Why Trump Was Charged On Secret Documents And Clinton, Pence Were Not

Their office becomes a "temporary SCIF". You can make a hotel room a temporary SCIF for crying out loud!!! You really should walk away from this debate. Whats wrong with you dude? Are you not able to see that you lost? :laugh:
Thats not what you originally said. Do I need to requote it for you? The document in that article was taken OUT of a SCIF to that Congress persons office. It wasn’t deemed a TSCIF they were just allowing the documents to be viewed outside a SCIF. That isnt how it works in an actual SCIF which was your ORIGINAL contention.

All Trump had to do was turn over the government property he had in his possession. Just like Biden and Pence did.

That's. It.

He brought this down on himself.

The end.
SENATOR Biden had no right to possess ANY classified documents FULL STOP.
All the nonsense you post further from that truth is MOOT.
SENATOR Biden had no right to possess ANY classified documents FULL STOP.
All the nonsense you post further from that truth is MOOT.
PRESIDENT Biden (Trump lost, loser) allowed a full search of his properties. He did not impede investigators in any way.

The same is true for former Vice President Mike Pence.

Golfer Donald Trump fought the National Archives for over year before finally turning over SOME of the government property in his possession.

Fun fact: Trump has not been charged for ANY of those items he turned over, despite him being a total dick about it for over a year.

What Trump HAS been charged with is refusing to turn over the rest of the government property he kept and deliberately hid from investigators.

Additionally, he is charged for throwing his lawyer under the bus and having her sign a false statement that he had turned over everything. Only an idiot would ever work for Trump going forward. Or another grifter like Trump.

You see, the COVERUP is what always buries crooked dipshits like Trump.

If you idiots would just READ THE FUCKING INDICMENT, you would be able to speak with some authority about this, but since it exceeds your intellectual bandwidth, you try to bullshit your way along, parroting the bullshit you have been TOLD to parrot.

You have no idea just how obvious it is that you are speaking from a script given to you by your MAGA media co-conspirators.
PRESIDENT Biden (Trump lost, loser) allowed a full search of his properties. He did not impede investigators in any way.

The same is true for former Vice President Mike Pence.

Golfer Donald Trump fought the National Archives for over year before finally turning over SOME of the government property in his possession.

Fun fact: Trump has not been charged for ANY of those items he turned over, despite him being a total dick about it for over a year.

What Trump HAS been charged with is refusing to turn over the rest of the government property he kept and deliberately hid from investigators.

Additionally, he is charged for throwing his lawyer under the bus and having her sign a false statement that he had turned over everything. Only an idiot would ever work for Trump going forward. Or another grifter like Trump.

You see, the COVERUP is what always buries crooked dipshits like Trump.

If you idiots would just READ THE FUCKING INDICMENT, you would be able to speak with some authority about this, but since it exceeds your intellectual bandwidth, you try to bullshit your way along, parroting the bullshit you have been TOLD to parrot.

You have no idea just how obvious it is that you are speaking from a script given to you by your MAGA media co-conspirators.
SENATOR Biden STOLE classified documents when he was a SENATOR.
All your flailing does not discount REALITY.
Thats not what you originally said. Do I need to requote it for you? The document in that article was taken OUT of a SCIF to that Congress persons office. It wasn’t deemed a TSCIF they were just allowing the documents to be viewed outside a SCIF. That isnt how it works in an actual SCIF which was your ORIGINAL contention.
I originally said this...

The document is signed out of the library by one agent to another agent. Both sign their names and document the time it leaves the library. It is put into a literal movie style handcuffed briefcase. That locked briefcase is taken by the agent to a SCIF. When the Congressman or whoever reads the document, the agent stays right there the entire time and watches him. The moment he is done reading it, it goes back into the locked briefcase, then it is returned to the library where both agents once again sign their names and the time it was returned.

Then you claimed i was wrong, but I wasnt and i proved it. Your big claims about being the expert on SCIF's flopped. Up to speed now retard? How about just admitting you were wrong? Quit trying to deflect into some lame ass side argument where i didnt specify a "temporary SCIF" at one small moment in this debate. Thats a weak as fuck debate tactic. Youre just trying to avoid admitting that you were wrong, but its not going to work.

Is admitting the obvious harder than the buttfucking youre currently receiving from me? You could have ended your misery hours ago by just showing the slightest bit of integrity. :laugh:
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Yeah those 25 years I spent in the IC gave me no experience. I spent my entire adult life working in SCIF's. Hell, I built 1 in Afghanistan. What you described doesn't resemble in any way the reality. It's not 1957. No one is handcuffing brief cases to their arm to transport classified documents. If it did how would Snowden have downloaded the data he stole from NSA? How would Reality Winner have done what she did, and to your point what Biden, and Trump, and Pence, and Clinton and and and, all do what they did regarding classified documents. Do you think intelligence analysts have to sign out every document they want to read? How would they even know it existed in order to ask to read it? When you go to a classified briefing all the notes everyone takes are then confiscated at the end of the meeting and locked up? Do you really believe that the IC doesn't operate on a classified network (numerous networks actually) where the documents are housed, indexed searchable AND PRINTABLE? Really? Do you actually believe that there aren't SIPR and JWICS terminals in the SCIF in Congress? For fucks sake we routinely set up TSCIF's in the field run by Sgt's and have TS/SCI networks run to them. And we won't even mention that the only information that requires you to be in a SCIF to view it is TS/SCI. TS, Secret and Confidential documents don't require a SCIF (The SCI in SCIF stands for Sensitive Compartmented Information same as the SCI in TS/SCI...) . Since we don't actually have any information about the documents that Biden or Trump actually had in their possession any speculation about their classification is just that speculation. But even if they did have TS/SCI documents taking one out of a SCIF either accidentally or on purpose really isnt a crazy feat of espionage. The entire point of doing a background check on people and vetting them for a clearance is so that the Government can trust them to abide by the rule and not disclose classified information.

So tell me again how it works.....

Not very well it would seem as it appears there are classified documents laying around all over the place. We learned about the ones Trump, Pence and Biden had. There are more.
Biden returned them, when asked.
Trump didn't, he whined, "They are mine".
That’s not the issue. The issue is, he was not legally authorized to remove them from their secure place. The issue is that he had these documents for 30 years and nobody cared.

Trump leaves office for 2 weeks and Nara is banging down his door.

There is a double standard. If both people broke the law, then why is only one being prosecuted.

Also, let’s talk about “he returned them when asked”. I assure you, it wasn’t because he was being proactive when he returned them. He had 30 years to do that. More than likely, he never had any intention of returning them, and probably never would have, if not for all of this blowing up around trump.

All I’m asking is for you lefty’s told hold yourself to the same standard as you do for the right.
Biden self-reported the documents and returned them immediately when discovered.

Trump intentionally took documents he wasn't supposed to have and fought like hell to keep them.

Also, Trump is traitorous verminous scum. Sending him to prison over this is like sending Al Capone to jail over income tax evasion. You KNOW he's done much, much worse stuff, but this is the low hanging fruit.

Biden self-reported the documents and returned them immediately when discovered.

Biden had an “oh shit” moment once they started going after trump. It was a self preservation move.

Also…”when discovered”. Are you suggesting he had these document for 3 decades and didn’t know about them? Where was Nara? You know, the people who know where all this stuff is? Are you suggesting Nara didn’t know he had them? How does that happen? How does he get around Nara keeping track of them?

Besides, the fact that Biden “returned” them doesn’t absolve him from having them in the first place. He broke the law…why won’t you lefty’s hold him accountable…well…I know why, we all do..
Because he wasn't "caught". He did a review and self-reported.
His review was a reaction. Had it not been for trump, Biden would still have those documents. It’s not like he found them and said “oh we need to give these back”. He got caught with his pants down and said “oh shit, we need to return these before we get in trouble”..
A bank is different.

"You notify the authorities, you make sure that the documents are properly returned to the relevant government entity and taken away from the unauthorised location. That's the way you're supposed to do it," he said.

"What you don't do is what Trump did, which was spend 18 months delaying, obfuscating, obstructing the inquiry."

Under the Espionage Act and other federal security provisions, any unauthorised retention, mishandling or transmission of documents violates the law. But authorities rarely prosecute, save for two reasons: Intent or obstruction.

You notify the authorities, you make sure that the documents are properly returned to the relevant government entity and taken away from the unauthorised location.

Uh huh..and why didn’t Nara bang on bidens door 30years ago?

But authorities rarely prosecute, save for two reasons: Intent or obstruction

I’d be pretty sure Biden intentionally removed those documents from the scif, and likely intentionally never returned them until trump came under scrutiny.
Why do you assume its difficult to walk out of a SCIF with a classified document either accidentally or on purpose?

How do you “accident” walk out of a scif with classified documents. It’s not like they are getting them and taking to the bathroom for light reading. It’s a scif…for a reason. It’s controlled access. How did he accidentally get out of the scif with them? Did he “accidentally” shove them down his pants??
Magatards might be surprised to know that they would not have indicted trump either for having those classified documents. It’s not right but being a former president or even a well known government office holder has its privileges, but when you intentionally hide and retain those secret documents when a warrant is issued out for them and you lie about where they are and whether you’ve handed all of them back while regaining several more boxes hidden somewhere, then you are going to get indicted. This is how our justice system should work, but magtards want to make exceptions to the law because their god is the one under investigation, smh.

How was trump hiding documents? The FBI was there, they KNEW about the documents..they even told him to put another lock on the door.

Also, didn’t they say he WAS working with the fbi? I thought they said that..
I originally said this...

The document is signed out of the library by one agent to another agent. Both sign their names and document the time it leaves the library. It is put into a literal movie style handcuffed briefcase. That locked briefcase is taken by the agent to a SCIF. When the Congressman or whoever reads the document, the agent stays right there the entire time and watches him. The moment he is done reading it, it goes back into the locked briefcase, then it is returned to the library where both agents once again sign their names and the time it was returned.

Then you claimed i was wrong, but I wasnt and i proved it. Your big claims about being the expert on SCIF's flopped. Up to speed now retard? How about just admitting you were wrong? Quit trying to deflect into some lame ass side argument where i didnt specify a "temporary SCIF" at one small moment in this debate. Thats a weak as fuck debate tactic. Youre just trying to avoid admitting that you were wrong, but its not going to work.

Is admitting the obvious harder than the buttfucking youre currently receiving from me? You could have ended your misery hours ago by just showing the slightest bit of integrity. :laugh:

What your originally said was this

"Biden straight up stole THOUSANDS of documents from SCIF's for decades. I would love to know how he did it a single time, let alone thousands."

To which I replied

"Why do you assume its difficult to walk out of a SCIF with a classified document either accidentally or on purpose?"

Then you posted that shit.

Now it's immaterial and a small detail that the process you described wasn't someone accessing classified information in a SCIF, but removing documents from a SCIF to be viewed in a Congress person's office? That's a small detail? It's THE DETAIL of the story because the process you linked isn't the process if you are accessing classified information in an actual SCIF. Get it? Is that sinking in now? The process you linked has ZERO to do with accessing classified in a SCIF and thus ZERO to do with taking classified out of the SCIF either on purpose or by accident. No one is going through that process if they are trying to steal classified documents or doesn't know that they have them on their person.
How do you “accident” walk out of a scif with classified documents. It’s not like they are getting them and taking to the bathroom for light reading. It’s a scif…for a reason. It’s controlled access. How did he accidentally get out of the scif with them? Did he “accidentally” shove them down his pants??
If you work in a SCIF, and are dealing with classified information all the time as part of your job a classified document getting accidentally included in a file with unclassified documents wouldnt be hard to do. Or forgetting that you put a classifed document in your notebook and walking out.


That's the National Security Agency. All 4 buildings, HQ, OPS1, OPs 2B and 2B are a gigantic SCIF. 10's of thousands of people work there every day. Do you think no one accidentally takes a bit of classified information out of there ever? And thats not the entire site. Theres the R&E building and the FANX. Not to mention all the offsite offices that exist not only in the Ft Meade area but in GA, Denver, HI etc. That's one intelligence agency, and not the biggest one. There are 17 agencies that make up the IC, all of them accessing and generating classified information all day everyday. I dont think you actually understand the size and scope of this.

Quick add on.

"The Washington Post reported in 2010 that there were 1,271 government organizations and 1,931 private companies in 10,000 locations in the United States that were working on counterterrorism, homeland security, and intelligence, and that the intelligence community as a whole would include 854,000 people holding top-secret clearances."

Do you think that number has gone up or down since 2010?
What your originally said was this

"Biden straight up stole THOUSANDS of documents from SCIF's for decades. I would love to know how he did it a single time, let alone thousands."

To which I replied

"Why do you assume its difficult to walk out of a SCIF with a classified document either accidentally or on purpose?"

Then you posted that shit.

Now it's immaterial and a small detail that the process you described wasn't someone accessing classified information in a SCIF, but removing documents from a SCIF to be viewed in a Congress person's office? That's a small detail? It's THE DETAIL of the story because the process you linked isn't the process if you are accessing classified information in an actual SCIF. Get it? Is that sinking in now? The process you linked has ZERO to do with accessing classified in a SCIF and thus ZERO to do with taking classified out of the SCIF either on purpose or by accident. No one is going through that process if they are trying to steal classified documents or doesn't know that they have them on their person.
He never actually took them fromm a SCIF though. That was my point.

"How does he pull that off thousands of times?"

The answer is, he didnt. Someone stole them directly from the archives for him. There is no other way for him to get the documents. As ive already laid out, its not possible for a Senator to steal even one from a SCIF, let alone a thousand of them at different times. You cant have intelligence agents siging their name to take the document, then not return it. They would get busted immediately.
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If you work in a SCIF, and are dealing with classified information all the time as part of your job a classified document getting accidentally included in a file with unclassified documents wouldnt be hard to do. Or forgetting that you put a classifed document in your notebook and walking out.

View attachment 863407

That's the National Security Agency. All 4 buildings, HQ, OPS1, OPs 2B and 2B are a gigantic SCIF. 10's of thousands of people work there every day. Do you think no one accidentally takes a bit of classified information out of there ever? And thats not the entire site. Theres the R&E building and the FANX. Not to mention all the offsite offices that exist not only in the Ft Meade area but in GA, Denver, HI etc. That's one intelligence agency, and not the biggest one. There are 17 agencies that make up the IC, all of them accessing and generating classified information all day everyday. I dont think you actually understand the size and scope of this.

Quick add on.

"The Washington Post reported in 2010 that there were 1,271 government organizations and 1,931 private companies in 10,000 locations in the United States that were working on counterterrorism, homeland security, and intelligence, and that the intelligence community as a whole would include 854,000 people holding top-secret clearances."

Do you think that number has gone up or down since 2010?

Ok, but isn’t the thing about a scif that you are not allowed to take anything in with you? No cell phones, no folders, no briefcase? Also, are the documents not tracked when in the scif? Surely whatever is brought into the scif is documented and if it’s not there when you are ready to leave, they would know before you stepped out of the door.

Also, isn’t it that someone brings the document they are wanting to see into the scif and the document is supposed to remain in the scif so that the person who brought it to the scif would be the same person to take it back to the area it is normally stored at?

I’m just finding it hard to believe that they have a whole system set up for protecting those documents, including a special room where those documents can be viewed, and yet someone could just casually walk out with it and nobody would ever know.

I’m sorry, that doesn’t seem realistic.

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