Why Trump Was Charged On Secret Documents And Clinton, Pence Were Not

They must be stored in a secured location
The president I do not believe has the authority to give the ok to remove classified documents from their secured location unless they are being moved to another secured location. And from my memory it has to be done with at least two people when that happen. Called the no lone zone.

Of course classified docs do NOT have to remain in a "secured location".
Just because that is how the military does it, does not mean that is required by law for anyone else.
Obviously presidents are SUPPOSED to give permanent copies of selected classified docs to people like allies, labs, ambassadors, generals, certain members of congress, etc.
Whomever the president chooses.
OP never addressed why.
It’s a binary issue.
A classified document is held Legally


Yes, presidents ARE the source of all legal authority concerning classified docs, and they can do whatever they want with them.
That is obvious, and Jack Smith clearly knows it is impossible for Trump to have violated any classified doc law.
Trump could have given nuclear secrets to Putin and it would have been legal.
The boxes were haphazardly stacked and one fell, exposing the contents, including a classified document.

This photo was taken by Nauta and texted to a coworker. It had nothing to do with the government.

I don’t know what you think you’re “exposing”.

The photo was of classified jackets only, with no docs inside the jackets.
And clearly they were laid out on the floor for a photograph layout, and not randomly spilled, since the box is not present.

Here is an image from Mar-a-lago and clearly no box was spilled.

Here is the FBI image from Mar-a-Lago.

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Actually it does.

The law says the records must me turned over to the NARA and they assume full custody and control.

It goes on to say that such documents will be stored in an archive facility operated by the United States.

MAL is not a NARA activity, or is it a United States government facility. It's a social club. The image below is not an NARA approved storage facility.

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Presidential records are things like signed treaties, etc., and have NOTHING at all to do with classified docs, which presidents can legally give all the copies they want to whomever they want.
Trump was charged when all the others were not because nobody likes him. He's nasty.
View attachment 866952

Again you demonstrate your lack of knowledge about both the law and the case.

Since you brought your son into the discussion, did he have to use lots of crayon's when trying to explain things to you?

My daughter is currently an AF JAG, she didn't need a study partner to pass the VA bar the first time. She did it on her own.


Not only are president the peak of all classified doc authority, but clearly presidents give out lots of copies to whomever they choose, and they are NEVER returned.
Of course classified docs do NOT have to remain in a "secured location".
Just because that is how the military does it, does not mean that is required by law for anyone else.
Obviously presidents are SUPPOSED to give permanent copies of selected classified docs to people like allies, labs, ambassadors, generals, certain members of congress, etc.
Whomever the president chooses.
You want to bet on that?
You want to bet on that?

Read the law:
Sec. 1.3. Classification Authority.

(a) The authority to classify information
originally may be exercised only by:

(1) the President

All classified doc law and authority comes only from the president and no one else.
Plus presidents are specifically exempt.
You can also tell because all classified doc laws are presidential Executive Orders.
Read the law:
Sec. 1.3. Classification Authority.

(a) The authority to classify information
originally may be exercised only by:

(1) the President

All classified doc law and authority comes only from the president and no one else.
Plus presidents are specifically exempt.
You can also tell because all classified doc laws are presidential Executive Orders.
They are fucking his ass over pretty good
Read the law:
Sec. 1.3. Classification Authority.

(a) The authority to classify information
originally may be exercised only by:

(1) the President

All classified doc law and authority comes only from the president and no one else.
Plus presidents are specifically exempt.
You can also tell because all classified doc laws are presidential Executive Orders.
Here's the deal. Read that bottom line of the document 9c

Here's the deal. Read that bottom line of the document 9c

View attachment 867230

What you are looking at is standard procedures for underlings, like the military.
Presidents not only are way above all that, but are the very TOP PEAK.
Presidents not only decide arbitrarily what is classified and what isn't, but also who can see what.

The easiest way to explain the difference is that those lower down have to pass a security clearance, etc.
Presidents not only do not ever pass any security clearance, but none of the politicians presidents share classified docs with ever could pass a simple security clearance.
That is because no politicians has a reliable financial status to ever get a security clearance.
Obama, Hillary, Biden, and Trump all never could have gotten a security clearance.

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