Why to impeach Obama

what we are seeing with this President is what happens when armatures are elected. The results are exactly as we said they would be 6 disastrous years ago. Could have fixed it after 4 years but race trumps truth.

The SCOTUS has already slapped down Obama over his overstepping his power through excutive action. They ruled against him with this recess appointment power, never has a President taken such an action while the Senate was still in session.

Why take such action? The President says it’s because he can’t wait for Congress to act on behalf of the American people. The truth is that the President is hell bent on ramming through his agenda, and he is entirely unwilling to compromise with the duly elected representatives who sit in the House and Senate. By circumventing the Senate and appointing Cordray, the President can ensure that his big-government regulatory agenda is enacted without the reforms that Congress is demanding. Unfortunately, the Cordray appointment is not the only example of the President’s wanton, unilateral actions.


The first Article of Impeachment charged Nixon with obstruction of justice:

Moreover, unlike Nixon, President Obama has committed no 'crimes' – consequently there's no justification for 'impeachment.' And the president has made no 'threats' against anyone with regard to the IRS.
Horseshit. Six IRS computer disks damaged at the same time covering the period when IRS was harrassing the TEA Party? They are protecting OBOZO and doing his bidding.

And by the way, see post #kissmyass.

The president has committed no 'crimes.'

And the hard drive nonsense fails as a post hoc fallacy.

You're an ignorant and pathetic partisan hack, whose hatred of the president is unwarranted and idiotic.
You're falling for the liberal lie.. I bet you don't think the death of the four in Benghazi is the direct fault of the Obama administration because they refused to send help.
lol....it would seem the right needs to go back to school and learn how our government works. it would seem the collective IQ is about the same a elephant pile of shit.

the collective IQ of libertards is about the same as a pile of elephant shit or whale shit you libertards would know that as a fact. :up:

you have the lowest IQ here on these boards ...look at your post.. they say stupid all over them ...:D:D:D:lol::lol::lol:
That poll tells me of the ignorance of the conservatives. If there was a high crime committed by Obama it is his death list and his murder of Americans by drone. Murder because they were not convicted of a crime in any court. The 16 year old boy he killed, if not murder then manslaughter, should be the grounds for impeachment over war crimes.

I would be in favor of a Nuremberg trial of Obama after his criminal venture is over here in 2017.
Here is the results of a poll among Conservatives of what charges to bring against Obama if he were to be impeached...

Pretty evenly split.

12.3 percent -- Obama's abuse of executive power to bypass Congress.
12.1 percent -- Obama's lawless implementation of his Amnesty Agenda.
12.0 percent -- Obama's use of the IRS to attack Tea Party and conservatives.
10.9 percent -- Obama's attacks on religious groups and religious liberties.
10.7 percent -- Obama's attacks on State's Rights.
10.5 percent -- Obama's attacks on free speech and the freedom of the press.
10.2 percent -- Obama's overt actions against the Middle East.
9.5 percent -- Obamacare.

Of course most also say don't impeach Obama because they don't want Biden in office and all acknowledge that the House leadership doesn't have the balls to even hold committee hearings on the subject let alone hold a full vote.

He should be impeached for all those crimes against the American people, the Justice Department has lost it's integrity and political corruption rules in Washington. alas

We're stuck with Obama. Democrats would very much like to play the sympathy/victim card much like they did for Clinton, their beloved liar, sexual harasser and probable.. rapist. Yup, they're that desperate..
Conservatives need to come back to the real world and mingle with normal Americans for awhile;

you've become demented just from spending too much time being yes-men for each other.
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Here is the results of a poll among Conservatives of what charges to bring against Obama if he were to be impeached...

Pretty evenly split.

12.3 percent -- Obama's abuse of executive power to bypass Congress.
12.1 percent -- Obama's lawless implementation of his Amnesty Agenda.
12.0 percent -- Obama's use of the IRS to attack Tea Party and conservatives.
10.9 percent -- Obama's attacks on religious groups and religious liberties.
10.7 percent -- Obama's attacks on State's Rights.
10.5 percent -- Obama's attacks on free speech and the freedom of the press.
10.2 percent -- Obama's overt actions against the Middle East.
9.5 percent -- Obamacare.

Of course most also say don't impeach Obama because they don't want Biden in office and all acknowledge that the House leadership doesn't have the balls to even hold committee hearings on the subject let alone hold a full vote.

You forgot TelePrompTer reading
Here is the results of a poll among Conservatives of what charges to bring against Obama if he were to be impeached...

Pretty evenly split.

12.3 percent -- Obama's abuse of executive power to bypass Congress.
12.1 percent -- Obama's lawless implementation of his Amnesty Agenda.
12.0 percent -- Obama's use of the IRS to attack Tea Party and conservatives.
10.9 percent -- Obama's attacks on religious groups and religious liberties.
10.7 percent -- Obama's attacks on State's Rights.
10.5 percent -- Obama's attacks on free speech and the freedom of the press.
10.2 percent -- Obama's overt actions against the Middle East.
9.5 percent -- Obamacare.

Of course most also say don't impeach Obama because they don't want Biden in office and all acknowledge that the House leadership doesn't have the balls to even hold committee hearings on the subject let alone hold a full vote.

He should be impeached for all those crimes against the American people, the Justice Department has lost it's integrity and political corruption rules in Washington. alas

We're stuck with Obama. Democrats would very much like to play the sympathy/victim card much like they did for Clinton, their beloved liar, sexual harasser and probable.. rapist. Yup, they're that desperate..

Cite the criminal action Obama has taken against 'religious groups'. In detail, including what laws were broken by the President.
What are the cons waiting for?

Yup, let's get this party started. The charges are unfounded to begin with, so let the Republicans tie up the federal gov't with more of their bullshit, like when they shut it down last year.

The impeachment will cost tens of millions of taxpayer dollars, and end up being about legalese so obscure and arcane that the general populace will be fed up and elect a Dem in 2016. Any Dem 'll do.

Go ahead. Do it. I'm ordering 10 cases of popcorn from Amazon and a brand new huge flat screen telly just for the occasion.
Republucans need to recognize they are overplaying their hand.

It is not a crime for not following conservative policies
It is not a crime for executing presidential powers
It is not a crime when the American people do not elect a Republican
Oh, God in heaven ... make it stop

I hope our next prez has an R next to his name so I don't have to listen to this shit anymore.
Here is the results of a poll among Conservatives of what charges to bring against Obama if he were to be impeached...

Pretty evenly split.

12.3 percent -- Obama's abuse of executive power to bypass Congress.
12.1 percent -- Obama's lawless implementation of his Amnesty Agenda.
12.0 percent -- Obama's use of the IRS to attack Tea Party and conservatives.
10.9 percent -- Obama's attacks on religious groups and religious liberties.
10.7 percent -- Obama's attacks on State's Rights.
10.5 percent -- Obama's attacks on free speech and the freedom of the press.
10.2 percent -- Obama's overt actions against the Middle East.
9.5 percent -- Obamacare.

Of course most also say don't impeach Obama because they don't want Biden in office and all acknowledge that the House leadership doesn't have the balls to even hold committee hearings on the subject let alone hold a full vote.

You forgot TelePrompTer reading

And don't forget BBWWH....Being Black while in the White House.
what we are seeing with this President is what happens when armatures are elected. The results are exactly as we said they would be 6 disastrous years ago. Could have fixed it after 4 years but race trumps truth.

The SCOTUS has already slapped down Obama over his overstepping his power through excutive action. They ruled against him with this recess appointment power, never has a President taken such an action while the Senate was still in session.

Why take such action? The President says it’s because he can’t wait for Congress to act on behalf of the American people. The truth is that the President is hell bent on ramming through his agenda, and he is entirely unwilling to compromise with the duly elected representatives who sit in the House and Senate. By circumventing the Senate and appointing Cordray, the President can ensure that his big-government regulatory agenda is enacted without the reforms that Congress is demanding. Unfortunately, the Cordray appointment is not the only example of the President’s wanton, unilateral actions.


You lying asshole. Your 'Professionals' ran the show from 2001 to 2009. That resulted in two endless and pointless wars, the criminal that masterminded the murder of 3000 Americans on American soil was let go until a Dem President took him down, and we had the biggest economic debacle since the First Great Republican Depression. When you people screw the pooch to this extreme, it normally takes more time to fix the problems created than it does to create them. Given that, I would have to say that the President is doing a very good job, since he still has 2 and 1/2 years, and we are nearly out of the economic mess you people created.
Here is the results of a poll among Conservatives of what charges to bring against Obama if he were to be impeached...

Pretty evenly split.

12.3 percent -- Obama's abuse of executive power to bypass Congress.
12.1 percent -- Obama's lawless implementation of his Amnesty Agenda.
12.0 percent -- Obama's use of the IRS to attack Tea Party and conservatives.
10.9 percent -- Obama's attacks on religious groups and religious liberties.
10.7 percent -- Obama's attacks on State's Rights.
10.5 percent -- Obama's attacks on free speech and the freedom of the press.
10.2 percent -- Obama's overt actions against the Middle East.
9.5 percent -- Obamacare.

Of course most also say don't impeach Obama because they don't want Biden in office and all acknowledge that the House leadership doesn't have the balls to even hold committee hearings on the subject let alone hold a full vote.

He should be impeached for all those crimes against the American people, the Justice Department has lost it's integrity and political corruption rules in Washington. alas

We're stuck with Obama. Democrats would very much like to play the sympathy/victim card much like they did for Clinton, their beloved liar, sexual harasser and probable.. rapist. Yup, they're that desperate..

Cite the criminal action Obama has taken against 'religious groups'. In detail, including what laws were broken by the President.

There's just no Ken Starr in this equation, either.

Oh wait a minute, they'll get their bitch, Trey Gowdy to be lead counsel, the freak who can't seem to bring any meat to the table on the IRS hearings, either.
Obama should be impeached because he is clearly incompetent and reckless with the powers of the office- IOW, you let the fox into the hen house.

It's all but certain Obama will go down in history like a corn schooner sent to sea duty.

Yes Obama should be impeached if not only for the display to all what a small majority of stupid people are able to accomplish. That phrase comes to mind "never underestimate the power of stupid people in a large groups".

Obama should be impeached to set an example to other unqualified would be candidates to think twice whether they have what it takes to be a leader. Not a failure


Well, by God, go ahead and try that. It will gaurentee that you idiots will lose in a major way showing yourselves to be that stupid.
Here is the results of a poll among Conservatives of what charges to bring against Obama if he were to be impeached...

Pretty evenly split.

12.3 percent -- Obama's abuse of executive power to bypass Congress.
12.1 percent -- Obama's lawless implementation of his Amnesty Agenda.
12.0 percent -- Obama's use of the IRS to attack Tea Party and conservatives.
10.9 percent -- Obama's attacks on religious groups and religious liberties.
10.7 percent -- Obama's attacks on State's Rights.
10.5 percent -- Obama's attacks on free speech and the freedom of the press.
10.2 percent -- Obama's overt actions against the Middle East.
9.5 percent -- Obamacare.

Of course most also say don't impeach Obama because they don't want Biden in office and all acknowledge that the House leadership doesn't have the balls to even hold committee hearings on the subject let alone hold a full vote.

You forgot TelePrompTer reading

And don't forget BBWWH....Being Black while in the White House.

Race Card! Race Card!

Mentioning that certain conservative still can't stand a black man in the White House is not allowed
what we are seeing with this President is what happens when armatures are elected.


""""an armature is a framework around which the sculpture is built. This framework provides structure and stability, especially when a plastic material such as wax, newspaper or clay is being used as the medium.

Oh yeah! I get it. Obama has provided structure and stability. Got it.
Obama should be impeached because he is clearly incompetent and reckless with the powers of the office- IOW, you let the fox into the hen house.

It's all but certain Obama will go down in history like a corn schooner sent to sea duty.

Yes Obama should be impeached if not only for the display to all what a small majority of stupid people are able to accomplish. That phrase comes to mind "never underestimate the power of stupid people in a large groups".

Obama should be impeached to set an example to other unqualified would be candidates to think twice whether they have what it takes to be a leader. Not a failure


In which case every president – starting with Washington – should have been subject to 'impeachment.'

The stupidity of most on the partisan right to just not get it is remarkable – not surprising, but remarkable nonetheless.
You forgot TelePrompTer reading

And don't forget BBWWH....Being Black while in the White House.

Race Card! Race Card!

Mentioning that certain conservative still can't stand a black man in the White House is not allowed

Note how the Obama family has been noticeably missing from photo ops in the last few years. You rarely see them together coming and going from AF One and Marine One anymore. It's just not worth the hate mail.

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