Trump is doing the same thing Biden did, after a horrible debate

Better put your stats through a smell-test, poster CB.
Ever think why gas was at your "$2/gal" level in Trump's term?

Hint: the amount of people travelling and using fuel dropped dramatically due to the pandemic which Trump bungled by obfuscating, hiding, and dismissing reasonable medically advised protocols.
In short, with many fewer miles being driven gasoline supply skyrocketed and the supply/demand-thingy's impact on prices came into effect.
(From a Captain Obvious TED Talk)

"DEI nominee"???

When the MAGAs ain't wallowing in misogyny they fall back to their most embedded and defining tic ---racism.


Bears repeating.
We live in an international world, with intertwined economies......yet, America did better through the pandemic, came out quicker and stronger, and remains stronger today.

And Don Trump was not in office during that undeniable recovery and surge.

Harris has a 1 to 2% lead?
So what does that say about her opponent?
Hint: Even fewer people favor her opponent.

BTW, after the entertaining debate (which, btw, Don Trump emphatically asserts he had his best debate ever, and won convincingly)....anyway, after that entertaining debate Harris' lead moved up to 5% over Trump (Reuters/IPSOS)
In 2019, gas average $3.67/gal. 2022, $5.41/gal. And, in Calif., it got up to $7.79/gal. Harris policies around the country and world caused oil prices to be controlled by Iran and Russia. They used their billions of dollars to start wars with Ukraine and Israel. High gas prices, higher inflation, high interest rates, wars springing up. We cannot survive more Democrat Marxist tyranny destroying natural rights and our democratic republic. Then there’s the border.
Did the Dem discuss any issues, policies or how she would govern? Nope! She and her pals the Dem shill moderators did nothing but attack Trump for 90 minutes.
Did the Rep discuss any issues, policies or how he would govern? Nope! He did nothing but attack Harris for 90 minutes.
The primary difference here is Trump won the debate, as he did against Biden.
Better put your stats through a smell-test, poster CB.
Ever think why gas was at your "$2/gal" level in Trump's term?

Hint: the amount of people travelling and using fuel dropped dramatically due to the pandemic which Trump bungled by obfuscating, hiding, and dismissing reasonable medically advised protocols.
In short, with many fewer miles being driven gasoline supply skyrocketed and the supply/demand-thingy's impact on prices came into effect.
(From a Captain Obvious TED Talk)

"DEI nominee"???

When the MAGAs ain't wallowing in misogyny they fall back to their most embedded and defining tic ---racism.


Bears repeating.
We live in an international world, with intertwined economies......yet, America did better through the pandemic, came out quicker and stronger, and remains stronger today.

And Don Trump was not in office during that undeniable recovery and surge.

Harris has a 1 to 2% lead?
So what does that say about her opponent?
Hint: Even fewer people favor her opponent.

BTW, after the entertaining debate (which, btw, Don Trump emphatically asserts he had his best debate ever, and won convincingly)....anyway, after that entertaining debate Harris' lead moved up to 5% over Trump (Reuters/IPSOS)
Deut. 28:43-45, “
43 The stranger that is within thee shall get up above thee very high; and thou shalt come down very low.

44 He shall lend to thee, and thou shalt not lend to him: he shall be the head, and thou shalt be the tail.

45 Moreover all these curses shall come upon thee, and shall pursue thee, and overtake thee, till thou be destroyed; because thou hearkenedst not unto the voice of the Lord thy God, to keep his commandments and his statutes which he commanded thee:”
Camelbreath Harris will be our final destruction.
Trump is doing the same thing Biden did, after a horrible debate.
Biden, in interviews and other personal appearances, continued to say he has not lost cognitive abilities and was fit to be President. Those appearances proved he had lost enough cognitive ability he was not fit to serve.
Trump, in his appearances since the debate, claims he won the debate. He is spending most his time ranting and defending all the claims made by Harris in the debate. The debate showed that Trump does not have the disposition to be the President of the USA. He was unhinged. His ranting since the debate proves he is not fit to be President of the USA.
If Trump was President working on policy would take a back seat to revenge on all those he feels have wronged him.
The folks that thought xiden was fit to be president and not senile before the debate really have no credibility on trying say other people are. It’s obvious you all have impaired judgment on the issue
the voice of the Lord thy God, to keep his commandments and his statutes which he commanded thee:”
Which "thy God" would that be?
You do know, there are maybe two thousand or so?
Are you presumptuous enough to claim that you unfailingly know which of those two thousand is the 'One'? Presumptuous enough to claim that there is, or was, or should be only one?
How would you know?

Some god speak directly to you?
If so, tell us about it. God video? Or a recording?

-------------------------------------------------------------------- long as poster CBear wants to read the book of Deuteronomy to us....well, maybe he can explain Deuteronomy's instructions on when and how to kill your son?

"19 Then shall his father and his mother lay hold on him, and bring him out unto the elders of his city....
20 This our son is stubborn and rebellious...... he is a glutton, and a drunkard.
21 And all the men of his city shall stone him with stones, that he die:

So rambunctious 19yr old Donny gets drunk too often?
Then kill him?

Or, for that matter kill your daughter.
To wit; " . the charge [that the bride was not a virgin on her wedding night] is true and no proof of the young woman’s virginity can be found, she shall be brought to the door of her father’s house and there the men of her town shall stone her to death.

So, your sweet little Ashley, snuggled up too much with the cute boy next door, you then gotta have the neighbors kill her for you? Or kill her for your god?

Look, mi amigo, your so called god seems a tad restrictive, doncha think?

I gotta ask, have you had your daugher or daughters stoned to death lately?
What kind of christianist father wouldn't want his daughter stoned to death on the porch for being a spirited willful gal with hormones?

Count me skeptical that you and your god make a good pair.
The debate showed that Trump does not have the disposition to be the President of the USA.

He was the President of the United States. And people's lives were better under Trump than they are under Harris/Biden. Which is why he is going to be reelected.
He was the President of the United States. And people's lives were better under Trump than they are under Harris/Biden. Which is why he is going to be reelected.
But enough Americans actually have an education, and so they understand correlation is not causation.

Which is why Harris is in the lead..
"...people's lives were better under Trump than they are under Harris/Biden."

Well, not exactly.
There is needed context.

For example: Those 104,000,000+ Americans who have died of Covid because the elected President at the time of the outbreak, obfuscated, mislead, dithered, and failed at protecting them. Don Trump hardly made their life better.

Trump is doing the same thing Biden did, after a horrible debate.
Biden, in interviews and other personal appearances, continued to say he has not lost cognitive abilities and was fit to be President. Those appearances proved he had lost enough cognitive ability he was not fit to serve.
Trump, in his appearances since the debate, claims he won the debate. He is spending most his time ranting and defending all the claims made by Harris in the debate. The debate showed that Trump does not have the disposition to be the President of the USA. He was unhinged. His ranting since the debate proves he is not fit to be President of the USA.
If Trump was President working on policy would take a back seat to revenge on all those he feels have wronged him.
One thing Biden didn’t do that SORE LOSERS always do is, blame the refs.

He was the President of the United States. And people's lives were better under Trump than they are under Harris/Biden. Which is why he is going to be reelected.
Why was he not reelected?
Why do 40 of 44 of his cabinet members not endorse him, including his VP.
Why are so many Republican voting for Harris.

That is the reason he will lose in 2024.
The folks that thought xiden was fit to be president and not senile before the debate really have no credibility on trying say other people are. It’s obvious you all have impaired judgment on the issue
he folks who covered up Biden's cognitive issues to protect him and allow is candidacy to go forward are just like the MAGA minions who deny the fact Trump is unhinged and not fit to lead.
he folks who covered up Biden's cognitive issues to protect him and allow is candidacy to go forward are just like the MAGA minions who deny the fact Trump is unhinged and not fit to lead.
No there is nothing like the dembots and republicans

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