Why this forum is predominantly white alt-right userbase?

Still waiting for his definition of "alt right". As I suspected, it's anybody to the right of communism.
What do you think? Is this a reflection of modern day america or this is coincidence or this forum was created with this intent to be a platform for alt-right views?

Alt Right is a fiction invented by Hillary and disseminated to her Moonbat followers on 8/25/16.

You won't find a single mention of that phrase prior to Hillary feeding it into the Progressive hivemind on that day
The alt-right, or alternative right, is a loosely defined group of people with far-right ideologieswho reject mainstream conservatism in favor of white nationalism. White supremacist[1] Richard Spencer initially promoted the term in 2010 in reference to a movement centered on white nationalism, and did so according to the Associated Press to disguise overt racism, white supremacism, and neo-Nazism.[2][3][4] The term drew considerable media attention and controversy during and after the 2016 US presidential election.[5]
In March 2010, Spencer founded AlternativeRight.com, a website he edited until 2012. He has stated that he created the term alt-right.[9]

Hillary is Richard Spencer? Who knew?

And never once mentioned at USMB until Hillary fed the name into the Prog hivemind.

You were here, yet you never used the phrase once prior to 8/25/16

I'm the only one here who self identifies as alt-right, at least as far as I know. Most of this forum's userbase are old people. Alt-right is for the young.
I am, just right.
Can any of you liberals tell us why team Obama lied about the YouTube video being the motivating factor in the Benghazi attack? Cue the k*nt act. Liberals don't like truthful discussion.

How do you know that it was not a motivating factor in the Benghazi attack? You don't, and if you were honest and not a hack you would admit it. Neither President Obama nor Sect. Clinton were or are culpable for the attack; if you really believe they were, you're insane and not simply a fool.
Still waiting for his definition of "alt right". As I suspected, it's anybody to the right of communism.

The Alt. Right is composed of angry, mostly white men, who do not have an affinity for the law, and have a predisposition for violence.
I dont know what this K9buck person said and I really dont care. Has nothing to do with me.
Ffs. You're the one who said his comment didn't fit the criteria for racism.

edit...So I'll take it you make comments on things you don't care about. Fair enough, understood.

Did I...? I was actually responding to YOUR reply. You're being very petty about all this, desperate to win this "argument".
Still waiting for his definition of "alt right". As I suspected, it's anybody to the right of communism.

The Alt. Right is composed of angry, mostly white men, who do not have an affinity for the law, and have a predisposition for violence.

Except there is not much to back up that self serving definition.

Evidence you want, evidence you get:





Still waiting for his definition of "alt right". As I suspected, it's anybody to the right of communism.

The Alt. Right is composed of angry, mostly white men, who do not have an affinity for the law, and have a predisposition for violence.

Except there is not much to back up that self serving definition.

Evidence you want, evidence you get:






Wow, you're stupid. Where's the violence? The anger? The law breaking?
Still waiting for his definition of "alt right". As I suspected, it's anybody to the right of communism.

The Alt. Right is composed of angry, mostly white men, who do not have an affinity for the law, and have a predisposition for violence.

Except there is not much to back up that self serving definition.

Evidence you want, evidence you get:






Wow, you're stupid. Where's the violence? The anger? The law breaking?
What a moron troll he is! He posts pictures of a lawful demonstration without violence.
Still waiting for his definition of "alt right". As I suspected, it's anybody to the right of communism.

The Alt. Right is composed of angry, mostly white men, who do not have an affinity for the law, and have a predisposition for violence.
Absolutely and let me illustrate your well documented claim.

What an inspiration to see these vibrant urban youths enrich their local community.
Still waiting for his definition of "alt right". As I suspected, it's anybody to the right of communism.

The Alt. Right is composed of angry, mostly white men, who do not have an affinity for the law, and have a predisposition for violence.

Except there is not much to back up that self serving definition.

Evidence you want, evidence you get:





I see peaceful people abiding by the law.
Still waiting for his definition of "alt right". As I suspected, it's anybody to the right of communism.

The Alt. Right is composed of angry, mostly white men, who do not have an affinity for the law, and have a predisposition for violence.

Except there is not much to back up that self serving definition.

Evidence you want, evidence you get:






Wow, you're stupid. Where's the violence? The anger? The law breaking?
What a moron troll he is! He posts pictures of a lawful demonstration without violence.

Leftists hate the law, and they hate free speech as they hate all civil and human rights.
Looks like a picture from ComicCon. :dunno:
Wouldn't know, don't read comics. But if it helps you pretend fascists didn't attend the Unite the Right Rally, well, good for you.

They do. And they call themselves antifa ironically enough. Just as the violent murderous Stalin maintained he was liberating people by killing them, antifa maintains they are fighting fascism by engaging in it.
Still waiting for his definition of "alt right". As I suspected, it's anybody to the right of communism.

The Alt. Right is composed of angry, mostly white men, who do not have an affinity for the law, and have a predisposition for violence.

Except there is not much to back up that self serving definition.

Evidence you want, evidence you get:





I see peaceful people abiding by the law.

LOL, I'm sure you do, of course none are so blind as those who choose not to see.

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