You mentioned in another thread being denied entry to a nightclub because you're brown but I suspect you were being dishonest. You were denied entry because you're a creepy pervert looking to grope the young girls.

No they dont like me because they are racist. Many people like me who have half a brain cell. I usually get along with most people. Some people are just hateful.
Probably its a opinion, its my impression of the forum userbase.

Well buddy I'm gonna be honest with you and suggest you delete your account and start over. Seems pretty obvious to me that you have low self esteem and are jealous of white folks. Next time, don't share your personal photos because that shit is troll bait.

Im not jealous of whites, and I dont hate or dislike whites. I like white people. Only white people who hate me I dont like. There are some who hate me based on my origins/ancestry. If they dont like me I dont like them either.
Then you are judging people on whether they like you or not...Hmmm...that never has occurred to me that I should think that way. How do you determine who doesn't like you?

Shouldn't you just treat people the way you would want them to treat you? Then everyone would like you!

Obviously. Not exactly "like" they dont need to "kiss my ass" but if i notice they are hostile or dislike me i naturally will dislike them too. Doesnt everyone do that? And I agree with to treat everyone how you want to be treated yes. I didnt said I treat people bad. I have empathy even for my enemies.

People don't like you because you're repulsive. I can almost smell you from here... You mentioned in another thread being denied entry to a nightclub because you're brown but I suspect you were being dishonest. You were denied entry because you're a creepy pervert looking to grope the young girls.
Why do you feel people don't like him? You are the one bringing up creepy perverts and judging someone you know nothing about and he's the creep?
Well buddy I'm gonna be honest with you and suggest you delete your account and start over. Seems pretty obvious to me that you have low self esteem and are jealous of white folks. Next time, don't share your personal photos because that shit is troll bait.

Im not jealous of whites, and I dont hate or dislike whites. I like white people. Only white people who hate me I dont like. There are some who hate me based on my origins/ancestry. If they dont like me I dont like them either.
Then you are judging people on whether they like you or not...Hmmm...that never has occurred to me that I should think that way. How do you determine who doesn't like you?

Shouldn't you just treat people the way you would want them to treat you? Then everyone would like you!

Obviously. Not exactly "like" they dont need to "kiss my ass" but if i notice they are hostile or dislike me i naturally will dislike them too. Doesnt everyone do that? And I agree with to treat everyone how you want to be treated yes. I didnt said I treat people bad. I have empathy even for my enemies.

People don't like you because you're repulsive. I can almost smell you from here... You mentioned in another thread being denied entry to a nightclub because you're brown but I suspect you were being dishonest. You were denied entry because you're a creepy pervert looking to grope the young girls.

No they dont like me because they are racist. Many people like me who have half a brain cell. I usually get along with most people. Some people are just hateful.
Mortimore, there are some people who dislike me and I just don't worry about it. Sometimes it is jealousy and sometimes, they might have a point. But, for those I feel dislike me, I can still see their favorable traits as be honest about their unfavorable traits.
And it has never occurred to me to dislike a person due to their race!
Well buddy I'm gonna be honest with you and suggest you delete your account and start over. Seems pretty obvious to me that you have low self esteem and are jealous of white folks. Next time, don't share your personal photos because that shit is troll bait.

Im not jealous of whites, and I dont hate or dislike whites. I like white people. Only white people who hate me I dont like. There are some who hate me based on my origins/ancestry. If they dont like me I dont like them either.
Then you are judging people on whether they like you or not...Hmmm...that never has occurred to me that I should think that way. How do you determine who doesn't like you?

Shouldn't you just treat people the way you would want them to treat you? Then everyone would like you!

Obviously. Not exactly "like" they dont need to "kiss my ass" but if i notice they are hostile or dislike me i naturally will dislike them too. Doesnt everyone do that? And I agree with to treat everyone how you want to be treated yes. I didnt said I treat people bad. I have empathy even for my enemies.

People don't like you because you're repulsive. I can almost smell you from here... You mentioned in another thread being denied entry to a nightclub because you're brown but I suspect you were being dishonest. You were denied entry because you're a creepy pervert looking to grope the young girls.
Why do you feel people don't like him? You are the one bringing up creepy perverts and judging someone you know nothing about and he's the creep?

It's called being a good judge of character. It's a skill left wingers seem to lack... His complete lack of self awareness and his desperate grasping for approval from strangers only deepens my disdain for him. I've met people like him before...

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