Why this forum is predominantly white alt-right userbase?

You started this by saying that people were marching under the nazi flag. I asked for proof and you show me two guys with fasces symbols.
No I didn't, I provided the pic of the fasces symbols in response to your request for proof of people marching under Nazi flags at Charlottesville. If you want to say only fascists were marching at Charlottesville you are of course free to do so. After all, the US fought fascists in WW2 when war was declared on it by them.
You're the expert on the subject, why don't you educate us?
Because you brought up the criteria for racism, not me. So what is it?

You started this by saying that people were marching under the nazi flag. I asked for proof and you show me two guys with fasces symbols.
No I didn't, I provided the pic of the fasces symbols in response to your request for proof of people marching under Nazi flags at Charlottesville. If you want to say only fascists were marching at Charlottesville you are of course free to do so. After all, the US fought fascists.

You're being disingenuous. The intent of your original statement was abundantly clear, you were parroting the fake news narrative of the Charlottesville right wing protesters. You literally said "marching under a flag of an enemy this nation fought a bloody war against". You meant the swastika but couldnt find proof to back up your bullshit.
What do you think? Is this a reflection of modern day america or this is coincidence or this forum was created with this intent to be a platform for alt-right views?
This is not a reflection of modern day America. But it is disturbingly clear that the alt right is a loud and violent minority. This election has given them all a new wind, and reason to crawl from their dwellings.
You're being disingenuous.
Look, you idiot, check out who said what. Then continue running away with a bent beak. Apart from which, I gave evidence of people marching under the symbol the US fought a war against. You don't want to accept that, because you identify with those people.

Don't blame you, it makes you look like a traitor.
You're the expert on the subject, why don't you educate us?
Because you brought up the criteria for racism, not me. So what is it?

You started this by saying that people were marching under the nazi flag. I asked for proof and you show me two guys with fasces symbols.

This is literally the ONLY swastika at the event and it was the day after the torchlight march, after the four charter buses full of paid agitators arrived. Charlottesville locals reported seeing guys with KKK emblems get off those buses alongside BLM and masked Antifa types.
You're the expert on the subject, why don't you educate us?
Because you brought up the criteria for racism, not me. So what is it?

You started this by saying that people were marching under the nazi flag. I asked for proof and you show me two guys with fasces symbols.

This is literally the ONLY swastika at the event and it was the day after the torchlight march, after the four charter buses full of paid agitators arrived. Charlottesville locals reported seeing guys with KKK emblems get off those buses alongside BLM and masked Antifa types.

Well I cant prove if they are agitators or not, but the charlotesville protesters shouted "you wont replace us" and "jews wont replace us" so they were anti-semitic and white nationalist. Nazi germany was a anti-semitic white nationalist country where only "aryans" could be citizens and it had anti-miscgenetation and racial laws. So it would make sense if white nationalists like nazi germany. No? Be honest do you see nazi germany as role model?
Btw, any time you want to give your criteria for racism, feel free.
You're the expert on the subject, why don't you educate us?
Because you brought up the criteria for racism, not me. So what is it?

You started this by saying that people were marching under the nazi flag. I asked for proof and you show me two guys with fasces symbols.

This is literally the ONLY swastika at the event and it was the day after the torchlight march, after the four charter buses full of paid agitators arrived. Charlottesville locals reported seeing guys with KKK emblems get off those buses alongside BLM and masked Antifa types.

Well I cant prove if they are agitators or not, but the charlotesville protesters shouted "you wont replace us" and "jews wont replace us" so they were anti-semitic and white nationalist. Nazi germany was a anti-semitic white nationalist country where only "aryans" could be citizens and it had anti-miscgenetation and racial laws. So it would make sense if white nationalists like nazi germany. No? Be honest do you see nazi germany as role model?
You resent that you are циган. You are resentful of white people because you cannot be one. You don't want to assimilate into the society of the country where you are in presently.
Because you brought up the criteria for racism, not me. So what is it?

You started this by saying that people were marching under the nazi flag. I asked for proof and you show me two guys with fasces symbols.

This is literally the ONLY swastika at the event and it was the day after the torchlight march, after the four charter buses full of paid agitators arrived. Charlottesville locals reported seeing guys with KKK emblems get off those buses alongside BLM and masked Antifa types.

Well I cant prove if they are agitators or not, but the charlotesville protesters shouted "you wont replace us" and "jews wont replace us" so they were anti-semitic and white nationalist. Nazi germany was a anti-semitic white nationalist country where only "aryans" could be citizens and it had anti-miscgenetation and racial laws. So it would make sense if white nationalists like nazi germany. No? Be honest do you see nazi germany as role model?
You resent that you are циган. You are resentful of white people because you cannot be one. You don't want to assimilate into the society of the country where you are in presently.

You were complaining that I was "aggressive" without reason, and you said "you never insulted me" but look now. Cigan is a loaded term, especially if you write it in cyrillic on a english speaking board similar as when americans say "juden" to jews a german word, because its hate loaded. And you say I resent white people because I cannot be one which is a insult and you say that out of the blue.
What do you think? Is this a reflection of modern day america or this is coincidence or this forum was created with this intent to be a platform for alt-right views?

Alt Right is a fiction invented by Hillary and disseminated to her Moonbat followers on 8/25/16.

You won't find a single mention of that phrase prior to Hillary feeding it into the Progressive hivemind on that day
The alt-right, or alternative right, is a loosely defined group of people with far-right ideologieswho reject mainstream conservatism in favor of white nationalism. White supremacist[1] Richard Spencer initially promoted the term in 2010 in reference to a movement centered on white nationalism, and did so according to the Associated Press to disguise overt racism, white supremacism, and neo-Nazism.[2][3][4] The term drew considerable media attention and controversy during and after the 2016 US presidential election.[5]
In March 2010, Spencer founded AlternativeRight.com, a website he edited until 2012. He has stated that he created the term alt-right.[9]

Hillary is Richard Spencer? Who knew?

And never once mentioned at USMB until Hillary fed the name into the Prog hivemind.

You were here, yet you never used the phrase once prior to 8/25/16

I'm the only one here who self identifies as alt-right, at least as far as I know. Most of this forum's userbase are old people. Alt-right is for the young.

Alt right is about as stupid and old as a "psych" joke. That stupid, and even more outdated. Just because there's a young face, doesn't mean there's anything new there. Nationalism has been around since there were "nations". And a lot of nationalism was based on race, since it was a fucking bitch (like you'll probably die along the journey) to move even a few hundred miles back in the day, and you only knew people who looked and acted like you YOUR ENTIRE LIFE, unless you went to war against them. NOTHING NEW, it's not young people, it's dumb people.

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