Why Trump won the Debate

Well first point. It’s not honest to assign responsibility to a US President for crime rates occurring in US cities. But if we are going to play the blame game… you’d have to look at the year that significant change occurred. In this case it would be 2020, when Trump was prez
How is it that you are so stupid.

That is in my post.

Why do you feel the need to keep repeating it.
Trump takes credit… proudly. He assigned justices to SCOTUS that had that agenda. Straight from the playbook given to him by the federalist society. Same game that’s happening now with project 2025
And Trump is never hypberbolic and never exaggerates.

Trump had no idea this would happen as he nominated these folks.

If I wanted Harris talking points, I'd go to her webs-site.
That doesn’t surprise me. Trump says it you believe it. That’s sad

Yes, I don't believe you ascribing something to him that he has denied.

I say that if he says it, I'll then accept that.

You turn that into a generalization that is completely misrepresentative of my statement.
And in a debate a lie like that is something that the opposing candidate would defend. Not the mods. The mods didn’t check Trump on any of his many lies about Harris that were of this nature

You have little capacity for keeping the context of a statement.

You've become really boring.
And Trump is never hypberbolic and never exaggerates.

Trump had no idea this would happen as he nominated these folks.

If I wanted Harris talking points, I'd go to her webs-site.
Trump has said that he got it done by making these appointments. He takes credit for it happening. If you really think Trump had no idea when making these appointments then your head is buried in the sand.
Yes, I don't believe you ascribing something to him that he has denied.

I say that if he says it, I'll then accept that.

You turn that into a generalization that is completely misrepresentative of my statement.
Trump has proven time and time again to be full of shit. He will happily deny anything to do with 2025 because it’s being used against him politically and if he wins I have no doubt he will happily take the playbook and staffing network it’s creating and use them to run his agenda.
You have little capacity for keeping the context of a statement.

You've become really boring.
Which context did I lose? We are debating the mods fact checking Trump and comparing the lies he told vs Harris…. Are we not?
Not me, I am a real American voting to save my country.
You are not, if you are blindly following Donny. Your country supports democracy home and abroad and disdains autocrats and communists. Donny will not even commit to saying he hope Ukraine successfully defends itself against the Putin/Russia invasion.
You are not, if you are blindly following Donny. Your country supports democracy home and abroad and disdains autocrats and communists. Donny will not even commit to saying he hope Ukraine successfully defends itself against the Putin/Russia invasion.
I don't blindly follow anyone. Likewise, I don't blindly hate anyone....ringing a bell yet?
The funding of the Ukraine fiasco needs to stop, no more money laundering. Plus we gave billions to Russia for oil and helped them fund their attack to begin with.
The group where 60% said that debate led them to want to vote TRUMP? Epic fail again there little boy. Now you cry that TRUMP winning the debate per all sources isn't "credible". Your DEI know nothing got her ass kicked on every actual issue that voters care about. She looked like a master to biased morons like you who suffer from TDS. Cry harder.
Harris wiped the floor with your assbuddy at that debate, halfwit.

Seek help soon.:cuckoo:
It is. It's called reality. Something you don't like dealing in.
Im a big fan of reality. Let’s go there… the crime stats surged under Trump during his last year and have slowly been declining… since we are now blaming state crime on the president shall we say that Trump is responsible for the spike in crime? Let’s all say it together…
"Go fuck yourself."
Well, that was a thoughtful, articulate response to another poster, by avataree "lantern".

Which, per forum rules.....earns that other poster'(Clipper) a big B-A-Z-I-N-G-A! .......debited against poor poster 'lantern'.

Per MAGAs....the f-bomb will make America great again.

I love this bar.
The mod sock chimes in. Trump wiped the deck with that know nothing. Per the people's responses. Go fuck yourself.
Harris is leading your Dopetard assbuddy Trump in a new poll by 5 points, cheesedick.

Kleenex for the tears? :abgg2q.jpg:
Im a big fan of reality. Let’s go there… the crime stats surged under Trump during his last year and have slowly been declining… since we are now blaming state crime on the president shall we say that Trump is responsible for the spike in crime? Let’s all say it together…
Dem crime did surge. Not Trump's fault your side refuses to prosecute criminals. More criminals than ever coming across the border and raping and killing American citizens. All the fault of Biden and Harris. Let's all say it together....
And Trump is beating her soundly in the electoral college mod sock. Learn how elections work dumbfuck. And no legitimate poll has that fantasy of yours. Go step in front of a moving train and do the world a favor faggot
Going apeshit as usual, Bozo? NBC has a poll showing Harris ahead by 5 points among registered voter's not some bullshit run by Fox polling clueles asswipes like you.

Here, maybe this will hope you get over the SADS, :eusa_boohoo::eusa_boohoo::eusa_boohoo::eusa_boohoo::eusa_boohoo::eusa_boohoo::eusa_boohoo::eusa_boohoo::eusa_boohoo::eusa_boohoo::eusa_boohoo::eusa_boohoo::eusa_boohoo::eusa_boohoo::eusa_boohoo::eusa_boohoo::eusa_boohoo::eusa_boohoo::eusa_boohoo::eusa_boohoo::eusa_boohoo:

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