Why this forum is predominantly white alt-right userbase?

You were complaining that I was "aggressive" without reason, and you said "you never insulted me" but look now. Cigan is a loaded term, especially if you write it in cyrillic on a english speaking board similar as when americans say "juden" to jews a german word, because its hate loaded. And you say I resent white people because I cannot be one which is a insult and you say that out of the blue.
Serb. Serb language and it is not loaded but you want to change things for people to feel sorry for you. You want to claim that you are discriminated against when housing and food are provided for you free. All the surrounding languages have the same sounding and lettered word for gypsy. Let me look it up for you.
Romanian = ţigan
Croatian = cigan
Hungarian = cigány
Slovenian = cigan
Polish = Cygan
Bosnian = cigan
Czech = Cikán

Its obvious, that Im right.
You are not right. All the languages say the same thing. Sound the same and written the same. It is not derogatory but you try to make it to be to solicit sympathy for some unknown reason. You live a good life wherever you are and now you are trying to spit into the punch bowl they give you free.

Even if it is not deragotory per se, it is hate loaded, and the usage is often to belittle to mock. Even non-Roma I heard often people call others "cigan" even if they are not roma, the word is heavily negative. Im definitely right, and you use it that way to mock me. Obviously. otherwise you wouldnt write cigan and in cyrillic and you wouldnt even say Im Gypsy, it is obvious attack. It is like denying the sky is blue or milk is white. I live a good life because of liberal-democracy and multiculturalism not because of alt-right, white supremacy, white nationalism or neo-nazis etc. If I critice neo-nazis, I dont bite the hand which feeds me I would if I supported them. Your post makes no sense.
You split personality? Your English writing skills just got worse. For this post at least...

Why Im split personality? You had wrong impression of me If you ever thought Im white nationalist or want to be white nationalist that I want to be accepted as White Nationalist. You had wrong impression. But Im also not SJW or far left. For example I dont support abortion or gay marriage/adoption.
You resent that you are циган. You are resentful of white people because you cannot be one. You don't want to assimilate into the society of the country where you are in presently.

You were complaining that I was "aggressive" without reason, and you said "you never insulted me" but look now. Cigan is a loaded term, especially if you write it in cyrillic on a english speaking board similar as when americans say "juden" to jews a german word, because its hate loaded. And you say I resent white people because I cannot be one which is a insult and you say that out of the blue.
Serb. Serb language and it is not loaded but you want to change things for people to feel sorry for you. You want to claim that you are discriminated against when housing and food are provided for you free. All the surrounding languages have the same sounding and lettered word for gypsy. Let me look it up for you.
Romanian = ţigan
Croatian = cigan
Hungarian = cigány
Slovenian = cigan
Polish = Cygan
Bosnian = cigan
Czech = Cikán

Its obvious, that Im right.
You are not right. All the languages say the same thing. Sound the same and written the same. It is not derogatory but you try to make it to be to solicit sympathy for some unknown reason. You live a good life wherever you are and now you are trying to spit into the punch bowl they give you free.

Even if it is not deragotory per se, it is hate loaded, and the usage is often to belittle to mock. Even non-Roma I heard often people call others "cigan" even if they are not roma, the word is heavily negative. Im definitely right, and you use it that way to mock me. Obviously. otherwise you wouldnt write cigan and in cyrillic and you wouldnt even say Im Gypsy, it is obvious attack. It is like denying the sky is blue or milk is white. I live a good life because of liberal-democracy and multiculturalism not because of alt-right, white supremacy, white nationalism or neo-nazis etc. If I critice neo-nazis, I dont bite the hand which feeds me I would if I supported them. Your post makes no sense.
I copied and pasted in Cyrillic because you are from Serbia you moron. If I call a Welsh a Welsh is it belittling? Why are you so sensitive, do you hate to be gypsy? Then do not start threads about it. You should be proud of your heritage, nothing is wrong with that. Nobody hates you but you shouldn't provoke people and attack white people for their efforts of protecting the white race. Devla doesn't like malcontent people. Just be a good chavo.
Can any of you liberals tell us why team Obama lied about the YouTube video being the motivating factor in the Benghazi attack? Cue the k*nt act. Liberals don't like truthful discussion.
Over 100 cities held protests over the video. So it looks like you're embarrassing, inbred bitchass can go ahead and fuck yourself.

LOL. See what I mean? Liberal k*nts don't like honest discussion. They can't and won't answer a simple fucking question. Why did team Obama lie about the cause of the Benghazzi attacks? Any of you other liberal k*nts want to take a stab at this?
They didn't. 100+ cities protested the video. In Benghazi, terrorists attacked, and republicans vowed to vindicate those terrorists from any responsibility. Because they had a witch to hunt!

I'm putting you on "ignore". You're too fucking stupid to engage.
Good call.

If you need a list of other posters who are a waste of time, let me know.
You were complaining that I was "aggressive" without reason, and you said "you never insulted me" but look now. Cigan is a loaded term, especially if you write it in cyrillic on a english speaking board similar as when americans say "juden" to jews a german word, because its hate loaded. And you say I resent white people because I cannot be one which is a insult and you say that out of the blue.
Serb. Serb language and it is not loaded but you want to change things for people to feel sorry for you. You want to claim that you are discriminated against when housing and food are provided for you free. All the surrounding languages have the same sounding and lettered word for gypsy. Let me look it up for you.
Romanian = ţigan
Croatian = cigan
Hungarian = cigány
Slovenian = cigan
Polish = Cygan
Bosnian = cigan
Czech = Cikán

Its obvious, that Im right.
You are not right. All the languages say the same thing. Sound the same and written the same. It is not derogatory but you try to make it to be to solicit sympathy for some unknown reason. You live a good life wherever you are and now you are trying to spit into the punch bowl they give you free.

Even if it is not deragotory per se, it is hate loaded, and the usage is often to belittle to mock. Even non-Roma I heard often people call others "cigan" even if they are not roma, the word is heavily negative. Im definitely right, and you use it that way to mock me. Obviously. otherwise you wouldnt write cigan and in cyrillic and you wouldnt even say Im Gypsy, it is obvious attack. It is like denying the sky is blue or milk is white. I live a good life because of liberal-democracy and multiculturalism not because of alt-right, white supremacy, white nationalism or neo-nazis etc. If I critice neo-nazis, I dont bite the hand which feeds me I would if I supported them. Your post makes no sense.
I copied and pasted in Cyrillic because you are from Serbia you moron. If I call a Welsh a Welsh is it belittling? Why are you so sensitive, do you hate to be gypsy? Then do not start threads about it. You should be proud of your heritage, nothing is wrong with that. Nobody hates you but you shouldn't provoke people and attack white people for their efforts of protecting the white race. Devla doesn't like malcontent people. Just be a good chavo.

Im from Serbia but this is a english speaking board. You had obvious intentions but its ok anyways. Lets get over it already and return to the main discussion. How I provoced people? How I attacked white people? Can you explain. Im really not aware I attacked "white people" at any time, also White people are not a monolith and people with swastikas are a minority among white people at least in many places.
Can any of you liberals tell us why team Obama lied about the YouTube video being the motivating factor in the Benghazi attack? Cue the k*nt act. Liberals don't like truthful discussion.
Over 100 cities held protests over the video. So it looks like you're embarrassing, inbred bitchass can go ahead and fuck yourself.

LOL. See what I mean? Liberal k*nts don't like honest discussion. They can't and won't answer a simple fucking question. Why did team Obama lie about the cause of the Benghazzi attacks? Any of you other liberal k*nts want to take a stab at this?
They didn't. 100+ cities protested the video. In Benghazi, terrorists attacked, and republicans vowed to vindicate those terrorists from any responsibility. Because they had a witch to hunt!

I'm putting you on "ignore". You're too fucking stupid to engage.
Good call.

If you need a list of other posters who are a waste of time, let me know.
I dont know what this K9buck person said and I really dont care. Has nothing to do with me.
Ffs. You're the one who said his comment didn't fit the criteria for racism.

edit...So I'll take it you make comments on things you don't care about. Fair enough, understood.
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What do you think? Is this a reflection of modern day america or this is coincidence or this forum was created with this intent to be a platform for alt-right views?
This is not a reflection of modern day America. But it is disturbingly clear that the alt right is a loud and violent minority. This election has given them all a new wind, and reason to crawl from their dwellings.

Yeah, not all peaceful the way you Marxists are...

This is literally the ONLY swastika at the event and it was the day after the torchlight march, after the four charter buses full of paid agitators arrived. Charlottesville locals reported seeing guys with KKK emblems get off those buses alongside BLM and masked Antifa types.

Well I cant prove if they are agitators or not, but the charlotesville protesters shouted "you wont replace us" and "jews wont replace us" so they were anti-semitic and white nationalist. Nazi germany was a anti-semitic white nationalist country where only "aryans" could be citizens and it had anti-miscgenetation and racial laws. So it would make sense if white nationalists like nazi germany. No? Be honest do you see nazi germany as role model?
You resent that you are циган. You are resentful of white people because you cannot be one. You don't want to assimilate into the society of the country where you are in presently.

You were complaining that I was "aggressive" without reason, and you said "you never insulted me" but look now. Cigan is a loaded term, especially if you write it in cyrillic on a english speaking board similar as when americans say "juden" to jews a german word, because its hate loaded. And you say I resent white people because I cannot be one which is a insult and you say that out of the blue.
Serb. Serb language and it is not loaded but you want to change things for people to feel sorry for you. You want to claim that you are discriminated against when housing and food are provided for you free. All the surrounding languages have the same sounding and lettered word for gypsy. Let me look it up for you.
Romanian = ţigan
Croatian = cigan
Hungarian = cigány
Slovenian = cigan
Polish = Cygan
Bosnian = cigan
Czech = Cikán

Its obvious, that Im right.

It's obvious that you are a communist.

Correct, not so much...

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