why this is the greatest time to be alive


I give you....the TRUTH
Feb 9, 2011
This is the greatest time to be an American citizen. Right now is a turning point in our history and everyone seems to know it, but can't recognize what it really is. The federal government has hit the apex of it's growth, meaning this is the largest it will ever get. So now we the people are going to redefine what the federal government is and what it is supposed to do, with the way we fund it.

It's not going to be easy, more people than not on Wall Street and in the government are going to fight to keep the status quo, at the very least. We are going to redefine what roll our military is going to take in the world by our budget decisions. By discussing immigration in the forms we have, (changing the 14th ammendment), and with the bail out of big business, and allowing big business to spend liberally on political campaigns, it appears we are also redefing what America really is, now.

I expect passions to run high on both sides, and I expect the worse from people for the best of intensions. We need a political leader to stand up and take charge, we don't need Rah, Rah guy (Obama), we don't need a grandfather (McCain), we don't need a mother (Palin),and we don't need a preacher (Huckabee). We don't need a liberal or a Conservative or any other such thing. We need a worker to get things done. I don't know where he/she will come from, but ordinary people put into extraordinary situations can accomplish great things.

With all these world events involving uprisings of the people, I believe the time we are in now, is crucial. It's been awhile since we have had a redefing world conflict such as WW II, and if not handled right WW III could be just around the corner. The stakes are high but then again so are the rewards. 99.5 %(give or take), of the population will never be individually remembered by history. What history remembers is what civilizations accomplished. This is how we, the vast majority of the people, are going to leave our mark.

So that is why we must take our responsibilities as citizens very seriously, and don't just leave civics class up to the teachers. Participation is the key no matter what the side. This is by far the best time to alive, and participating.
It's definitely interesting. I would have preferred living in colonial times or futuristic space travel though.
The Most Important Thing?

"There's hardly anything more important that people can learn than the fact that the really critical thing isn't who is sitting in the White House, but who is sitting in—in the streets, in the cafeterias, in the halls of government, in the factories.

"Who is protesting, who is occupying offices and demonstrating—those are the things that determine what happens. It is becoming clearer and clearer to many, after the first year of Obama’s presidency, that it is going to require independent action from below to achieve real change.”

Howard Zinn quoted in ZCommunications
The house of cards is always grandest before it comes crashing down...

Actually it wasn't a house of cards. That's why it's taken the left so long to destroy us. They had hoped it'd be easier then it turned out to be
It's Even Greater If You're Rich

"Over drinks at a bar on a dreary, snowy night in Washington this past month, a former Senate investigator laughed as he polished off his beer.

"'Everything's fucked up, and nobody goes to jail,' he said.

"'That's your whole story right there. Hell, you don't even have to write the rest of it. Just write that.'

"I put down my notebook. 'Just that?'

"'That's right,' he said, signaling to the waitress for the check.

"'Everything's fucked up, and nobody goes to jail. You can end the piece right there.'

"Nobody goes to jail.

"This is the mantra of the financial-crisis era, one that saw virtually every major bank and financial company on Wall Street embroiled in obscene criminal scandals that impoverished millions and collectively destroyed hundreds of billions, in fact, trillions of dollars of the world's wealth — and nobody went to jail.

"Nobody, that is, except Bernie Madoff, a flamboyant and pathological celebrity con artist, whose victims happened to be other rich and famous people."

Why Isn't Wall Street in Jail?

How much "greater" can this get?
This is the greatest time to be an American citizen. Right now is a turning point in our history and everyone seems to know it, but can't recognize what it really is. The federal government has hit the apex of it's growth, meaning this is the largest it will ever get. So now we the people are going to redefine what the federal government is and what it is supposed to do, with the way we fund it.

*snipped to save bandwidth*.

*you're* going to define what the federal government is and can do?

that's interesting. i thought the constitution already did that.
This is the greatest time to be an American citizen. Right now is a turning point in our history and everyone seems to know it, but can't recognize what it really is. The federal government has hit the apex of it's growth, meaning this is the largest it will ever get.

You are one naive person if you believe that nonsense. :lol:
The house of cards is always grandest before it comes crashing down...

Actually it wasn't a house of cards. That's why it's taken the left so long to destroy us. They had hoped it'd be easier then it turned out to be

That's silly and hate filled. Unless you think the fella who thought up social security and the other guy who thought it would be good for the FCC to regulate radio had the idea of "how can I destroy this country" in mind?
This is the greatest time to be an American citizen. Right now is a turning point in our history and everyone seems to know it, but can't recognize what it really is. The federal government has hit the apex of it's growth, meaning this is the largest it will ever get. So now we the people are going to redefine what the federal government is and what it is supposed to do, with the way we fund it.

*snipped to save bandwidth*.

*you're* going to define what the federal government is and can do?

that's interesting. i thought the constitution already did that.

The Constitution said something about the executive branch declaring war and deciding this right to die in Oregon stuff?
The house of cards is always grandest before it comes crashing down...

Yep we have seen the beginning of the endo of America's golden age. All just squandered away for short term profit, greed and lack of long term planning.
This is the greatest time to be an American citizen. Right now is a turning point in our history and everyone seems to know it, but can't recognize what it really is. The federal government has hit the apex of it's growth, meaning this is the largest it will ever get. So now we the people are going to redefine what the federal government is and what it is supposed to do, with the way we fund it.

*snipped to save bandwidth*.

*you're* going to define what the federal government is and can do?

that's interesting. i thought the constitution already did that.

The Constitution said something about the executive branch declaring war and deciding this right to die in Oregon stuff?

Whatever you're guys plans are for Americas future, better run it by the Hispanics who will soon be the majority.
Never before have the people of this nation been so uninformed, disinterested and apathetic about what is really going on in government. For Gods sake, we elected an inexperienced illinois senator that none of us had ever heard of to be our president because he was BLACK. Our government is more corrupt now than it has ever been and every day we get closer to being controlled by the UN which is even more corrupt than our own leaders.Our children which are the future leaders of this nation are unmotivated, lazy and have a huge false sense of entitlement.They are more into their digital networking and video games and could care less about anything else.
I think we are in more trouble as a nation than we have ever been!
Why is it the greatest time to be alive? There are plenty of reasons.

For example, the fact that we can communicate with people throughout the world in a matter of seconds. That we can travel around the world in a matter of hours. That we know what's going on in every region of the world.

Not only that, but we are a free people, at least for the moment. And we live in the days the Prophets and Apostles of old fortold. We live in the Dispensation of the Fulness of times when all things shall be gathered together into one.

And we are still at the beginning of it. The fulness is yet to come.

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