Why this scientist believes in GOD

Likewise, there was no science in your post, only unsupported claims and allegations.

Such as? Chapter and verse. Put your claims into evidence.

I will not mimic you by tossing out personal insults. I can only say that if you think science is not open for debate, you have no understanding of science. Science is always open for debate. That is one of the primary things which differentiates it from religion.

Personal insults? Just how depraved are you? As if you weren’t insulting the rest of us and our intelligence. . . . No one knows what you’re talking about, boy, because you’re just throwing around allegations without substance. So you're not a pathological liar? A phony? A hypocrite? You’re not just making things up?

Prove it. Chapter and verse. Put your claims into evidence for all to see.

Of course the evaluations of scientific findings are open to further testing and research! Is that what you meant to say? I never said they weren’t.

Tell us, how far did you get into the article? I launch into the science of Miller’s experiments almost immediately after the introduction. After that the science gets as thick as the weeds growing in your head, apparently, so I don’t believe you, boy. You appear to be a liar.


Looky here, it works like this: my work is at the other end of this link. You’re work is nowhere in sight. The way this works in real academics, you quote me and then show me how I’m wrong . . . if you can.
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Underhill, pay close attention to what Koshergrl just told you. The world and Satan are the stuff of insanity. Apart from God, we’re all sociopaths, spiritually speaking, sick with sin and stupidity. Though he be a new creature in Christ, the believer stay’s in the word and in pray and in fellowship, proclaiming the Gospel to others, because he loves the Lord. But not just that, though that ultimately be all that matters, the believer does so in order that he keep his sanity and finish the race! It's not the other way around.

How can you say that?

Look at the world! Every prophecy in Daniel and Revelation up to the Rapture have been fulfilled in history. We are on the cusp of the end times. The only thing that is perhaps still up in the air is the completion of the “70 weeks” of Daniel. We're close. Oh, repent, Underhill. Don't be left behind.

I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve roundly refuted—scientifically, theologically, philosophically, historically—the false and dunderheaded notions of scripture behind declarations such as yours.

Smoke and mirrors.
Likewise, there was no science in your post, only unsupported claims and allegations.

Such as? Chapter and verse. Put your claims into evidence.

I will not mimic you by tossing out personal insults. I can only say that if you think science is not open for debate, you have no understanding of science. Science is always open for debate. That is one of the primary things which differentiates it from religion.

Personal insults? Just how depraved are you? As if you weren’t insulting the rest of us and our intelligence. . . . No one knows what you’re talking about, boy, because you’re just throwing around allegations without substance. So you're not a pathological liar? A phony? A hypocrite? You’re not just making things up?

Prove it. Chapter and verse. Put your claims into evidence for all to see.

Of course the evaluations of scientific findings are open to further testing and research! Is that what you meant to say? I never said they weren’t.

Tell us, how far did you get into the article? I launch into the science of Miller’s experiments almost immediately after the introduction. After that the science gets as thick as the weeds growing your mind, apparently, so I don’t believe, boy. You appear to be a liar.

Prufrock's Lair: Abiogenesis: The Unholy Grail of Atheism

Looky here, it works like this: my work is at the other end of this link. You’re work is nowhere in sight. The way this works in real academics, you quote me and then show me how I’m wrong . . . if you can.

They squirm away from actual debate by labeling everything as *biased*...they apparently don't know that in debate, everything is biased...that's the point of debate. One side holds one view, the other side another view, and the point is to make a reasonable argument based upon fact and evidence...And it is doubtful that ANY source that exists on the planet is 100 percent bias free.

Atheists like to pretend theirs is a stance without bias, completely neutral, solely based upon *science*...but as any but the most backward can see they aren't neutral, they eschew science, and their motivation isn't just to avoid theism...it's to attack Christians, remove Christianity from the planet, and substitute their own weird belief system for all others.
Underhill, pay close attention to what Koshergrl just told you. The world and Satan are the stuff of insanity. Apart from God, we’re all sociopaths, spiritually speaking, sick with sin and stupidity. Though he be a new creature in Christ, the believer stay’s in the word and in pray and in fellowship, proclaiming the Gospel to others, because he loves the Lord. But not just that, though that ultimately be all that matters, the believer does so in order that he keep his sanity and finish the race! It's not the other way around.

How can you say that?

Look at the world! Every prophecy in Daniel and Revelation up to the Rapture have been fulfilled in history. We are on the cusp of the end times. The only thing that is perhaps still up in the air is the completion of the “70 weeks” of Daniel. We're close. Oh, repent, Underhill. Don't be left behind.

I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve roundly refuted—scientifically, theologically, philosophically, historically—the false and dunderheaded notions of scripture behind declarations such as yours.

Smoke and mirrors.

Yet you've failed miserably this time round.

The whole notion of prophecy as a evidence is silly. Everything written in Revelations could be interpreted a dozen different ways. If you think that isn't on purpose, you are deluding yourself. A thousand years ago they taught the end was just around the corner in an attempt to do just what you are doing.

Hell, the apostles thought Jesus was coming back for them in their lifetime.

They were obviously wrong then, as you are now.
Underhill, pay close attention to what Koshergrl just told you. The world and Satan are the stuff of insanity. Apart from God, we’re all sociopaths, spiritually speaking, sick with sin and stupidity. Though he be a new creature in Christ, the believer stay’s in the word and in pray and in fellowship, proclaiming the Gospel to others, because he loves the Lord. But not just that, though that ultimately be all that matters, the believer does so in order that he keep his sanity and finish the race! It's not the other way around.

How can you say that?

Look at the world! Every prophecy in Daniel and Revelation up to the Rapture have been fulfilled in history. We are on the cusp of the end times. The only thing that is perhaps still up in the air is the completion of the “70 weeks” of Daniel. We're close. Oh, repent, Underhill. Don't be left behind.

I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve roundly refuted—scientifically, theologically, philosophically, historically—the false and dunderheaded notions of scripture behind declarations such as yours.

Smoke and mirrors.

Yet you've failed miserably this time round.

The whole notion of prophecy as a evidence is silly. Everything written in Revelations could be interpreted a dozen different ways. If you think that isn't on purpose, you are deluding yourself. A thousand years ago they taught the end was just around the corner in an attempt to do just what you are doing.

Hell, the apostles thought Jesus was coming back for them in their lifetime.

They were obviously wrong then, as you are now.

Failed? You're as wrong as you could be. That assertion is not based on the hermeneutics of the Preterist, reformed or idealist eschatology, but the dispensationalistic-premillenial hermeneutics of futurism which is excruciatingly specific and exact. We are in the very last days of the 70 weeks.
Likewise, there was no science in your post, only unsupported claims and allegations.

Such as? Chapter and verse. Put your claims into evidence.

I will not mimic you by tossing out personal insults. I can only say that if you think science is not open for debate, you have no understanding of science. Science is always open for debate. That is one of the primary things which differentiates it from religion.

Personal insults? Just how depraved are you? As if you weren’t insulting the rest of us and our intelligence. . . . No one knows what you’re talking about, boy, because you’re just throwing around allegations without substance. So you're not a pathological liar? A phony? A hypocrite? You’re not just making things up?

Prove it. Chapter and verse. Put your claims into evidence for all to see.

Of course the evaluations of scientific findings are open to further testing and research! Is that what you meant to say? I never said they weren’t.

Tell us, how far did you get into the article? I launch into the science of Miller’s experiments almost immediately after the introduction. After that the science gets as thick as the weeds growing in your head, apparently, so I don’t believe you, boy. You appear to be a liar.

Prufrock's Lair: Abiogenesis: The Unholy Grail of Atheism

Looky here, it works like this: my work is at the other end of this link. You’re work is nowhere in sight. The way this works in real academics, you quote me and then show me how I’m wrong . . . if you can.

Yes, personal insults. Which you continue to make. Rather telling.

I don't need to present any work. I am not the one making the claims, you are. If you consider that link to be science, then further discussion is pointless. Believe whatever makes you feel good.
Likewise, there was no science in your post, only unsupported claims and allegations.

Such as? Chapter and verse. Put your claims into evidence.

I will not mimic you by tossing out personal insults. I can only say that if you think science is not open for debate, you have no understanding of science. Science is always open for debate. That is one of the primary things which differentiates it from religion.

Personal insults? Just how depraved are you? As if you weren’t insulting the rest of us and our intelligence. . . . No one knows what you’re talking about, boy, because you’re just throwing around allegations without substance. So you're not a pathological liar? A phony? A hypocrite? You’re not just making things up?

Prove it. Chapter and verse. Put your claims into evidence for all to see.

Of course the evaluations of scientific findings are open to further testing and research! Is that what you meant to say? I never said they weren’t.

Tell us, how far did you get into the article? I launch into the science of Miller’s experiments almost immediately after the introduction. After that the science gets as thick as the weeds growing in your head, apparently, so I don’t believe you, boy. You appear to be a liar.

Prufrock's Lair: Abiogenesis: The Unholy Grail of Atheism

Looky here, it works like this: my work is at the other end of this link. You’re work is nowhere in sight. The way this works in real academics, you quote me and then show me how I’m wrong . . . if you can.

Yes, personal insults. Which you continue to make. Rather telling.

I don't need to present any work. I am not the one making the claims, you are. If you consider that link to be science, then further discussion is pointless. Believe whatever makes you feel good.

Once again you demonstrate your depravity and hypocrisy. You imply to know something about the science and research of abiogenesis.

"[F]urther discussion is pointless"?

YOU LYING SNAKE! You don't know squat about the science and research of abiogenesis, and you will not directly engage the contents of my article because you know very well I would rip your trash to pieces as one who does know the science!



Behold the truth of the word of God with regard to the spiritual darkness of the reprobate mind. This man knows very well that he is lying, knows that he has been rightly called out for lying . . . and yet continues the charade:

The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of men who suppress the truth by their wickedness. . . . For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools. . . . (Romans 1:18, 21, 22).

But, PratchettFan, you are no more blind and foolish than I or any other before salvation:

But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us (Romans 5:8).

God loves you. While there is still breath, there is still hope. Harden your heart no more and be saved! What in the world do you have to lose by opening your heart to the Lord Who will confirm His reality if only you would. Do not resist the Holy Spirit.

“ ‘Come now, let us reason together,’ says the LORD” (Isaiah 1:18).

Let’s see: you say there is no God, no eternal soul. One is born. One drags one's ass through this rotten world and dies. Pointless. No meaning. No rhyme. No reason. Behold the depraved hopelessness that is atheism.

"The thief [Satan] does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I [Jesus, the Song of God] have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly" (John 10:10).

Stop listening the lies of you mortal enemy and those of the world! Your soul is eternal. Eternal hell and damnation of unimaginable horror, not nothingness, awaits you should you die in your sins.

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16).
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Such as? Chapter and verse. Put your claims into evidence.

Personal insults? Just how depraved are you? As if you weren’t insulting the rest of us and our intelligence. . . . No one knows what you’re talking about, boy, because you’re just throwing around allegations without substance. So you're not a pathological liar? A phony? A hypocrite? You’re not just making things up?

Prove it. Chapter and verse. Put your claims into evidence for all to see.

Of course the evaluations of scientific findings are open to further testing and research! Is that what you meant to say? I never said they weren’t.

Tell us, how far did you get into the article? I launch into the science of Miller’s experiments almost immediately after the introduction. After that the science gets as thick as the weeds growing in your head, apparently, so I don’t believe you, boy. You appear to be a liar.

Prufrock's Lair: Abiogenesis: The Unholy Grail of Atheism

Looky here, it works like this: my work is at the other end of this link. You’re work is nowhere in sight. The way this works in real academics, you quote me and then show me how I’m wrong . . . if you can.

Yes, personal insults. Which you continue to make. Rather telling.

I don't need to present any work. I am not the one making the claims, you are. If you consider that link to be science, then further discussion is pointless. Believe whatever makes you feel good.

Once again you demonstrate your depravity and hypocrisy. You imply to know something about the science and research of abiogenesis.

"[F]urther discussion is pointless"?

YOU LYING SNAKE! You don't know squat about the science and research of abiogenesis, and you will not directly engage the contents of my article because you know very well I would rip your trash to pieces as one who does know the science!



Behold the truth of the word of God with regard to the spiritual darkness of the reprobate mind. This man knows very well that he is lying, knows that he has been rightly called out for lying . . . and yet continues the charade:

The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of men who suppress the truth by their wickedness. . . . For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools. . . . (Romans 1:18, 21, 22).

But, PratchettFan, you are no more blind and foolish than I or any other before salvation:

But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us (Romans 5:8).

God loves you. While there is still breath, there is still hope. Harden your heart no more and be saved! What in the world do you have to lose by opening your heart to the Lord Who will confirm His reality if only you would. Do not resist the Holy Spirit.

“ ‘Come now, let us reason together,’ says the LORD” (Isaiah 1:18).

Let’s see: you say there is no God, no eternal soul. One is born. One drags one's ass through this rotten world and dies. Pointless. No meaning. No rhyme. No reason. Behold the depraved hopelessness that is atheism.

"The thief [Satan] does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I [Jesus, the Song of God] have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly" (John 10:10).

Stop listening the lies of you mortal enemy and those of the world! Your soul is eternal. Eternal hell and damnation of unimaginable horror, not nothingness, awaits you should you die in your sins.

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16).

Whatever. Have a nice day.
Underhill, pay close attention to what Koshergrl just told you. The world and Satan are the stuff of insanity. Apart from God, we’re all sociopaths, spiritually speaking, sick with sin and stupidity. Though he be a new creature in Christ, the believer stay’s in the word and in pray and in fellowship, proclaiming the Gospel to others, because he loves the Lord. But not just that, though that ultimately be all that matters, the believer does so in order that he keep his sanity and finish the race! It's not the other way around.

How can you say that?

Look at the world! Every prophecy in Daniel and Revelation up to the Rapture have been fulfilled in history. We are on the cusp of the end times. The only thing that is perhaps still up in the air is the completion of the “70 weeks” of Daniel. We're close. Oh, repent, Underhill. Don't be left behind.

I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve roundly refuted—scientifically, theologically, philosophically, historically—the false and dunderheaded notions of scripture behind declarations such as yours.

Smoke and mirrors.

Yet you've failed miserably this time round.

The whole notion of prophecy as a evidence is silly. Everything written in Revelations could be interpreted a dozen different ways. If you think that isn't on purpose, you are deluding yourself. A thousand years ago they taught the end was just around the corner in an attempt to do just what you are doing.

Hell, the apostles thought Jesus was coming back for them in their lifetime.

They were obviously wrong then, as you are now.

Failed? You're as wrong as you could be. That assertion is not based on the hermeneutics of the Preterist, reformed or idealist eschatology, but the dispensationalistic-premillenial hermeneutics of futurism which is excruciatingly specific and exact. We are in the very last days of the 70 weeks.

So you say.

I understand your perspective. And I respect your right to believe whatever you like.

But I think you, and every other christian who has thought the same for the last 2000 years, are deluding yourself.

We will just have to agree to disagree.

As if atheists are known to live in poverty as tens of thousands of Christians do in missionary efforts all over the world.



As if the atheist will escape the hypocrisy of rejecting the sacrificial death of Christ on his behalf:


Thank you, Jesus.

Sort of puts things in perspective for those who foolishly deceive themselves into hell when all the while eternal life is offered them.
Next up: Why 1 person believes differently and the rest have their own beliefs followed by the OP who presents the 1 person's beliefs and says "I TOLD ALL OF YOU, I WAS RIGHT".
It's based on the fact that atheists are notoriously reluctant to afford assistance to those in need, and are highly committed to preventing religious charities from providing the assistance they do.
It's based on the fact that atheists are notoriously reluctant to afford assistance to those in need, and are highly committed to preventing religious charities from providing the assistance they do.

See there you go again making shit up. Good work.

There are dozens of secular charities out there. As for preventing, I have no idea what you are talking about. The only time I've been in favor of preventing charities from anything is when public funds are used to promote religious views. But I am all for any charity that helps the poor. Even religious ones so long as their help isn't contingent on belief.

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