Why Trump Won’t Win

I guess that's your "A" game when you're not quoting someone who's just as stupid but has a bigger platform.
Lol! You're a dumb ass who can only troll. You have provided nothing of substance to this discussion. Try talking to the idiot I responded to. He's more your speed.
He has a coin flip's chance of winning--as does anyone who runs for President with a D or an R next to their name.

All Rise!

Reagan 1.1.png

reagan map 1.1.png
Lol! You're a dumb ass who can only troll. You have provided nothing of substance to this discussion.

Recently, why in this thread of all places I splained why lower taxes spurs the American economy more betterer than anyone ever on God's Green Earth. Here it is again...

A forty(40) year old man has his self a small bidness. He is not a corporation, he chooses, right or wrong, to pay his taxes individually. There are a LOT of small bidnesses out there like this. Gonna call our guy Mort. Mort has a little machine shop. Mort the Machinest, Machinest Mort. Mort is single and makes exactly $200k/year. Mort is in the highest tax bracket, right now Mort pays $70k a year in income taxes. Slowbama, the half-breed stuttering muslim wants to raise taxes on Mort, as Mort doesn't pay his fair share. If Slow gets his way Mort will pay $79.2k in income taxes. Mort employs three dudes, Tom, skeptic and Harry in Mort's Machine Shop. Each of these guys makes $50K/year. Each of these guys pays $7.5k in taxes/year. Grand total of income taxes paid by everyone at Mort's Machine Shop is $95.2k/year. Mort's Machine shop make a profit of $400k/year, hence the saleries. If Mort has to buy sumpin, that comes outta Mort's salery. Every time skeptic breaks a bit, cause skeptic is a friggin moron, Mort has to replace that bit outta his own salery. A bit can easily cost a grand. Mort understands that he has to pay for these things, Mort is a bidnessman, Mort is a conservative, a Libertarian, in fact, a Perfect Libertrain, a consequential Libertarian, a Neil Boortz Libertarian, a teacher Libertarian, and Mort does not bemoan his poor self when he has to replace a skeptic destroyed bit, Mort assumes the risks. The cost of doing bidness. This risk/reward American/capitalist system is why Mort is in the highest tax bracket. Mort lives in a nice house, dirve a nice truck that he also uses for his bidness. Mort belongs to a semi-upper class country club. Mort works 60-80 hours a week and Mort feels that his hard work and risk entitles his self to some perks. Who is say that he doen't deserve these things? So Mort's bidness is doing okay, he's paying the bills, paying the taxes, paying the saleries for Tom, skeptic and Harry, he's paying for is idiot employee sleptic's bit destroying behavior. Mort's Machine Shop is standing pat at a $400k/year profit. But Mort is greedy. Mort wants to expand. Mort plays golf with Mitt, Mitt has kitchen sink assembly bidness. Mitt buys a certain part for one of his sinks from a black guy, said black guy, Leroy, is stiffing Mitt on the price of the part. Now, said part can't be manufactured by Mort, Mort needs a certain machine to fabricate this part and Mort ain't got it. This machine costs $9.2k. Mort can decide to invest in Mort's Machine Shop but Mort likes his lifestyle and Mort is worried that Slow is gonna raise Mort's personnel income taxes/year by, you guessed it, $9.2k. Mort is uncertain of his finacial future expences cause Slow is dicking around with the economy, not doing as a President should do and lettin everyne know what is coming down the pike. Giving the bidnessman certainty is not high on Slow's to do list. Personally, Mort the Machinest feels that Slow is doing his upmost to destroy capitalism so that he can say "see, capitalism doens't work, lettuce try socialism/communism/Marxism/statism", but that is neither here nor there. Now, dues at Mort's country club cost/year, you guessed it, $9.2k/year. Like I said, Mort likes his greedy, capitalist fueled lifestyle. Under Slow's plan Mort is not gonna give up his Sunday golf outing with Mitt to expand his bidness. Mitt's just gonna have to do what Mitt always does, fire some people and outsource to the Chinese. Greedy little Mitt. All of a sudden Mort hears that there is a guy running again Slow that will not raise Mort's taxes. (We gonna put aside that said guy actually want to LOWER Mort's taxes if elected). Word on the street is that this guy is 5/4 in favour of gettin elected. Mort the Machinest rolls the die and buys his new machine that will get him a new contract with Mitt the sink maker. Mort now has more work that he can handle, so he has to hire a new guy, Marchimedes. Bidness is good, matter of fact it's so good Mort give his self a HUGE raise. He also gives all his employees a huge raise. Mort now pays himself $300k/year, and his now four(4) employees now all make $75k/years. Mort's machine Shop now pays in federal income taxes $230k/year. Mort's Machine Shop used to pay $95.2k/year. Remember, Mort's employees have jumped up a tax bracket so they now pay a higher percentage. Is that fair? Same guys, same job, but that is neither here not there. This is called trickle down economics. Yes, Lucy, there are ramifications to raising taxes on the so-called rich. Also, Mort gets a general good feeling from the local community cause he employs the bit destroying retard skeptic. Remember, now, that Mort, Tom, skeptic, Harry and Marchimedes also now all pay more into SSI, state/local taxes, sales taxes, they all get more betterer rides, they spend more on the local economy, friggin skeptic now pays his retard nephew, dano bivins to mow his lawn, who in turn takes said lawn cash and and buys gum to mix with his lead paint chips, Tom starts seeing the local whore, Isabel, twice the week now, Harry smoke more weed, which makes him buy more Nintendo games and Marchimedes self publishes a book titled "How to build a pyramid", wins the Nobel prize for just being able to point out the friggin obvious and takes the ensuing cash and buys some dog and pony show internet political debate web site and makes lowrent admin who is so busy banning KingBlam that he forgets to eat or smoke for weeks at time and turns out to live to be 127 years old and crap I grow bored.

The fu(k do you do, genius? When you're not busy posting lame insults you are posting the words of someone else. I don't come here to read the words of someone else. I'm here to read the drivel of morons like you so I can busy at a personal level.
Recently, why in this thread of all places I splained why lower taxes spurs the American economy more betterer than anyone ever on God's Green Earth. Here it is again...

The fu(k do you do, genius? When you're not busy posting lame insults you are posting the words of someone else. I don't come here to read the words of someone else. I'm here to read the drivel of morons like you so I can busy at a personal level.
Actually you are incorrect. I cited articles that refuted your claims about trump. Trump came into offiice after Obama created 77 consecutive months of job growth and revived a dead economy. He did that by putting stimulus money into the hands of consumers. Trumps tax cuts didn't grow anything, what they did was set record deficts by cutting government revenue while trump spent money like a madman.

When you debate it is essential to provide evidence supporting your opinion. Only losers whine abouut people cutting and pasting supporting information during a debate. Such is the trouble you right wing nuts have, you don't want to discuss facts, you want to debate using fantasy and fiction.
Actually you are incorrect.

There's some scintillating debate.

I cited articles that refuted your claims about trump.

This should be boring...your first...

PolitiFact First of all your link there only shows data up to EOY 2019, so Trump years but I'll play. In order...

Unemployment - down
Unemployment for women - down
Median weeks of employment, monthly change in employment, monthly change in manufacturing Employment - all pretty flat
Wages - Slightly up
GDP - One quarter of 1.1%, the rest balls. SlowJoe would die for those stats
Poverty rate - Down
Food stamp participation - Down
Foreclosures _ Down
Bankruptcies - Steady
Bank failures - lower than ever
S&P 500 - Up
CCI - Up

So after Slowbama, the half-breed stuttering muslim Trump's are about the same or up. How about some of MY numbers? From...

revenue 1.2.png

So tax revenue under Trump, eh flat. But that's with tax cuts for all. That means while all that happened everybody that actually worked got a raise. I get it, you're upset that folks got to keep more of their own cash and Trump didn't give it away to people that don't work so that's what makes you mad. Remember to consider that if all them taxes weren't cut revenue would be WAY up. Taxes down/revenue up a tad most times.

Trump came into offiice after Obama created 77 consecutive months of job growth and revived a dead economy.

Fair enough. Did I say somewhere that it was awful when Trump took office? The bad economy then was caused by The Financial Services Modernization Act passed bipartisanly and signed by the impeached, disbarred, perjuring adulterer.

He did that by putting stimulus money into the hands of consumers.

You mean tax payer cash given away to very many that don't pay taxes. Again, I'm for earners keeping more of their own and seems like you enjoy when non-workers get other people's $h!t.

Trumps tax cuts didn't grow anything, what they did was set record deficts by cutting government revenue while trump spent money like a madman.

Every single one of these Swinging Richards has record deficits. Wonder what SlowJoeBiden's total is gonna be. He's off to a good start.

When you debate it is essential to provide evidence supporting your opinion.

Why when I can wait for you to do it for me? Still remains that all these fu(ks spend like drunken sailors. I have a problem when any of them do it. Apparently you only have a problem when righty does it.

Only losers whine abouut people cutting and pasting supporting information during a debate.

Now you're gonna whine that I used yours, loser.

Such is the trouble you right wing nuts have, you don't want to discuss facts,

Again, I just used your facts.

you want to debate using fantasy and fiction.

Right, cause Mort's not gonna use his savings to improve his bidness.
They said that 7 years ago. 'I' said that 7 years ago.

THEY were wrong, 'I' was wrong.

Think about it.
Seven years ago, He only won because many democrats and independence didn't like hillary clinton. And trump Was an outsider, Not a politician. No one knew exactly what a trump presidency would look like. Now it's public knowledge. What type of person trump is and exactly what he will do as president. He won't get any of those independents or gullible democrats to vote for him. And plenty of moderates in his own party won't vote for him either. His far right base is the only Is support he really has. And they are not enough for him to win.
Your link is pre-covid figures? Holy $h!t there's not even posts between our posts. I ask for pre-covid figures and you show me 2023? What the fu(k kinda retard are you? Lemme type real slow sos you understand. Go find $h!t like the GDP for the last decade. That is the leading economic indicator, not how many of your boy friends toes you can stick in your mouth. Do the same for unemployment or if you want the real figure on working the job participation rate. Inflation, the consumer price index, trade balances, interest rates, how much did you over pay for a muffler? Again. Fu(k this site is full of ignorant knuckle draggers.
Are you to dumb to read stats? It goes back to 1945.
No, but Joe Biden will. And he will show trump why he is an amateur politician who uses demagoguery to fool the uninformed.
Yeah yeah, thats great and all, but Joe's poll numbers are already catastrophic.

Who is going to be exposed as an amateur when Joe refuses to debate Trump? How many points will Joe lose for being the first presidential candidate to NOT debate? The moment that Joe says, "im not debating Trump", his campaign will be officially over.
There's some scintillating debate.

This should be boring...your first...

PolitiFact First of all your link there only shows data up to EOY 2019, so Trump years but I'll play. In order...

Unemployment - down
Unemployment for women - down
Median weeks of employment, monthly change in employment, monthly change in manufacturing Employment - all pretty flat
Wages - Slightly up
GDP - One quarter of 1.1%, the rest balls. SlowJoe would die for those stats
Poverty rate - Down
Food stamp participation - Down
Foreclosures _ Down
Bankruptcies - Steady
Bank failures - lower than ever
S&P 500 - Up
CCI - Up

So after Slowbama, the half-breed stuttering muslim Trump's are about the same or up. How about some of MY numbers? From...

View attachment 873828

So tax revenue under Trump, eh flat. But that's with tax cuts for all. That means while all that happened everybody that actually worked got a raise. I get it, you're upset that folks got to keep more of their own cash and Trump didn't give it away to people that don't work so that's what makes you mad. Remember to consider that if all them taxes weren't cut revenue would be WAY up. Taxes down/revenue up a tad most times.

Fair enough. Did I say somewhere that it was awful when Trump took office? The bad economy then was caused by The Financial Services Modernization Act passed bipartisanly and signed by the impeached, disbarred, perjuring adulterer.

You mean tax payer cash given away to very many that don't pay taxes. Again, I'm for earners keeping more of their own and seems like you enjoy when non-workers get other people's $h!t.

Every single one of these Swinging Richards has record deficits. Wonder what SlowJoeBiden's total is gonna be. He's off to a good start.

Why when I can wait for you to do it for me? Still remains that all these fu(ks spend like drunken sailors. I have a problem when any of them do it. Apparently you only have a problem when righty does it.

Now you're gonna whine that I used yours, loser.

Again, I just used your facts.

Right, cause Mort's not gonna use his savings to improve his bidness.
Again , trump inherited a growing economy from Obama. Every positive trend during trump is a continuance of trends that began with Obama. It trump is returned to office, he will inherit a record economy built by Joe Biden and idiots like you will hail the immediate success of trump when in reality he will be handed the economy you guys are now claiming is failing.

Trump left this nation in a bad way and blaming COVID for his failures doesn''t cut it. Because handling crisiss is the job of the president and Trump failed miserably with tthe only real test of his presidency. Given the world as it is now, we cannot afford to have that moron and the clown car cabinet he will assemble in charge.
Again , trump inherited a growing economy from Obama. Every positive trend during trump is a continuance of trends that began with Obama. It trump is returned to office, he will inherit a record economy built by Joe Biden and idiots like you will hail the immediate success of trump when in reality he will be handed the economy you guys are now claiming is failing.

Trump left this nation in a bad way and blaming COVID for his failures doesn''t cut it. Because handling crisiss is the job of the president and Trump failed miserably with tthe only real test of his presidency. Given the world as it is now, we cannot afford to have that moron and the clown car cabinet he will assemble in charge.
So you're a Joe Biden voter?

(fyi I'm voting for Nikki in the primary, but it looks like we Republicans want Trump to dismantle the Banana Republic)

From ultra liberal yahoo, lol.
People have memories

From ultra liberal yahoo, lol.
The people have become woke to the demafacist destructive policies

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