Why Trump Was Charged On Secret Documents And Clinton, Pence Were Not

Why do you assume its difficult to walk out of a SCIF with a classified document either accidentally or on purpose?
That question shows how little you know about the procedure.

The document is signed out of the library by one agent to another agent. Both sign their names and document the time it leaves the library. It is put into a literal movie style handcuffed briefcase. That locked briefcase is taken by the agent to a SCIF. When the Congressman or whoever reads the document, the agent stays right there the entire time and watches him. The moment he is done reading it, it goes back into the locked briefcase, then it is returned to the library where both agents once again sign their names and the time it was returned.

You explain to me how he gets around this a single time, let alone THOUSANDS of times.
That question shows how little you know about the procedure.

The document is signed out of the library by one agent to another agent. Both sign their names and document the time it leaves the library. It is put into a literal movie style handcuffed briefcase. That locked briefcase is taken by the agent to a SCIF. When the Congressman or whoever reads the document, the agent stays right there the entire time and watches him. The moment he is done reading it, it goes back into the locked briefcase, then it is returned to the library where both agents once again sign their names and the time it was returned.

You explain to me how he gets around this a single time, let alone THOUSANDS of times.
Yeah those 25 years I spent in the IC gave me no experience. I spent my entire adult life working in SCIF's. Hell, I built 1 in Afghanistan. What you described doesn't resemble in any way the reality. It's not 1957. No one is handcuffing brief cases to their arm to transport classified documents. If it did how would Snowden have downloaded the data he stole from NSA? How would Reality Winner have done what she did, and to your point what Biden, and Trump, and Pence, and Clinton and and and, all do what they did regarding classified documents. Do you think intelligence analysts have to sign out every document they want to read? How would they even know it existed in order to ask to read it? When you go to a classified briefing all the notes everyone takes are then confiscated at the end of the meeting and locked up? Do you really believe that the IC doesn't operate on a classified network (numerous networks actually) where the documents are housed, indexed searchable AND PRINTABLE? Really? Do you actually believe that there aren't SIPR and JWICS terminals in the SCIF in Congress? For fucks sake we routinely set up TSCIF's in the field run by Sgt's and have TS/SCI networks run to them. And we won't even mention that the only information that requires you to be in a SCIF to view it is TS/SCI. TS, Secret and Confidential documents don't require a SCIF (The SCI in SCIF stands for Sensitive Compartmented Information same as the SCI in TS/SCI...) . Since we don't actually have any information about the documents that Biden or Trump actually had in their possession any speculation about their classification is just that speculation. But even if they did have TS/SCI documents taking one out of a SCIF either accidentally or on purpose really isnt a crazy feat of espionage. The entire point of doing a background check on people and vetting them for a clearance is so that the Government can trust them to abide by the rule and not disclose classified information.

So tell me again how it works.....
Magatards might be surprised to know that they would not have indicted trump either for having those classified documents. It’s not right but being a former president or even a well known government office holder has its privileges, but when you intentionally hide and retain those secret documents when a warrant is issued out for them and you lie about where they are and whether you’ve handed all of them back while regaining several more boxes hidden somewhere, then you are going to get indicted. This is how our justice system should work, but magtards want to make exceptions to the law because their god is the one under investigation, smh.
Magatards might be surprised to know that they would not have indicted trump either for having those classified documents. It’s not right but being a former president or even a well known government office holder has its privileges, but when you intentionally hide and retain those secret documents when a warrant is issued out for them and you lie about where they are and whether you’ve handed all of them back while regaining several more boxes hidden somewhere, then you are going to get indicted. This is how our justice system should work, but magtards want to make exceptions to the law because their god is the one under investigation, smh.
I would agree. This is the only indictment that IMO holds water. The justice dept might still be doing it for political reasons but it's a legit charge.
Simple. We ain't fat left nutjobs nor sackless moderates like you.

Well, I ain't all that convinced that you ain't some "fat" guy (300lbs?...I dunno).....sitting on the Barcalounger pounding on his keyboard all day.

THAT....in my opinion.....ain't the kind of 'real' American that built America.

But you be you, poster GMC.
We are not here to judge you.
Yeah those 25 years I spent in the IC gave me no experience. I spent my entire adult life working in SCIF's. Hell, I built 1 in Afghanistan. What you described doesn't resemble in any way the reality. It's not 1957. No one is handcuffing brief cases to their arm to transport classified documents. If it did how would Snowden have downloaded the data he stole from NSA? How would Reality Winner have done what she did, and to your point what Biden, and Trump, and Pence, and Clinton and and and, all do what they did regarding classified documents. Do you think intelligence analysts have to sign out every document they want to read? How would they even know it existed in order to ask to read it? When you go to a classified briefing all the notes everyone takes are then confiscated at the end of the meeting and locked up? Do you really believe that the IC doesn't operate on a classified network (numerous networks actually) where the documents are housed, indexed searchable AND PRINTABLE? Really? Do you actually believe that there aren't SIPR and JWICS terminals in the SCIF in Congress? For fucks sake we routinely set up TSCIF's in the field run by Sgt's and have TS/SCI networks run to them. And we won't even mention that the only information that requires you to be in a SCIF to view it is TS/SCI. TS, Secret and Confidential documents don't require a SCIF (The SCI in SCIF stands for Sensitive Compartmented Information same as the SCI in TS/SCI...) . Since we don't actually have any information about the documents that Biden or Trump actually had in their possession any speculation about their classification is just that speculation. But even if they did have TS/SCI documents taking one out of a SCIF either accidentally or on purpose really isnt a crazy feat of espionage. The entire point of doing a background check on people and vetting them for a clearance is so that the Government can trust them to abide by the rule and not disclose classified information.

So tell me again how it works.....
Ive listened to more than one Senator and Congressman very recently independantly describe exactly what I just laid out. Furthermore, there isnt a chance in hell that you spent your entire life in SCIF's and that you made SCIF's in Afghanistan, nor would a SCIF in Afghanistan be anything remotely close to the way SCIF's in the Capitol Building work.

Snowden didnt get his information from a SCIF, retard. Trump didnt get his from a SCIF. Biden didnt get it from a SCIF. None of your names got it from a SCIF. :cuckoo:

That wall of words tells us everything we need to know about you. Youre an illiterate loser posing as something you clearly arent. You think you can throw a bunch of acronyms and shit at the wall and suddenly everyone is going to believe youre an intelligence agent after THAT ^ horribly crafted post? Get the fuck outa here! :laugh:
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Ive listened to more than one Senator and Congressman very recently independantly describe exactly what I just laid out.
Furthermore, there isnt a chance in hell that you spent your entire life in SCIF's and that you made SCIF's in Afghanistan, nor would a SCIF in Afghanistan be anything remotely close to the way SCIF's in the Capitol Building.

All SCIFs have the same requirements dum dum. There isn’t one set of rules for a SCIF in the Capitol and a different set for a SCIF somewhere else. Unless it’s a TSCIF the rules are universal.
Snowden didnt get his information from a SCIF, retard. Trump didnt get his from a SCIF. Biden didnt get it from a SCIF. :cuckoo:
Snowden worked at NSA. The entire building (4 of them actually) are all a SCIF.
That wall of words tells us everything we need to know about you. Youre a fucking illiterate loser. You think you can throw a bunch of acronyms and shit at the wall and suddenly everyone is going to believe youre an intelligence agent? Get the fuck outa here! :laugh:
I’ve spent more time on the shitter in a SCIF than you’ve spent in any classified space.

All SCIFs have the same requirements dum dum. There isn’t one set of rules for a SCIF in the Capitol and a different set for a SCIF somewhere else. Unless it’s a TSCIF the rules are universal.

Snowden worked at NSA. The entire building (4 of them actually) are all a SCIF.

I’ve spent more time on the shitter in a SCIF than you’ve spent in any classified space.
God youre dumb for even opening yourself up to this. You were SOOOOOOO sure. Why the fuck did you have all that unwarranted confidence?

According to one former Senate GOP aide, an intelligence staffer will put the document in a special briefcase, which would then be handcuffed to their wrist. Upon arrival, the intelligence staffer would clear the room, save for the lawmaker, and show the document to them one page at a time. After each page is read, it is placed back into a bag and, upon completion, the handcuffed briefcase containing the document is returned.

Classified documents fiasco leaves lawmakers shaking heads: What happened?

KABOOM! Exactly the way i described it. I win, you lose. Did you REALLY think i just made that up out of thin air? Pick your battles more wisely bro. Im not always right 100% of the time, but if you see me make a specific claim like that, there is a pretty fucking good chance that its correct.

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God youre dumb for even opening yourself up to this. You were SOOOOOOO sure. Why the fuck did you have all that unwarranted confidence?

According to one former Senate GOP aide, an intelligence staffer will put the document in a special briefcase, which would then be handcuffed to their wrist. Upon arrival, the intelligence staffer would clear the room, save for the lawmaker, and show the document to them one page at a time. After each page is read, it is placed back into a bag and, upon completion, the handcuffed briefcase containing the document is returned.

Classified documents fiasco leaves lawmakers shaking heads: What happened?

KABOOM! Exactly the way i described it. I win, you lose. You are a fake poser. Did you REALLY think i just made that up out of thin air? Pick your battles more wisely bro.

So they weren’t viewing the document in a SCIF…….

So they weren’t viewing the document in a SCIF…….

My god youre dumb. The room they cleared IS the SCIF. Those SCIFs are used by a lot of people. The point of that is, no one who isnt supposed to see the document is allowed to be in the SCIF when it is removed from the briefcase. Just because one Senator has permission to see it, doesnt mean all the other Senators do too.

Just stop while youre only slightly bruised. This is getting embarrassing. :laugh:
My god youre dumb. The room they cleared IS the SCIF. Those SCIFs are used by a lot of people. The point of that is, no one who isnt supposed to see the document is allowed to be in the SCIF when it is removed from the briefcase. Just stop while youre only slightly bruised. :laugh:
From your article.

“The vast majority of the time, lawmakers must go to a sensitive compartmented information facility (SCIF) to read documents. However, on rare occasions, they can have documents brought to their office to be viewed if it is considered appropriate for them to do so.

According to one former Senate GOP aide, an intelligence staffer will put the document in a special briefcase, which would then be handcuffed to their wrist. Upon arrival, the intelligence staffer would clear the room, save for the lawmaker, and show the document to them one page at a time. After each page is read, it is placed back into a bag and, upon completion, the handcuffed briefcase containing the document is returned”

You really should read the shit you post. You wouldn’t look nearly as dumb.
From your article.

“The vast majority of the time, lawmakers must go to a sensitive compartmented information facility (SCIF) to read documents. However, on rare occasions, they can have documents brought to their office to be viewed if it is considered appropriate for them to do so.

According to one former Senate GOP aide, an intelligence staffer will put the document in a special briefcase, which would then be handcuffed to their wrist. Upon arrival, the intelligence staffer would clear the room, save for the lawmaker, and show the document to them one page at a time. After each page is read, it is placed back into a bag and, upon completion, the handcuffed briefcase containing the document is returned”

You really should read the shit you post. You wouldn’t look nearly as dumb.
Their office becomes a "temporary SCIF". You can make a hotel room a temporary SCIF for crying out loud!!! You really should walk away from this debate. Whats wrong with you dude? Are you not able to admit that you lost? :laugh:
"B-b-b-b-b-b-but Clinton!" "B-b-b-b-b-b-b-but Biden!" We've all heard these refrains from the Tu Quoque Brigade in every defense of Donald Trump's crimes.

So here's the difference with respect to the deliberate obstruction by Trump to keep classified documents.

Why Trump was charged on secret documents and Clinton, Pence were not

But the historic investigation into the former president was precipitated months earlier, in January 2022, when the former president gave 15 boxes of papers to the National Archives and Records Administration. The agency had been seeking all presidential records from Trump since he left office.

Inside the boxes, archivists found 197 classified documents, some extremely sensitive, the government alleged in court filings. That discovery set in motion the chain of events that led to the unsealing Friday of a 38-count indictment against Trump and Walt Nauta, a trusted servant.

Notably, however, the indictment does not charge Trump with the illegal retention of any of the 197 documents he returned to the archives.

If Trump had returned ALL the classified documents he took, as Biden, Pence, and Clinton had done, there would be no indictment.

It's as simple as that, folks.

Trump chose to hide several boxes of documents, some of which were classified, and that's why his ass is on fire now.

As for Clinton and her emails, what Trump said in private is VASTLY different than the bullshit he feeds to the rube herd:

But when discussing his own possible mishandling case last year, Trump seized on another facet of the Clinton probe: that attorneys for Clinton had reviewed more than 60,000 emails and turned over about 30,000 to government officials because they were deemed related to her official duties. Clinton’s lawyers deleted the rest, about 30,000 emails, after deeming them personal and unrelated to her work. It has long been standard practice in the federal government for officials to review their own correspondence in response to Freedom of Information Act requests and decide which of their emails are personal and therefore not turned over. In Clinton’s case, her lawyers did that for her.

As a candidate and president, Trump denounced the decision to delete the emails. In July 2016, he notoriously declared at a news conference: “Russia: if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing. I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press.”

When the grand jury subpoena for any classified documents arrived at his door, however, Trump expressed a very different view to his lawyer, according to the indictment, praising Clinton’s lawyer for deleting the 30,000 emails.

The Clinton lawyer, Trump allegedly said on May 23, 2022, “was the one who deleted all of her emails, the 30,000 emails, because they basically dealt with her scheduling and her going to the gym and her having beauty appointments. And he was great. And he, so she didn’t get in any trouble because he said that he was the one who deleted them.”

“Trump related the story more than once that day,” the indictment notes dryly.

Because the justice system is rigged. Pro-war establishment types will be treated with kid gloves. Anti-war and peace keeper Trump must be destroyed.
The word "rigged" has been abused almost as much as the word "socialist".

Trump is the master of the soundbite and catchphrase. He knows his rube herd has been dumbed down to the intellectual bandwidth of a bumper sticker over the past two decades.

That's precisely why he changed from a Democrat to a Republican. He knows where the grift is.

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