Why this forum is predominantly white alt-right userbase?

Considering the number of posts from each political perspective the OP demonstrates a total failure to grasp the meaning of numbers. Probably has a Doctorate in higher mathematics from The People's University of Harrrvahhhhhhd.
What do you think? Is this a reflection of modern day america or this is coincidence or this forum was created with this intent to be a platform for alt-right views?


* A reflection of literacy rates on the "alt right."
* A reflection of responsible citizenry rates on the "alt right."
* A reflection of the fact that the country isn't really "divided."
* A reflection of the fact that the rigged oligarchy is being opposed.
* Etc.
What do you think? Is this a reflection of modern day america or this is coincidence or this forum was created with this intent to be a platform for alt-right views?
Sounds like an opinio. Are you worried about something?
Probably its a opinion, its my impression of the forum userbase.
Mine too. I'd never seen such racist posters until I participated in this forum. Alt right can be taken as another label for white supremacy.
What do you think? Is this a reflection of modern day america or this is coincidence or this forum was created with this intent to be a platform for alt-right views?
Sounds like an opinio. Are you worried about something?
Probably its a opinion, its my impression of the forum userbase.
Mine too. I'd never seen such racist posters until I participated in this forum. Alt right can be taken as another label for white supremacy.
^^^^Well, that was quite stupid squatter. Everybody is white supremacist who disagrees with you, right?
I watched as drooling retards in Charlottesville marched under the flag of an enemy of this nation who we fought a bloody war against.
Did you now? Show me footage of these nazi flags and armbands you claim were so prevalent at the event. I'll wait.
Here's a pic of Fascist symbols, will they do? After all, the US did fight against Fascists.

I watched as drooling retards in Charlottesville marched under the flag of an enemy of this nation who we fought a bloody war against.
Did you now? Show me footage of these nazi flags and armbands you claim were so prevalent at the event. I'll wait.
Here's a pic of Fascist symbols, will they do? After all, the US did fight against Fascists.

I like the one with nothing on it, which fascist group used that one?
That statement you're so offended by does not even remotely meet the criteria for 'racism'...
Oh. What is the criteria for racism?
What isn't?
I think impuretrash has the floor on that question at the moment.

You're the expert on the subject, why don't you educate us? Let me guess, any statement that might offend the left's favorite victim class? Even if it's true.
I watched as drooling retards in Charlottesville marched under the flag of an enemy of this nation who we fought a bloody war against.
Did you now? Show me footage of these nazi flags and armbands you claim were so prevalent at the event. I'll wait.
Here's a pic of Fascist symbols, will they do? After all, the US did fight against Fascists.

Squatter, did you research the origins of those symbols predating Anno Domini? If not then you are just a propagandist.

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